• Published 27th Jun 2020
  • 797 Views, 5 Comments

Sins of One's Past - smirker

Three mares come to Ponyville looking for Sunset Shimmer.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Sunset Shimmer and her friends stayed in Robin's home while she made a medicine potion with plants and made Twilight Sparkle drink it,

"She'll be fine soon, the medicine should start working in a few minutes." Robin stated,

"What are those amulets?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"They are sacred treasures of Dreaming Paradise, one for each pony type, they are given to the best combatants of our home for each generation, no random person can be chosen, the pony has to be highly trained as well, since the power of the amulets can destroy someone who has no training or experience if they try to use it." Robin explained,

"Who were the previous users?" Pinkie Pie asked,

"Our rulers, Master Nocturne used my amulet last generation, he, Commander Lionheart, and Archmage Astral Plane don't use them anymore because they've grown too old." Robin replied,

"I must say, Robin, these amulets don't look very valuable." Rarity remarked as she examined them,

"They're not, they're made from cheap low-quality silver and jewelry, you won't get much money if you try to sell them." Robin replied,

"I assume you all have a reason." Discord remarked,

"We do, it's because Dreaming Paradise doesn't value money or bits, we value weapons, armor, or an artifact's power, we only take money so we can use it outside of this place." Robin replied, the others became speechless and Twilight Sparkle groaned and stood up,

"Ya alright, Twilight?" Applejack asked,

"Yeah, I feel much better." Twilight Sparkle replied, and she stretched her legs a bit,

"I still can't believe I didn't remember Arcana, she was my biggest rival when I tried to be Princess Celestia's student." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Hey, it happens, I can't remember all of my rivals, either." Robin replied,

"What about your friends?" Sunset Shimmer asked, Robin shrugged,

"Well, I guess we'll head on out now." Sunset Shimmer stated,

“Wait, before we go, one question, what if somebody tries to use all three amulets at once, what will happen?” Twilight Sparkle questioned,

“The amulets will kill them, wielding all three at once is too powerful for anyone to handle.” Robin explained,

“Alright, that’s all I wanted to ask, let’s go, everypony.” Twilight Sparkle said, and she and her friends left.

Sunset Shimmer and her friends headed outside and saw the ponies getting ready to relax for the evening,

"Ooh, now's my chance." Pinkie Pie stated, and she dashed away, her party cannon was heard and confetti fell, everybody looked and saw her throw a party,

"Time for your 'Equestria and Dreaming Paradise Become Friends' party! Whoo-hoo!" Pinkie Pie hollered, the residents shrugged and just walked over. The ponies and Spike partied and they all looked and saw all of the food were fruits and vegetables, they all tried them and saw Pinkie Pie had weapons to use for games and target practice for unicorns, they tried and smiled at what they did,

"I didn't think you'd actually pull off a party here, you really outdone yourself, Pinkie." Twilight Sparkle said,

"Ah, don't mention it, it was easy." Pinkie Pie replied, and they partied. Sunset Shimmer tried the fruits and did target practice with her magic, she stopped for a brief minute and wondered what her punishment was going to be since the end of the day was near, she resumed doing target practice and celebrated by jumping up and down when she won the round.

Starlight Glimmer trotted around and looked for Arcana, she looked and saw her standing around and watching,

"Excuse me, Arcana." Starlight Glimmer stated as she trotted to her, Arcana faced her,

"I was wondering, did you have any future plans after becoming Princess Celestia's pupil if you did?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Not really, I was just going to learn more magic and keep practicing to make my own stronger." Arcana replied,

"Oh, so, what did you think about Princess Celestia sending Twilight to Ponyville to make friends to defeat Nightmare Moon?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"I'll admit that I did not foresee her making that decision, it did make me wonder if I wasn't suited to become her pupil after all." Arcana answered,

"Yeah, maybe not, knowing you, you probably would've tried to obliterate her." Starlight Glimmer stated,

"I would, even though Princess Celestia would have been upset if I did do that." Arcana replied,

"You would try to destroy Nightmare Moon even though she was Princess Celestia's sister?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"Still an enemy, family or not." Arcana shot back, Starlight Glimmer became speechless,

