• Published 24th Aug 2012
  • 6,575 Views, 181 Comments

Down to Earth Family - Zenaron

Family, it means love, care, protection, but what about a little orange pegasus who doesn't have one

  • ...

The Inspector

Chapter 8- The Inspector

A Field outside of Ponyville

Rainbow Dash was flying Scootaloo to a secluded place to help give Scootaloo a flying lesson, after picking her up from school and giving her the big news.

“Thank you so much Rainbow Dash, I can’t believe that you’re going to adopt me.” Scootaloo said as she squeezed Rainbow Dash’s neck in an affectionate hug.

“Hey no problem squirt it’s the least I could do for an awesome little filly like you.” Rainbow Dash said as she landed and bent down to let Scootaloo down off her back.

Scootaloo jumped off of Rainbow Dash’s back and landed lightly on the ground. She then turned around her wings buzzing with excitement. “So what are we going to do first Rainbow Dash?”

“Well first were going to do some stretches to loosen up, don’t want to pull something on our first day of training do we?” Rainbow Dash asked as she fully extended her wings and started stretching them forward, up, back and then down in a timed rotation.

“That makes sense.” Scootaloo said as she nodded in agreement and turned to mimic her idol’s movements.

“Ok good now were going to change it up a bit.” Rainbow Dash said as she started to move her wings up and down in alternate motion mimicking what a pegasus would do to turn during flight.

Scootaloo looked over at Rainbow Dash and started mimicking her actions perfectly.

“Good job Scoots; now let’s see what you can do.” Rainbow Dash said giving her wings a few more flaps before retracting them back to her sides.

“Are you sure…I mean I’m not that good at flying. Couldn’t we just start from the very begging?” Scootaloo asked meekly as she drew circles in the dirt with her hoof.

Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof impatiently. “Come on Scoots we don’t have all day, and I need to see where you’re at so I know what we need to work on.”

“Well, alright I’ll try.” Scootaloo said before extending her wings and taking a few deep breaths. She then started flapping them as fast and as hard as she could, causing her body to be lifted almost her full height off of the ground.

“Good job scoots, how long can you keep hovering for?”

Scootaloo smiled sheepishly at Rainbow Dash as she gently hovered back down to the ground. “Not very long usually, but I’ve been able to hover for almost sixty seconds at the longest.”

Rainbow Dash nodded her head in understanding. “Awesome squirt, I know what we need to work on then. We need to get your wing strength up so that you can get higher off the ground, and then we can work from there.” Rainbow Dash said with a flip of her mane.

“Cool, so how do we do that?” Scootaloo asked giving Rainbow Dash a curious look.

Rainbow Dash paused and scrunched her face up in thought. “Well, we could do wing ups.” Rainbow Dash suggested as she started pushing herself up using only her wings while standing on her back legs.

Scootaloo looked at her small wings and buzzed them a little. “Uh, Rainbow Dash I think my wings may be a bit small for that.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo’s wings and frowned slightly. “Yeah you may be right.” Rainbow Dash admitted as she flapped her wings a few time returning to standing on all four legs. Rainbow Dash started pacing in front of Scootaloo trying to think of a routine to strengthen the little filly’s wings.

Scootaloo watched Rainbow Dash for a few minutes then she scratched her chin with her hoof as a thought popped into her mind. “Hey Rainbow Dash can I ask you a question?” Scootaloo asked giving Rainbow Dash a serious look.

Rainbow Dash stopped mid stride and turned to the little filly. “Sure thing squirt, what’s on your mind?” Rainbow Dash asked trotting over and ruffling Scootaloo’s mane.

Scootaloo giggled and brushed Rainbow Dash’s hoof away and straitened her mane. “I was just wondering, you said you adopted me right?”

“Yep, I sure did.” Rainbow Dash Replied as she triumphantly puffed her chest out.

“And you said that they were going to send an inspector to see your house?”

“Yeah?” Rainbow Dash said raising an eyebrow in question.

“The same house that we kind of destroyed playing last night.”

Rainbow Dash looked at Scootaloo perplexed, then as she remembered how she had forgotten to clean after last night’s debauchery her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.

