• Published 27th May 2020
  • 8,687 Views, 537 Comments

A Pup Named Fenrir - MisterEdd

After his death at Ragnarok, Fenrir finds himself reborn in a strange new land and as a pup!

  • ...

Who Wants to Live Forever?

"Fen, please, let it go!"

I ignored Fluttershy's protests, marching down the castle's hallways with single-minded bloodlust in my thoughts and seething rage in my heart.

In the subsequent moments following Ratatoskr's chipper and melodious departure, I questioned Princess Luna as to the exact location of the throne room in the most polite and calm manner that I could manage. Upon receiving said coordinates, I thanked her and, instructing Fluttershy to wait for my return in our shared bedroom, promptly left to deal with some unfinished business, chiefly a certain royal and his unwarranted predatory behavior. Exiting Tyr's room, I began my trek with a long-limbed stride that quickly evolved into a swift semi-charge, the kind that would ordinarily be used to begin an intense chase after a large prey animal. Prince Blueblood had crossed a serious line and I was going to see to it that he would see the error of his ways, even if I had to horrifically mutilate him in order to do so. Perhaps whatever was left of the lecherous oaf would finally take the hint and correct his atrocious behavior.

Regrettably, it didn't take long for Fluttershy to gallop after me, struggling to keep pace with my longer gait but determined nonetheless to prevent me from "voicing" my grievances. I speculated that our prolonged time together clued her in to the murderous glint in my eyes or the erect guard hairs when I turned to leave but whatever it was, Fluttershy had deduced my true motivations and was steadfast to stop me. I'm sorry, Mother, but I can't let your wide-eyed naivete or kind-hearted sentimentality deny me retribution. If you catch a rat and gently place it back outdoors, it's only going to take advantage of your mercy and find a way to sneak back into the pantry. Sometimes, the only way to handle a pest is to drag it kicking and screaming out of its hiding spot and cave its skull in.

Metaphorically, obviously.

I wasn't going to kill Prince Blueblood. Merely make him wish that I had.

"Fen, calm down!"

"I am calm. See? This is my calm face."

Seeing that her protests were in vain, Fluttershy positioned herself in front of me and, with both hooves, pushed up against my chest in a pathetic attempt at hindering my advancement. I refused to slow down and wound up pushing her along, sliding the rearing pegasus across the floor with the ease of a bear nudging a birch sapling. A nearby janitor watched our exchange and shook his head, returning to his task of dusting the ornate portrait frames.

"Mother, please, this is embarrassing..."

"Fen, remember your heart!"

"My heart's just spiffy," I answered flippantly. "No issues here."

Strangely, my anger wasn't as intense as it usually was, the rampant ire burning in my veins simmering so lightly that the Hunger hadn't even been triggered. And yet, there was a..."phantom rage", for lack of a better word, a dark emotion lurking at the back of my head, one that was somehow both mine but also not. It slashed at my conscious restraint, snarling for me to seize Princess Celestia by the throat and rip her legs off one by one until she did what I commanded, which was to surrender her precious nephew. Ordinarily, this would've resulted in a tell-tale mental push or a crimson haze obstructing my vision with unadulterated malice, every fiber of my being howling, pun very much intended, for blood and devastation. However, beyond some very rare and far-between cases, this was the only occasion in which I felt completely and utterly in charge of myself and my actions.

I thought back to my heart attack and the ensuing conflagration I'd inadvertently caused, especially the unexpected transformation of my flames. Aside from their hue, abandoning the dark green in favor of light azure, their shape had also changed from jagged and frenetic to billowing and semi-gaseous, flowing softly like water instead of solidifying like stone, if that makes any sense. Whenever it had been previously accessed, my wolf's-fire had the itchy and squirm-inducing sensation of a million spiders marching across my flesh, filling my innards and mouth with the taste of ash and cinder. It's the closest I can get to describing what raw fury tastes like: the consumption and ingestion of the burnt debris of a gutted, scorched house.

Yet when it came to the blue fire, that feeling had replaced instead with a warm persistent breeze, one that dug through my coat, down through the bone and into my very soul. I was no longer enraged, well, I mean, I was, except it was more akin to placing blind animosity in the background in order to rear up something stronger, less venomous, and bring it to the forefront. On the one paw, I wanted to hurt Blueblood but on the other paw, it didn't come from a place of savagery and bloodthirsty devastation, rather to scare him off as opposed to ripping his guts out. No, my mission to protect Fluttershy, to safeguard my mother, overrode my desire for gore and misery but how did that completely rewrite how my powers functioned?

Just what the Tartarus happened to me?

Fluttershy changed tactics, flying upwards while tugging at my neck, her wings furiously beating in a rather sad attempt at trying, and failing, to move me even an inch.

"I'm okay, Fen. You, hrrm, don't need to do this!"

Abruptly halting, I magically caught Fluttershy before my sudden change in momentum nearly sent her careening forward. Setting her down, I caught the questioning sparkle in her eyes and shook my head.

"That's where you're wrong. I do need to do this."

Fluttershy huffed, "Why? Is this some kind of wolfish male pride?"

I leaned forward so that we were almost nose-to-nose.

"It's more than that. You didn't...!"

I took a moment to breathe. "He wanted you. I could smell his wanton desires, practically taste the sick-en-ing designs he had for you."

She glanced down, her cheeks darkened by my words.

"I could see it in his eyes," she half-muttered. "It made my skin crawl."

"That's why I have to see Princess Celestia. To ensure that he doesn't do this to another poor mare."

When Fluttershy raised her head, her usual bashfulness was replaced with a kind of fiery resolve I'd not seen from her in a long time.

"Then we'll go together."

A warm smile wormed its way onto my face and I gave her a firm nod.


We soon neared the massive twin doors belonging to the throne room. On either side of the doors, six Solar Guards stood in two rows of three, their expressions as cold and hard as the spears they carried.

"Halt," the first one of the left stated and held out a hoof. "State your business."

I showed him my royal dog-tag and he nodded in comprehension.

"Her Majesty is currently in a meeting. I'd recommend waiting for-..."

As if on cue, the doors smoothly and soundlessly yawned open.

The guard was momentarily blanched.

"Erm, never mind. It appears you're expected..."

Thanking the guard, as well as his compatriots, I passed through the entryway with Fluttershy in tow, the doors automatically shutting in behind us.

Fluttershy placed her hoof on my foreleg.

"Remember," she whispered softly but firmly. "Be civil."

"'Civil' is my middle name," I answered in kind, though she looked skeptical.

