• Published 27th Jun 2020
  • 797 Views, 5 Comments

Sins of One's Past - smirker

Three mares come to Ponyville looking for Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Three mares walked into Ponyville and the others looked at them strangely, the earth pony led them with the unicorn to her right and the Pegasus to her left, they kept walking and stopped when they heard a party cannon go off as soon as they entered the town,

"Say hello to your 'Welcome to Pon...' huh?" Pinkie Pie said as she looked at the three, everypony looked at them strangely, the unicorn had a light blue coat just a little lighter than Trixie's, her mane and tail were long, dark yellow, and wavy, bangs across her forehead, and purple eyes, she was wearing a blue long-sleeve lace dress with flower patterns on it and a white long-sleeve dress under it, the dress was closed in front of her hind legs and went all the way down to her hoofs, and she had black high heel shoes on all four of her hoofs; the earth pony was as tall as Big Macintosh and wearing a dull gray suit of armor that covered her entire body and was covered in slashes, there were small holes in the helmet for her to see but too small for others to see her eyes, she had a sword sheathed on her left side and a kite shield on her back; the Pegasus had a bright green coat, a long straight light sky blue mane and tail, and yellow eyes, she was wearing a black leather tricorne with one corner facing forward and the other two corners in the back, she was also wearing a black leather waist-length coat with three gold buttons and gold trimmings around the button holes, the coat was open, she was also wearing a black vest with three black buttons to keep it closed, a white cravat that was tied to have three layers, a light brown leather belt with a gold buckle around her waist, white pants, and light brown mid-calf length leather boots on her hind legs, the earth pony was the tallest, the Pegasus was the shortest, and the unicorn was in between the two.

Pinkie Pie just looked on at them while the three just stood and looked back,

"Thank you, but we're here for Sunset Shimmer." the Pegasus said,

"Sunset Shimmer? What do you three want her for?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"I have a history with her." the unicorn replied,

"Truth be told, Sunset Shimmer kind of shamed our home." the earth pony added,

"As in?" Twilight Sparkle questioned,

"She injured me before a competition." the unicorn replied, the others just looked on,

"Okay, wait here, I'll go get her." Twilight Sparkle responded, and she trotted away. The three mares walked around Ponyville and looked at Pinkie Pie's party,

"Aren't you all going to try anything?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"We already had meals before we came here." the unicorn replied,

"Yeah, we're on strict diets, too." the Pegasus added,

"What do you mean you're on strict diets?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Exactly what they mean, we train at our home to be the best we can be in terms of fitness and combat." the earth pony explained,

"A little junk food and soft drinks never hurt." Pinkie Pie stated,

"Well, I guess I'll try a drink." the Pegasus said, and she took a ladle and tried the fruit punch,

"Not bad, but I prefer pineapple flavor." the Pegasus remarked,

"What about you two?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Watermelon." the earth pony replied,

"Grape." the unicorn replied,

"Sorry, but I don't have those flavors." Pinkie Pie stated,

"It's alright." the unicorn replied,

"Well, go on and meet the others, they're excited to have you here." Pinkie Pie said, and they walked away.

The three mares walked around and looked at the citizens of Ponyville while they waited for Sunset Shimmer, they heard trotting and saw Rarity coming,

"I really like that Pegasus' outfit, especially your hat, as for you, you really shouldn't wear a suit of armor in public, it is so unfashionable." Rarity stated,

"All earth ponies wear a suit of armor where we're from." the earth pony replied,

"What?!" Rarity exclaimed as she reeled up on her hind legs,

"What about my outfit?" the unicorn asked,

"Well, yours of kind of plain, I do like the flower patterns on your lace dress, though." Rarity responded,

"We'll come by and visit later, we wish to learn our way through this town." the Pegasus said,

"Of course, I'll be at my shop, I still really like your hat, though, darling." Rarity spoke,

"It's called a tricorne." the Pegasus replied,

"On my way now, enjoy Ponyville." Rarity said as she trotted away, the three mares continued walking.

