• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 6,575 Views, 181 Comments

Down to Earth Family - Zenaron

Family, it means love, care, protection, but what about a little orange pegasus who doesn't have one

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A Night With Rainbow Dash

Chapter 4-A Night with Rainbow Dash

Little did Applejack know that the exact opposite was happening with Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash’s first night together.

The night started off great; Rainbow Dash took Scootaloo back to her box to pick up her stuff, and then took her to the most awesome house in all of Equestria…Hers .

“Well Scoots here we are, so what do you think?” Rainbow Dash asked the little filly on her back, pride radiating from her voice as she landed on the cloud step in front of her porch.

Scootaloo’s mouth hung open as she took in the sight before her. She had seen Rainbow Dash’s house from the ground, but in the sky it was a whole new experience. The clouds were perfectly sculpted into columns, with waterfalls the colors of the rainbow running down the side. After a few more seconds of taking it all in there was only one word that Scootaloo could think of to describe it. “This is awesome!” Scootaloo exclaimed as her wings buzzed in excitement.

Rainbow Dash smiled and ruffled the little filly’s mane. “Well I’m glad to hear that. You ready to go inside and make yourself at home?” Rainbow Dash asked as she reached her front hoof out and opened the front door.

Scootaloo nodded her head frantically at the invitation, and trotted inside. Her eyes grew wide as she took in the sights around her. All and all it was a pretty normal house, at least as normal as a house made out of clouds can be. There were a few pictures on the walls, mostly of Rainbow Dash doing something with her friends, or of her performing a death defying stunt. There were also some trophies and other awards Rainbow had won from competitions like the best young fliers competition. As well as some miscellaneous Wonder Bolt collectables.

To Rainbow Dash all of these things were normal almost mundane, but to Scootaloo these where the coolest things in all of Equestria. Then Scootaloo’s expression changed from one of excitement to confusion as she looked down at the strange feeling coming from beneth her hooves. She gasped, because for the first time she realized that she was standing on a cloud.

“Is this your first time on a cloud scoots?” Rainbow Dash asked as she trotted up next to the little filly.

Scootaloo looked up at her idol and nodded. She then jumped up and down a few times, enjoying the feeling of the soft fluffiness of the clouds beneath her hooves. After she got comfortable with how the clouds felt she started jumping around Rainbow Dash, all thoughts of her sadness from being alone long gone.

“Yeah it is pretty awesome isn’t it?” Rainbow Dash said watching the little filly having the time of her life. “Hey squirt come on, I’ll show you to your room.”

“I…I get my own room?” Scootaloo asked as she stopped in front of Rainbow Dash.

“Yeah of course you do squirt.” Rainbow Dash said as she trotted toward the stairs leading to the second floor.

Scootaloo smiled and started trotting after Rainbow Dash. They made their way up the winding stair case to the second floor of the cloud house. The second floor was much smaller than the first floor. The second floor was mostly just a long, wide hallway with four doors, two on each side of the hall. Rainbow Dash stopped in front of the first door and waved a hoof in its direction.

“This is my room, over there is the bathroom.” Rainbow Dash said pointing at the door on the same side of the hall as her room. “And over here” Rainbow said as she opened the door to the room just opposite her own “will be your room.”

Scootaloo tentatively trotted inside and looked around the room. It was plain compared to the rest of the house, with only a bed and a small desk in the corner, but to Scootaloo it was the best room ever. Scootaloo grinned widely, and ran up to the bed. She jumped up on to it and started bouncing up and down while laughing with glee.

“So what do you think Scoots?” Rainbow Dash asked as she leaned against the door frame.

“It’s great Rainbow Dash.” Scootaloo said as she jumped of the bed.

“Good I’m glad you like it scoots. Well it’s getting late, and you have school tomorrow so you should probably be going to bed.”

“Ah, but Rainbow Dash I’m not even tired yet.” Scootaloo whined as her wings drooped at her sides.

Rainbow Dash was somewhat taken aback by Scootaloo’s response. She wasn’t used to dealing with kids let alone having to take care of one. “Well I think it’s time for you to go to bed. Why don’t you go ahead and get into bed and I’ll tuck you in” Rainbow said with a little bit more force.

“But Rainbow Dash, I usually don’t go to bed for another hour at least.” Scootaloo pleaded.

“No buts, this is my house and these are my rules. So it’s time for you to go to bed.” Rainbow Dash said stomping her hoof down to emphasize the point.

“Alright I’ll go to bed…If you can catch me!” Scootaloo said before she dived quickly between Rainbow Dash’s legs.

“Hey get back here!” Rainbow Dash yelled as she spun around and gave chase after the little filly.