Princess Celestia was seated on her throne, her forelegs crossed as she continuously nodded. On her right, a white unicorn mare was taking notes, her quill furiously scratching across the surface of the paper so rapidly I thought the friction might cause a miniature combustion. At the foot of the dais, Princes Blueblood was yammering on and on and I had to firmly root myself in place to keep from bounding across the room and sinking my teeth into his throat. Plus, it helped that Fluttershy kept a firm hold on my collar, one of the few times I was thankful for the accessory. The three noticed our arrival and I bit the insides of my mouth to prevent a savage grin at the sight of Blueblood shaking like a leaf.

"No, no, no! Keep that, that thing away from me!"

"Don't call him a 'thing'!" Fluttershy shot back and for a second, I thought I was going to have to restrain her.

"Fenrir, Fluttershy, how can I help you?" Princess Celestia asked us, though it was clear that she already knew the answer.

Prince Blueblood smirked in our vicinity, his lips puffed out in a ridiculous manner.

"They've no doubt come to slander me. That mare, completely unprovoked, might I add, sicced her attack-wolf on me. If not for the arrival of Princess Luna and the royal guards, I would've been severely injured. Or worse."

Oh, you want to play that game, do you? I have a fun game in mind, too. It's called, "Five-Second Chase" but I have to warn you, it's a game that I am very good at.

"Care to explain this?" Princess Celestia inquired neutrally.

"Well, Your Majesty, Fen and I were heading to the Royal Garden when we encountered Prince Blueblood. First, he mistook me for a servant, then a prospective employee that had lost her way. Then he..."

Fluttershy stopped, clearly embarrassed and a bit scared. I pulled her close to me and she settled into my one-armed embrace.

"Your nephew," I growled, giving the scoundrel a death-glare that caused a subtle tremor to grip the left side of his face. "Acted in an inappropriate manner towards Fluttershy. I took offense to this and reacted."

Prince Blueblood's jaw dropped.

"'Re-reacted'? You 'reacted'?! You snapped your teeth at me and threatened to peel my face off!"

Aside from a slight upward twitch of her mouth, Princess Celestia remained stone-faced.

"Is this true?"

This time, Fluttershy spoke up.

"Yes b-but Fen was only defending me! The prince," she enunciated with pure loathing. "Was making unwanted sexual advancements towards me."

"Lies! Didn't I say that it was going to be slander? I said that!"

The unicorn mare, who I assumed was Princess Celestia's royal secretary, just rolled her eyes and continued dictating her notes.

"And let's not forget," Blueblood continued, growing more and more cocky. "That this devil-wolf also set fire to the southwest corridor, causing thousands of bits in property damage and destroying priceless artwork."

Prince Blueblood climbed the steps of the dais and approached Princess Celestia, who noticeably drifted backward in her throne.

"Auntie, don't you see that this is nothing more than a malicious smear campaign? I recommend that you incarcerate this mare and fine her for causing emotional duress. As for this brute, he is obviously too dangerous to be around ponies and should be euthanized immediately!"

Buddy, you haven't the foggiest clue as to how "dangerous" I can be...

"Blueblood," Princess Celestia finally stated. "I am more than aware of the damage caused by Fenrir. However, that doesn't negate his or Miss Fluttershy's claims. I recommend that you confine yourself to your quarters for the remainder of the day until I decide on a proper course of action. You are dismissed."

"But, Auntie, they-..."

Slowly, Princess Celestia rose to her hooves, all sweetness evaporating from her face.

"Do I need to repeat myself?"

The prince audibly gulped and shook his head.

"Good. Now leave us."

Sulking past us, Prince Blueblood contemptuously aimed his eyes at me before the doors slammed shut behind him.

"Raven, thank you for your assistance but I have no further need of you for the moment."

The unicorn, Raven, curtsied deeply.

"Yes, Your Majesty. I shall take my leave."

Once she too had left, Princess Celestia addressed us:

"I apologize for my nephew's behavior. He's always been a difficult one to control."

"You call that 'control'?" I pronounced sarcastically, no longer able or willing to disguise the outrage in my voice.

"Fen, please..."

Fluttershy's cyan blue eyes met mine, their unspoken compassion and love washing over me in a serene wave. I paused mid-stride and parked myself on my rear, allowing her to smooth over my lower back. I narrowed my gaze at Princess Celestia, her expression never changing but something in her ocular examination changed. She almost looked...conflicted, as though she had one idea of me but was now reconsidering it with heavy internal conflict. Her eyes then shone with a kind of steely reservation, as though she'd made up her mind and decided to be on the offensive.

"This isn't the first time he's had accusations levied against him, is it?"

Princess Celestia's features darkened slightly.

"That is not your concern," the Solar Princess maintained in a level tone.

"It appears that I'm making it my bloody concern," I countered in kind.

Unexpectedly, the alicorn's anger faded, her tight-mouthed expression developing into a light smirk.

"Fenrir, your protectiveness and concern for Fluttershy's well-being is admirable. Truly, it is. We'd all be so lucky to have someone as fiercely loyal as you. However, your temper and impulsiveness leave much to be desired. Do not be so quick to isolate yourself because of misplaced rage and self-righteous indignation."

She gracefully descended the steps and stalked towards me, wings outspread like a bird of prey.

"I only wish to help remedy the situation. You would be wise to not snap at me."

Was that sagacious wisdom or a thinly-veiled threat?

Princess Celestia sighed, her wings ruffling back into place at her sides.

"Let me pose to you a question: what were Prince Blueblood's exact words?"

Fluttershy's fire had gone out, leaving her occasionally throwing me an uncertain glance.

"Well, first the prince assumed that I was a new servant and when I tried to clear up the confusion, he then thought that I was looking for a job and offered to help 'find me a position.'"

Princess Celestia nodded stiffly, as though she were listening to information that had already been relayed to her.

"I see..."

"But you weren't there!" I desperately voiced. "You didn't hear his tone, the way he looked at her. Just the stench of licentious intent was nearly suffocating."

"I understand," the primary monarch intoned a little too calmly for my taste. "But the fact of manner is, implication isn't the same as an incriminating statement of intent. Nevertheless, I will speak to him about his conduct."

"That's not good enough!" I countered vehemently, my upper lip shifting upward so that my teeth were partially on display. "A stern lecture is grossly ineffective as it is short-sighted."

"Fen, please!" Fluttershy pet my head with a wing. "Your Majesty, I apologize for his behavior but he's right. I don't think that a talking-to is going to cut it."

"I'm afraid my hooves are tied," Princess Celestia replied somewhat curtly, as though it was something she's had to explain repeatedly. "At this point, it's only a matter of hearsay. I believe you both, I really do, but the fact of the matter is that you have no proof of my nephew's ill intentions other than your interpretation of events."