Twilight Sparkle wrote in her journal and sent a message to Sunset Shimmer,

"Sunset Shimmer,

There are three mares in Ponyville looking for you, one's a unicorn, one's a Pegasus, and one's an earth pony, the unicorn said she has history with you and she and her friends are waiting for you, please come as soon as possible." Twilight Sparkle wrote, she walked around the mirror and waited for Sunset Shimmer to arrive.

Sunset Shimmer was at school and with her friends, she got a letter in journal and they read it,

"People who have a history with me? I wonder who that could be." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Any ideas, Sunset?" Applejack asked,

"No." Sunset Shimmer answered,

"I think it's best if you do go, Sunset." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"I agree, I'll go see what it is, see you guys later." Sunset Shimmer responded, and she walked out of the school and went to Equestria.

Twilight Sparkle continued walking around the mirror as she waited for Sunset Shimmer to arrive, the mirror flashed and Twilight Sparkle smiled as Sunset Shimmer came,

"Twilight!" Sunset Shimmer shouted happily, and the two hugged one another,

"Come on, the three mares here for you are outside." Twilight Sparkle said, and the two headed outside.

The three mares continued walking and looking around, they stopped walking when they saw Twilight Sparkle and Sunset Shimmer coming,

"Sorry I took a while, but here's Sunset Shimmer." Twilight Sparkle said, Sunset Shimmer walked forward and looked at the three,

"Um..." Sunset Shimmer said as she tried to remember them,

"You're supposed to focus on me, Sunset Shimmer." the unicorn said, Sunset Shimmer looked at her and tried to remember her,

"I don't recall ever meeting you." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"You don't remember me?" the unicorn asked,

"No, maybe you can jog my memory." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"My name's Arcana." the unicorn stated, Sunset Shimmer tried to remember,

"No, I still don't remember you." Sunset Shimmer spoke,

"Eighteen years ago, Canterlot, competing to be Princess Celestia's pupil." Arcana added,

"What?!" Twilight Sparkle exclaimed, Sunset Shimmer continued looking back,

"No, I still don't remember you." Sunset Shimmer remarked, Arcana held her hoof out,

"Touch my hoof, maybe you'll remember when you see my memories." Arcana stated, Sunset Shimmer touched her hoof and the memories entered her mind.

Sunset Shimmer saw the inside of Canterlot Castle, there were a lot of unicorns there with her, Princess Celestia walked to them,

"I am grateful you all came, but before I can choose my pupil, I need to see what you all can do." Princess Celestia stated, and the unicorns cheered. The vision changed and the unicorns all met one another and Sunset Shimmer introduced herself,

"Sunset Shimmer, which you all probably know by now." Sunset Shimmer boasted,

"Um, who?" Arcana asked while eating grapes,

"Sunset Shimmer, best magic user in Equestria?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"No, never heard of you." Arcana answered,

"Well, you all might as well give up now, because I know you all are going to lose to me." Sunset Shimmer bragged, Arcana just sat and listened to the others.

The vision changed and everypony did magic competitions, everypony did something different, Sunset Shimmer fused a tiger and a lion together to create a liger while Arcana made fire, water, rocks, and wind float around herself, everypony looked at Arcana with surprise, her magic aura were four different colors, red, blue, yellow, and green, Arcana won the contest while Sunset Shimmer got second place, she growled at the fact that she lost.

The vision changed and Sunset Shimmer and Arcana were the only two left before Princess Celestia would choose her pupil, the two had to do a project to impress her, Arcana was working late at night and working with unstable chemicals, Sunset Shimmer looked and saw Arcana was creating some kind of mixture, Sunset Shimmer smirked while she used her telekinesis to add a chemical to the bubbling chemical, it reacted violently and an explosion happened in Arcana's room and she screamed. Sunset Shimmer's vision changed and she saw Arcana being taken to the hospital the next morning, Princess Celestia was standing to her right,

"I know what you did last night, Sunset Shimmer, you're disqualified." Princess Celestia said,

"What?! Arcana wins?!" Sunset Shimmer bellowed,

"No, I'm going to look into your backgrounds and decide which one of you two will be my pupil when she recovers." Princess Celestia answered, and Sunset Shimmer glared as she looked on.

