• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,352 Views, 95 Comments

Megatron’s Revenge - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron sees an opportunity to exact his revenge on the Autobots once he accidentally arrives in a strange new world full of magic.

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Prologue: A New Plan in a New World

Author's Note:

Hey, friends. I hope you are all doing well. This is my first crossover with Transformers: Animated, my favorite Transformers show of all time. As I have promised to some of my readers months ago, I will be giving Megatron more spotlight and a chance to shine since I didn’t feature him at all in my first trilogy (Union of Evil). I hope you enjoy this prologue. Comment down below what you think.


“What is this?! Shockwave, what is the meaning of this?!” the Decepticon leader demanded.

“The destination code has been deleted, my liege,” replied the Decepticon spy. “The space bridge could send you anywhere!”

The said space bridge began to malfunction once Megatron put Starscream’s head, in which the Allspark fragment was imbedded, inside the power chamber. Thus, the space bridge could not maintain that much power and went out of control. “Ahhhh, make it stop! MAKE IT STOP!!!” Starscream cried as he was electrocuted by the power source. “This is getting too painful!!”

Optimus Prime and his Autobot crew—Prowl, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead—had to hold on to the ground to avoid being sucked into the unstable portal. “This thing is going to blow up any cycle now! We have to stop it before it does!” Optimus said.

Starscream was about to be yanked from the chamber once the space bridge became even more unstable. “What? No, no, no, NO!!! This cannot be happening to meeeeeeeeee!!!” he yelled, getting sucked into the portal.

Megatron held unto one of his swords and impaled the ground to avoid being sucked in. Then he glared daggers at his annoying archenemy. “You have interfered with my plans for the last time, Autobot!” he angrily shouted. He pointed his fusion cannon to finish off the Autobot commander once and for all. He wickedly smiled as he had been waiting for a long time for that.

However, Optimus grabbed one of his stasis cuffs and cuffed Megatron’s arm that held his fusion cannon. As a result, his primary weapon was disabled. Enraged, Megatron kicked Optimus away from him and reached for his other sword. He stabbed his swords on the ground while he reached to the injured Autobot to avoid being dragged into the portal.

Once he got close to him, he raised his swords again just above Prime. He uttered cries of wrath and triumph as he was about to end his arch rival. Suddenly, the stasis cuff magnetically attached to his free arm and cuffed it as well. Thus, he was immobilized completely. Having no firm ground, he was pulled into the portal with his weapons flying by. “NO! NOOOOOOO!!!!”

The mighty leader of the Decepticons was sucked into the portal before he could even destroy his Autobot foes and witness the outcome of the unstable portal. Never before had he suffered this type of humiliation. Having a great reputation of conquering his enemies with ease and little effort, he always expected to triumph in every battle against the Autobots. But this... this was something he would never forget. Sure, he has been defeated before but nothing like this.

For a long time, he had been planning to conquer their home world Cybertron and recreate it into his image. He also wanted to seize the power of the Allspark, the life force of all Cybertronians. Unfortunately, his treacherous second-in-command Starscream waylaid him and gave way for a number of circumstances that led him down to a human world called earth.

After fifty years of being offline, he reawakened by the Allspark’s power and was rebuilt into his new body by Dr. Issac Sumdac, the head of Sumdac Tower after he deceived him into thinking he was an Autobot. Now, he was once again in a state of helplessness and humiliation.

The portal took them into outer space. Surrounded by asteroids, all that they could do was death-glare at each other. For five solid minutes, they said nothing but only glared daggers. Having enough of each other’s silent treatment, they snapped.

“Stop staring at me!” Megatron yelled.

“No, you stop staring at me!” replied Starscream.

“Look at what you have brought us into, Starscream,” continued Megatron. “This was the very moment I have been waiting for: conquering Cybertron and reigning supreme as its leader and master!! And you have ruined it!”

“ME?! It was your idea to put me in that ridiculous chamber! What was I supposed to do?! Oh, wait, I forgot... NOTHING!! Because I’m just a head with no body!” retorted Starscream.

“I should have just removed your Allspark fragment! That would’ve stabilized the space bridge!” Megatron shouted.

“What?! That would’ve taken me offline!” Starscream argued.

“The result of which I would’ve been so satisfied with...” uttered Megatron.

“Well, look at us now, Megatron! We are stuck here in the middle of space with no power, no help, and simply nowhere to go... all because of YOU!!!” Starscream chided. “You were about to ultimately defeat your greatest enemies—those accursed Autobots—and yet your ego and pride betrayed you to utter humiliation! Yet you call yourself a mighty leader...”