Oh, how I wanted to chew her out. Did she think that we were lying or perhaps misremembering?

Wait a minute...

A candle lit inside my otherwise thick skull.

"The memory test!" I blurted out, both mares staring blankly at me. "Princess Celestia, you once performed that mnemonic scanning spell on me after the Tarocchi ordeal. You can do the same for Prince Blueblood."

Princess Celestia's eyebrows formed a sharp V as she considered my epiphany.

"Yes...that is true. Very well then. I will conduct a thorough investigation of my nephew's memories and prove the validity of both of your testimonies. Consider the matter already concluded."

Her verdict stated, the princess re-climbed the dais and returned to her throne.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Fluttershy said gratefully, lowering her front half to the floor.

I, however, refused to genuflect and simply offered a curt head-dip.

As I turned to follow Fluttershy, I heard:

"Just one more thing, Fenrir."

All warmth had drained from Princess Celestia's face and voice.

"There will be no physical retribution against Prince Blueblood. Is that understood?"

The study's temperature literally dropped several degrees.

Standing tall, I unblinkingly met her gimlet stare.

"Yes. But if he tries anything, attacks Fluttershy or another mare, for example, nothing will protect him from me. Or nopony."

Her gaze unbroken, Princess Celestia gestured in the direction of the exit.

"Good day, Fenrir Lokison."


"He did what?!"

Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Rarity met us outside the throne room, where Fluttershy and I took turns relating recent events. Both mares were enraged by our descriptions of the prince's behavior, especially Rarity, the normally calm and dignified mare holding a murderous glint in her eyes that I knew all too well. Apparently, Prince Blueblood more or less did the same thing to her, failing to recognize Rarity from the Grand Galloping Gala and taking the opportunity to flirt with her during one of her prior visits to Canterlot. In fact, nearly all of the mares in our friend-group had been subject to the scumbag's advances, though thankfully he never did anything other than subtly proposition them for frivolous fun-times so they didn't bother to report it. The only one who didn't find herself in Blueblood's line-of-fire was Rainbow and for that, the pegasus was both intensely relieved and extremely embittered.

"Calm down, Rares," Applejack said softly. "No use in gettin' all worked up over it."

"If it's any consolation," I assured the fashionista. "I snapped my teeth at Blueblood and nearly had him wetting himself in fear."

"That...yes, that actually does make me feel better," Rarity perked up.

Rainbow snorted. "I would've loved to have paid to see that."

"Well, actually," Fluttershy added painfully. "When Fen did that, he had a heart attack."

The three mares all pounced with fussing over me, their voices overlapping as they rapidly inquired about my welfare.

"Wait, wait, wait! One at a time, please! We don't want to stress him out!"

Their chatter died down, thankfully, giving me room to think.

I held up a paw. "Mother, ladies, I assure you, I'm fine. It was just a fluke."

"Ah don't know about that," Applejack shook her head. "My great-uncle Ellis Bitter said something similar and, bam! He dropped dead at the age of fifty-seven. His ticker just wasn't strong enough."

"Applejack!" Rarity exclaimed. "You're not helping."

"Ah'm just sayin', don't downplay heart conditions."

Fluttershy patted my foreleg. "It's going to be okay, Fen. We're going to see Dr. Fauna as soon as we get back home."

"Thank you, Mother, ladies. If you'll excuse me, I have business elsewhere."

Rainbow's eye cocked skeptically. "'Business'? What 'business'? You don't do anything."

"Yes, I do."

"Licking your nuts isn't a pastime."

"As opposed to running your mouth like a broken faucet?"

Leaping onto one back-hoof, Rainbow took up a fighting stance, her forelegs raised in the air with her wings spread and a hindleg cocked.

"Do you want to go, Pup?"

"Bring it on, Air-head!"

"Please stop you two," Fluttershy jokingly commanded. "I swear, you're like siblings."

This gave Rainbow Dash pause.

"Wait, if Flutters is Fen's mom, and she's like a sister to me, wouldn't that make me his aunt?"

"I suppose?" Fluttershy considered, then beamed at this. "That sounds nice."

"Yeah, only a fun aunt, not the old ones that sit on the couch and stuff their faces with wrapped caramel candies while they drone on about snow globe conventions."

"That's...oddly specific," I commented in befuddlement. "Anyway, I'll see you all later."

After a quick stop in the kitchen, as well as some assistance from a kindly maid, I traveled to the western part of the castle and arrived at a seemingly innocuous wooden door, one that looked no different than the majority of doors found throughout the castle. I tapped on the barrier with a paw and waited for a reply.

"It's open," a voice dejectedly moaned on the other end.

Magically turning the knob, I entered and looked across the room, where, on a bed pushed against the farthest wall, Spike was sitting cross-legged in the middle of the mattress, his head hung low and his hands folded on his lap. Closing the door behind me, I padded up to him and, letting my saddlebags slid off, took a seat on the floor, my tail lazily swishing behind me.


Spike lifted his head. "Did Twilight send you?"

"No, I just came to see how you were holding up."

The drake shifted so that he could look me in the eye.

"Not great. I embarrassed myself and Twilight. Not to mention I got banned from the museum for throwing up on somepony and to top it all off, I looked like an idiot in front of Rarity."

"That does sound rough, buddy," I agreed. "But I wouldn't worry about it so much."

"Yeah? And why is that?"

"Because you and I both know that Twilight loves you more than anything in the world. I mean, besides making lists. And books. And potato chips. And Princess Celestia, Star Swirl the Bearded, obscure facts, history, thaumaturgy. Actually, now that I think about it, she loves a lot of stuff more than you. Never mind."

Thankfully, my diminutive friend reacted the way that I'd hoped, letting out a little chuckle.

"Yeah, she does. She really needs a coltfriend."

I allowed a bit of silence to creep in before I spoke again.

"Listen, Twilight overreacted and I'm sure she'll be back up here trying to patch things up with you. Just you wait, this whole malarkey is going to blow over in no time."

"Do you really think so?" Spike's voice was quiet, almost vulnerable.

For someone so mature, it's easy to forget that he's a child. Spike does so much for Twilight and the others and all he really needs is for someone to take care of him from time to time. Maybe I'm getting too soft but I felt myself empathizing with him and all I wanted to do at that moment was to give him a hug and tell him that everything was going to be okay. However, I also knew that as a fellow male, he didn't need too much physical affection. Right now, what he needed was reassurance that everything was going to turn out okay.

"I know so. As for Rarity, I doubt she thinks any less of you."

