• Published 10th Jun 2020
  • 607 Views, 15 Comments

Artwork and Answers - Fiddlesticks

In an art museum, Rainbow reflects.

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Empty Halls and Long, Slow Falls

The canvas showed a crowd of ponies in some sort of town, standing stock still and frozen forever in time. It seemed like they were in some sort of older town, judging by the older-style huts and the dirt roads. A few carts were by the market stalls, loaded with colorful fruits and vegetables.

It reminded Rainbow Dash of something, even if she wasn’t quite sure what. She tilted her head and squinted, trying to make sense of it all. Looking around the empty hall, she wasn’t surprised to find that she was alone. It was still strange to be standing here without a curator keeping a watchful eye out, shooing visitors away from the paintings.

Rainbow leaned in to get a closer look. She made out the details and brushstrokes of the artist, one “Write Flyer,” and admired the work. Rainbow never really had an appreciation for the arts, but something about this painting just drew her into it.

With a carefree shrug, Rainbow stepped back and sighed, her eyes drifting down the hall at the other paintings. The tiles felt cool underneath her hooves, and reflected the lights perfectly.

Paintings lined either side of the wall, with little placards giving a short description about the work and the artists mounted next to them. It almost felt like they were watching her, in a strange sort of way. Rainbow moved on to the next painting, one that appeared to show the front of a shopping mall. Cars filled the parking lots and ponies headed in and out as the sun broke through the clouds above them. This painting looked simpler, and almost rustic to her, and the shades of brown and yellow seemed dulled by age.

It seemed very strange to Rainbow, but again, she couldn’t place it. The next painting wasn’t any better. This one showed a jam-packed freeway, filled with cars of every shape and size. Yet instead of being inside of their vehicles, the drivers were… dancing. They stood on top of their cars and in the lanes, engaged in some strange dance that Rainbow couldn’t understand. The shades of white and purple still shone with a bright hue, but Rainbow could see the color was faded.

A chill ran down her spine. She turned around and locked her eyes on a security camera mounted on the ceiling. For a brief second, Rainbow wondered if someone was watching her. She blinked, then laughed, waving at the camera and imagining that someone on the other side was waving back.

Rainbow proceeded down the hall, ignoring the paintings that didn’t quite catch her interest. Classical music played from some hidden speakers; the violins and trumpets rising and falling in some strange tempo that was far too slow for her tastes.

She came across a split in the exhibition halls, leaving her with a choice. On a hunch, she decided to go to the right hall. Upon entering, the first thing she saw was a massive painting on the wall of a crowded store. Ponies were crawling over each other in some sort of desperate struggle, reaching for unseen items on the shelves. Yet the mood of the painting seemed to be weakened by the bright, fun, pink colors. They burned with an intense hue, though the painting had aged. It made Rainbow smile.

She turned her head and admired the next work in line. This one was actually a photograph of an airport, as a jetliner descended through the night sky. The runway lights shone brightly, their soft yellow lights making her nostalgic for something she couldn’t quite place. But, like the first painting, this photograph seemed worn out and faded.

Rainbow sighed and turned quickly, leaving the hall. She couldn’t take it anymore.

Finally, she made her way over to the left hall. The first picture that caught her eye was one of a beautiful painting of a park. Ponies played and relaxed by a lake, enjoying what Rainbow guessed was a warm summer’s day. With a wistful sigh, Rainbow gently put a hoof on the frame, feeling how aged and rough it was. The purples weren’t quite there anymore, but they weren’t completely gone either. In fact, Rainbow thought she had seen this painting before, a long time ago. It hadn’t changed much.

As Rainbow entered the next room, she felt a strange wave of hope wash over her. The first painting in the room was a strange one. It showed a junkyard of some sort, with piles of trash lining the entire foreground. But at the center was an airplane, one of the older ones with propellers at the front. The plane however was missing it’s wings, and was sitting on the back of a large flatbed truck as the sun started to set in the horizon.

This picture made her feel sad. Something about it just seemed so off to her. Maybe it was the coloration of the skyline, or the atmosphere of the piece, but something about it seemed to stab her with pins and needles.

Her heart began bouncing up and down as if it were on some sort of super trampoline, and it wasn’t long before she had to look away. The last picture showed some mountain range behind a large lake. But before she could really analyze it, someone behind her cleared their throat. “Since when were you a fan of art?”