"Yeah, you definitely wouldn't qualify to be Princess Celestia's pupil with that way of thinking." Starlight Glimmer said,

"Princess Celestia was different back then, too, she was a bit irritable and had no patience with jokes." Arcana replied,

"Wow, Princess Celestia jokes all the time now." Starlight Glimmer remarked,

"I heard, but tell me, is Twilight Sparkle just like Princess Celestia in being a teacher?" Arcana questioned,

"Well, Twilight has me mostly read books and she goes off to solve friendship problems, so a bit of yes and no." Starlight Glimmer replied,

"I see, I've also been wondering, do you still hold a grudge against her and her friends from before you joined her?" Arcana asked,

"Well, I do a bit, it's mostly behind us, but deep down, I still do feel a bit of anger at them for destroying my old town where everypony was equal." Starlight Glimmer replied,

"That's normal, I'm sure if you ask Princess Celestia about Sunset Shimmer demanding to be an alicorn and running off, she might still be mad about it." Arcana stated,

"Well, we never talked about that, but who knows, you could be right." Starlight Glimmer replied,

"Well, it's just a suggestion, I'll be here if you wish to see me again, try to enjoy the party while it lasts." Arcana said,

"Alright, you too." Starlight Glimmer replied, and she trotted away.

Rarity was designing new armor for the earth ponies and used her magic to shape the metal, she made a shiny light pink suit of armor with light blue jewels embedded in it, the helmet had a blue plume on it, and pictures of flowers and animals carved on the armor. She finished and trotted to the earth ponies,

"Here you go, darlings, a new suit of armor idea for you all." Rarity said, Paladin walked forward and looked at it,

"What is this supposed to be?" Paladin asked,

"Why, your new armor, darling." Rarity replied,

"We can't wear that in battle." Paladin responded,

"What? But it is all shiny and glamorous." Rarity remarked,

"Rarity, shining armor is too thin and gets penetrated easily, the feathers on the helmet are unnecessary, those jewels embedded in the armor adds unnecessary weight, and those art carvings only make the armor weaker in certain areas." Paladin explained,

"I bet you're only saying that because you never bothered to test it." Rarity retorted, Paladin took out her sword and slashed right through the helmet easily, Rarity's jaw dropped,

"See, there you go, you want weapons to bounce off of your armor, not go through it." Paladin explained,

"But your armor is all covered in scratches and slash marks, and it looks so dull." Rarity replied,

"If you want to make armor, then I suggest you make the dull armor like mine and then paint it if you want it to look pretty." Paladin said,

"Paint it, you say? I think I can do that." Rarity replied, and she trotted away while carrying the armor she made.

The party ended and Sunset Shimmer saw the sun setting, she walked around and saw everybody going back into their homes,

"Sunset Shimmer." Arcana said from behind, she turned around and saw her,

"It's time for your punishment." Arcana said, and they walked together. She arrived into the unicorn area of Dreaming Paradise, magic restraints were put on her hoofs and horn,

"Now then, let us begin." Archmage Astral Plane said as he walked to her, and he connected her to a gauge,

"What is that?" Sunset Shimmer questioned,

"A pain meter." Arcana replied,

"Pain meter?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"This is your punishment, Sunset Shimmer, you really hurt Arcana when you messed with her experiment, you will now experience the exact same amount of pain you inflicted on her." Archmage Astral Plane announced, and he and the unicorns shot beams at her and she screamed, the meter on the gauge went up,

"Stop this!" Twilight Sparkle hollered as she ran to them,

"It's alright, Twilight, I have to do this." Sunset Shimmer replied, and the unicorns shot more beams at her and she screamed while the gauge went up more,

"Please stop!" Twilight Sparkle begged, Arcana moved her aside with her telekinesis and she yelled as she was put aside,

"Stay out of this, Twilight, this is between us and her.” Arcana said, and she and the others shot more big beams at her and Sunset Shimmer screamed,

"Please! Stop!" Twilight Sparkle begged, the unicorns shot Sunset Shimmer again and she screamed, she panted while the pain meter went up more,

"A little more." Arcana said, and she and the other unicorns shot more beams at her while Sunset Shimmer screamed louder, she fell to her knees and the unicorns shot more beams at her, she screamed more and panted, they shot more beams and Sunset Shimmer screamed and fainted, they looked at the pain meter,

"Well, Arcana?" Archmage Astral Plane asked,

"One more." Arcana replied, and they shot more beams at her and she screamed and nearly lost consciousness.