My left ear swiveled at the sound of light breathing on the other side of the door. I allowed myself to relax as the gentle scent of chamomile and lavender filtered through my nostrils and instead of calling out the eavesdropper, I kept my focus on the dragon in front of me.

Spike sighed, "I don't know. Look, I know everypony thinks that I'm just a dumb kid with a crush. I know Rarity doesn't see me as anything but a little drake. That doesn't mean that I can't try, right?"

I smiled, letting my teeth peek out. "You really are quite bright for your age, you know that?"

Spike's eyes drifted down, clearly somewhat embarrassed by my praise.

"The truth is, I couldn't give you any advice because I've never been in love before. The only relationship I had before coming to Equestria was brief and really more of a...ahem, 'transaction.'"

"You mean, sex, right?"

Spike's blunt response momentarily blindsided me.

"Yes, I mean sex. I met this she-wolf, 'things' happened and we went our separate ways. I didn't even meet my sons until a couple of hours before my death and it was less of a tearjerker family reunion and more like an introduction to my allies in bloodshed and destruction."

"That's pretty depressing, dude."

Unexpectedly, Spike then broke out in a fit of barking laughter.

"It could, it could be the name of your biography!"

I soon joined him, seeing the absurd truth in his joke.

"I know! 'That's Pretty Depressing, Dude' by Fenrir Lokison."

"Sounds like a best-seller to me!"

Our laughter soon died out and we both sighed.

"Hey Fen?"


He reached over and scratched the top of my head, my tail furiously flicking from the contact.


"My pleasure. Oh, before I forget!"

Opening up my saddlebag, I withdrew an oblong octagonal blue gem and passed it to Spike.

"Just a little something I nicked from the kitchen."

Spike's eyes immediately lit up. "Whoa, thanks, dude! You're the best!"

"Heh, I know."

This earned me a chin scratch, too.

Rising to my paws, I replaced my saddlebags.

"I should go, you know, before you and the gem get cozy."

"'Cozy'? We're going to get freaky!"

I snorted at this and opened the door, coming face-to-face with Twilight Sparkle.

"Er, hi Fen. I heard about what happened. Are you alright?"

"I think so. It's nothing to be concerned about."

The severity of her worried expression was a tad concerning.

"You should be!" Twilight answered somewhat harshly. "Heart attacks are nothing to brush aside!"

I drew back a little, confused by her desperate, downright aggressive tone..

"Alright, alright, I'll get somepony to look at it."

Satisfied, Twilight peered past me and in the direction of her ward. She was about to say something else when I beat her to the proverbial punch:

"Just take it easy on him. He needs his big sister, not a lecturer."

"Of course."

I brushed past Twilight and caught a glimpse of the dark green gem hidden behind her back.

Smiling, I began to whistle softly and left.


True to her word, Princess Celestia performed a thorough interrogation of Prince Blueblood and even she was surprised by what she'd found. It seems that her nephew used some of his astonishingly-high yearly allowance to financially support a few mares he'd carelessly impregnated, including two former castle maids, a Zebrican foreign dignitary, a Crystal Empire Royal Guard and a local married trendsetter by the name of Upper Crust. I don't know what happened after that awkward discussion but apparently Celestia was livid and if the rumors are to be believed, she arranged to have him magically neutered and sent to a sexual rehabilitation center. As karmically-pleasing as that sounds, I had my reservations that Blueblood would get any kind of punishment other than a firm talking-to and a court-mandated appearance to ensure that he officially compensated both the mares and their bastard offspring. You can call me a cynic if you like but even someone as ignorant as me knew how this system functioned and was operated.

Now I really wished I'd just offed him when I had the chance.

...Not really. Somehow, in spite of my loathing of the scumbag in question, I didn't actually want to eat or otherwise eviscerate Prince Blueblood. Other than the obviously disgusting aftertaste of zealously-applied cologne and mane-gel, the other issue that turned me away from a violent course of action was ultimately decided not by Fluttershy or any of my friends but something within me. I simply had no desire to wreak horrible vengeance against him.

I know, strange, right?

Maybe all of this peace and friendship stuff was rubbing off on me too well.

When Fluttershy said that I should see a specialist, I didn't expect Dr. Fauna of all ponies to show up at the castle. It appears that Princess Luna, shortly after the meeting with Ratatoskr, had written an invitation-aka "ordered"-the veterinarian to come to Canterlot in order to give me a physical. True, any other physician would've sufficed but Fauna was the only one that I trusted and, if I'm being honest, I actually kind of like her. She smells like fresh hazelnuts and ripe blueberries.

"Hello again, Fluttershy!" Dr. Fauna greeted, shaking Mother's hoof. She then held out a limb towards me. "Hello Fen. This is quite the re-introduction, isn't it?"

"Indeed it is, Doctor," I nodded and shook her hoof with what little dexterity I had.

Dr. Fauna's smile extended. "I'm not sure I can get used to that. Now then, let's get to the bottom of this, yes?"

The examination began with her directing me to sit on the edge of my bed and using something called a sphygmomanometer, or "blood pressure monitor", a device used to, what else? Measure one's blood pressure. It consisted of a thin black cuff connected to a rubber hose ending in a hoof-held air pump attached to some sort of glass-faced gauge. Placing the cuff around my upper foreleg and securing it in place with velcro, Dr. Fauna squeezed the pump which in turn caused the cuff to fill with air and tighten around my foreleg. Thankfully, apart from some mild pressure from the cuff's constriction, I didn't feel anything and there was no pain involved so I was able to remain calm until Dr. Fauna removed the cuff and placed it into her medical bag. Mother was so proud and stroked my head lovingly, even going so far as to call me, "a brave boy."

I don't know about that but I won't deny head-pats or compliments.

"Twenty-eight over sixteen," Dr. Fauna read aloud, recording the results in a small spiral notepad. "Very good; that's an ideal amount."

Next, Dr. Fauna pulled out a stethoscope, the iconic tool of every medical professional.

"Now take a deep breath."

She placed the cold metal resonator against the left side of my chest.

Innnnn and ouuuuut...

Dr. Fauna listened intently through the stethoscope's earpieces with a neutral expression.

"Again," she stated, switching to the right side.

Once more, I obeyed.

She repeated the process, placing the resonator on my upper and mid back as well.


Innnn...and ouuuuut...

