• Published 28th May 2020
  • 2,290 Views, 114 Comments

Beyblade: Metal Masters - New Harmony - Mkchief34

Equestria's Representative Team New Harmony, consisting of Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Shining Armor, and Fluttershy, enter the Beyblade World Championships alongside Team Gan-Gan Galaxy.

  • ...

Chapter 4 - The Finals Begin, Part One

It was now past midnight, and the entirety of Metal bey City was now as quiet as a tomb. Team New Harmony had turned in for the night, after making a quick stop at the Bey Pit to have Arcane Alicorn repaired. Light snores could be heard coming from the couch, where Masamune had crashed, Madoka had fallen asleep at her desk...everything seemed to be in order.

Except the guest room bed that Gingka had often slept in before was now empty, with the covers askew, and the window that led to the fire escape was ajar.

Gingka, after making his late-night escape, looked back at the Bey Pit, a churning mix of emotions at the forefront in his mind. Ever since he had taken ownership of Galaxy Pegasus, and battled both Masamune, Chi-Yun, and Twilight, it seemed to Gingka that he hadn't yet fully gained control over his Bey.

Even though he kept telling himself that it had only been a few days since he rejoined Pegasus, and that time would help him fully master his new Bey's abilities, something in the back of his head kept telling him that something was amiss with either him or his Bey.

That voice woke him up at this hour, and Gingka had decided to walk it off with a moonlit stroll around town. As he took Galaxy Pegasus out of his belt-case, and held it in his hand, he could feel the steady, humming flow of power coming out of it. It was almost as if Pegasus hadn't been able to rest either, echoing Gingka's current feelings.

"Funny how that works." Gingka gave a quiet laugh as he strolled out of the city and towards the harbor district. "You know, Pegasus...no matter what it takes, I will master you, and we'll win the Beyblade World Championships, no sweat."

Gingka then paused, as he looked over towards a tunnel that lay below a set of train tracks. This was the exact spot he had first met Kenta upon his arrival in Metal Bey City, and to a lesser extent, this was also where he first encountered Benkei.

Gingka gave a small smile at the memory of the 100-to-1 Bey battle that he had been subsequently challenged to and won. That victory then led him to meet Kyoya, then Hikaru, Tetsuya...the list went on of the friends and rivals he had met ever since that one fateful evening.

"So many memories…" Gingka said as he turned to leave. "I wonder how things could've been different if I hadn't met Kenta that day…"

"You'd be a far different blader and person, I'd say."

Gingka turned to see Kyoya approach, looking as active as ever, even though it was the middle of the night.

"Congrats on getting first place." Gingka complimented. "Five hundred points…you've really gotten stronger so fast, even after Battle Bladers."

"Thanks, Gingka." Kyoya replied. After that there was a moment of silence, before Kyoya looked over and asked, "Something on your mind?"

"You could say that." Gingka said. "I'm just wondering why I haven't been able to fully control Galaxy Pegasus. I can feel its strength, even now, and…I just wish I could really connect to it now like I did with Storm Pegasus."

Gingka offered Kyoya Galaxy Pegasus, and he looked it over with his wild yet observant eyes. Kyoya too could feel the power inside the Bey in his hand, and he gave a small nod of approval.

"Well, it's certainly a big improvement." Kyoya said, handing Gingka back his Bey. "You wanna know what I think? You're probably going too far ahead and overthinking this whole situation. You just got this Bey, right?"


"Then don't try to force that connection." Kyoya said. "You taught me about the Blader Spirit, Gingka, so let me teach you something I've learned. Just give it time, Gingka. Pegasus will come around eventually, you're just too impatient."

"I think you're right about that." Gingka said. "I haven't battled seriously in so long, and...maybe I am being too impatient with Pegasus. I've still got all the time in the world to master it."

"Now that's more like it." Kyoya smirked, slapping Gingka on the shoulder in a reassuring manner. "You should rest up, Gingka. Tomorrow's gonna be a big day."

