• Published 27th May 2020
  • 8,687 Views, 537 Comments

A Pup Named Fenrir - MisterEdd

After his death at Ragnarok, Fenrir finds himself reborn in a strange new land and as a pup!

  • ...

The Sleeping God


Taking Twilight's direction to heart, I cleared my head of all unnecessary thoughts, of all distracting influences, and aimed my attention inward. Through my closed eyelids, I could see only darkness, an immaterial void for me to project my intention onto, to shape and mold my will into reality. Magic was an amalgamation of three vital aspects: intense concentration, emotional discipline and the utilization of arcane knowledge, all of which form the essential tenets of thaumaturgy, or the study of magical practice and application. In order to properly wield arcane energies, unicorns are taught to hone their emotions in order to free themselves from personal interference, lest feelings such as anger, fear or pride cloud their judgment and disrupt the natural flow of their conjurations. It is also vital to train one's mind in the usage of different rites and only if the caster is ready; should a magician attempt a spell that they are not ready for, then they could very well lose their life in the process, a fact that has sadly resulted in the deaths and/or maiming of many young aspiring thaumaturgists.

"Don't forget your breathing," Twilight reminded me. "Nice and easy."

It was approximately a week after Nightmare Night and, to no one's surprise, I'd gorged myself on more sugary sweets than what was normally possible for a canine without slipping into a diabetic coma. Pinkie and I had decided to engage in a friendly candy-eating contest that inadvertently almost led to the entire town being emptied of confectionery treats. Despite my massive head-start and determination, she still ended up winning...yet again. Seriously, where does all of that sugar and fat go? Perhaps her considerably large hindquarters serves as some sort of advanced repository for the ungodly amounts of glucose and starch she consumes on a regular basis?

I swear, sometimes that mare scares the excrement out of me.

Nodding slightly, I drew in air through my nostrils and held it in for a moment, gently releasing it out of my mouth. As opposed to our previous lessons, Twilight believed that it was time for me to try self-transfiguration magic, since my skills had grown since the "snapple" fiasco and changing ones size and shape was a must-have talent for any burgeoning sorcerer. Given my immense height, she thought my being able to adjust my body to a much more manageable size would be prudent and I was inclined to agree with her. It would certainly make slipping in and out of pony-sized domiciles much easier, plus it'd help to put the townsponies more at ease with my presence if I were closer to their proportions. Though no one had yet to say anything on the subject, I knew that there were still some that viewed me as a giant mass of fur and teeth that could very well snap at any time and I was willing to do anything-within reason-to assuage such hurtful yet reasonably founded fears.

Enacting the breathing cycle a few more times, I envisioned my goal clearly inside my mind, painting a mental picture of my lupine form to the best of my ability. A familiar tingling shuddered throughout my body, informing me of my aura's emergence as I pinpointed the intended location of the spell. Opening my eyes, I released the mental floodgates and poured my magic inward, all of my fur standing on end as a wave of warm numbness took a hold of me. Again, I envisioned my body, taking time to visualize every feature I'd memorized from staring into a mirror. Then, I imagined myself shrinking and I held onto that image, weaving it into the spell.

Shrink. You are going to shrink. I told myself, willing the action I'd thought of to materialize.

I became inundated with a mystical current, the sensation akin to slipping into a bathtub filled with water whose temperature was rapidly fluctuating between hot and cold. My aura's height rose in intensity, filling my ears with a popping staticky sound while the spell built to a crescendo as it activated, resulting in a burst of viridian light that left me momentarily blinded. Though I could not see in that instant, I could feel myself being warped by the experience, my bones, organs and muscles pulled and stretched as though they were dough beneath a rolling pin. Strangely, the experience wasn't painful as I'd originally suspected but rather, it was instead merely an alien sort of uncomfortable vexation that I honestly couldn't define even if I had the intelligence to do so. The ringing in my ears subsided and slowly my vision cleared, blinking away the flashing spots and allowing my surroundings to return.

The walls stretched high above me like crystalline monoliths and for a moment, a sliver of fear sank into me that the spell had gone wrong and I'd royally screwed up the enchantment. Thankfully, one look at my instructor told me that it wasn't the case, Twilight's pleased smile informing me of the spell's success. I was no longer my giant size, now standing about two feet taller than the average pony and thus able to easily meet my friends' gazes. It was also an ideal height considering the fact I wasn't currently some sort of towering behemoth and I could still feel large and imposing so it was a win-win in my book.

"Incredible! Well done, Fen!" Twilight congratulated me, taking a moment to scribble something in her notebook. "Admittedly, I had my doubts but this turned out to be a rousing success!"

"Thanks Twi," I beamed and took turns stretching out my limbs.

Hmm, nothing appears to be out of sorts...

Just then, Spike entered the room carrying a tray of chocolate chip banana muffins.