Sitting back in her wheeled office chair, Dr. Fauna removed her stethoscope and carefully set it aside, studying me with unblinking scrutiny as she made more notes. She ordered some guards to wheel in a contraption resembling a flat TV monitor bolted to a metal arm that sat on top of a metal frame. Beneath the frame, there was a pale light white-brown box equipped with several buttons, dials and multiple small screens, each one buzzing to life when the good doctor flipped a switch on the center console. A short, near-transparent ice blue crystal near the top of the box appeared to be the device's power source, the pentagonal stone softly emitting a humming luminescence every four-and-a-half seconds, but that theory was just an educated guess on my part. On the device's right side, Dr. Fauna unhooked an apparatus resembling a metal oval on a short handle, a spiraling cord draping from the bottom of the handle and plugged into the box.

Squeezing some lubrication onto the oval, Dr. Fauna spread around the thick substance and held up the apparatus, which smelled faintly of some sort of wax-coated plastic.

"Hold still, Fen. This won't hurt a bit, I promise."

Eyeing the weird lubricant-covered object, I silently gave my consent and Dr. Fauna gently swiped the oval-shaped end of the device over the left side of my chest. Both Fluttershy and I watched the fuzzy blue-tinted monitor, which now displayed a beating heart, an audible thumping emitting from the box's speakers. Peering at the monitor, Dr. Fauna again took some more notes, repeatedly checking and double-checking the screen with a look of utter bewilderment. Wordlessly, she removed the apparatus and, placing it back on its hook, turned the rest of the machine off and scoured her notes, muttering something under her breath that even I had a hard time picking up on. She then lifted her head up and stared at me as though it was the first time seeing me.

Fluttershy placed a hoof on my left front paw.

"What is it, Dr. Fauna?"

The veterinarian responded with an exasperated sigh.

"Everything looks and sounds good, great even! I dare say, Fenrir has a perfectly healthy heart, possibly the healthiest I've ever seen in a canine patient."

Unwrapping a saltwater taffy, she popped it into her mouth.

"I don't...excuse me, I don't understand it. How you could possibly experience cardiac arrest of any kind completely baffles me."

"Because of his exceptional health?" Fluttershy ventured.

"It's more than that."

We all turned towards the entryway and found another earth pony mare had entered the scene. I recognized the newcomer as Dr. Life Support, Tyr's current physician and the main researcher into his unique biology. Today, she wore a baby blue lab coat over a bright orange sweater and a lime-green necktie covered in yellow rubber duckies. Who designs this mare's wardrobe? Honestly.

"Forgive my intrusion. I meant to come earlier but I had another patient to look after."

She took her place beside Dr. Fauna and continued:

"During Fen's coma, I personally examined him and found some startling results. I contacted some colleagues of mine who are specialists in the hematology field, and they filled in some gaps for me. Incidentally, those same colleagues also took a look at your buddy Tyr as well. You both have unusual physiologies, though I'm sure that comes of no surprise to you at this point."

Dr. Life Support took a moment to push her glasses further up her muzzle.

"Your injuries from the chimera attack, the lacerations, blood loss and exposure to the creature's venom, all should've been fatal. The amount of toxins your body was exposed to alone should've killed you and yet you survived with no ill effects, not even scar tissue or any other signs of physical trauma."

"What are you saying, Doctor?"

"What I'm saying, Fluttershy, is that Fen's body is a miracle of modern science. Whenever a biological creature faces a physical injury, let's say, for example, a cut, blood flows to the site of the injury and clots form on the surface to prevent further infection, resulting in a scab or scar. In your case, Fen, for you to be able to recover so quickly means that your cells are able to react and move at a far more accelerated rate than anything in documented Equestrian zoology. Not even the princesses possess such rapid regenerative properties, their slowed aging process and enhanced physical durability contributed solely to the vast reserves of magic within their bodies."

"That's incredible but it's not new," Fluttershy responded, though visibly impressed by the diagnosis. "I already know that Fen is a fast healer, and so does he."

"'Fast'? That's an understatement!" Dr. Life Support burst out. "What he's capable of is impossible!"

"So what does this mean?" Dr. Fauna asked. "And what does it have to do with Tyr?"

"I'm getting to that. Mitosis is the division and replication of chromosomes, a process designed to replace damaged and worn-out cells. Now, cellular division is a limited process as there are a finite amount of chromosomes within the body and this leads to the eventual withering and decay of those same chromosomes. However, upon further examination, it's been discovered that both Fen and Mr. Tyr's bodies are mostly made up of stem cells, specialized cells found in embryos, that is, infant fetuses, as well as within the bone marrow, skin and blood vessels of adults. Unlike chromosomes, stem cells do not decay over time, constantly replenishing lost or damaged cells an infinite number of times."

Dr. Life Support's focus was now on me, her face now full of awe and wonderment.

"Both you and Tyr have bodies composed of ninety-five percent stem cells, enabling you to recover far more quickly from not just physical damage but from poisoning and advanced cellular deterioration, i.e. aging, as well. Tartarus, with the amount of stem cells inside of your body, it may even be possible that you might not age another day. You could very well be immortal."

I swayed a little, my breath momentarily knocked out of me. Immortality...that's certainly not a concept I'd ever thought I'd entertain. So, what, does that mean I'm destined to outlive everyone and everything? I'd suspected that perhaps my lifespan would be extended to some degree but this was ridiculous.

"So I can't die?" I uttered aloud, though it was more of a rhetorical statement of self-actualization rather than a legitimate query.

As was to be expected, Fluttershy was quick to comfort me, rubbing my withers in little circles.

"Why are we only hearing about this now?"

"That's a good question," Dr. Fauna nodded. "Why wait all this time?"

Dr. Life Support responded almost defensively:

"Do you know how long it took my colleagues and I to properly arrive at such a conclusion? We're practically steering a ship blindfolded into uncharted waters, with no map or compass, and during an active hurricane."

The good doctor's metaphor-laden words barely registered with me, my mind swirling with a hundred different probabilities and doubts as to my next course of action.

"Can you do anything to take it away?"

All three mares stared at me but only Dr. Life Support seemed bewildered rather than sympathetic.

"'Take it away'?" Dr. Life Support parroted. "Mr. Lokison, taking our limited knowledge of your genetic composition out of the equation, why on Equus would you want this? Your cells, as well as those of your bipedal friend, could very well be the key to enriching life, not just for ponies but for all of Equestria's sentient citizens. Longer lifespans, stronger resistance and/or immunity to disease, a greater tolerance for toxins and poisons! Would you really deprive the scientific community of the chance to study you, to learn how to conquer death, or at the very least, forestall it?"

Leaping off of the bed, I loomed over Dr. Life Support, her breathing noticeably slowed down.

"Everything and everyone dies, Doctor. Cattle die, stars die, even gods die. That is the way of the world, regardless of whose it is. Living in fear of death and uncertainty is no way to live. The only thing that matters is how you choose to live with the time you have."