While Rainbow Dash was the best young flier in Equestria, and arguably the fastest flier in all of Equestria as well, that generally took place in the open sky with little to no obstacles. Not in a confined space like her own house, where it turns out Scootaloo being smaller had the advantage. Which Rainbow Dash quickly found out.

Scootaloo ran back down the stairs as fast as her short legs could carry her, laughing loudly as she did. Rainbow Dash made it to the top or the stairs about at the same time that Scootaloo made it to the bottom. Rainbow unfurled her wings, and flew down the stairs, making up a lot of ground on her young adversary. When Rainbow got to the bottom of the stairs she looked around and saw Scootaloo running towards the kitchen.

“I’ve got you now squirt.” Rainbow yelled in triumph as she took flight once again and flew towards her kitchen.

Scootaloo looked back at the older mare and gave her a sly grin, before she swiftly bucked the door shut.

Rainbow Dash tried to stop at the last minute, but she was going too fast, and she collided with the door making a small thud. Rainbow Dash shook her head, and leapt to her hooves. She kicked the door open with her front hoof and trotted inside. She looked around not seeing any sign of Scootaloo.

“I know you’re in here Squirt.” Rainbow Dash said as she paced around the room. “There is only one door in and out of this room so you have to be hiding somewhere.” Rainbow said as she peaked under the table and looked through some of the lower cabinets. Finally she caught a glimpse of purple protruding from one of her upper shelves. She quietly crept up to the door and threw it open “Aha I’ve got you now…” Her irises shrunk when she saw Scootaloo with two open bags of flower on each side of her, and her wings open ready to flap.

Scootaloo wasted no time in flapping her wings vigorously, sending two massive clouds of flour bellowing out of the cabinet, covering Rainbow Dash and most of her kitchen in the white powder. Before the dust settled Scootaloo jumped out of the cabinet on to the floor and ran out of the kitchen laughing as she went.

“You can’t catch me that easily.” Scootaloo called as she made her way through Rainbow Dash’s massive living room.

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and let out a groan as she looked around her kitchen. She opened her wings and flapped them once, removing most of the flour from her fur. She then galloped into the living room and looked around for Scootaloo.

She once again caught a glimpse of Scootaloo heading back up the stairs. “Oh no you don’t.” Rainbow yelled as she flew at full speed up the stairs and into the hallway. She quickly looked around and noticed that the door to her room was open. Rainbow Dash smiled and easily trotted into her bedroom and looked around. Nothing seemed out of place, but she was once bitten twice shy. She first opened her closet and dove to the side, and put her hooves over her head to protect her from anything that might be thrown her way. After nothing came she lifted her hooves up and looked in the closet, “Empty” She thought to herself as she looked around her room. She checked under the bed, under her desk, even in her dresser, but there was no sign of Scootaloo.

“Where could that little filly have gone?” She asked to herself as she tapped her chin in thought. Then her ears perked up when she started to hear what sounded like running water coming from the direction of her bathroom. “She must be in the Bathroom.” Rainbow thought as she grinned with delight.

Rainbow Dash poked her head out of her room and noticed that further down the hall the door to the bathroom was open, just enough for the little filly to get through. Rainbow’s smile grew as she eased her way out of her room and down the hall. When she was about ten feet away from the door she lifted her wing and flapped it hard opening the door the rest of the way.

She quickly galloped in and yelled “I’ve got you this time…AH!” She yelped in fright as her hooves went from being on her normal cloud floor, to the very slick, soaped up linoleum floor of her bathroom. She tried to stop herself but her momentum carried her down the soapy path straight toward her bathtub. She spun around trying in a last ditch effort to stop herself, but it was too late her back legs hit the edge of the tub, and her momentum carried her over the edge and into the almost full tub.

A few seconds later she rose half way out of the water and spit a stream of water out of her mouth back into the tub. Scootaloo seeing all of this from the other side of the room burst into uncontrollable laughter. She started laughing so hard that she fell over and started rolling around on the soapy floor.

Rainbow humphed as she gazed at the young filly laughing at her, then an evil grin spread across Rainbow’s face as a thought accrued to her. “That was pretty good Scoots, but you know I think I see a little filly,” Rainbow paused as she suddenly leapt out of the tub and flew over to Scootaloo. “Who needs a bath.” Rainbow finished as she put her right wing under Scootaloo and flipped her into the bath tub.

Scootaloo Screamed in surprise as she hit the water. She surfaced and let in a lung full of air, but before she could get out she felt a hoof grab her as a soaped up brush started being pulled roughly through her mane.

“Here we go, and a little more up her, and done.” Rainbow dash said as she finished scrubbing out Scootaloo’s mane, and reached up and grabbed a towel of the rack and started drying herself off

Scootaloo groaned a little but smiled as she got out of the tub, and grabbed the towel that Rainbow Dash had just finished using, and dried herself off.