"Who wants a snack?"

He stopped and peered at me.

"Whoa, you got smaller! How're you feeling?"

"Pretty good," I admitted, wiggling the toes on my right foreleg. "Feels...weird."

"I bet," Spike admitted, scratching his head with one claw. "One time, I got too greedy and accidentally grew to giant size."

Huh. I definitely need to hear more about that adventure.

"I remember that! I was so worried that you were-..."


Twilight's response was interrupted by Spike's fiery belch, a scroll popping out of the green flames and rolling onto the floor. Ah, a message from Princess Celestia. I wonder what she wants.

Scanning the scroll, Twilight let out a little gasp.

"Apparently what appears to be a human was discovered in the Royal Garden. Princess Celestia wants us to come to Canterlot right away!"

"Wait, an actual human?" Spike inquired with astonishment. "Like in the old myths?"

I cocked a brow. "Humans have been extinct in Equestria for, what, six thousand years? Did this newcomer say that he or she is a human? And what are they doing here now?"

Damn, if Lyra catches wind of this, I will never hear the end of it!

Twilight reread the letter and bit her lower lip. "The letter mentions that it appears to be a male human and that he's currently unconscious...but that's about it. Oh, and the princesses also want you to come too, since you've actually seen what humans look like in the flesh."

True, although most of them were either fleeing in terror or were choking on smoke.

"Alright, I'm game for a trip."

All eight of us, that is, me, Twilight, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Spike, made for the train station post haste and only had to wait a mere twenty minutes for the next train heading to Canterlot, the locomotive's whistle piercing the air like the Gjallarhorn to signal to us its arrival. I was a tad hesitant to enter the steam-powered contraption but a few encouraging words from Mother and some ear scratches convinced me to take the proverbial leap, along with some bribery from Pinkie in the form of chocolate-covered dog biscuits. The idea of traveling long distances in a wheeled metal box atop strips of metal was ingenious and I could only chuckle at the thought of mortals from Midgard attempting to comprehend such a concept. Thanks to my new size, I comfortably fit into the car and slid into a wool-covered seat next to Fluttershy, who graciously let me sit next to the window. I could spin a yarn about how fearless I was during my first train ride but in actuality, I practically jumped ten feet in the air when the train began to move, diving underneath a passing wheeled refreshment cart like a pansy and startling the pegasus stewardess.

Oh come on, you would too if you were me.


Anyway, once the train got moving, I was able to collect myself and take my seat next to the window, with Fluttershy at my side and patting my back. Applejack and Rarity were seated next to Fluttershy and situated athwart Twilight and Spike, with Pinkie and Rainbow comfortably lounging in the aisle beside the duo. I was still shaking but managed to get it under enough control as to not bother everyone else. Staring out the window and watching the rolling hills and vast expanses of rich fields help to keep my mind off of the train itself and before long, I was no longer concerned with my present mode of transportation. Just imagine humanity wielding such a power, to convey both individuals and supplies across vast distances in a matter of hours instead of days, replacing the traditional horse-and-wagon system for something that could tirelessly traverse the roughest and most treacherous of terrain like scorching deserts and frozen tundras.

Then again, would devoted warriors be willing to abandon the usage of ships of the land, to forgo the bond between rider and battle-steed?

"Are you alright, Fen?"

I nodded at Fluttershy. "There were no such things as trains back in Asgard or Jotanheim so it's quite the new experience for me. That's all."

"You don't have nothin' to be scared of," Applejack assured me gently. "Ah remember my first train ride. Ah was so nervous that Ah refused to budge from the platform and my folks had to actually carry me onto the train. My ma held me the whole time till we reached Appleloosa."

"Yeah! You're handling this pretty well, Fenrir!" Pinkie all but hollered, an action that made my sensitive ears ache, especially given the confined space but I forgave her.

Rarity tossed her mane aside. "There's really nothing to it, Darling. Just sit back and focus your attention elsewhere. That's what helped me my first time. Perhaps a game of 'I Spy'?"

"It's a game where one player chooses a subject that they spot in their immediate vicinity and the other players have to guess what it is," Twilight helpfully elaborated.

"You'll like it," Spike beamed, poking himself in the chest with a thumb. "I don't mean to brag but I'm something of an expert."

"Yeah? I bet I'll get every answer right," Rainbow challenged.

"Oh ho ho, you are on!"

I was skeptical but Fluttershy's hoof on my shoulder dashed those feelings to pieces.

"It is a fun game to pass the time."

"Fine," I eventually conceded. "How do we play exactly?"

As if fully prepared for this very scenario, Twilight quickly whipped out a miniature blackboard and a piece of chalk, expertly creating eight neat vertical columns in a matter of seconds, drawing a horizontal line across the top and assigning each column with the respective initials of "T.", "S.", "FL.", "RD.", "P.", "R.", "A." and "FE." Twilight then hung the blackboard from her window's lever.