Sunset Shimmer's vision changed and she was standing to Princess Celestia's left,

"I have decided, Sunset Shimmer will be my pupil." Princess Celestia said,

"What... but, Princess Celestia..." Arcana begged,

"I'm sorry, Arcana, but you're just not what I'm looking for, head on home now." Princess Celestia replied, and Arcana walked home with her head down while Sunset Shimmer smirked at her.

The visions ended and Sunset Shimmer just looked on with bafflement at how she used to be,

"Wow, I was actually a lot worse than I thought." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"What are you talking about?" Arcana questioned,

"I learned friendship through Twilight and the humans in the other world, I have changed my ways." Sunset Shimmer answered, the unicorn and Pegasus glared,

"Do you think that means we're going to forgive you?" Arcana asked,

"Wait, we?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"You made our home's defenses a lot weaker when Arcana came back because of the injuries you inflicted on her." the Pegasus stated,

"I don't even know where you three are from." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"Dreaming Paradise, north of Canterlot." the earth pony replied,

"Alright, so, what exactly did you three want to see me for?" Sunset Shimmer inquired,

"I want a rematch with you, I haven't had the time because of how many threats we've had, but now that Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow have been stopped, I now have the chance to demand a rematch." Arcana replied,

"Come on, Robin, let's stand back, this is Arcana's fight." the earth pony said, and she and Robin moved back.

Sunset Shimmer and Arcana watched one another while the other ponies stood back, Sunset Shimmer sweated as she recalled the spells Arcana could cast. Sunset Shimmer shot a beam at her and Arcana put up a shield that deflected her beams back at her,

"What in tarnation?" Applejack exclaimed,

"What is it, AJ?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Look at Arcana's magic aura." Applejack replied, they did and the ponies gasped when they saw Arcana's magic aura was red, blue, yellow, and green,

"Four magic auras?" Twilight Sparkle asked, Arcana put the shield down and cast another spell that made vines grow out of the ground and wrapped themselves around Sunset Shimmer. She grunted as she tried to break free, she saw Arcana cast another spell, it made two brown rocks come out of the ground at Sunset Shimmer's sides, they were about to collide into one another and smash her in between them, she cast a teleporting spell the two rocks hit her. Sunset Shimmer reappeared and shot a red beam out of her horn at Arcana, she shot a beam out of her horn and the two entered a deadlock, the ponies gasped when they saw Arcana's magic beam was four times bigger than an average unicorn's, Arcana overpowered Sunset Shimmer extremely easily and she screamed when she got hit by Arcana's magic beam, the red aura set her on fire and burned her, the blue aura filled her body with water, the yellow aura sent rocks flying into her, and the green aura sent gusts of wind that cut her.

Sunset Shimmer fell onto the ground and panted, she quickly got back up and focused, Arcana cast another spell and water came out of the ground, it formed a sphere around Sunset Shimmer and she began to struggle for breath,

"Arcana, stop!" Twilight Sparkle demanded,

"This is between me and her." Arcana remarked coldly, Twilight Sparkle became speechless while Sunset Shimmer teleported out of the water and reappeared behind her. She shot a beam at Arcana and she grunted and fell when she was hit on the back of her head, she teleported away and Sunset Shimmer looked for her. Arcana appeared on a roof and Sunset Shimmer spotted her, Arcana made four rocks appear and float around her, she cast another spell on them to make the rocks catch on fire and turn into meteors, she shot them forward and the residents screamed as they moved and teleported away while the meteors left craters in the ground, Arcana cast another spell to make the meteors explode.

Sunset Shimmer reappeared while panting, she saw Arcana cast another spell, vines wrapped around her again. She cast a spell and made a boulder appear above Sunset Shimmer, it fell and she grunted as she got smashed into the ground. Sunset Shimmer cast a spell weakly and teleported elsewhere, she panted as she recovered, she sighed as her energy came back, she teleported back to where Arcana was at.