Sunset Shimmer panted while Princess Celestia flew and landed to check on her,

"You now feel the exact same amount of pain you inflicted on me when you sent me to the hospital, I hope you now understand how I felt." Arcana said, she continued to pant and Princess Celestia walked to her,

"Are you happy with yourself, Arcana?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Kind of." Arcana replied,

"Well, I'm disappointed in you, you were unable to let go of your anger and truly forgive Sunset." Princess Celestia stated,

"Sending me to the hospital and nearly killing me is something I can't forgive so easily, Princess Celestia." Arcana replied,

"I understand, Arcana, but you not forgiving Sunset has made you unqualified to be my pupil, along with wanting to make your magic stronger instead of making friends." Princess Celestia responded,

"Even though I could've obliterated most of the threats in Equestria?" Arcana asked,

"That is not the point, we have to be friendly and welcoming so other creatures can trust us and won't fear us, it comes with us being the most powerful nation in the world." Princess Celestia explained,

"Try telling that to Queen Chrysalis." Arcana retorted,

"I already turned her to stone." Princess Celestia replied,

"Stone's not enough, you should've killed her." Arcana retorted, Princess Celestia exclaimed while her jaw dropped,

"You shouldn't mention something like that, Arcana, doing so will lower Equestria's defenses." Princess Celestia said,

"Really? I still think it's best we kill her in case she or her loyalists break her out of the stone." Arcana replied,

"No, I am not going through with it, plus, doing that will make other creatures lose their trust in us." Princess Celestia said, Arcana exhaled a little sharply,

"Anyway, I want you to think about your actions and how you hurt Sunset." Princess Celestia said,

"And she gets off scot-free for nearly killing me?" Arcana asked,

"Sunset Shimmer already had her punishment, she lost her chance to become a princess, alongside her friends when she was in the other world, she was humiliated, too." Princess Celestia answered,

"Wait, you mean she already went through all of that?" Arcana asked, Princess Celestia nodded,

"I was not informed of that." Arcana stated,

"Well, this place is mostly cut off from the rest of the world, people don't come here often, but yes, Sunset Shimmer already did her punishment." Princess Celestia replied,

"I'm also battling magic threats in the world I'm staying at, as well." Sunset Shimmer added weakly,

"Hmm, I see, well, your punishment's done, Sunset, you and your friends may take their leaves." Arcana said, and Princess Celestia flew away,

"What are you going to do?" Sweetie Belle asked,

"I'm going to stay here and keep living my life." Arcana replied,

"Can we visit?" Apple Bloom asked,

"Of course, this place is open to outsiders." Arcana replied, and they all began to go home,

"Wait, Arcana." Sunset Shimmer spoke as she got up and ran to her,

"I would like to see what you were making for your experiment before I sent you to the hospital." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Why?" Arcana asked,

"I wanna see what you were making, I'll help you complete it." Sunset Shimmer replied, Arcana thought about it,

"Alright, let's go to Canterlot." Arcana said, and they teleported there.

Sunset Shimmer and Arcana arrived in Canterlot and Arcana walked to where she did her magic while Sunset Shimmer followed her, she began to have flashbacks of when she was competing with other unicorns, she remembered the fights that broke out and other unicorns sabotaging their rivals' projects,

"It's all coming back to me now." Sunset Shimmer said,

"I'm not surprised, a lot has happened in our time here." Arcana replied, and they kept walking. The two arrived in Arcana's former dormitory and she saw everything was gone,

"Hold on a minute, I'll get the supplies." Arcana stated,

"No, I wanna do it with you." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Alright, I'll write down what we need." Arcana responded, and she got a paper and pencil and wrote down the supplies she needed with her telekinesis and gave it to Sunset Shimmer,

"Here, I'll get the ingredients." Arcana said, and the two went their separate ways.