"You're right…same goes for you, Kyoya!" Gingka called as his rival walked off, but not before he gave a wave of farewell. Gingka then suppressed a yawn, and began his walk back to the Bey Pit. However, he didn't notice an older blader with orange and black hair, and wearing flame-marked attire watch from the treeline.

"Wow." Zyro remarked to himself. "I never thought I'd see Kyoya Tatagami teach Gingka something new about Beyblade. I guess it makes sense, since I'm seven years in the past."

He closed his eyes, and then, he opened them and turned to see another blader about his age approach.

"Do you need something?" Zyro asked.

"Correct me if I'm wrong…" the other blader asked. "...but is that a Synchrome system Bey you're using?"

"It is…but how'd you know that?" Zyro asked.

The other Blader simply held up his own Bey, and Zyro raised his eyebrows in surprise. He certainly didn't expect to see another Blader with a Synchrome Bey in this time period. As far as he knew, he, Shinobu, Sakyo, Kira, and Maru were the only ones who had or knew about them.

"So, you're from the future too?" he asked, and the Blader nodded. Zyro shrugged before offering his hand, and the other Blader shook it.

"I'm Zyro Kurogane, and this is my Bey, Samurai Ifrit."

Zyro took out his Bey, and offered a glimpse. The other Blader nodded, before taking out his own Synchrome Bey. Zyro recognized it as a Balance-type Bey, but other than that, the performance tip, spin track, element wheel, warrior wheel, and stone face were new.

"Jason Price." the other blader replied. "This is Strider Zinogre."

"Nice to meet you." Zyro smirked. "So, why'd you end up coming back in time?"

"That's…a long story." Jason replied. "I guess I can explain it as best I can. You guys had the Nemesis Crisis in your time, just like we did? And you came back after seven and a half years?"

"Yeah, and I wasn't alone. Some friends of mine came with me." Zyro said. "Same for you?"

"Yes." Jason nodded, sitting down on the grass. "That's where the similarities may end, though. I presume in your time, Nemesis was soundly defeated by the ten Legendary Bladers?"

Zyro nodded, and Jason sighed before continuing.

"In our timeline…it wasn't as clear-cut. Nemesis managed to take the Legendary Blader down with him, and…the world never really recovered from that loss. The sport of Beyblade as a whole continued…but the destruction wreaked across the globe left a permanent scar. Then, things went downhill even further."

"How so?" Zyro asked.

"All of the remaining legendary Bladers, plus others that had aided them, ended up disappearing, along with their Beys. Then, other famous Bladers began to vanish as well, just…out of the blue. By the time my friends and I managed to figure things out…it was too late. Nemesis, or what was left of it, was revived for a second time, and the world came to an end not too long after that."

"My team managed to jury-rig what was left of a powerful energy source, plus a bunch of prototype technology, into a time machine." Jason said, with a bit of sadness in his voice. "We promised the last Legendary Blader before he…died…that we would stop our future from happening, no matter what."

"It wasn't just my team and I that tried to come back." Jason added. "There were three more of our friends that held off Nemesis's forces while we made our escape. I'm not sure what happened to them."

"Woah, I…I'm sorry. I don't know what else to say." Zyro said, and Jason gave him a nod of appreciation before standing up.

"Thanks for that." Jason replied. "Hey, Zyro? If your team ever needs help with anything…let us know. You've got a cellphone, right?"

"That sounds good to me." Zyro nodded, and the two bladers exchanged their info. "See you around, Jason."

"Likewise, Zyro, and best of luck to you."

The two bladers headed back to their respective hotels, and as Jason looked at Zyro's name and number in his phone's contact list, he smiled, finally feeling reassured that he could fulfill his team's promise for the first time since they arrived in the past.

"Now that we're not alone," Jason mused as he entered the hotel lobby and scanned his card to enter the elevator."I think our job just got easier. The more allies we have…the better."