Arcana made the boulder disappear and the vines go back into the ground with her magic, she noticed Sunset Shimmer was not there, she looked around for her and she appeared behind her and bucked her, Arcana grunted loudly as she fell off the roof. Sunset Shimmer jumped down and walked to her,

"Now, if I remember correctly, you never were good at physical activity, Arcana." Sunset Shimmer remarked, Arcana quickly shot a beam at her, Sunset Shimmer yelped as she just barely dodged it, the beam hit a tree and it turned orange, it compressed into nothingness and exploded. The ponies became speechless at seeing the spell while Arcana cast a healing spell on herself and stood up, she began to cast another spell and a purple haze appeared around her horn, her eyes glowed green with purple mists coming out of them. Dark crystals began to come out of the ground,

"What?! She has dark magic, too?!" Rainbow Dash asked, Arcana made the dark crystals shatter and float around her, she shot them at Sunset Shimmer with her magic. The dark crystals homed on her while she teleported around to dodge them, the dark crystals shattered whenever they hit something, Sunset Shimmer kept teleporting until all of the dark crystal shards shattered.

Sunset Shimmer teleported to Arcana and bucked her from behind, she grunted as she fell, she got back up and got ready to cast another spell while Sunset Shimmer was ready to block it. A yellow aura appeared on the two and their spells were canceled out,

"Enough. Both of you." Princess Celestia said from the skies, she flew down and walked to them,

"Arcana, I choose my pupil over their potential to learn friendship, not by raw power or the potential to have strong magic." Princess Celestia explained,

"I just wanted a rematch after all of these years after Sunset Shimmer got me sent to the hospital." Arcana responded,

"Is that the only reason why you're here?" Princess Celestia questioned,

"Uh..." Arcana said,

"Come on, Arcana, is there another reason why you're attacking Sunset Shimmer, if there is, spit it out." Princess Celestia requested,

"*sigh* Revenge." Arcana replied, the ponies became speechless,

"Arcana, I promise you Sunset Shimmer has changed her ways." Princess Celestia assured,

"That doesn't mean me and my home town forgive her." Arcana responded as her glare sharpened and tried to keep herself calm and composed,

"I'm ready to make amends if I have to prove it to you, Arcana." Sunset Shimmer stated,

"Alright, I'll give you a chance, but if you're faking it, Paladin, Robin, and I will beat you up for wasting our time." Arcana declared,

"I promise you she is sincere, Arcana. Sunset, you can start showing by helping others here in Ponyville." Princess Celestia said, and she flew away,

"There's a house you three can stay at, I think you three will like it here in Ponyville." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Um, Paladin, can you take your helmet off? Your armor's kind of scaring me." Fluttershy requested, Paladin did, everypony saw she had a bright red coat, a long straight orange mane, pink eyes, and two scars on her left eye,

"Can you take us to the home? It's getting a little late." Robin said,

"Sure, this way." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she led them.

Twilight Sparkle went to the vacant house and Paladin, Arcana, and Robin entered it,

"Here you three go, if you all need anything, let me know, and I'll make it appear with my magic." Twilight Sparkle stated,

"It's alright, I can do it with my own magic." Arcana responded,

"Oh, alright, I'll be going, then." Twilight Sparkle said, and she trotted back home while Arcana made things appear for herself and her two friends, she made books appear for herself, gym equipment for Paladin, and weapons for Robin, and an amulet for all three of themselves, they were silver with chains that were also silver, the only difference between them were the jewels in them, Paladin's amulet had a red ruby, Arcana's had a dark blue sapphire, and Robin's had a dark green jade,

"Come on, you two, it's almost dark, we need to get ready for morning training." Paladin said, and the three went to sleep.