Sunset Shimmer looked at the list and got several flasks, beakers, and test tubes, she carried them with her telekinesis and went back to Arcana's room, she arrived back with a match, a beaker full of water, a gray rock, a fan, a log, a sheet of metal, and an urn,

"Good, you've brought more than enough, let's begin." Arcana said, and she put her seven ingredients in the beakers and she lit the match with her magic, she cast a spell and they all melted into liquids, the match became red liquid, the beaker with water became blue liquid, the rock became yellow liquid, the fan became green liquid, the log became brown liquid, the sheet of metal became silver liquid, and the urn became light blue liquid, she then put them all in test tubes with her telekinesis and thick white smoke came out of each liquid,

"There, it's ready, we have to be careful, the experiment is to put them all together into one liquid and activate them with a spell, the amount has to be just right, being off by just one milliliter will create an unintended effect, too little, the chemicals won't react, too much, they will explode, that goes for every single one, that's how unstable they are." Arcana explained,

"You need help with it?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"No, I think it's best you let me do this part, since I know what I'm doing." Arcana replied, and she added the seven chemicals into an empty test tube very carefully, she finished and a lot of white smoke came out of it. Sunset Shimmer gagged from the smell,

"It stinks!" Sunset Shimmer hollered,

"It'll be gone soon." Arcana responded, and it disappeared while Sunset Shimmer sighed with relief,

"Well, let's go." Arcana said, and they trotted while Arcana carried the test tube with her magic.

Princess Celestia was in her throne room and standing while she waited for the day to end, the doors opened and she saw Sunset Shimmer and Arcana walk forward,

"Good evening, Princess Celestia, I hope you're not too upset with me." Arcana said,

"Not at all, Arcana, I was just explaining how things work in the country. What brings you here?" Princess Celestia asked,

"Sunset Shimmer helped me with the project I was going to show you before she sent me to the hospital." Arcana replied,

"Oh, go ahead and perform it, I have wondered for years what you were making." Princess Celestia responded,

"Stand back, Sunset, this is going to be pretty big." Arcana said, and she did. Arcana cast her magic to draw a big pentagram around herself, she laid the test tube in the center,

"Rin pyo toh sha kai jin retsu zai zen." Arcana chanted as her voice echoed, and she shot a zap at the test tube and shattered it. The seven liquids flowed around the outline of the pentagram and fire, water, earth, air, wood, and metal floated around her while light blue flames and ghosts floated above her. The seven elements combined and Black Tortoise, Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, and Yellow Dragon appeared above her, trees grew out of the floor and they changed forms, going from cherry blossoms to trees with falling leaves to palm trees to dead trees and then back to cherry blossoms, flowers also grew on the floor and moved around in a counterclockwise circle with everything else, wildfire, a tsunami, shifting rocks, and a tornado formed around Arcana and moved around with everything else while wood and metal formed around them, the ghosts floated around the wood and metal afterwards. The five animals moved around in counterclockwise circles and used their powers to move everything, they finished and Princess Celestia's jaw dropped at what she saw, fire, water, rocks, and a tornado were around Arcana, wood and metal were around them, light blue flames floated around the wood and metal, dead trees and snow were in front of Arcana, palm trees and beach sand were behind her, cherry blossoms and flowers were to her right, and trees with falling leaves and leaves getting blown by the wind were to her left, and Yellow Dragon floated above Arcana while the other four went to their respective domains,

"Very impressive, Arcana, but again, you failed, no necromancy or spiritual magic." Princess Celestia said,

"I know, I just wanted to show you the full power, I wasn't going to use the void element in the actual competition." Arcana replied,

"Now that you mention it, I only saw six liquids in your memories." Sunset Shimmer added,

"See, there you go, just fire, water, earth, air, wood, and metal, I didn't have void at that time." Arcana explained,

"Well, I will admit, Arcana, you have some of the most impressive and powerful magic I've ever seen in a unicorn, maybe more powerful than even Twilight herself, if you did use this at the competition before Sunset sent you to the hospital, you definitely would've won." Princess Celestia replied,

