• Published 3rd Jun 2020
  • 1,883 Views, 83 Comments

The Unofficial Records of a Mare in Black - the7Saviors

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and this is an unofficial record of my experiences serving as an agent of P.O.U.T. Yes, it's against regulation, but buck regulation. I'd rather not fall apart when it counts and the documentation keeps me sane.

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Okay, I know this is a huge invasion of privacy, but I can't even begin to tell you how much that doesn't matter right now. If you want to know how I found your diary and how I know your real name is Twilight Sparkle, I did some snooping around in places I wasn't supposed to be and found out some stuff. It wasn't all that hard really, seeing as there wasn't anypony around to stop me.

If that's not a good enough explanation then oh well. Deal with it. I've got more important things to tell you than how I found your name and the hidey-hole for your private diary. Anyway, I don't know where you vanished off to, but I'm writing this so that you have an idea of what the buck is going on here in Equestria. I figure if you come back and find this, you can tell me more about what's happening on your end because I can't get anything out of Celestia.

By the way, I decided to just use the blank page after your last entry so hopefully, you won't miss this.

Here's what I do know:

After you and a bunch of other suits and some Royal Guards left for the Old Castle in the Everfree we wound up losing contact with you all. Celestia sent another team to investigate the castle, but they came back saying there was no sign of any of you. No agents, no Guards, no Nightmare Cultists, no sign of a struggle... nothing. Well, they did find some kind of creepy gem or jewel or something. The thing looked like a dragon's eye, but it was cracked down the middle. It's been like three weeks and that's the only clue we have about what might've happened to you, and really it's no kind of clue at all.

Mind you, I actually didn't find out about all of this until a couple of days ago, and I had to dig deep, believe me.

Now to get to the real meat of the problem.

About a week ago, those thaumic anomalies started getting more severe and yesterday all Tartarus broke loose. Literally. It turns out those thaumic anomalies were the result of dimensional rifts trying and failing to stabilize themselves over and over again all over Equestria. I asked one of the guys from RIDES about it and got him to spill some info. Evidently, they hadn't been able to gain any headway in researching the rifts because they never stuck around long enough to get any decent readings, and it was only recently that they got anywhere.

Apparently, something had been trying to force its way into Equestria from somewhere else, but the suits from RIDES had no idea why or how. Well, yesterday something must've given because whatever was trying to break through the thaumic field finally succeeded. A big tear opened up in the sky right above Canterlot for everypony to see and you'll never guess who came flying out of out it.

Yeah, it was Nightmare Moon.

I've only seen artistic renditions of her, but those didn't even come close to doing her justice. She was just as terrifying as the history books made her out to be. The first thing she did was pull the sun right out of the sky, probably trying to bring about her 'eternal night'. Before she got a chance to do much else though, Celestia showed up and they started fighting and...

It wasn't good, Twilight.

I watched it all happen from one of the castle's balconies. A lot of ponies got hurt and I'm pretty sure a few of them died due to the collateral damage the city took in the attack. Thankfully the fight didn't last long. Celestia managed to pin Nightmare Moon down somehow and then she pulled these magical gems from out of nowhere. They weren't like the creepy jewel they found in the Old Castle. These were, I don't even know, but they started spinning around the Princess, and then she fired this giant rainbow beam at Nightmare Moon.

I don't really know how to describe what happened next other than that the blast knocked her into the moon. And I mean into the moon. If you look up at the moon now, you can see this pockmarked image of Nightmare Moon's face. I asked Celestia about it later and she told me she sealed Nightmare Moon away and that she wouldn't be able to escape for another one thousand years. So yeah, that happened.

To summarize what happened:

You all disappeared during that major operation and are still missing, Nightmare Moon waltzed out of a dimensional rift in the sky looking very much alive and well, Celestia fought her off and used a bunch of magical stones to sealed her in the moon for a thousand years. The Princess swears up and down that she'll be ready when Nightmare Moon inevitably escapes, and yeah, I guess I can see that if she has a thousand years to prepare.

That's about all I know and that's more or less the entire situation as it stands at the moment, but there's one last thing I need to tell you.

What I haven't told anypony else is that during their battle, I could've sworn I heard Nightmare Moon call Celestia 'sister'. I didn't even bother asking the Princess about it because I know she wouldn't tell me. I can't stop thinking about it though, and it's driving me crazy. Canterlot is a mess right now and I don't even know what to think anymore, but I do know that I need to talk to somepony about it—somepony that isn't Celestia.

Seriously, wherever you are, I hope you show up soon because this diary is a poor substitute for a friend.