Morning came and Paladin, Arcana, and Robin had breakfast, Paladin ate watermelons, Arcana ate grapes, and Robin ate pineapples, the three headed outside and began morning training. The citizens of Ponyville got on with their days but stopped when they saw the three, Paladin was doing clap push-ups while wearing her suit of armor, Arcana was meditating while floating in the air, and Robin was jumping on sticks while doing somersaults and flips in the air. Paladin and Robin stopped training while Arcana opened her eyes, they saw the ponies watching them,

"Can we help you guys?" Robin asked, the ponies continued watching them,

"I guess they're here to watch us." Paladin stated,

"Well, won't do any harm, let's continue." Arcana replied, and they continued training. Paladin began doing one-hoofed push-ups while Arcana and Robin continued their training as before, Paladin soon began doing crunches and Rainbow Dash joined her, the two exercised together and Rainbow Dash panted and rested after doing the fifteenth crunch, Paladin chuckled and continued and finished after doing her fiftieth one. Paladin began doing pull-ups and Rainbow Dash went to go join her,

"One hoof, Rainbow Dash." Paladin said, and Rainbow Dash could not do a one hoofed pull-up while Paladin did them effortlessly, she switched to her other front hoof after doing ten and jumped down after doing ten with that hoof,

"Phew, alright, done." Paladin stated, and she walked into the house. Robin did more jumps and flips in the air and Applejack joined her, she fell off the sticks while Robin landed on them perfectly,

"Not yet, Applejack, wait until I finish." Robin said, and she did more flips and acrobats and finished, Applejack tried and fell on the ground every time. Arcana meditated and she opened her eyes when she heard walking, she saw Sunset Shimmer in front of herself,

"I didn't think you were an early bird, well, I'm ready to start." Sunset Shimmer said,

"I'm not done with my training." Arcana spoke,

"Can I join?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"I remember you well, Sunset, you're not one to take in mental training." Arcana replied,

"I just wanna try it for once." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"Alright, sit beside me." Arcana said, and Sunset Shimmer did. Sunset Shimmer tried to meditate and did not float in the air, she opened her eyes after a few minutes,

"Okay, this is boring." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"You never were one for mental pursuits." Arcana said, and Sunset Shimmer walked away. The three finished training and got ready to get on with their days,

"Alright, Sunset, I'm ready to see if you've changed." Arcana spoke,

"This way." Sunset Shimmer replied, and she led her.

Fluttershy was tending to her animals and she heard walking, she looked and saw Sunset Shimmer and Arcana coming. She flew down and trotted to them,

"Hello there, are you two looking for a pet?" Fluttershy asked,

"Thanks, Fluttershy, but I already have a pet gecko back at home." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"How about you, Arcana, would you like a pet?" Fluttershy asked,

"I already have five pets." Arcana replied,

"Five? It must be a lot of work taking care of them." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"Not really, they're mystical animals, I summon them with my magic." Arcana responded,

"Please, I would like to see them." Fluttershy stated, and Arcana floated up and her horn glowed, her five pets appeared. Fluttershy gasped when she looked at her pets, a yellow dragon appeared in front of Arcana, a white tiger appeared to her right, a blue-green dragon to her left, a black tortoise above her, and a red bird under her, they were all transparent. The two looked at Arcana with shock while she floated down and walked forward, the five animals followed her,

"Their names are easy to remember, Yellow Dragon, White Tiger, Azure Dragon, Black Tortoise, and Vermilion Bird." Arcana stated,

"Which one is the leader?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Yellow Dragon." Arcana replied,

"Um... hi." Fluttershy said while trembling, Yellow Dragon, Azure Dragon, and White Tiger roared at her while Black Tortoise growled and Vermilion Bird cawed angrily, Fluttershy whimpered and ran back while Sunset Shimmer put her behind herself, she looked and saw dirt, plants, and trees appear around Yellow Dragon, wind, leaves, and metal appeared around White Tiger, flowers and wood appeared around Azure Dragon, water and snow appeared around Black Tortoise, and fire and sun rays appeared around Vermilion Bird,

"Sorry about that, they don't like weak willed people." Arcana stated; running was heard and Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Applejack arrived,