"Okay, I will go first. Ahem, I spy with my little eye something beginning with...'B'."

Rainbow Dash sat back with her forelegs folded across her chest.

"Please, I know this one. It's me, because I'm blue."

"No, sorry Dash. That's wrong."

The pegasus let out a little "Hmph!" and began to pout like a child.

"Ah've got it!" Applejack exclaimed, pointing at Pinkie Pie's cutie mark. "Is it a balloon?"

Twilight shook her head. "That's a great guess but no."

"Is it a bag?" Fluttershy asked, indicating the purse that Rarity had strung over her shoulder.


Pinkie leapt up in her seat. "I know! It's a book!"

Sure enough, there was a book entitled, "Humanity: The Bipedal Mindboggler," sitting spine up and pressed up against Twilight's hip.

"Again, an excellent suggestion, just not the one that I'm thinking of."

"Surely it's a beret," Rarity offered up in regards to her choice of headgear.


Peering around our environment, I spotted a knife on the nearby serving cart.

"How about 'blade'?"

Twilight smiled, "That's a very out-of-the-box idea but that's not it either."

"What about 'box'?"

"Sorry Spike. It's not box. Do all of you give up?"

We all collectively relented, either nodding or giving out half-hearted variations of "Yes".

In response, Twilight pointed to the lower left corner of her window.

"The answer was 'bolt,'" she explained, much to our frustration.

"Ah man!"

"What a gip!"


"Fer Faust's sake!"

The chalk magically lifted up and scratched down a tally mark beneath the "T."

"And that's on point for me!"

Fluttershy rubbed my paw. "Why don't we let Fen go next? I mean, if that's okay with everyone."

They all gave me the go-ahead, so I ruminated on my selection. I already had a good enough grasp of the game's concept so my further participation was no issue.

"I spy with my little eye...something that is brown."

"Is it you?" Pinkie chirped.


Actually, that would've been clever. Despite her clownish exterior, Pinkie was quite the smart cookie.

"Is it muh hat?"

Ooh, close yet no cigar.

"Good guess, Applejack but no."


Spike tapped his chin with a nail.

"Is it the tree we just passed?"


"A suitcase?"

Rainbow Dash's expression was so hopeful that I almost hated to erase it.

I shook my head.

"You stink!"

This might just be my new favorite game.


Everyone turned to Twilight.

"I know what it is. It's one of the gas lamps, isn't it?"

I couldn't help but smirk. "Good guess but that's not it."

This went on for five more minutes before the gang admitted defeat.

"Applejack was actually the closest," I revealed. "It was her hatband."

As no one had managed to solve the mystery, I'd earned myself a point. The game lasted for a half hour, during which everyone managed to have a turn. Some, like Rainbow Dash, had picked relatively simple conundrums, such as "the sky," "the conductor," "window frame," and "portrait." Twilight's turns always left us scratching our heads so it was no surprise that the alicorn wound up ultimately winning I Spy and taking home the metaphorical gold. For such a simple and juvenile game, I actually had fun and looked forward to the next time that we played.

"There it is," Twilight murmured, her right hoof reaching out to serve as an arrow.

A snow-capped mountain soon came into view, causing me to recall stories I'd heard of Hnitbjörg, where Suttungr dwelt and once kept the fabled Mead of Poetry, just one of many tales Tyr would tell me whenever he visited. Stroking the back of my head, he would spin yarns of far-off lands, such as Ýdalir and Niðavellir and although he was not as skilled as Bragi, he was nonetheless a talented storyteller and skald. None of his stories included anything like this, that is, a mountain with an entire city jutting out of its face, a white, yellow and purple castle rising above it like some mickle oak tree. It seemed fitting that such a place would be the abode of Equestria's monarchs and I eagerly awaited our arrival with great anticipation. Apart from Asgard, I had never seen a city in real life before and despite my love for the hamlet, it would be a nice change of pace from Ponyville.

Passing through an entrance carved into the very mountain, the Friendship Express chugged along until it reached the station, the train stretching to a halt, steam rising outside its exterior like mist on a rain-soaked battlefield. My companions each stood up and stretched so I followed suit, letting out a pant of relief as the blood properly circulated in my half-asleep limbs. Allowing the other passengers time to get off first, we all soon exited the train, though I stayed back to collect the luggage. Fluttershy was a bit hesitant but I reassured her that it was not some taxing endeavor and that I was happy to be of use so she and the others allowed it. Although my form was smaller than usual, my jotann strength had not diminished in the slightest, making my task all the easier to perform.

As I stepped down onto terra firma, I could practically hear a triumphant fanfare.

"Canterlot," Twilight uttered almost reverently.

"Canterlot," Fluttershy gasped.

"Canterlot," Rarity breathed.

