• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 1,884 Views, 83 Comments

The Unofficial Records of a Mare in Black - the7Saviors

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is an unofficial record of my experiences serving as an agent of P.O.U.T. Yes, it's against regulation, but buck regulation. I'd rather not fall apart when it counts and the documentation keeps me sane.

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Well, it's morning, I just woke up, and the lodge is still here—still the same as it was when I went to bed. I've chosen to be optimistic for once and assume that it means this place isn't haunted and that Mister Yeti isn't the ghost of a mountaineer who couldn't find peace after his home was destroyed. That said, there is something else that has me kind of shaken right now.

I had a very strange and very eerie dream last night.

This wasn't meant to be a dream diary and it still isn't, but I'm writing this down right now so I don't forget. I sort of want to forget, but I feel like I can't—or rather like I shouldn't forget what I saw. I don't think it has anything to do with what I'm doing right now, but it does play into some of my worries about the weirdness that's been going on around me lately.

I can't remember when the dream started or when I became lucid, but I do remember this empty blue void that went on and on forever. It felt like some otherworldly cage that I couldn't escape from no matter how far I walked or how much or how loudly I screamed for help. I was completely alone, with nopony there to hear my cries.

At some point, after what felt like an eternity, I finally heard something in that void—a voice in the otherwise dead silent nothingness. I think it was calling out to me, it might've even said my name, but I'm not really sure. I remember thinking the voice didn't sound right, but I was so desperate for somepony to respond that I didn't even care.

I ran toward the voice hoping for some kind of liberation from that horrible place. As I ran, I was able to make out a shape in the distance. Now, this is where things start to get eerie and make even less sense than it already does. The shape in the distance, as I got closer and closer I could see what I thought was the Princess at first... but then it changed.

One moment, it was the Princess—snow-white coat, warm magenta eyes, motherly smile, everything that made Celestia, Celestia. She was calling me, I saw her mouth move, I heard the words, heard my name, but the closer I got, the farther away the voice seemed. It echoed endlessly in that bright blue void warping and twisting into something more and more unnatural with each repetition.

In the next moment, just as I reached a hoof out to do... something—I'm not exactly sure what—she changed. It wasn't Celestia anymore. I don't know what it was and the memory of it still gives me chills just thinking about it. If I were to describe it in a word, I'd say it was something eldritch, probably closer to what Prism Streak and Rolling Stone came across in that town than anything else.

The problem is I'm not one hundred percent sure it was some horrible eldritch monstrosity though. I didn't really get a good look at whatever it was because in the next moment I was suddenly falling down and away into a different sort of Tartarus altogether. It was a nightmare made up of countless thoughts and images and emotions and memories.

I saw so many things, so many different creatures and memories that both amazed and horrified me. Most of the creatures were ponies—most were mares, but there were fillies too. I saw several alicorns and horrible abominations wearing pony skin. There were creatures who fit the description a few of the RIDES agents gave of what 'humans' looked like.

In one instance I could've sworn I saw some strange amalgamation of what I think was both a human and a pony—like it was mostly a pony, but it walked on two legs instead of four. This part of the dream is a bit hazy in my mind and I can't recall a lot of what I saw in any great detail. What I do know for sure though, is that as wildly different as each of these creatures were, they all had one thing in common.

They were all 'Twilight Sparkle'.

The unicorns, the alicorns, the mares, the fillies, the abominations, the humans, the weird pony-human hybrid... something in my mind told me they were all me. I could see as much for myself for the most part that they were Twilight Sparkle, of course, but it wasn't just their appearance. At least, it didn't feel that way. It was like I instinctively knew they were all me.

It was like those thoughts and images and emotions and memories were mine, but I know for a fact I never did or saw any of what was shown to me. I barely remember a lot of what was shown to me, and what I do remember I can't make any Goddess damned sense of! The only other thing I can recall about the dream is a blinding white light and then... nothing.

Evidently, I was saying some nonsensical stuff in my sleep according to Rarity. She's the one that finally shook me awake out of whatever that nightmare was. After apologizing for screaming bloody murder right in her face and making up some excuse to be alone, I started writing this. Even as I write this a lot of the latter half of the dream (nightmare?) has already faded, but there are some things that remain crystal clear.

Mostly it's the sensations and emotions I felt, both from being trapped in that blue void and what I experienced from my other apparent 'incarnations'. There were a few positive emotions but so much of what came across was just sadness and fear and a vague sense of hopelessness and despair. Really, I'm surprised I didn't wake up crying into my pillow.

I'm almost certain this is related to everything else that's been going on, but in what way I have no idea, just like with everything else. Was it really a dream? Or was the whole thing itself actually a memory buried somewhere deep within my subconscious mind? Could that horrible blue void be where I wound up after the Left Eye incident? If so then where was everypony else who vanished along with me?

And why is the universe so keen on making me face myself? First that insane alicorn version of me, and now this? I want to believe it's a coincidence but frankly, I have some strong doubts that's the case. There's nothing I can do about it now though so I'll leave it at that. I have what promises to be a rough day ahead of me as it is. I don't think I can afford to worry about what I can't control at the moment.

Still, I have to remember to ask the other agents who disappeared during the Left Eye incident if they remember anything. Maybe it isn't just me, maybe they've also had weird dreams and other strange things happening to them as well. I'll talk to Sunset too and see if she can research a few things. And he might not have anything to do with this, but if I can, I'll try to get Spike alone so I can talk with him too.

Goddess, it's only been a couple of days and I already miss the little guy so much it hurts. I really hope he's doing okay without me.