"We heard the noises all the way in Ponyville, is everything alright?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It's Arcana's pets, they don't like Fluttershy." Sunset Shimmer replied, they looked and saw them,

"Are those pet dragons?" Rainbow Dash asked excitedly,

"Yeah, why?" Arcana asked,

"That is awesome!" Rainbow Dash claimed,

"I can tell by just looking at them they're not ordinary animals, what are they?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"They are the rulers of the astral plane, they all control elements and seasons. Azure Dragon rules the eastern section of the astral plane, he controls the spring season and wood, Vermilion Bird rules the south, he controls the summer season and fire, White Tiger rules the west, he controls the autumn season and metal, Black Tortoise rules the north, she controls the winter season and water, and Yellow Dragon resides in the center of the astral plane, he makes the seasons change and controls the earth itself, he is the supreme ruler of the astral plane." Arcana explained,

"So, why do you have control over 'em for?" Applejack asked,

"I have proven myself powerful enough and worthy to wield their powers, they give me their powers when I summon them, but don't think it's completely cool, they are still more powerful than I am, if they don't like me or deem me no longer worthy, they will leave and I can no longer wield their powers." Arcana explained,

"Why haven't they come to me for?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Have you ever been to or seen the astral plane?" Arcana asked,

"No, I've never heard of it." Twilight Sparkle answered,

"See, there you go, you need to let those five know that you know they exist before they come to you." Arcana stated,

"I'm sure I have a spell to get into the astral plane." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"No, you can't enter that way, you have to meditate if you want to enter it." Arcana replied,

"How long will that take?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It depends on how focused you are." Arcana responded,

"Well, I’ll begin tending to the animals now." Sunset Shimmer said, and she walked around the sanctuary.

Sunset Shimmer began cleaning and feeding the animals while Fluttershy helped her and taught her what the animals can and cannot eat, Arcana went over to help while her five pets disappeared,

"Wow, Arcana, I didn't know you knew what to give animals without being told." Fluttershy stated,

"I've always had a soft spot for animals, Paladin and Robin, too." Arcana responded,

"Still, astral plane, that sounds familiar." Sunset Shimmer said,

"You must be referring to the unicorn ruler of my home, his name is Astral Plane, I talked about him a few times when you and I were rivals." Arcana answered, Sunset Shimmer continued to look back,

"Yeah, that sounds right." Sunset Shimmer said, and they finished taking care of the animals,

"Thank you two so much, running the sanctuary on its own is a lot of work." Fluttershy said,

"You're welcome." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Well, Sunset, I'm ready to see the next task for you to do." Arcana stated, and she led her.

Sunset Shimmer led Arcana to Applejack's farm and they saw Paladin and Robin there, Paladin did not have her helmet with her,

"You two been hanging out here the whole time?" Arcana asked,

"No, we've been exploring Ponyville." Paladin replied,

"Yeah, Paladin and I just got here, too." Robin added,

"I just came from Fluttershy's sanctuary, where have you two been?" Arcana asked,

"I was just walking around and looking for a royal guard base, there apparently isn't one in this town." Paladin answered,

"I was at Pinkie's store to see if she had any fruits, she didn't." Robin said,

"Before I start helping here, I've been wondering, is there a leader between you three?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"I'm the leader." Paladin replied,

"Is there a reason?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"I'm the oldest." Paladin answered,

"Oh, you three look to be around the same age." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"We are, Paladin's the oldest, Robin's the youngest, and I'm in the middle." Arcana replied,

"It was just you that was going to come see me, right, Arcana?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Yes." Arcana replied,

"Then, why did these two come along?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Backup, your arrogance and temper are well known throughout our home, we came along in case you would attack Arcana on sight." Robin replied, Sunset Shimmer blushed with embarrassment at remembering her past self,

"I'm... going to help Applejack on her farm now." Sunset Shimmer said, and she trotted to the farm.