"It's only a model," Pinkie Pie seemingly muttered to herself.

"What?" I inquired, understandably thrown off by her bizarre comment.


Chalking up the remark to "Pinkie just being Pinkie," I quickly ignored the incident and followed my friends out of the station, where a large white and golden carriage was waiting, Princess Celestia's signature cutie mark emblazoned on the door. A team of four armored earth ponies were hitched to the front, each one stone-faced and thewful, their muscles rippling beneath their gold and violet breastplates. Another guard, this one a pegasus, stood tree-like in front of the carriage, a sword slung onto his back and two daggers dangling from his hips. He appeared to be older than his compatriots, several gray streaks woven into the grayish-blue beard adorning his hard-set jaw as well as his bobbed tail, his face dominated by heavy wrinkles and worry-lines. He then stomped a hind hoof and gave us, or rather, Twilight, a firm salute, his gray-tipped maroon wings spread triumphantly.

"Sergeant Saber Tip, at your service, Your Highness."

"Thank you for the welcome, Sergeant," Twilight chuckled bashfully. "But there's no need to be so formal."

"Nevertheless, I must adhere to tradition, Princess. Her Royal Majesty Princess Celestia had instructed me to escort you and your entourage to the castle. If it pleases you, that is."

"That...sounds good?" Twilight then cleared her throat and summoned as much authority as the down-to-earth mare could muster. "Very well, Sergeant."

Bowing deeply, Sergeant Saber Tip clicked his heels together and proceeded to scale the carriage, taking his rightful place in the driver's seat. Twilight magically opened the door and lifted Spike up so he could climb inside and soon followed. I hung back, both to allow everyone else the chance to enter and to load the luggage in the carriage's rear. After the business with the supposed human, Princess Celestia suggested in her letter that we all should spend the night in the castle, to recharge after the journey and to show me around Canterlot. I suspect that it was to ingratiate herself to me following the test she'd put me through and to show off the splendor of her nation's capital.

Flaunting one's kingdom and accumulated wealth was an expected action of a ruler so I wasn't particularly shocked by this course of action, nor by her attempt at sweeping our past business under the rug. My anger towards the alabaster princess had lessened considerably, having spent enough time expanding my own horizons and considering her point of view. However, that didn't mean that all was forgiven. As both a jotann and a warg, I was, by my very nature, a petty and prideful being, one that did not easily forgive and forget slights dealt towards me. That being said, I was willing to broker some kind of peace between us in order to craft a harmonious cohabitation in the future.

See, I can be rational and diplomatic if the need arises.

The carriage interior consisted of dark violet suede benches and light purple velvet walls, the whole thing smelling of a hundred different perfumes that made my head spin. In spite of my friends' protests, I elected to sit on the floor, finding the arrangement much more suitable for one such as myself, that is, a canine. Chairs and benches are fine from time to time but I am much more comfortable on the ground than with my posterior planted on some cushion. The carriage took off at a brisk pace and I soon found myself sticking my head out of the window, tongue lolling out of my mouth as I heavily panted with the wind in my face and the rays from the ever-glow shining brightly on my face. I wondered if Princess Celestia could influence the weather just as she raised and lowered the sun but then it occurred to me that it didn't really matter and decided to just enjoy myself.

Scores of ponies, even a few donkeys and griffons, flooded the cobblestone streets of Canterlot, so much so that it was like gazing at a living ocean. It then truly hit me with the stark contrast between the bustle of city life and the quiet, day-to-day existence of Ponyville's inhabitants, sort of like the difference between a pond and a lake. A thousand new fragrances found their way through my olfactories and into my brain, some recognizable and others too foreign to even try to identify. There was the musk of equines and griffons, different types of pheromones, ranging from joy to sexual arousal, the delectable aroma of various consumables, and much, much more. You might be wondering how I could possibly be able to keep my head on straight with so much outside stimuli and the answer is simple: I've been training my whole life to manage my senses, especially my hearing and smell, so I can use them freely without being overwhelmed or driven completely loony.

Speaking of hearing, there were also just as many interesting and bizarre sounds as there were smells. I could pick up on the clip-clop of hooves, both on the street and in homes and businesses, the squeak of wagon and cart wheels, the scraping of claws on stone and ambient bird calls in the distance. Innumerable conversations were occurring all at once, varying from whispered rumors and amorous sweet-nothings to obnoxiously loud chattering and over-the-top guffaws. A cavalcade of countless other auditory cues marched in and out of my ears, some pleasant, some not so. But hey, it's the experience itself that is rewarding so I can't be picky when it comes to participating in the colorful world around me.