"Wait, she can use those five animals of hers?" Sunset Shimmer questioned,

"No, she would've been disqualified for that, too." Princess Celestia replied,

"Wow, I guess I do have a lot to learn." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Go on and show me what you were going to do, Sunset, well, if you remember what you were planning to show me, I am very interested in what you spell you were going to cast as well." Princess Celestia replied,

"Um..." Sunset Shimmer said as she tried to remember the spell she was going to cast, she remembered it and cast a spell, a big circle of fire appeared around her and it went up to the ceiling,

"Not bad, Sunset, you always did have an affinity for fire magic, it's not as good as Arcana's, but still impressive." Princess Celestia stated,

"Would have I won overall, Princess Celestia?" Arcana asked,

"Sorry, Arcana, but Sunset Shimmer still would've became my student at the end, since you didn't care about learning friendship and Sunset didn't know anything about it, and I was going to teach her, you may have powerful magic, but there is no magic stronger than friendship." Princess Celestia replied,

"In this country, in other countries, friendship is not magic." Arcana responded,

"Hmm, true, but it is still very valuable." Princess Celestia stated,

"If you two are done we should get ready for bed." Sunset Shimmer said,

"You're right, Sunset, it is getting late, you two should head on home." Princess Celestia replied, and the two teleported back to Dreaming Paradise.

Sunset Shimmer and Arcana arrived back in Dreaming Paradise and saw Rarity giving out clothes and armor to the ponies, her armor was painted various bright colors, they saw Paladin and Commander Lionheart examining the armor and they tested them, they looked and saw Robin and Master Nocturne examining the outfits as well,

"Typical Rarity." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"We probably won't wear her outfits." Arcana stated,

"Why not? That's rude." Sunset Shimmer said,

"They're impractical." Arcana replied,

"What about the lace dress and white dress you're wearing?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"I just wear them because I like them, I don't need it, same with my shoes." Arcana replied,

"So are you going to try some of Rarity's outfits?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Probably." Arcana replied,

"Well, aside from that, I am very sorry for what I did, do you forgive me?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Yes, but remember what I said, I wasn't the only one sent to the hospital." Arcana replied,

"Oh, right." Sunset Shimmer commented,

"Well, I think your friends are going to end up changing Dreaming Paradise, we'll try to adjust." Arcana said,

"I hope you can." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Well, you and your friends should head home, it's getting late." Arcana said, and Sunset Shimmer gathered with her friends and they began to walk home while the residents of Dreaming Paradise waved bye at them,

"Well, that was a pretty strange place." Apple Bloom stated,

"Tell me about it, it's not like any place we've been to." Scootaloo replied,

"Yeah, the other places don't have a caste system." Sweetie Belle said,

"I hope they get rid of it, I don't like them being divided by pony type." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"But they said they're all equal in rank." Spike replied,

"I still don't like it, though." Twilight Sparkle said,

"I thought it was a pretty interesting place, how about the rest of you guys?" Starlight Glimmer asked,

"It's pretty cool, but each pony type has weaknesses." Rainbow Dash replied,

"Yeah, the unicorns are physically weak, the Pegasi are just as weak, and the earth ponies are slow." Applejack added,

"They could honestly use some more outfits, there is almost no fashion there." Rarity stated,

"They need to have more parties." Pinkie Pie suggested as she hopped,

"I thought the animals were nice." Fluttershy said,

"Indeed, I say Pinkie Pie and I go back there one day and spice things up." Discord stated, Pinkie Pie nodded in agreement,

"Well, let's save those thoughts for later, let's go home now." Twilight Sparkle replied, and they all headed home. Sunset Shimmer went to her home and did her homework late at night, she put on her pajamas and fell onto her bed and passed out while yawning.