“Uh…Rainbow Dash are you okay?” Scootaloo asked as she raised a hoof up to poke Rainbow Dash to snap her out of the daze she was in.

Just before Scootaloo’s hoof touched her. Rainbow Dash jumped, scooping up Scootaloo, and shot off in towards her house like a bullet from a gun. She flapped her wings harder than she had ever flapped them before. The beginning of the mach cone that signaled her approaching the speed needed for the sonic rainboom started to form around her, even with the added weight of her passenger.

They went from one side of Ponyville to the other in almost ten seconds flat. Rainbow Dash smiled as she saw her cloud house, and with nopony in sight she might just be able to clean her house in time. But then her smile dropped, because when they were only two hundred yards away, there was a flash of dark blue light, and a unicorn appeared underneath the house.

Rainbow Dash quickly circled her house and slowed down enough to have a safe landing in front of the unicorn mare.

“You must be Ms. Rainbow Dash I assume?” the mare asked, adjusting the wide brimmed glasses on her muzzle, in a cool voice of authority that clearly indicated she was from Canterlot.

Rainbow Dash let go of Scootaloo and nodded at the mare. “Yeah that’s me the one and only.” Rainbow Dash said some of her old self shining through even though she was shaking slightly from nerves. “And what’s your name?”

“My name is Catalina, Mrs. Catalina if you would be so kind.” The mare said with a polite grin. She was a middle aged mare, she was starting to show age marks on her face, but they weren’t very prominent. She had a white coat similar to Rarity’s, but her mane was a shimmering dark blue that matched her eyes, Her cutie mark is a clip board with a magnifying glass over it enlarging the print of the document underneath.

“And you must be Scootaloo, how are you doing sweet heart.” Catalina asked with a kind smile.

“I’m doing fine thank you Mrs. Catalina” Scootaloo responded returning the smile.

“I’m glad to hear that, when we heard of your situation we decided that it should take precedence and I came as soon as I was able.”

Scootaloo nodded her head in understanding.

Catalina gave Scootaloo one last smile, and then turned her attention to Rainbow Dash. “Well you are at least punctual, that is a good sign Ms. Rainbow Dash.” Catalina said as she used her magic to float a clip board and pin from her saddlebag, and started jotting down notes.

Rainbow Dash reached up and whipped away some sweat from her forehead before Catalina finished writing.

“Now Ms. Dash, if you would be so kind as to answer some questions for me so that I might be able to evaluate your illegibility for adopting Scootaloo.”

“Of course I would be more than happy to.” Rainbow Dash said with a brash tone in her voice.

“Alright then, what is your current employment?”

“I’m the head weather pony of Ponyville.”

“Hmmn, that position in such a small town as this doesn’t pay very much does it?” Catalina asked looking up from her clip board.

“Well, no not really, but it’s more than enough for me to get by.” Rainbow Dash reasoned with a shrug of her shoulders.

Catalina nodded and made a few notes. “Now Ms. Dash, where do you see yourself being in five years?”

“Being the new leader of the Wonderbolts of course.” Rainbow Dash responded brashly.

Catalina looked up from her clipboard and raised an eyebrow in a question. “Is that so, then might I ask who will be taking care of Scootaloo while you are off with the Wonderbolts?”

Rainbow Dash coughed nervously and rubbed the back of her head with her hoof. “Well…I guess I hadn’t really thought that far ahead yet.”

“I see,” Catalina said simply as she scratched out some more notes, then looked up and smiled. “Well I think that’s enough questions for now. Why don’t we take a look around your house, might I ask where is your house?” Catalina asked as she looked around expecting to see a house somewhere in the near vicinity. Not finding one she gave Rainbow Dash a puzzled look.

Rainbow Dash responded by simply raising a hoof and pointing up in the air above them.

Catalina looked up and sighed. “I should have known.” Suddenly a thought came to Catalina and she looked down at Scootaloo. “Scootaloo, how well can you fly?”

“Well…I can’t exactly fly yet.” Scootaloo admitted giving the older mare an embarrassed look.