I turned and left the room, unconcerned with whether or not my advice sank in.

Traversing the castle, I arrived at my and Fluttershy's room and slammed the door closed. The room itself was cozy, the walls painted a grayish lilac with deep sky blue horizontal stripes and eggshell white wood trim along the bottoms and doorways that had been etched with tiny yellow-gold suns. This color scheme, while giving the room an inviting, homely feel to it, was a little too clean for my taste, lacking any kind of lived-in quality. On the far left wall, twin full size beds sat on either side of a small light gray-brown nightstand, the top of which sat a brass table lamp, the bell-shaped lampshade a pale azure and decorated with puffy white clouds. It possessed a beaded dark bronze pull-cord ending in a tiny medal that took the shape of Princess Celestia's cutie mark.

I flopped onto the bed closest to the door and, after slowly rotating in place whilst kneading at the green-blue, neon-blue, orange, and yellow quilt comforter, settled down onto my stomach and curled my limbs up beneath me. Gradually, I allowed myself to sink into the mattress, the cottony pliable blanket relaxing my nerves, shutting the world out as I sank into the mattress. My tongue lazily flicked out to wet my nose, huffing out a snort of air and smacking my lips while I tried to forget all of my worries. I was warm and comfortable, yet my tail refused to settle down, swiping crazily left and right and swish-swish-swishing against the quilt. No, my thoughts refused to allow me the luxury of relaxing.

"You could very well be immortal..."

Would this mean watching Fluttershy, my adoptive mother, the one whom I cherished above all others, wither and die right before my very eyes? To watch her feebly drag her time-ravaged form around on a walker, her mind desiccated by the ages to the point where she no longer had any awareness of my identity or even her own? What about my friends, like Spike, the other Element Bearers or the Cutie Mark Crusaders? What about Angel or Winona?

Gods, it seems as though even death wants nothing to do with me.

My brow furrowed deeply at Dr. Life Support's attitude regarding everlasting life.

Those who seek power over that which they cannot control, such as death, always inevitably succumb to their greatest fear. I can understand that but I can't make others learn it too. Odin, from what I understood, as our interactions were incredibly scarce, desired power above all things, distinctively power derived from knowledge, knowledge to enchant, to ensnare, to manipulate and to bend to his will and machinations. However, that being said, Tyr always maintained that Odin was keen to share most of what he knew, bestowing runes upon his fellow gods and teaching spells and knowledge to his mortal worshipers. The only thing that Ásagrimmr jealously kept to himself was whatever secret message he whispered into the ear of the dead Baldr as the latter laid on his funeral pyre, remaining possibly the biggest riddle in all of the Nine Realms.

Yet for all his preparation, Odin was still eaten, the human world destroyed and Asgard reduced to rubble.

It's like poetry; it rhymes.


I didn't move upon hearing Fluttershy's voice, nor did I speak. Just what could I say?

Passing my line of side, Fluttershy crawled onto the bed and sat beside me, her breathing just as calm and light as ever. Unprompted, I scooched up and laid my head on her lap, letting out a sad little whine as I did so. Wordlessly, she started to pet my scalp, working her way down the back of my neck and down my withers, her touch both smooth and firm. I let out a sigh, each pass lulling me into a sense of peace and security, so much so that I found myself almost forgetting the subject that was stressing me out. The key word being "almost."

My eyes ached, my vision partially obscured by a fluctuating mist of moisture. I turned my head so that my right eye was peering up at Fluttershy, her face full of empathy and barely contained sorrow for my plight. I could no longer control myself and allowed the tears to fall, and I'm not ashamed to admit that this devolved into full-on sobbing. Like a tiny baby, I balled my eyes out, twisting myself to lay on my side and tucking myself into a furry ball of self-pitying misery. My emotional anchor continued to caress my head, even laying a few kisses on my brow, her rose-pink mane soft as falling flower petals on my muzzle.


"Shh, I know, sweetheart," she sniffled. "Mother's here."

Saltwater droplets tapped against my cheek.

"I don't want to live on without you," I childishly admitted in between sobs. "I love you."

"I love you too, my precious Fen."

Soon, Fluttershy's weeping matched my own.

"You'll always be my son, my little pup..."


The exact duration of our little snuggle and cry session eludes me and I take no umbrage with that. What I do know is that after a stretch of time, Rainbow Dash came knocking on our door to inform us that dinner was being prepared. Once she'd poked her head in and witnessed what was happening, she quietly excused herself and left without another word. No wisecracks, no disgust at our display of emotional vulnerability, just a respectable "See you two at dinner" and the light thud-click of the door behind her. I think, for all of her hardhearted reticence to showcase her softer, empathetic side, Rainbow truly understands how much it means for others to let out their inner strife in a way she herself would usually call, "sensitive" or "wimpy."

Wiping away our tears, Fluttershy, no Mother, led me to the dining hall. There, everyone, sans the Royal Sisters, had gathered for another grand evening meal. The air was thick with tension and I could feel six pairs of eyes on me all the while, making me feel quite uncomfortable. It would seem as though word travels fast within the castle's walls, if their reactions to my presence were anything to go by. We took our seats and all the conversation virtually stopped.

"Fluttershy, Fen, hey there," Twilight greeted us somewhat hesitantly as we took our seats.

Rainbow peaked over at me but said nothing, her gaze compassionately inquisitive.

"Are you alright?" Pinkie asked us in an oddly serious tone.


Pinkie placed her hoof over my paw and gave me a subdued smile.

"If you ever want to talk...you know where to find me."

"Thank you, Pinkie," I managed and patted her hoof. "Where are the other princesses?"

"I heard Princess Luna is still in Lord Tyr's room," Spike informed me, maintaining his usual personality. "Apparently it's some kind of 'top-secret business,'" he added while using his first two claws on each hand to form air quotes.

That's certainly odd. I hope everything's alright.

"Princess Celestia is in her private study," Twilight expounded. "She won't see or speak to anypony, not even me. Whatever it is, it's got her complete and utter attention."

"Like you when yer studyin' some kind of relic or somethin'?" Applejack joked.

Twilight blushed heavily at this. "I don't do that...much."

"Sure you don't!"

Everyone answered all at once, leading to a collective laugh.