The sun rose and Sunset Shimmer's clock went off and she hit it but continued to lay in bed, she opened her eyes several minutes later and saw she overslept, she quickly got out of bed and headed to school with bed hair, she fixed it in the girls' bathroom and headed to class. She worked in class and thought about her feud with Arcana and wondered about her other rivals on how they were doing and if they would come see her as well, she wondered all day while working in class and at lunch,

"What's on your mind?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"It's just I've been wondering about my other rivals, what if they come looking for me, too?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Were you able to patch things up with Arcana?" Rainbow Dash asked,

"Yeah, but I almost got sent to the hospital, the punishment I had to do in her home was feel the exact same amount of pain I inflicted on her when I sent her to the hospital." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Ouch." Rainbow Dash remarked,

"Yeah, it did hurt, a lot." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Well, it's done now." Fluttershy spoke,

"It is, but I've been thinking a lot about my own actions." Sunset Shimmer responded,

"How are you feeling about it, darling?" Rarity asked,

"I regret what I did." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"Let it go, Sunset, it's done." Pinkie Pie remarked,

"It is, but something Arcana said had me thinking, while we do forgive and befriend those who hurt us, she said they don't change their ways out of really having a change of heart, they do it out of fear of suffering our wrath." Sunset Shimmer responded, her friends looked on with surprise,

"I've... never thought of that." Twilight Sparkle spoke,

"But then again, we do have Equestrian magic and they don't, so she might actually be right." Applejack replied,

"I sure hope not." Twilight Sparkle remarked,

"Anyway, I'm going to go back again today and see how things are, Dreaming Paradise might change because of Twilight." Sunset Shimmer stated, and they finished lunch and she went back to Ponyville.

Sunset Shimmer arrived in Ponyville and headed outside, she heard loud cheering and teleported to where she heard it, she arrived in Dreaming Paradise and saw many ponies and creatures, they were cheering on a fight and they all cheered when one team won, she saw Arcana walking to her,

"Princess Twilight told the other countries and areas of Ponyville of this place, we've been getting many visitors ever since." Arcana said,

"How's it been so far?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Well, they're loud and a bit distracting, but they've been friendly and respectful of our ways." Arcana replied,

"Tell me, Arcana, when you came looking for me in Ponyville, did Archmage Astral Plane send you to find me?" Sunset Shimmer questioned,

"No, that was done by my own accord, Paladin and Robin came by their own free wills, too." Arcana replied,

"How did you find me, though?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"When you came to steal Twilight Sparkle's crown, word quickly spread that you returned, that was when me and the others of Dreaming Paradise began to gather news on you from the outside world, we were also informed of Twilight Sparkle going to the world to help you against the sirens, alongside asking her in her journal to come help you when that world's version of her began messing with magic, there was also you talking about the geodes you and your friends found, after that was Starlight Glimmer talking about meeting you, and then there was you coming back here again to meet with Princess Celestia, after that was you telling Twilight about the theme park, and then you coming here from the cruise ship and talking about the Storm King's magic, and lastly, you asking Twilight about what to do when you were stuck in that time loop." Arcana explained, Sunset Shimmer was speechless,

"You mean you guys have been keeping tabs on me?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Hmm-mm, everything Princess Twilight does is displayed and reported publicly, the Pegasi of our home were the ones who gathered the information, we were just merely waiting for the right time to confront you since Equestria had a lot of threats as well." Arcana replied,

"What were you doing before you decided to confront me?" Sunset Shimmer questioned,

"Me and the others were helping the ponies in Equestria with whatever threats that were happening, we evacuated ponies when the Storm King invaded, we also helped evacuate ponies when Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow attacked together." Arcana replied,

"Why didn't you and the others fight them?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"We would have, but we would've killed them instead of turning them to stone, and that would've made everycreature furious." Arcana answered,

"Yeah, good point, you guys probably would've been at war for that." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"Anyway, feel free to look around, maybe you'll find something you like." Arcana said, and she walked away.

Sunset Shimmer walked around and saw the natives of Dreaming Paradise trying on new outfits, the earth ponies did not try on the dresses, she looked and saw more ponies cheering and saw Robin and Discord having a sparring match, she did light jabs on him but he continued to move perfectly,

"What the?" Robin asked,

"That's right, Robin, I don't have pressure points." Discord boasted, she took out one of her revolvers and shot it, Discord caught the bullet between his fingers, he threw it and it went the speed it went when shot and hit a fortress in the earth pony section, Robin bowed to him,

"You've won this round." Robin stated,

"Oh please, I wasn't even trying." Discord responded, the others cheered while the next opponent went up to face Discord.