“Says the fool who got backstabbed by his own clones,” smirked Megatron.

Starscream widened in surprise before turning his head (or himself as he was just a head) in shame. “Do not remind me of that...”

After that, they stared at the stars in silence. Megatron in particular was sulking in his defeat more as his pride was severely wounded. “How could I been defeated that easily? I was so close to gaining victory over my adversaries once and for all. Yet I was so foolish to even—NO! It’s not my fault! It was those Autobots that got in my way!” he mentally ranted.

“I am the leader of the Decepticons. I will never give up; thus, I will continue to fight them all. Once I find a way out of here, I will have my revenge on that... Autobot scum and his teammates.” Megatron thought.

Before he could think of any plan however, he lifted his head and saw a strange planet right before him. “Huh? What is that?” he asked.

“Wait... that’s earth, isn’t it?” asked Starscream.

“No, this planet appears to be... different. Definitely not planet earth. Huh?” Megatron felt himself being pulled by the gravitational force of the planet. As they drew nearer to the atmosphere, they started to descend into the planet’s surface.

“Oh, what is it this time?!” Starscream asked.

“The gravitational force, you fool! Brace yourself!” Megatron suggested.


Annoyed by his screams, Megatron lifted his cuffed arms, opened his hands, and held him tightly. Both Decepticons descended into the planet. Suddenly, a random small asteroid flew by. Megatron came near to it and smashed the stasis cuffs on it so hard that it broke. Regaining all of his strength, he grabbed his weapons, and transformed into helicopter with Starscream strapped in the cockpit. He then flew down into the atmosphere.

As he flew all the way down into the cloudy sky, he noticed the sky dark with the moon and stars shining above. As he scanned the massive landscape below him, he noticed a nearby forest. Smiling to himself, he flew all the way to the exact forest and transformed to robot mode. He looked around and saw everything around him—trees, grass, flowers, a still flowing river, hills, everything.

“What is this planet? This place appears to be quite similar to earth, but the outside covering of this world is very different.” Megatron observed.

“What do you mean by that? It’s clearly earth!” Starscream doubted.

“I told you! We are NOT in earth! Something tells me that we are in a world which we have not seen before,” said Megatron. “Hmmmm, obviously, it is nighttime as the humans call it. It would be best if we stay here until the morning so that we can explore what this planet has to offer.”

“Whatever you say, oh mighty Megatron.” Starscream said sarcastically.

Megatron sat upon the grass and laid his back on a hill behind him. Realizing he nearly used up most of his energy, he activated power-down mode and rested.


Early in the morning, Megatron got up and went over to Starscream who also powered down. “Rise up!” Megatron commanded, kicking him abruptly.

“Ahh! What?! What’s going on?!” Starscream spoke, reactivated.

“Time to see what this planet has to offer. Besides, it might have resources that can help us find our way back to Cybertron and annihilate the Autobots forever.” Megatron replied.

“And what if it doesn’t?” Starscream scowled.

“It has them. I am sure of it. Enough questioning me already!” Megatron snapped. He picked up Starscream and exited the forest.

As he was walking towards the other hills, he noticed something: a local town far below the hills. He quickly hid behind one of the hills while zooming his vision on the town. “It seems that this world does have inhabitants. I wonder what those inhabitants are,” he said. His optics zoomed on the residents of the town and discovered something rather unusual.

“Odd,” said Megatron.

“What? What is?” Starscream asked curiously.

“These inhabitants are actually... organic animals. They are quadrupedals; some have horns, others have wings, and others have neither. What are they exactly?” Megatron wondered.

“Who cares what they are?! They’re just a bunch of worthless organics for all I care! This is a waste of time! Let’s get out of here!” Starscream yelled.

“No... there’s something interesting about them,” said Megatron, evilly smirking. “You see what I’m seeing?”

“Uhh, no?” Starscream replied, confused.

“Look,” he instructed. He lifted Starscream to the exact spot the former saw. The Seeker saw some of the equines performing some type of magic. He even spotted a pink-purple mare with dark purple hair teleporting from one area to another, and a white mare holding some items with her magic.

“Ohhh, I see. These fleshbags have... magic?” Starscream concluded.

“Precisely,” said Megatron. “Those creatures could be useful to us. If there is more magic around here, it could be the key to our way of victory to Cybertron. The Autobots won’t stand a chance against this sort of power.”

“How exactly are you going to do that?” Starscream asked.

“Simple, Starscream... we will play this game in the Autobot way.” Megatron planned, malevolently grinning.