Rainbow turned around to see not a pony, but a dragon leaning against the wall, his arms folded across his chest and a smug grin on his face. “Spike?”

“The one and only,” he confirmed, pushing off the wall and walking over to her. “What brings you around these parts? I thought you didn’t care much for paintings.”

“I don’t. Well, I didn’t,” Rainbow replied, glancing at the plane painting again. “Not normally. I don’t know, Spike, these are just… weird.”

“Like they’re telling the story of your life, huh?” Spike asked.

Rainbow frowned. “No, not really. Almost like they’re telling the story of… everything. Everyone else, I guess.”

Spike nodded sagely. “Here, follow me.” He led her down several pristine halls and paintings, but it wasn’t long before the paintings became blank canvases. “This place, these frames, a lot of them are empty,” Spike pointed out, “but it’s not going to be like that forever. Somewhere, somehow, someone will make a painting and it’ll get hung up here.”

The halls seemed to go on and on forever, Rainbow noticed. “But how are you so sure?”

“Because that’s how life is. Twilight used to say that life doesn’t just start and end. It just goes on and on and on. Sort of like her when she’s lecturing.”

That made Rainbow smile. “Yeah, I guess so. Heh, Applejack used to hate that.”

Spike nodded. “Well, it’s what made her her. Sort of like how persistence is what makes you you.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “How so?”

“You don’t give up. I always admired that about you.” Spike stopped, pointing to a picture on the wall.

It was a portrait of herself, standing on a cloud and staring up at the sky.

“You get what I’m saying?” Spike asked.

Rainbow tilted her head. She could have sworn that the clouds in the painting were moving. “Sort of, yeah.”

“You all did a lot with your lives. Heck, you probably did more than you really realize. But that kind of stuff doesn’t just disappear, Rainbow,” Spike continued.

“Well, I guess, but it’s… it’s hard,” Rainbow said, running a hoof along the painting’s frame. “It’s hard not to wake up one day and say to yourself ‘this is how I disappear.’ Especially after everything that happened. Like, how can I convince myself that this isn’t the end?”

“You don’t really have to, I guess,” Spike replied, tapping a claw against his chin. “I mean, you’re here, aren’t you?

Rainbow closed her eyes and imagined herself standing on that cloud. “I am, Spike. I am here.”

And when she opened her eyes, she was there. On the cloud, staring up at the sun with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. Somehow, she knew that she was being watched, and that she was being loved.

Comments ( 15 )

Well.... that sounds pretty final to me.

I'll let y'all take a read and see what you think. Definitely a bittersweet moment for Dashie, and for the mystery squad :pinkiesad2:

This is a really beautiful entry, whoever you are. I can feel Dashie's pain very acutely

EDIT: I stand corrected. Fiddlesticks hardcore called me out in their latest blog, and it looks like we have another installment on the way! Countdown to June 15th!

Also... just noticed that this installment is NOT marked as a sequel to the previous installment. Incherestingk....


Also... just noticed that this installment is NOT marked as a sequel to the previous installment. Incherestingk....

i'm only human

FIddlesticks being like,”Oops, I made a mistake.”

But, this is so interesting. We got a lot of support for the purgatory theory in this one. Rainbow Dash not giving up, Spike claiming that she has to to make any headway.

But the thing I loved the most about this story is the fact that Rainbow Dash visits all her past places. A mall, a runway, a shop, a park, and an airport.

We also get a callback to the ‘metaphor plane’, as clearly shown is a plane with its wings cut off. It can’t fly onwards, just like Rainbow Dash.

well well well, glad to see my theory hasn't been broken yet, though i will add a small addition: as much as it is about how everything will slowly dwindle from the populace's front-mind, or at least be as overt as it is now, this story is also showing that it doesn't mean that content isn't still loved. even if no one writes mlp fanfiction ever again, generations of fans will still love these ponies and what they mean now and will mean then. they are loved, and they're loved by us, which is definitely important. as rainbow says,

Somehow, she knew that she was being watched, and that she was being loved.

still, I'm very excited to see where this goes! i loved the paintings recalling former scenes, and how it seems that rainbow is struggling to remember those interactions. special shout out to the highway painting, as it's my favorite of the described ones

I have always loved stories where Rainbow Dash becomes philosophical.