Sunset Shimmer kept walking around and saw Paladin making new armor while the other earth ponies took off the ornaments on their new weapons and armor and practiced with them,

"Ooh, Rarity's going to be upset." Sunset Shimmer said to herself, she watched the earth ponies practice and the new weapons broke easily, they went back to using their old weapons,

"See, everybody, that is why we don't put ornamental decorations on our weapons, they get in the way of battle and make the weapon useless." Paladin explained, the ponies took notes while Sunset Shimmer walked over to them,

"What are you guys doing now?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"We're still adjusting to the outsiders coming in, they just started today, ever since Princess Twilight has informed Equestria of this place, it has basically become a tourist sight, a lot of us are not happy, though." Paladin replied,

"What about me, am I still welcome in this area after what I did to Arcana?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"You are, it's probably the unicorn area that'll be most unhappy to see you." Paladin responded,

"Yeah, probably." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Ever since the outsiders came here, we can't meditate, they're too loud for us to focus." Paladin stated,

"Well, you can always try to have them adjust to your way of living." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"I'm not sure about that, most of these outsiders are not trained in combat or controlling their anger at a young age like how we are." Paladin spoke,

"What did Twilight say about revealing this place to the public?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Commander Lionheart, Master Nocturne, and Archmage Astral Plane voiced their opinions against it, but Twilight was against what they said and revealed this place to the public saying that it has to be revealed so we can be on the map and so friendship can spread here. I can understand being on the map, since a lost person won't know where they're at, as for the friendship thing, I think we already have enough from the people who come here on weekends to hire me as a bodyguard, seek appraisal on jewels and treasures from Robin, and buy wine from Arcana." Paladin explained,

"Well, try to explain to Twilight why you wanted the area mostly unknown, I'm sure she'll listen." Sunset Shimmer responded,

"I hope so, I'll be going now, I got some young foals to train." Paladin said, and she walked away and began instructing earth pony foals on hoof-to-hoof combat and how to use weapons, Sunset Shimmer watched and she smiled as she saw Paladin train the foals and they began play fighting with wooden weapons while Paladin watched them.

Sunset Shimmer walked to the unicorn area and saw they were examining the foods and drinks the outsiders brought, she saw Arcana shaking her head as she walked to the outsiders and spoke to them, she was too far away to hear her, so she walked closer,

"We can't eat and drink these, we are on very strict diets and have to be in peak condition." Arcana said,

"But one time won't hurt." a stallion replied,

"Sorry, but they are the rules of our home, we can't eat or drink unhealthy stuff period." Arcana explained,

"Wow, Pinkie Pie wasn't joking when she said throwing a welcoming party is strict here." the stallion remarked,

"Well, go see her for advice, she got it right yesterday." Arcana responded, and the ponies walked away. Sunset Shimmer walked to her while Arcana sighed,

"Is everything alright?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Yeah, I'm fine, it's just that ever since these outsiders started coming in, things have been changing quickly." Arcana replied,

"How do you feel about it?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"I have mixed feelings, I'm glad they're coming since I can sell my wine more, but their loudness leaves me and the others unable to meditate properly." Arcana replied,

"Well, you can make soundproof shields, can't you?" Sunset Shimmer questioned,

"No." Arcana replied, Sunset Shimmer thought about it,

"Now that you mention it, I've never seen a soundproof shield before, either." Sunset Shimmer stated,

"I'll be going now, I have to explain how things work to the outsiders." Arcana replied,

"I'll be here if you need me." Sunset Shimmer said, Arcana smiled and walked away. Sunset Shimmer watched the unicorns of Dreaming Paradise explaining things to the outsiders and also explained they only used magic for combat while the outsiders argued about using magic for everyday life, she sighed and walked around as she looked and saw not much has changed since yesterday. She saw a big line at Arcana's Winery and entered and saw Arcana selling wine to the outsiders, a stallion left and Rarity was her next customer,

"Hello again, Rarity." Arcana said,

"Hello, Arcana, darling, I would like your finest bottle." Rarity replied as she put bits on the counter,

"Red wine or white wine?" Arcana asked,

"Why red, of course, darling." Rarity replied, and she got one of her bottles and got ready to give it to her but moved it back,