I was shaken from my daze by the approach of the previously-seen castle, the walls and spires appearing even larger than before and I was slightly intimidated by the sight. Aside from the visual side of it, there was a sort of, I don't know, instinctive wariness about the location, an innate understanding that I was about to set paw in a place of great power. Perhaps it was the magic that was no doubt surrounding the most important and guarded area in all of Equestria, the seat of its power and the cradle of its future hopes and dreams. Detecting mystical energy was a skill that I was becoming versed in as a result of my training with Twilight, even if I mostly had to really focus my mind on it in order to succeed. Though I was advancing fairly swiftly, I still had quite some ways to go before harnessing magic became as effortless as breathing.

The carriage pulled to a smooth stop and, wasting no time at all, Sergeant Saber Tip scurried down from his perch as the team unhitched themselves and formed two lines on either side of the courtyard walkway. The good sergeant promptly opened the carriage door, being certain to bow his head and stomp one hoof rhythmically on the ground. Twilight was the first to exit, followed by Spike, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, each one being helped out of the carriage by Saber Tip. Fluttershy was the second-to-last to exit, initially electing to stay behind with me until I gave her the okay to go on and waited my turn. I politely declined Sergeant Tip's aid and leapt down onto the stone, giving myself a good post-landing shake.

"Welcome, Your Highness and company to Canterlot," the sergeant announced just as a white alicorn made her entrance.

"Well done, Sergeant," Princess Celestia said approvingly. "You and your guards are punctual as usual."

"Such high praise from you is finer than silk, Your Majesty," Sergeant Tip bowed.

Laying it on a bit thick, aren't you?

Princess Celestia sweetly smiled at this before addressing her former student.

"Welcome Twilight. I am so happy that you and your friends could come."

"Of course, Princess! I love it whenever we get together," Twilight gushed exuberantly.

The elder princess' magenta gaze zeroed in on me.

"Hello Fenrir. How are you enjoying your time in Canterlot?"

"Fine," I answered civilly, though I left out any mirth. "It's quite the grand city you have."

"Thank you. It's good that you have the chance to explore the lands beyond Ponyville."

I found my hindleg surrounded by a golden glow, the cubical magic construct becoming visible once again. There was a slight clicking sound like someone turning a key in a lock, followed by an audible clanking of chains being dropped. The raspberry shape dissipated, though I could make out some very faint shimmering sigils still floating around my leg.

"Your trial probationary period is hereby concluded. You're now allowed to go anywhere you wish."

"If that's the case, then why is there some weird lettering there?"

"The princess removed the majority of the tracking spell, which would've prohibited your movements should you have chosen to violate your probation," Twilight answered nervously, her eyes drifting to the left. "There is a weaker location charm still in place, just for emergency usage."

Based on the quivering in her voice and the shifty gaze, I could gather that Twilight was being dishonest. For whatever reason, she was lying to me, at least partially, and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. I recalled the day she first placed the spell on me and her skittishness, which at the time I attributed to her own fear of incurring my wrath but was really owing to the stress of deception. I briefly glanced at Princess Celestia, whose face was inscrutable but serene, though I could tell from the glint in her eyes that she knew something. I could call them out but they'd both predictably deny it and the others would, of course, back up the pair's innocence so for the moment, I will not pursue the topic.

Addressing everyone, Princess Celestia adopted a more formal tone.

"You're all probably wondering why I've summoned all of you here."

"Is it about the human?" Spike asked.

"Indeed it is, Spike. Please, follow me."

Our little band tailed after the Sun Princess, pausing a moment for two royal guards to pry open a massive set of wooden doors, and promptly passed through the giant archway. Inside, I bore witness to a mammoth hall, one I presumed to be the main foyer, the sheer size and scope of the palace making the crystal castle back in Ponyville look like a solitary log cabin by comparison. As was to be expected, the castle's exterior color scheme continued within the interior: ivory and violet walls bedecked with gilded ornaments, white and black checkered floors, stained glass windows bearing a solar motif. Burgundy-colored rugs stretched the length of the hall, crawling up and over the titanic grand staircase that dominated the far side of the room. Several tapestries of various sizes and lengths, most of them depicting celestial images such as suns and stars, hung from the upper walls and ceilings, all of them no doubt expertly crafted and priceless in their value.

"Wow," was all that I could manage.

"Quite something, isn't it?" Princess Celestia teased, though the self-satisfaction was evident.

"So what can you tell us about the human?" Twilight queried aloud, obviously trying to hide her immense excitement at the prospect of obtaining new information about a long-since extinct race.

"Two days ago, a royal guard was patrolling the sculpture garden and happened upon a strange bipedal figure lying unresponsive and slumped up against a statue of Clover the Clever. The guard alerted more of his compatriots and reported his finding to his superior, who then relayed the information to me. The human was brought inside the castle and tended to by our best physicians and healers. Thankfully, we were able to keep the public from learning of the discovery."

"How come?" Spike wondered. "I mean, what would be so bad if everyone found out about this?"