It wasn't long before the food was ready, the ponies were served fruits, grains and vegetables while Spike was given his usual bowl of sparkling gemstones. For me, there was some nice roast lamb garnished with rosemary, black pepper and a hint of garlic, the whole animal paired up with cooked saffron rice and steamed honey-glazed carrots. My appetite was understandably quite weak, barely finishing a quarter of the lamb and a few nibbles of the sides, though none of my present company brought this up. I looked at each and every one of their faces and found myself gripped by the realization that one day, all of them, possibly with the exception of Twilight, would be dead and buried. No more jokes, dinners or public events, just me visiting their grave sites and figuring out how to move on from their demises, whether it be from illness, old age, accident or a battle gone awry.

"Excuse me. I think I'm done."

"Are you okay, Fen?"

I looked at Mother and shook my head.

"I'm not sure. I'm going for a walk."

Twilight stood up, both forelegs planted on the tabletop.

"A-are you sure? You've barely touched your lamb. I think you should-..."

"Give it a rest, Twilight," Rainbow said somewhat testily. "Clearly, he's not doing well."

"Thanks, Rainbow," I told her and pushed out my chair.

"See you later, buddy," Spike waved and I returned it weakly before leaving.


I opened the door to Tyr's room and to my complete lack of surprise, Princess Luna was already there. What threw me for a slight loop, however, was what the Princess of the Night was doing at that moment. Tyr was no longer in his bed, instead his limp form was positioned inside of a sizable steel tub, his arms hanging over the rim and his torso and head supported by a thick royal blue and sky blue-striped cotton arm-pillow. Steam rose up from the warm water, a thick layer of bubbles concealing Tyr's lower half from view so at least his modesty had been preserved. Seated upon a low wooden stool, Princess Luna was manually scrubbing the áss' middle torso with a fluffy pine green sponge strapped to one hoof, lathering his skin and covering it with a healthy dosage of dripping suds.

Noticing my presence, Princess Luna stopped mid-stroke.

"This is not what it looks like."

"It looks like you're keeping him clean," I replied nonchalantly and settled down onto my haunches two feet away from the tub.

My indifference to the situation put Princess Luna at ease and she resumed her task, even humming to herself as she did so, while I was content to sit in silence. Neither one of us spoke, the stillness interrupted by the trickling of water, the soft scraping of a sponge on flesh and my equine friend's gentle persistent humming, the ambiance creating a soothing, relaxing environment. The humming gave way to light singing, though as it was what I perceived to be Old Ponish, I had no idea what the lyrics meant but going by the slow melody and the longing in the words, I'd hazard a guess that it was some kind of love ballad. Princess Luna kept her eyes straight ahead in a clear effort to avoid eye-contact with Tyr's nether-region, though every now and then, I caught her gaze flicking downward in a series of quick mini-peeks. That is, until, partially in jest, I cleared my throat and unblinkingly stared at her, making it clear that I was aware of her attempted sneakiness.

Oh my, to see the otherwise stoic and in-control Princess of the Night react like a filly caught with her hoof in a cookie jar was a sight I shall have locked inside my brain for all eternity, provided she doesn't kill me first. If she can kill me...

"I-I did not mean it! It was just a cursory glance!" Princess Luna swiftly babbled out. "It is difficult to properly wash him without peeking just a little bit! I meant no harm! I swear, I'm not a sexual deviant!"

My expression of faux anger faded and I could no longer conceal the smirk that'd wormed its way across my jaws. Leaning on the tub-rim with a foreleg, Princess Luna stuck out her bottom lip and gave a little hmph!, clearly not amused with me or my gag. Am I allowed to refer to a pony as cute? Because that was kind of bucking adorable, if I can be frank with you.

"It's fine, Luna!" I chuckled a bit. "I know you're not a freak like Lyra."

"That is good," she sighed in relief and muttered, "You do not wish to know what that mare dreams about."

Sucking on a man's fingers? Singing about anthropology and the virtues of being a homo sapien? Coercing Bon Bon into entering a polyamorous relationship with a hapless human male bartender?

"You're right, I don't."

Time passed with nary a spoken word, until I asked:

"Luna? How do you cope with being immortal?"

Pausing, Princess Luna let Tyr's right arm dangle in the grip of her magic. Her face was one of deep, almost sorrowful contemplation, as if belonging to someone that had thought of such a question before but never had the chance to discuss her opinion on the matter. She then squeezed the excess water out of her sponge and began scrubbing, taking care to avoid putting too much pressure on the pale limb.

"That is quite the loaded question, Fen. What brought that about?"

I related to her the most recent events, condensing the story due to both time and for simplicity's sake. When I'd finished, Princess Luna nodded in comprehension and gave me a sad little smile.

"It did not feel too good to hear such news did it?"

I sighed and shook my head.

"I mean, in my...previous life, I was very, very long-lived and I thought it would probably be more of the same...but this? It's insane."

"I was not born an alicorn, you know," Princess Luna related after a temporary pause. "Neither was Tia or any of our kind. We all started out as regular ponies, just as mundane and ordinary as everypony else."

"With the added bonus of being born into a high status-family and having access to incalculable wealth."

"Well, that too," she giggled fleetingly before her melancholy returned. "My sister and I knew what was expected of us from day one but we also knew that the chances of us ascending were astronomical. In those days, Equestria was divided into multiple kingdoms, at least two hundred or so, each one with a different dynasty."

She pronounced the word, "din-nuh-stee," though this mattered extremely little.

"And their own royal family, most of whom were of the Three Tribes. Even then, there was no guarantee that a pure-blood royal would become an alicorn yet it was seen as a prestigious honor that everypony aspired to accomplish."

"So...it was like obtaining godhood?" I posited.

Princess Luna tilted her head upward to the right side in a kind of "I guess so" gesture.

"I suppose, in a rudimentary kind of way. Alicorns were, and I think, still are, seen as the pinnacle of equine perfection, a near-immortal amalgamation of all three tribes with all of their strengths and none of the weaknesses. Any offspring born of the union between a Tribespony and an alicorn, or a pair of alicorns, were not only gifted with more innate raw magical talent and a slightly longer lifespan but were also fairer and healthier than 'regular' citizens."

Lowering Tyr's right arm, she rinsed it off, treating his body as though it were made of porcelain.

"Tia and I were daughters to the rulers of Equestria's largest kingdom, so you can imagine the pressure that we felt to try and live up to our parents' and nation's expectations. We both ascended at the same time and in a public manner, brought about when she lifted the sun and I the moon. At that moment, we felt invincible, our achievements drawing on the love of the crowd and the pride of our mother and father. After that, our parents sat us down and explained to us what our ascension truly meant, the new capabilities and the responsibilities that came with it. We would age slower than regular ponies, outlive everypony we knew and essentially stay young and beautiful forever while our friends and family grew old and died."

Wringing the sponge, Princess Luna got to work on Tyr's left arm, starting with the underside.