"Hold on, before I do, are you actually going to drink this or just use it for your photo shoots?" Arcana asked,

"Both, actually, we're going to take pictures of it in a glass and then drink it after we're finished." Rarity responded,

"Oh, okay, that's fine, here you go." Arcana stated as she gave her the bottle,

"Thank you, darling." Rarity said, and she trotted outside happily. The next pony went up to her,

"Are you hiring?" the mare asked,

"Sorry, but no." Arcana replied, and the mare left, she sold her wine bottles to those who paid and the customers were all soon gone,

"You going to buy something, Sunset?" Arcana asked,

"No, I don't drink wine, I was just wondering what a typical day for you looks like." Sunset Shimmer responded,

"This is a typical day for me, but I'll have to be open everyday now, it may take longer, but that also means shorter lines each day than being open only one day a week." Arcana stated,

"True, but you still shouldn't push yourself too hard." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"I'll try not to." Arcana stated,

"Good, and remember, if you're exhausted, you can ask me and my friends to fill in for you." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Thanks, but Twilight and her friends already offered to do it for me." Arcana replied,

"Have you already decided who's going to do it?" Sunset Shimmer asked,

"Rarity, she's the only one of Twilight's group who knows how to make wine and how to tell if it's good or bad quality, she has a lot of experience in customer service, too." Arcana replied,

"Yeah, I probably would've chose Rarity to be my substitute too if I were you." Sunset Shimmer responded,

"Well, it is first day for outsiders to visit this place, I'm sure it'll die down a bit after a while." Arcana said,

"Probably, try not to be overwhelmed, Arcana, there are other outsiders here to help you guys if you all get exhausted." Sunset Shimmer replied,

"I know, and speaking of outsiders, you're welcome here now, since you really did change and didn't fake it, your punishment's done, and if you wish, I can teach you some of my magic." Arcana stated,

"Really?" Sunset Shimmer asked, Arcana nodded while smiling,

"Thank you, but I can't use those five spirits or the four elements like how you can." Sunset Shimmer said,

"Sure you can, you got fire magic, that's one right there, if you wish, I can either teach you how to use the other three or help you improve your fire magic so you can also gather fire from the sun or use lava magic as well." Arcana replied,

"I'll think about it." Sunset Shimmer remarked,

"Alright, I have more customers coming in, you should go." Arcana replied, and she left as more customers came in. She trotted outside and looked at Dreaming Paradise, she smiled and headed back home.

Sunset Shimmer returned to Ponyville every day to see how Dreaming Paradise was doing, outsiders coming in slowed down after two weeks, she went to go see Arcana the next day,

"Sorry, Arcana, but I'm going to have to refuse your offer since where I'm staying, I can't use unicorn magic." Sunset Shimmer spoke,

"It's alright, your reasons are understandable." Arcana replied, Sunset Shimmer smiled and she went back home.

Arcana went into her home and meditated with the statues of the twelve zodiac animals and constellations of the horoscope taped on the wall around her in a circle, she heard walking while she focused,

"Arcana?" Twilight Sparkle asked, she opened her eyes and saw her,

"Are you taking in new students?" Twilight Sparkle asked,

"Of course, training other unicorns of Dreaming Paradise is one of my duties." Arcana replied,

"Great, I was hoping you would teach me some of your magic, you have taught me that I still have a lot to learn." Twilight Sparkle responded,

"What's in it for me?" Arcana asked,

"I was thinking about welcoming you as a friend and naming you and Sunset Shimmer honorary pupils of Princess Celestia since you both were highly qualified." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"Thank you, but fame means nothing to me, I would settle on making friends, though." Arcana spoke,

"That's great, you can start by befriending me." Twilight Sparkle replied,

"*chuckle* Very well, let's begin your training, you can start by meditating in the circle with me." Arcana said, and Twilight Sparkle began meditating with her and Arcana began to teach her some of her magic.

Comments ( 2 )

I wish that Starlight would have dueled them, she could probably take on Arcana and if any pony could get through Paladin's armor/shield, it's Starlight, Robin I'm not sure.

I still don't remember what the original explanation I had in my head for that was, even when I was asked that question a month or two ago, I forgot the reason entirely.

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