Sunset Shimmer began plowing the field and moved slowly with the heavy plower on her back, she moved it with her magic when she ran out of breath,

"What are you thinking of her so far, Arcana?" Robin asked,

"Looks like she did have a change of heart, but I'm still keeping my guard up in case she's faking it." Arcana replied,

"Don't forget that the damage she caused to you cannot be undone." Paladin remarked,

"Yeah, I've kept that in mind, too." Arcana replied, and the three watched Sunset Shimmer plow the field. She grunted as she pulled the plower forward, she felt a push from the back, she looked and saw Paladin moving the plower forward, they finished while Arcana used her magic to plant the seeds and Robin watered the fields. The four stood and looked while Applejack walked to them,

"Thank y'all, Ah can always use more help on the farm." Applejack said,

"You're welcome." Robin replied,

"Well, feel free to look around, be careful not to step on the plants." Applejack stated, and she walked away.

Paladin walked around and examined the farm,

"Hmm, this place could be made into a training ground." Paladin remarked,

"What do ya have in mind, Paladin?" Apple Bloom asked as she walked over,

"Well, this place is perfect for running, I can probably use some of this stuff as makeshift weights to lift, too." Paladin replied,

"I can practice my flexibility and acrobats here." Robin added,

"How about you, Arcana?" Apple Bloom asked,

"I can practice my magic here." Arcana replied,

"Wow, y'all three sound busy." Apple Bloom remarked,

"We are, ponies of Dreaming Paradise start training at the age of four and train for life." Paladin replied,

"Well, feel free and look around, I think y'all three will like Sweet Apple Acres." Apple Bloom said, and she began to walk away, Robin grabbed Apple Bloom's bow and pulled it out of her mane without her noticing. Paladin began moving objects on the field with her hoofs while Arcana made crops grow and changed animals into different animals, and Robin sneaked around the farm, she sneaked behind Applejack and reached for her hat gently and took it, she sneaked to a working Big Macintosh and touched the bottom of his collar, he moved his head around and the collar came off and Robin took it and flew around.

Sunset Shimmer tended to the animals and saw Robin with Apple Bloom's bow, Applejack's hat, and Big Macintosh's collar,

"Robin, what are you..." Sunset Shimmer questioned shortly before Robin shushed her,

"Um, Big Mac, yer collar is gone." Apple Bloom said, Big Macintosh felt his own neck and noticed his collar was not there,

"Same for you, Apple Bloom, yer bow's missin', too." Applejack added,

"Huh?" Apple Bloom exclaimed, she felt the back of her own head,

"Where is mah bow?" Apple Bloom asked, Big Macintosh pointed at Applejack and felt the back of his own head,

"You sayin' mah hat is gone?" Applejack asked,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied, Applejack felt the back of her own head,

"Where'd mah hat go?" Applejack questioned, Robin whistled to get their attention. The Apple family looked and saw Robin with their things,

"Come back here!" Applejack demanded, and they chased Robin as she ran away.

Robin ran through Sweet Apple Acres while the Apple family chased her, she saw a wooden fence up ahead, she jumped onto the fence and jumped into the air, she did a back flip and landed on the fence on the other side, she jumped off and ran again. The Apple family chased her while she continued to run away with their things, they ran through the cornfield and went to the back, Robin jumped and landed on the brim of a big bucket full of grapes, she jumped and landed on the other side of the brim, she jumped again and landed on the brim of a second bucket, she jumped again and landed on the other side of the brim. She looked down and saw the Apple family waiting for her, she jumped again and did a back flip while in midair and landed on the barn's roof,

"Hey! We just cleaned that roof this mornin'!" Applejack shouted, Robin ran across the roof and jumped and landed on the roof of the chicken coop. Robin stopped and looked around, she got ready to jump onto the white fence in front of her when a lasso wrapped around her hind right hoof. Robin jumped and Applejack pulled her back, she dropped the bow, hat, and horse collar and landed on her front hoofs, she threw her own body forward,

"Whoa!" Applejack yelled as she flew through the air and fell on the soil past the fence. The Apple family took their things back while Applejack took the lasso off of Robin's hoof, Apple Bloom put her bow back on, Applejack put her hat back on, and Big Macintosh put his collar back on, Granny Smith walked to Robin while she watched the three,