"This kind of information could draw the wrong kind of attention," Twilight answered. "I mean, a member of an ancient extinct race somehow ending up in one of the most heavily-guarded locations in Equestria would raise a lot of concerns."

I was about to ask about the late notification but Rainbow Dash beat me to the punch:

"So why are we just now learning of it?"

"That was done for various security reasons," Princess Celestia began as we ascended the stairs. "First, we needed to ensure that the castle grounds were properly fortified. As Twilight so eloquently explained, the castle is the most heavily-guarded location in Equestria, both in terms of magic and practical defense. Of course, the proper tests were conducted on the human to ensure his authenticity. There was no need to cause a stir if it turned out to be a changeling ruse or some other shape-shifter looking to create mayhem."

"Is he real then?" Fluttershy was most intrigued, likely as a result of her animal-based pasttime.

Princess Celestia nodded. "He is indeed the genuine article. The first human to appear in our land in over six millennia. This proved a challenge when it came to treating him, requiring extensive research and the recruitment of the nation's most talented anthropologists, historians and xenobiologists."

We soon passed through a hallway whose walls and ceilings were decorated in frescoes commemorating scenes from historical events, such as a trio of ponies standing huddled together in a ring of what appeared to be ghost-horses, a fiery pink heart driving the phantoms away. Princesses Celestia and Luna were locked in mortal combat with a shadowy, red-eyed unicorn, his sneer revealing a pair of decidedly carnivorous fangs as he shot a black and purple beam from his curved blood-red horn. A green-maned unicorn mare stared down a large blue ram with a glowing bell dangling from his collar, an image that reminded me of my first encounter with the enigmatic Madame Tarocchi and her unsettling wealth of knowledge about me. Striking of all was the depiction of Discord himself, his head raised high in mid-cackle as he tormented a group of terrified ponies with a barrage of fireballs. I'd heard of the draconequus' dark past but seeing even a minuscule glimpse of it was an entirely different matter altogether, creating a kind of weird juxtaposition between the seemingly happy-go-lucky and mostly harmless prankster and the sadistic monster I was seeing now.

"Y'all mentioned that he was unconscious. Any change in his condition?"

"Sadly no, Applejack. Frustratingly, he appears to be currently trapped in a heavy comatose state. So far, my best doctors and magicians are unable to figure out why he is in such a condition."

I then put forth the question that's been bothering me on the way here:

"Why did you want me to come? According to Twilight's letter, it's because I've had contact with humans before but my time was limited and I doubt there's anything I could tell you now, especially given this one's unresponsiveness."

Princess Celestia peered down at me as we walked side-by-side.

"You're one-hundred-percent correct, Fenrir. You see, during the human's initial evaluation, there was a distinctive low-level magical aura detected around his body. It appears to be the same kind that you yourself generate."

"But wouldn't that mean...?"

"Yes, Pinkie Pie. I believe that this male is from the same place as Fenrir, or at the very least, one of the 'Nine Realms' he made mention of."

This certainly drew my attention to the mystery where I was once apathetic. Midgard had been completely and thoroughly destroyed, both scorched by me and drowned by Jormungandr, sending humanity to its eternal resting place. Perhaps this wasn't a human but a human-esque creature from one of the other realms, like Vanaheim or Asgard, realms that perchance had not been razed by the jotnar or Hel's undead armies. I didn't know much about the entire details surrounding Ragnarok and its aftermath, just my contributions in what little I'd heard of the prophecy and what I myself had personally witnessed during that event, leaving many gaps in my knowledge. But then, why would an Asgardian or Vanir just suddenly appear in Equestria, and why would they be left in a coma?

Could it be that he's a jotann too?

Making a sharp left, we came upon a hallway flanked with royal guards, a total of eight, four on each side of the walkway. At the door, Princess Luna was making her exit, chatting with an earth pony in a white coat that I assumed to be a physician of some kind. The Princess of the Night noticed our approach and, excusing herself from her companion, met us halfway and I was shocked by her appearance. Heavy bags hung under her bloodshot eyes, every step stiff and clumsy in sharp contrast to her normal fluid movements. She yawned and dipped her head in a half-assed bow.

"Good day, everyone. It is good to see all of you once again."

"Still no luck?"

Princess Luna shook her head. "Nay sister. Our guest is a stubborn one, his brain waves being far more of a challenge than our Fen here."

"Luna has been attempting to enter the human's dreams," Princess Celestia elaborated. "It would appear that a human's psyche is much more complicated than we'd initially realized."

"So why not just...I don't know, abracadabra him awake?"

"It is not as simple as that, Fen," Princess Luna half-mumbled through a protracted yawn, obviously fighting to stay awake herself. "We cannot simply 'abracadabra' one into the waking world. Whatever his ailment may be, the human male's consciousness is trapped in the Dreamscape and any attempts at pulling him into the waking world while he is still there could cause irreparable damage to his mind and soul. As the guardian of dreams, I cannot risk such a thing."