Catalina smiled and nodded at Scootaloo in understanding, but then turned to face Rainbow Dash with a stern look on her face that rivaled Fluttershy’s stare.

Rainbow Dash gulped slightly and nodded at Catalina getting the unspoken message that she was sending her of the danger of this idea. “I’ve been teaching her how to fly, and she can already hover.”

Catalina nodded once then her horn started to glow with a dark blue light. “I will meet you up there as soon as I have finished casting the cloud walking spell.”

Rainbow Dash bent down to let Scootaloo climb up on her back. Once Scootaloo was safely on, Rainbow Dash spread her wings and flew up to the front door of her house.

Scootaloo jumped off of Rainbow Dash’s back, and smiled up at her.

Rainbow Dash quickly returned the smile, and reached down and ruffled Scootaloo’s mane affectionately, neither of them noticing the flash of blue behind them.

“Well your house looks very nice on the outside Ms. Rainbow Dash.” Catalina said as she trotted up to next to the two of them. “Shall we go in?”

Rainbow Dash nodded and opened the front door, and stepped to the side so that Catalina to go in first. Rainbow Dash Looked Down at Scootaloo and tilted her head toward the door. Scootaloo smiled and trotted inside after Catalina. Rainbow Dash let out a troubled sigh, and went in knowing this was going to be a long inspection.

“I must say, this is quite a lovely home you have here Ms. Dash.” Catalina said as she took a brief look around Rainbow Dash’s living room.

“Uh…Thanks, I’m glad you like it.” Rainbow Dash said as she trotted over next to Scootaloo.

“Ms. Rainbow Dash, would you be so kind as to give me a tour of your lovely abode?” Catalina asked with a smile to try and lighten the mood, once again pulling the clipboard from her saddle bag.

“Of course please fallow me.” Rainbow Dash said as she moved in front of the group. Rainbow Dash lead the group through the down stairs. From the living room to the dining room, and then she hesitated at the door to the kitchen knowing full well that what was behind this door was going to be a huge problem.

“Is there a problem Ms. Rainbow Dash?” Catalina asked looking up from her clipboard.

“No, no please right this way.” Rainbow Dash said as she took in a deep breath and lightly pushed the door open.

Catalina looked and raised a quizzical eyebrow at the sight. The room was completely covered from floor to ceiling in a white powder that appeared to be flour; she continued to look around the now white room and noticed that two of the cabinet doors were open and that several items had fallen out of them onto the floor.

“I can explain.” Scootaloo said as she quickly got in front of Catalina.

Catalina looked down at the small filly, shot another look at Rainbow Dash, and then motioned for Scootaloo to continue.

“Rainbow Dash and I were playing a mixture of hide and go seek, and catch last night, and things got a little out of hand. I hid in the cabinet and when Rainbow Dash opened it I sprayed her with flour.” Scootaloo explained while slightly blushing in embarrassment.

“Is that so, well that does explain some things.” Catalina said as she looked around the room again and gave a nod to Rainbow Dash. “Shall we continue?”

Rainbow Dash led them back out of the kitchen, where Catalina started noticing other signs of the game that the two younger ponies had played last night. The table in the dining room had been obviously knocked around, as well as a chair had been knocked over in the chase. Each time Catalina saw something out of place she would make a quick note on her clipboard and continue on.

Rainbow Dash then led them up the stairs to the second floor. She waited until the other two were with her, then she opened the first door. “This here is Scootaloo’s room.”

Catalina stepped inside and nodded in approval. “This room looks very nice, no problems or anything out of place.”

“Thanks,” Scootaloo said as her wings buzzed in excitement from the compliment.
“Your quite welcome, now let us see the next room if you would Ms. Dash.”

Rainbow Dash motioned for the other two to follow her to her room; she walked the short distance over to the other side of the hall and opened the door and stepped to the side.

Catalina stepped into the room and immediately saw exactly what she thought she would see, more Wonderbolts, more clouds, and even more clutter. The bed was unmade, there were Daring Do Books strewn out all over the floor, there were even a few awards strewn about the clutter from employee of the month planks to a young flier’s award. Catalina was starting to see a pattern in this particular pegasus’s life style.