"Now what were ya thinkin', takin' mah grandkids stuff like that." Granny Smith fumed,

"Training, Dreaming Paradise teaches its Pegasi how to pickpocket and do parkour and freerunning." Robin replied,

"Well, don't take our stuff, and be careful you don't knock anythin' down when you do them jumps and flips." Granny Smith said, and she walked away. The Apple family walked to her and glared at her,

"What is with ya takin' our stuff like that?" Applejack questioned,

"It's a part of my training." Robin replied,

"Well, don't pickpocket others, this hat of mine is a remembrance to mah dad." Applejack said,

"Really? That's a pretty plain looking hat, it's not exotic looking like mine." Robin stated,

"It still means a lot to me." Applejack replied,

"Alright, I get it, sorry." Robin said, and she went back to running and jumping around Sweet Apple Acres.

Paladin walked forward and went to the Apple family,

"Which one of you four is the strongest?" Paladin asked,

"Why you ask?" Apple Bloom asked,

"I want to test my own physical strength." Paladin replied,

"Well, both Big Mac and I are strong." Applejack responded,

"Really? I'd like to hoof-wrestle you two, then." Paladin said while smiling,

"Yer on!" Applejack declared, and Big Macintosh set up the wrestling booth. Paladin and Applejack stood across from one another,

"On yer marks." Granny Smith said, Paladin and Applejack put their front right hoofs on the wooden table,

"Get set." Granny Smith said, the two grabbed one another's hoofs,

"Go!" Granny Smith said, and the two wrestled, Applejack grunted as she tried to move Paladin's hoof, Paladin moved Applejack's hoof and won easily,

"Whoa, you are strong." Applejack said,

"We're not done, yet." Paladin replied,

"What?" Applejack asked, Paladin put her front left hoof on the table,

"Your other hoof." Paladin stated,

"Um... mah front left hoof is weaker than mah front right hoof." Applejack remarked,

"It's alright, there's always room for you to improve." Paladin replied, Applejack smiled and put her front left hoof on the table,

"On yer marks." Granny Smith said, the two focused,

"Get set." Granny Smith said, the two grabbed each other's hoofs,

"Go!" Granny Smith said, and the two wrestled, Paladin won in a few seconds,

"Hmm, it feels like you don't train with this hoof as you do with the other one." Paladin mentioned,

"As Ah said, mah left hoof is weaker than mah right." Applejack replied,

"Well, you didn't do too bad. Come on, big guy, your turn." Paladin said, and Big Macintosh went to her while Applejack walked back,

"Are you the stronger one between you and your sister?" Paladin asked,

"Eeyup." Big Macintosh replied,

"Good, I hope you will provide me a worthy challenge." Paladin stated, Big Macintosh smiled, the two grabbed each other's front right hoofs,

"On yer marks. Get set. Go!" Granny Smith declared, the two wrestled while Apple Bloom and Applejack cheered Big Macintosh on. The two were at a stalemate at the moment shortly before Paladin moved Big Macintosh's hoof a little, she began to move his hoof more as he ran out of energy and won,

"Pretty good, your other hoof now." Paladin stated, and they grabbed each other's front left hoofs,

"On yer marks. Get set. Go!" Granny Smith declared, the two wrestled and they were at a stalemate again, Big Macintosh ran out of energy faster with that hoof and Paladin won again,

"Hmm, you have the strength, but you lack the stamina, maybe some proper training will be able to put you on equal grounds with me, good job, both you and your sister." Paladin responded, Applejack and Big Macintosh smiled,

"Come on, Paladin, it's time for afternoon training, let's go back." Arcana said,

"We're going to need a sparing partner." Robin stated,

"I'll do it." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Really? You never agreed to help anyone back when we were rivals." Arcana reminded her,

"Well, I am now." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Come on, then, let's go back to our temporary residence." Robin said, and Sunset Shimmer followed the three to where were staying.