“Alright Scoots I caught you, now it’s time for bed.” Rainbow said with a voice that headed no argument.

“Ok Rainbow Dash I’ll go to bed.” Scootaloo agreed as the two carefully made their way around the soap on the floor and back into Scootaloo’s room. Scootaloo quickly hopped into bed and lay down on the comfy cloud mattress.

Rainbow Dash grabbed a blanket out of the closet with her teeth, and threw it onto the bed and pulled it up around Scootaloo. The blanket was covered in clouds with lightning bolts. Similar to the shape of Rainbow’s own cute mark

“Well alright, good night squirt I’ll see yah in the morning.” Rainbow Dash said as she turned around and started for the door.

“Wait, what about a bedtime story?” Scootaloo asked in a sad pleading voice.

Rainbow turned and looked at Scootaloo with a puzzled expression on her face. Scootaloo returned the look with big eyes and her bottom lip pushed out as far as it would go.

Rainbow Dash let out a long sigh. “Fine let me go get one of my books.” Rainbow said as she trotted back to her room. She trotted up to her desk and grabbed one of the Daring Do books that she had borrowed from Twilight, and cantered back into Scootaloo’s room.

Rainbow Dash pulled up the chair in front of the desk and sat it down next to Scootaloo’s bed. She sat down and opened up the book. She looked at Scootaloo and smiled. “You’re in for a treat tonight. This is one of the Daring Do books. They are almost as awesome as me.” Rainbow dash said as she opened the book and flipped to the beginning.

Scootaloo smiled expectantly as Rainbow Dash cleared her throat. “Daring Do and the Treasure of the lost city of Ponyequa.” Rainbow Dash said as she started reading the book. “Chapter one, Daring Do was making her way through the dense Jungle trying to locate the ancient runes of the lost city…”
Fifteen minutes later

“Then Suddenly a Puma leapt from a tree and tried to get Daring Do, but she was too fast, and she quickly galloped in the direction of the runes. She made it to the runes but it was a dead end. As she looked up at the wall in front of her in anger she heard a noise coming from behind her. She quickly turned around and saw the Puma gazing at her. Hunger in its eyes as it started to pace in front of her closing in to make sure there was no escape… Well that’s the end of Chapter 1.” Rainbow said as she looked from the book up to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo was setting up on the edge of the bed, and gave Rainbow a baleful look. “What happens next? Come on Rainbow keep reading I want to find out what happens to Daring Do.” Scootaloo pleaded as she clasped her hooves together.

But Rainbow Dash shook her head. “Sorry scoots you’re just going to have to wait until tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash said as she marked the page and closed the book. “Besides it’s time for you to go to sleep.”

Scootaloo yawned and lay back onto the bed. “Alright Rainbow Dash I’ll go to bed.”

Rainbow smiled and got up out of the chair and put it back at the desk. “Good. well good Night Scootaloo I’ll see you in the morning.” Rainbow said as she trotted to the door and turned off the light.

“Good Night Rainbow Dash” Scootaloo replied as she rolled over and pulled the blanket over her shoulder.

Rainbow Dash looked at the little filly and frowned a little “Is this how it is to take care of somepony? Wow this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Can I really do this, can I really take care of her? Maybe Applejack was right maybe I don’t have what it takes? What if I can’t take care of her, or raise her right? Is it even worth trying?” Rainbow Dash thought to herself as she continued to look in on the little filly.

Scootaloo stirred a little in between consciousness and sleep, and in a soft voice she said. “Thank you Rainbow Dash, I love you.”

Rainbow Dash gasped slightly, and was taken aback by the heart felt words of the little filly that was thrown into her charge. She stood there in silence for a moment then she felt a fluttering in her chest and she smiled warmly. “Yeah it’s defiantly worth it.” She said to herself as she quietly closed the door and went over to the bathroom and looked inside.

“Wow this is going to take a while to clean.” She said out loud as she looked at the huge mess Scootaloo had made of it. “Oh Well I’ll Clean it up tomorrow, but as for tonight I have to go and find out what happened to Daring Do.”

She closed the Bathroom door and trotted to her room. She went in and trotted up to her bed and flopped down into it. She turned onto her back, and looked at her desk stacked high with copies of the Daring Do books. She grabbed the one off the top of the stack and started to open it, when she noticed the picture she kept on her desk of Applejack and her after the running of the leaves.

She placed a hoof on the picture and smiled as the fluttering in her chest started again. “I forgot to tell her today.” She said as she moved her hoof from the picture. “Oh well, guess I’ll just do it tomorrow.” Rainbow Dash said as she opened up the book and started reading. She kept reading well into the night until she two fell into a deep sleep, and started dreaming about a certain orange cowpony with the cutest freckles in all of Equestria.