"And that's not all."

We all turned to the mare that Princess Luna had been speaking to, a middle-aged light green earth pony with a harvest gold and chestnut-brown mane styled in a short bowl cut. Underneath her slightly rumpled lab coat, that I just barely noticed had a coffee stain on the right lapel, she wore a salmon-pink button-up blouse and a teal necktie covered in smiling penguins perched atop ice cubes.

"What can you tell us, Doctor?"

The mare slid her clipboard under one foreleg and slipped a loose hair behind one ear.

"Hello, I'm Doctor Life Support, the human's designated physician. Ahem, after several hours of testing, as well as consultations with my peers, we have been unable to find anything physically wrong with the patient. Usually comas are caused by severe brain trauma, stroke or lack of oxygen, none of which apply to the human. In fact, judging by the date we've obtained, he appears to be in perfect health, at least for what we're guessing qualifies as such for his species."

"Do you have any idea what's causing this?" Twilight sounded more worried than intrigued.

"It would seem that our patient is in a thaumaturgically-induced state of unconsciousness, that is a 'magic coma,' for lack of a better phrase. The magicians that scanned him prior to my examination detected large traces of arcane energy, primarily centered around the head, indicating that his current state is, in fact, of a mystical nature rather than a mundane one."

"May we please see the patient?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

Doctor Life Support shepherded us through the open door and stood aside as we all entered the octagonal pastel turquoise room. Just as Princess Celestia's letter had stated, there indeed lay an unconscious human male upon the hospital bed, a nasal cannula inserted into his nostrils and connected to a dark green portable oxygen tank. A thin white sheet had been rolled up over his abdomen, leaving his snow-white chest and arms exposed, revealing the number of intricate tattoos covering the bare flesh. The most noticeable tattoo was of a pair of interlaced wolves etched into his shoulders and pectorals, their inward-facing jaws sharing the tiwaz that had been inscribed beneath the man's sternum. I inhaled through my nostrils, filtering out all other scents in the room and focusing on the figure before me, my nose becoming flooded with the near-overwhelming smell of pinewood, spiced ale and juniper thistles.

That scent...why do I know it...?

I approached the bed with a small measure of trepidation, uncertain as to what I would discover but somehow obligated to investigate nonetheless. He was young-looking, somewhere between his late twenties and early thirties, his round, wannish face possessing a broad forehead, high cheekbones, thin eyebrows and a short beard that covered his pointed chin. His mane of thick, curly raven-black hair flowed over his shoulders, reminding me of the rolling ocean waves during a storm. Studying the man more closely, my eyes drifted to the wolf-joint of his right hand and the thin scar that had been indented into the flesh, decorating the wrist like a macabre bracelet. His pale chest steadily rose and fell with every ragged-sounding breath, the action causing the wolves to expand and contract, almost giving one the impression that they were alive.

"It couldn't be..."

"Fen, what is it?"

Ignoring Fluttershy, I took another deep whiff and on a hunch, pushed his left arm over, exposing the underside. There, on the lower forearm, was the image of a six-point star.

"I don't believe it..."

"Do you have a clue?" Princess Celestia took a step closer. "Do you know this individual?"

I continued to stare at the prone figure, a torrent of emotions raging inside of me.

"I do. His name is Tyr, son of Odin, god of war and justice."

On the rooftop of the stable, I laid curled up beside Tyr, his head propped up with his rolled up cloak and one hand absentmindedly stroking my scalp. High above us, the night's broad expanse had unfurled a rich, seemingly endless tapestry of swirling, glittering stars that shone like torches in the dark. The evening was always Tyr's favorite part of the day, a time when the Nine Realms took a break from their chaotic schedules to calm down and be at ease. Sometimes, we would sit in silence and watch the stars, which Tyr referred to as "the guides of ships," as apparently sailors used them to navigate their longships across the vast whale-roads, through weather both pleasant and hazardous. I had never been on a ship and I liked to keep it that way, the idea of taking a leaky piece of wood over a gigantic body of water made me feel a little bit nervous.

"...After slaying Great Ymir, the three brothers took possession of his corpse and used what they had to create a new world. Out of his flesh, they fashioned the earth itself, his bones formed the mountains, his teeth stones and his blood the sea, rivers and lakes."

Out of all of the stories Tyr shared with me, for some reason, I enjoyed this one the most. Though I'd heard it hundreds of times, I loved the sound of his voice, his soft yet firm tone and wondrous energy made him a talented storyteller. The way he pet my head and ears were also a large bonus too.

