• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen April 5th


Follow me on Twitter @OddmentsShop and @EvilMortyr63 OG brony, lord of all things pony

Comments ( 3 )

Why the hell does this have 3 downvotes already? Fuck Fimfiction. Honestly. I hate anti-cloppers. Oh no, it has an OC and a trans flag! Better spam that downvote button instead of reading the fic it's from or enjoying the writing!

/edit 13 downvotes now. Bring it on, haters. Fuck all y'all.

So, I got curious as to why this got so many dislikes, your comment on 'haters' also ruffled my feathers a bit. I've never seen a hate brigade outvote likes on a story that wasn't Fallout: Equestria related. Going over the published chapters (as of this writing), the first thing that stuck out to me was the frequent typo's and the wording of some sentences. Certainly very unhelpful that people read this (and people have been reading) and don't mention the problems or provide proper insight as to what the problem is (a grievance I bare towards FIMfictions many members).

If anything, going off of what I've read, the dislikes might just be due to the grammar, wording and structure. I recommend getting some prose savvy friends to give it a look before publishing to see what needs fixing. Once the writing improves, you might see a shift in your numbers. It takes time to get better.

I should add that getting upset and cussing at perceived 'haters' isn't going to help. In cases like this, reviewing your work is important to see if the problem lies in there before coming to that conclusion, despite the ease of it.



It would really help me if you pointed out the typos. I'm not a magician. I leave the comments and author's notes as is. I do have a lot of haters and I don't really care if they spam that downvote button. I could turn off comments and ratings, but where's the fun in that?

I'll go back over it eventually to fix awkward sentence structures or typos, but I won't lie, clopfics only get like 50% of the attention I'd pay to safe-for-work fare. I literally only write them for the views. This particular one is special but I'm strictly writing it for myself, not to please some perceived audience or pander to them. It's literally just a work of passion.

Equestria Daily prereaders won't touch porn, unfortunately. I doubt my other friends have time, they're all really busy. Right now, it's 8 upvotes and 13 downvotes and I really don't expect those numbers to shift much.

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