The next morning, Madoka knocked on Gingka's bedroom door, trying to rouse him for breakfast…with no success. After a few more minutes of knocking, she rolled her eyes and reached for the door handle.

"Okay, I'm coming in, Gingka, so don't say I didn't warn you!" she called out, opening the door. Her brows flattened at seeing Gingka wasn't even in the room, and judging by the fact that the window was open, he had made a quick escape.

"Oh, come on, Gingka." Madoka huffed, pulling the window down and shut. "I know that the selection tournament finals are today…but you should at least tell me you're leaving before you sneak out like this!"

"Whatcha mean by that?"

"'GAH!" Madoka leaped around at hearing Gingka's voice, as he was standing in the doorway, wearing his usual clothes. Judging by the flecks of water in his hair, he had just gotten out of the shower.

"Don't surprise me like that, Gingka!" she barked, and Gingka quickly reassured her it wouldn't happen again.

"Anyway, where were you last night?" she asked as they both headed downstairs.

"I was just taking a walk, I couldn't sleep." Gingka replied, causing Madoka to look at him quite suspiciously as they finished descending the stairs, and upon seeing Madoka's expression, he sighed.

"I'm telling you the truth." he soon added. "I wasn't battling or anything like that."

"Prove it.'' She challenged him in an authoritative and skeptical tone. "Show me Pegasus, right now!"

Gingka pulled out Galaxy Pegasus with a scared "eep!", and to Madoka's relief, there were no signs of damage whatsoever as she looked it over.

"Well, I guess I owe you an apology." she said. "Come on, breakfast is getting cold by now."

As they entered the dining room, Gingka sat down while Madoka finished the cooking, and Masamune then got up from the couch, clearly awoken by the smell of fried eggs, bacon, orange juice, and toast.

"Smells great, Madoka!" he complimented. "I didn't know you could cook."

"I've always been cooking for myself, how else do you think I manage on my own?" Madoka responded, as she served herself and her two guests. "My parents may pay the rent, but I do pretty much everything else."

"Well, I'm not saying it's a bad thing." Masamune replied. "Anyway, what time does the finals start? I wanna get seated before anyone else can. You know what they say about the early bird, right?"

"Yeah, except we aren't birds, and this isn't a race, Masamune." Madoka admonished. "We've got plenty of time, so eat up while it's hot, alright?"

"Yeah!" both Masamune and Gingka replied, and they dug in. Madoka just shook her head, knowing all too well how both boys were always in a rush. Once everything was cleaned up, the three of them set out for the stadium where the finals were to commence. They were soon joined by Team New Harmony, Benkei, and Kenta when they arrived, and when they found their seats, were also surprised to see Chi-Yun and Mei-Mei were sitting behind them.

"I'm surprised to see you both here." Masamune raised an eyebrow. "Wouldn't you want to be training right now?"

"This is training, just not the type you'd normally think of." Chi-Yun replied. "When you are to face an unknown opponent, learn everything you can about them, and spare no detail in doing so. As long as you prepare accordingly, you can overcome any odds in battle."

"Where'd you hear that?" Shining Armor asked.

"It's one of the tenets of Beylin Temple, which is the school we primarily train in back home in China." Mei-Mei replied. "Seeing as its teachings have lasted for over 4000 years, it's quality advice."

Twilight was about to inquire more, when the Blader DJ took the field, and introduced the two bladers that now stood on opposite sides of the stadium below.

"This should be really interesting." Kyoya smirked. "I just hope you can keep up, Tsubasa."

"You shouldn't talk like that, Kyoya, you might regret it." Tsubasa responded, as he readied his launcher.

"Try and make me, why don't you!?" Kyoya called, as he took up his own launcher. As the audience watched with bated breath, the Blader DJ began the countdown.

"3…2…1…Let it rip!"

Author's Note:


Yeah, the next chapter will feature Kyoya and Tsubasa's battle, along with part of Masamune and Yu's match.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!