"From his hair, the brothers made the trees and his skull served as the sky, the four dwarfs Norðri, Suðri, Austri and Vestri dispatched to stand at the four corners and hold it up. They scooped out his brains to make the clouds. Then, taking the errant sparks from Muspelheim, they made the stars. Finally, they used Ymir's eyelashes to create Midgard, the dwelling place of the mortals to whom the Aesir and Vanir service. But first, they had to create humanity. How did they accomplish this?"

"Out of an ash tree, they carved a man and an elm tree a woman," I answered without hesitation. "Vé gave them their appearance, facial expressions, speech, sight and hearing, and Vili bestowed upon them intelligence and touch. Odin gifted the two with souls and breathed life into them and they were henceforth known as Askr and Embla."

Tyr chuckled and scratched my right ear. "That's right. Then Askr and Embla became the parents of the new race, a race that my kin and I protect from the jotann and other outside threats."

We soon lapsed into silence, the silvery beams from Máni's wheel bathing us in its light.

"Hey Tyr?"

"Yes, Fenrir?"

"Do you think we'll always be friends?"

Briefly, his hand froze before resuming its task.

"Of course we will. Why do you ask such a thing?"

I considered this, wishing to speak my mind but not wanting to make him sad.

"Well, I'm kind of stuck here in the stables and I know no one else here likes me very much. Someday, everyone will complain to Odin and he might just send me home to Mother."

Instead of looking at me, Tyr stared straight ahead, his stark face set in a thoughtful yet troubled frown and his gray eyes fixed on something, possibly a future that I had yet to envision.

"Maybe. Until then, I will look after you, Fenrir..."

A soft hoof applied gentle pressure on my back and my head snapped to see Fluttershy smiling sympathetically at me.

"Are you alright, Fen?"

I sniffled, previously unnoticed tears lightly peppering my cheeks.

"It's just...to see him like this..."

"So you know him?" Princess Celestia eyed Tyr intriguingly.

"He was one of the Aesir, one of the gods, from the realm of Asgard," I explained while refusing to take my eyes off of Tyr.

"And he was my friend," I added. "My only friend."

Meanwhile, Princess Luna, who had become much more alert, appeared to be in some sort of trance, her saucer-wide eyes locked onto the sleeping god, specifically his star-shaped birthmark.

"The Star-Branded Warrior..."


Snapping out of it, Princess Luna regarded her sister with an apologetic glance.

"I'm sorry Tia, I must go now."

One loud pop and flash of cobalt later, the enigmatic co-ruler was gone.

"What in the hay was that about?" Rainbow Dash asked Princess Celestia, only for the alicorn to shrug.

"It's probably the stress. Sleep deprivation causes confusion and hallucinations, after all."

Okay, that time I believed her.

Applejack joined Fluttershy and I at the bedside, pushing her hat out of her eyes to study the man carefully.

"So this fella's a war-god?"

"He's so much more than that." I managed a sad smile as I watched Tyr's ragged breathing cycle. "He's the most daring, brave, selfless and amazing of his kind. Anyone who is fearless is known as 'Tyr-valiant' and he who is wise is known as 'Tyr-prudent.' He is a guiding star, always keeping faith with princes and never-failing in his course through the mists of night."

"He sounds wonderful," Fluttershy said softly, rubbing my back in little circles.

"So we can discount this Tyr as a threat to Equestria?"

I turned towards Princess Celestia. "Absolutely. When the gods wished to imprison me, I issued a challenge for one of them to place their hand in my mouth as a sign of trust and Tyr was the only one brave enough to do it. As a result, he lost his sword-hand but his sacrifice kept me bound. Even in my rage at being contained, I respected his steadfastness and willingness to give up his flesh for the greater good."

"That's all I needed to know. Doctor, any idea when or if Mr. Tyr will awaken?"

Doctor Life Support took a deep breath. "It's...difficult to say, Your Majesty. He might wake up tomorrow, a week from now or never."

My peepers once again surveyed the scar on Tyr's right wrist and a pang of guilt hit me like a tidal wave.

"Until then, I will look after you, Tyr," I swore.

Author's Note:

Pronunciation Guide:
Gjallarhorn (yahl-lehr-horn): The horn of the god Heimdallr, who will blow it to inform the other gods of the start of Ragnarok.
Hnitbjörg (hnit-byorg): Mountain-home of the giant Suttungr
Máni (Mah-nee): The male personification of the moon
Niðavellir (neetha-vell-leer): Realm of the Dvergr (dwarfs)
Suttungr (Soot-toon-ger): Jotann that possessed the magical Mead of Poetry, a magical brew made from the blood of a wise man named Kvasir and could give anyone that drank it great knowledge and skill in poetry. It was eventually stolen by Odin and given to the other Aesir.
Tiwaz (tee-whaz): The rune for the letter "T", it represents the god Tyr and symbolizes victory (both in battle and within oneself), balance, justice and harmony.

Ýdalir (Ee-doll-leer): "Yew-dales", home of Ullr, god of archery, hunting and winter