“Yeah sorry about the mess, I accidentally slept in and we were in a hurry this morning. So I kind of forgot to clean up.” Rainbow Dash said with an awkward shrug of her shoulders.

“I see,” Catalina said in a very dry voice. “Are there any more rooms for me to see?”

“Just the bathroom, which is no big deal we can just skip that one.” Rainbow Dash said with a wave of her hoof.

“Oh, I most certainly must see that room. It is one of the most important rooms of any house to inspect. In fact more than one third of all household injuries happen in the bathroom.” Catalina said in a matter of fact voice.

Rainbow Dash let out an audible sigh of exasperation. “Right this way.” Rainbow Dash led them to the last place she wanted the inspector to see, the bathroom. She opened the door and took a step to the side to let the other mare in.

Catalina took two steps into the Bathroom and slid slightly, then suddenly stopped as her hoof got stuck in something. She looked down to see that there was a path of half dried up sticky soap, which led up to the bathtub.

“More from the game of catch you played last night I assume.” Catalina said as she pulled her hoof out of the sticky residue on the floor.

Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash both nodded in confirmation.

Catalina pulled out her pin and jotted down some final notes. “Well then I think I have seen enough to come up with a final decision. I just have to go over my notes a few times.” Catalina said as he horn started to glow with dark blue light, and in a flash the three of them were underneath Rainbow Dash’s house.

“Now if you two would please give me a few minutes to compile my notes and come up with a final decision.” Catalina said as she started flipping through her notes.

Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo gave each other a nervous look, and waited in anticipation for Catalina to make her final decision.

Meanwhile on the path to Rainbow Dash’s house

There was a rather large group of ponies trotting to congratulate their best friend for adopting Scootaloo. In the Lead was Fluttershy, and Rarity, followed closely by Rarity’s little sister Sweetie Belle. Next to her was her best friend and fellow cutie mark crusader Applebloom. Just behind them bringing up the rear were Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, and Applejack.

“Don’t you think it’s just wonderful what Rainbow Dash is doing for Scootaloo?” Fluttershy asked Rarity with a flutter of her wings as she cantered next to her.

“Why yes darling, I must agree it is very kind of Rainbow to be willing to adopt young Scootaloo.” Rarity responded with a big smile.

“Well after all the poor little filly has been through it’s the least she could do for her, I mean she is Rainbow Dash’s number one fan.” Twilight Sparkle interjected as she caught up to the two in the front of the group.

Rarity and Fluttershy both nodded in agreement, and the three continued down the path making small talk amongst themselves.

“This has to be like a dream come true for Scootaloo. I bet she’s super excited, what do you think Applebloom?” Sweetie Belle asked excitedly.

“Yap, ah reckon that’s exactly how she feels.” Applebloom agreed keeping pace with her friend.

Applejack smiled down at the files in front of her, then turned and looked at the massive wagon that Pinkie Pie was dragging along with her. “Do yah think yah got everthin’ that you need there Pinkie?” Applejack asked with a slight chuckle.

Pinkie Pie kept bouncing along the path seemingly with no effort as she thought about it. “Oh I sure hope so, I got the streams, games, fruit punch, sweets, pranks, and I even brought my party canon.” Pinkie Pie answered excitedly bouncing faster to try and catch up with the others.

Applejack picked up the pace as well just as they came over the last hill before Rainbow Dash’s house.

“Hey look there Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo, and it looks like there talking to somepony.” Sweetie Belle said as she got over the hill.

“That must be the Inspector that the Canterlot orphanage sent. Come on; let’s see what she has to say.” Twilight Sparkle said as she started to gallop toward them.

The rest of the group started after her catching up easily. When they were about thirty yards away from the three of them, they all slowed down to a trot right as the mare with the dark blue mane put down her clipboard and adjusted her glasses.

“Ms. Rainbow Dash, as much as it pains me to have to say this. Your request to adopt Scootaloo is denied.”

Author's Note:

Dun, Dun, Duh...Whats going to happen next, well you'll just have to wait for the next chapter and find out please commit and tell me what you think of the chapter and the story so far. Thank you for reading.