Because she does this so infrequently, it makes what she does say more meaningful.

Intriguing stories.

My theory is more "meta": the G4 end and Rainbow Dash try to accept and move to the next. Those place are all metaphors, linked to something.

Wow. This one really pulled at my heartstrings. The emotion was written so beautifully, and I feel as though this installment supports the idea of her loved ones knowing where she is and intentionally calling her back. And it looks like she’s more aware of that now, and she’s getting stronger. Again, this was really just...beautiful. I had tears in my eyes toward the end there. (Big ole round of applause for you Fiddlesticks!)

As the chapters continue, our understanding of the story evolves. I'm sure that the second chapter is the bases for the first chapter. I'm not so sure that this is about death. It might be but, I think it's more fundamental than that. It's about change as we grow older and our fears about mortality. As the world passes us by, it changes us, we no longer can keep up and need to find a new path.

Applejack hasn't changed much but takes change in stride. She might have actually taken up RD's advice and open up a pizza place.

Rarity has changed, at least according to Rainbow. However, Rarity doesn't see it that way. She's mellowed out and no longer high strung for sure but, still the same Rarity. [I think this is where RD starts her travels.]

Pinkie Pie isn't super duper hyper party pony anymore. As she said, "You should slow down! Take it easy! Have some milk and cereal every now and then, stay up late and watch TV". [It's here where we see RD hasn't been home in a while.]

Fluttershy at the airport. Rainbow is second guessing her life and feels unfulfilled. [a death may have happened and both RD and Fluttershy are here when they shouldn't be] Apparently it's enough to cut rainbows career/life short. (or at least to RD)

In the park chill'in out with Twilight she's finally started to slow down. Looking at all the thinks that she never saw until now. But unlike before she's scared now of the changes.

In the museum Spike and her see the famous airplane without its wings. As spike says "Well, isn’t that where things go when we’re done with them? Maybe this plane is a metaphor for someone who doesn’t have a purpose anymore, and they’ve been thrown to the side," Rainbow may be ground bound now or unable to fly, at least like she use to. Which would explain the feeling in the airport. It could be something that happen to her.

Rainbow is probably coming to the end of her career as an active member of the Wonderbolts or it's already ended. She is unsure where to go and if she can't fly would she still be Rainbow Dash any more. I think our Cyan Pegasus is having a mid life crisis.

You seem to have done the best analysis.

But, well, yeah, this was fantastic. Aside from the fact that I don’t really get modern art either (modern art sculptures to be specific), Spike’s right. Perhaps that plane is implying something that needs to fly, but can’t, a pegasus with no wings.

But those three words; time changes everything.

I heard a Country song just yesterday that has a lyric I think fits really well:

The only thing that stays the same
Is everything changes.

And it truly does, doesn’t it?


Thanks. I'm not sure that I've got Fiddlesticks interpretation though, It's mine. (thanks Spike) I'm just trying to understand all the parts and how they interconnect. If I get some of it wrong or interpret differently its' because I don't have all the facts.*

For example: I think that the Fluttershy and the airport in my first analysis. (you'll see it in the next story with the subway). I'll admit I was flailing around with her's. I think that I should have went with:

coming and going
Because of Flutters animal friends She witnesses lots of lives come and go. Some take longer others a short layover. All of them touch Fluttershy in some way but it doesn't stop her from greeting the new friends she meets. And if avenues in her life close others will open up and she takes it in stride.

I had that thought after I had already posted. I think it's a better description of the airport scene. Particularly after the second chapter in that story. Fluttershy does know about death perhaps more than all her other friends and she's been known to help injured animals from time to time.

But even that could be the wrong interpretation. It's bases requires for Rainbow Dash to be ground bound or injured and/or a death did occur. Which may or may not be the case.

As for time changes everything?
Yes, yes it does.

*(And it doesn't help that, every time I try to make sense of it, the story may change because of what I said previously. :-/ )

I’m surprised spike isn’t in an arcade.

Read some previous theories on why the ponies have been put in the places they have been.

Fiddlesticks has a knack for putting ponies where you wouldn’t expect.

Comment posted by Pete100 deleted Jul 8th, 2020

Yeah, Fluttershy was put into a loud airport. Pinkie Pie was put into a simple discount store. Rarity was put in the middle of a highway.

It’s very strange, how they write.

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