"In the general public and aristocracy's eyes, the two of us became very desirable as wives, our alicorn statuses informing others that we were of the highest pedigree and you can imagine the amount of suitors that clamored to claim us for their own. Sister eventually married the son of a lesser king, a warrior-prince named Spear Shaker and I, well, you already know all about that story."

That last part was punctuated with a hoof-wave, as if to indicate that she had nothing more to say on the topic and hoped that I wouldn't ask anymore questions about it. Clearly, there was still a lot of baggage that Princess Luna had to unpack and she wasn't ready for that yet, not even with me. I couldn't blame her; that mare had been through a lot.

I scooted closer, Tyr and the tub resting between she and I.

"Do you regret it? Ascending, I mean."

Moving onto Tyr's left armpit, Princess Luna exhaled troubled air from her nostrils.

"Yes...but at the same time, no. I will not deny the perks that came with it, nor will I forget the stress of the duties and expectations thrust upon me. Alicornhood meant that all races treated Tia and I differently, some with respect and near-fanatical reverence, others with disdain, jealousy and suspicion. However, without our ascension, we never would've been able to perform so many great deeds or help so many. In my view, immortality, or agelessness, is a double-edged sword, a blessing and a curse that only a select few can bear to live with and even fewer can wield properly without losing sight of who they are or their original intentions."

Princess Luna's hoof brushed against Tyr's cheek and temple.

"Everyone thinks that immortality makes life worth living but it is the reverse. Life, and those around you, are what makes immortality worthwhile."

Her eyes peered deeply into mine, intensely boring into my soul

"Do you understand, Fenrir Lokison?"

My life in this world unfolded like the rapid flipping of a great book's pages, a series of images passing by me at break-neck speed. Every decision, every agony and victory, every road traveled flashed before my eyes. I recalled every moment spent with my friends, every laugh and discussion I shared with Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Angel and even Discord and Screwball. I remembered flirting with Winona, of sharing feelings and secrets, feeling her fur against mine and basking in her scent. Most of all, my time with Fluttershy, my adoptive mother, occupied my thoughts, from our first meeting to my post-battle condition in the Everfree Forest, our recent confrontation with Princess Celestia and her presence during Dr. Life Support's lecture.

I remembered her every moment of compassion, the physical affection and unconditional support she'd shown me throughout my time here. Fluttershy became the reason that I made friends with the other ponies, creating my connection to the fillies, dragons, owls, rabbits, and so on. Despite knowledge of my past, she remained by my side, inspiring me to do and be better and though my progress has been slow, it's still present all thanks to her. I now had friends and a family, things far more precious than any gold, jewels or even bacon, something that I would never trade away or take for granted. Through them, I finally achieved my greatest goal.

I finally belonged somewhere.

"Yes...I understand..."

Princess Luna smiled softly. "Yes, I believe you do."

"I'm still terrified."

"That is to be expected. Change is always scary, as is the prospect of losing those closest to you. But if I have learned anything, it is that there is not a finite amount of love in the heart. Pain and loss do not equal a shortage of love but rather a surplus of it, because your grief means that you value your friends and family so much that you wish to keep them around, to continue having others to share your best moments with. Remember, love means to endure the eventual pain of loss because that makes the value you place on those lives all the more precious."

I blinked my watery eyes, allowing the tears to fall.

"That was really good. You're so wise."

Rubbing the back of her neck, Princess Luna impishly grinned at me.

"I maaay have found a couple of those lines in fortune cookies and self-help books...but thank you."

We shared a good laugh at that. It felt nice to laugh, especially at a time like this.

Once again, the next few minutes were spent without us speaking a word. Once Tyr was fully clean, Princess Luna lit up her horn to lift him out of the tub, however I politely interjected, reasoning that it'd be more efficient if I did it instead. She agreed, holding up a towel while I magically carried Tyr over to the bed and started to pat him dry. All the while, Princess Luna was blushing like a school-filly and averting her gaze, fighting hard to keep her attention focused anywhere but at the privates on display. Once Tyr was properly dried off, I slipped him onto the bed and under the covers, the princess tucking him in and giving him a light peck on the forehead.

I swear, this was becoming cuter and cuter the more I observed Luna doting over Tyr like this. The way she looks at him and touches his face was not just a tiny crush or misplaced infatuation but pure and genuine adoration. Somehow, Luna was devoted to this total stranger, one she'd never even spoken to and only had my testimony to go off of. I hoped that Tyr would wake up soon and not just for his sake or mine but for Luna's, thus ensuring their shared happiness. Based on our interactions, as well as my little peak into the princess' psyche, I had no doubts in my mind that Tyr would eventually reciprocate her feelings and something substantial would come out of this.

I gave Luna a small salute, or the closest that I could manage with the limited muscular mobility in my foreleg.

"Right as rain. I'll be saying good night now."


I turned, finding Luna dragging her right hoof against her left foreleg.

"Are there any additional facts I should know about? For example, what kind of food does Tyr like, or what are his preferred hobbies? Does he like lavender?"

Thinking of a proper response, I gave her a lopsided grin.

"Well, I don't want to give too much away but I can tell you this: you're already got a great natural advantage working for you."

Princess Luna stared at me in puzzlement.

"Why is that?"

Before latching the door behind me, I grinned sardonically.

"Because his favorite color is blue."


I arrived back in my bedroom, where Mother had sprung up from her unmade bed.

"Fen, there you are! I was so worried."

"I'm okay, Mother. Just had a chat with Princess Luna."

She sat back down and placed a hoof on her chest.

"O-okay. That's good."

I took a quick glance at my bed, then strode past it.

"Could I sleep with you tonight?"

Mother considered this, then nodded.

"Of course, sweetheart."

I jumped onto Mother's bed, startling the pegasus but this quickly turned into laughter on her end. She pulled the covers over us both and I laid right next to her, our heads sharing one over-sized pillow. Using my magic, I turned off the lights and curled up, letting out a small nasal-exhale. Mother gave my nose a kiss and scratched my head, prompting me to gently lick her cheek and in the darkness, I could tell she was smiling from ear to ear. She placed her forelegs around my neck and pulled me close to her, settling her head directly beneath my chin.

"Good night, Mother."

"Good night, my Fen. Sweet dreams."

I have never slept that well before or since.

Author's Note:

Pronunciation Guide and Facts:
Ásagrimmr (ah-sah-grim-meer): "Lord of the Aesir"
Áss (ahz): "god"; member of the Aesir; alternate form: "ǫ́ss"

Not much here in this chapter, I know, but I think I'm going to start taking it easy with the references. You know, just to give y'all a break and not over-cram it.