• Published 13th Jun 2020
  • 1,351 Views, 95 Comments

Megatron’s Revenge - TheClownPrinceofCrime

Megatron sees an opportunity to exact his revenge on the Autobots once he accidentally arrives in a strange new world full of magic.

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Chapter 6: Rumble’s Nightmare


Rumble was fast asleep in his bedroom at Cloudsdale. He turned to his other side of the bed to get in a more comfortable position. For a while, he was resting peacefully on his pillow... until a great disturbance interrupted his sleep.

Suddenly, a loud explosion shook his bedroom. The grey pegasus colt woke up and got up from his bed. “Huh? What is happening?” he wondered. He flew to the window, opened it, and saw the entire town of Cloudsdale in a fiery inferno. He saw strange jets flying around and blasting every home they saw. Every single home was being burnt until each cloud vanished into oblivion.

Shaken with fear, he ran to his brother’s bedroom. “Thunderlane! We are under attack! Cloudsdale is under attack!” he cried. However, Thunderlane was not present in his bedroom. “Bro, where are you?! Where are... ah!”

The ceiling of the house started to crumble. Realizing he was in immediate danger, he flew out of the house moments before it crumbled down to pieces. “Nooo!!”

Seeing that he no longer had a home and his dear brother was missing, he escaped the onslaught of the mysterious flyers and flew down to Ponyville. The jets transformed into identical robots and laughed maniacally.

Rumble safety landed on the grass and cast his last look at his beloved home. Seconds later, the entire town was obliterated by the sheer firepower of the Seekers. Shedding a couple of tears, he trotted to Ponyville. However, to his horror, the whole town of Ponyville was also under attack by the Decepticons. He saw humongous metal creatures with dangerous weapons on them blasting every target they saw. Fire and destruction were everywhere.

“NOOO!! This cannot be happening!!” Rumble cried. He ran to the City Hall for safety. He carefully made sure that none of the invaders would spot him and take him down. There, he took cover until the aliens left the town.

Suddenly, a new figure descended to join them. All the other attackers immediately kneeled and worshipped their apparent leader. Once Rumble took a look at him, he instantly recognized him as the same visitor from yesterday. “ALL HAIL MEGATRON! ALL HAIL MEGATRON! ALL HAIL MEGATRON!” they shouted.

“Megatron? That’s his name?” Rumble whispered.

“My loyal Decepticons, our conquest of this pathetic, worthless planet is only the beginning. Our main target is Cybertron! Once we have taken all the necessary magic and this world’s elements of Harmony, Cybertron will be ours for the taking, and the Autobots will be no more!” Megatron declared, raising his fist. The Decepticons cheered for their leader and hailed him again.

Rumble stood by to absorb what he just heard from the Decepticon overlord. After a few seconds of reflecting, he decided to remain hidden until they left.

Suddenly, the entire roof was ripped off by another Decepticon. Blitzwing grabbed him before he could even run away. “Hey! Let me go! Let me go! Thunderlane, HELP ME!!” Rumble cried.

“Silence, you little pest!!” Blitzwing yelled with his red face. “Your organic brotha’ won’t zave you thiz time!!” His face switched to a crazy face. “But you will go out with a BANG like fireworks!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!” Blitzwing taunted.

He lowered his cannons to end Rumble. “Nooo! STOP!! HELP!!” Rumble screamed. As he was waving his arms in fear, he opened his eyes and saw everything black. He looked around and saw no one anywhere. “Huh? Where am I now?”

“You seem troubled, young one,” said a familiar voice. Rumble looked back and saw Princess Luna appearing to him with a concerned look on her face.

“Princess Luna! You’re here!” Rumble said, running to give her a hug. Luna returned the hug. “I was having a horrible nightmare!”

“It has something to do with Lord Megatron, does it?” Luna asked.

Rumble slowly nodded his head. “He appears to be someone who is up to no good. I don’t know him that much, but he clearly looks like he is planning something... EVIL! I saw that evil smile he made yesterday. I wouldn’t want to be around him at all!”

Luna took all of that to heart and thought about what she should do next. “I see what you are saying. He made friends with me, my sister, Twilight, and her friends. He also appears to be a friendly and caring leader of his people. But if what you say is true... (sighs)... then I will inform my sister about this. We will keep a close eye on him.”

“Thank you, Princess. I don’t want Equestria to suffer an alien invasion. Wait a minute...” Rumble muttered as he realized something. “He said something about Cybertron and... Autobots? What if—what if we are harboring a power-hungry maniac?! What if Megatron was lying to you guys?! What if those Autobot guys find us and destroy us for sheltering their enemy?!”

“Rumble! Calm down. We will have a serious talk with Megatron to discover his true intentions. Everything will be fine.” Luna comforted, stroking Rumble’s mane.

“(Sigh) I hope you’re right, Princess. I’m just scared of what will happen,” said Rumble.

“I understand that. Go and have your rest. You will definitely need it.” Luna advised.

“Okay. Thank you, Princess.” Rumble slightly smiled. With that said, everything turned bright with white light.

Rumble woke up from his sleep and saw everything back to the way it was. He looked out the window and saw the shining moon and stars, the still clouds, and all the homes in one piece. He went to his brother’s bedroom and saw him fast asleep peacefully on his bed. Sighing in deep relief, he went back to his bedroom.

“I don’t know what this Megatron guy is up to, but I know for sure he is bad news.” Rumble muttered.


Lockdown’s ship landed in the forest; after morphing the ship to appear as part of the forest, he opened the doors. He and Soundwave exited the ship and beheld the surroundings of the area. “Huh, that’s funny,” said Lockdown. “These trees look similar to earth, and this planet has only one moon. Is this earth 2.0 or something?”

“It matters not to me. What matters is the location of Decepticon Megatron and the destruction of the Autobots.” Soundwave reminded.

Suddenly, they saw the green beam fly past them and straight through the forest. “After the beam!” Soundwave ordered. He transformed into van mode and drove off in pursuit of it.

“Since when do you give me orders?” Lockdown asked. “Laserbeak must have really broken him.” He transformed into a muscle car and followed his ally.

The beam got closer and closer until it finally spotted something it has been searching for... Megatron. The Decepticon leader turned around and saw the green beam slowly approach him. “What is this? What are you?” he demanded, aiming his fusion cannon at it.

The beam suddenly made beeping noises for several seconds and morphed into a large portal. Megatron shielded his optics from the portal’s bright green light. “Ahh! What the spark is this?!” Starscream yelled, closing his optics.

At that moment, Shockwave slowly came out of the portal. He knelt down before Megatron reverently. “Lord Megatron, we have found you at last.”

“Shockwave? This is rather... unexpected. Still, you’re just the tactical advantage I need.” Megatron evilly smiled.

“I am ever glad to see you functional, my liege. Also, I have not come alone.” Shockwave said, standing up.

“Oh, great, what now?! Huh?” Starscream widened his optics as he saw Lugnut, Blitzwing, and his three treacherous clones coming out of the portal as well. “YOU?! YOU GUYS?!”

“Not you again!” Slipstream scowled. “At least you still lack a body so you won’t tower over us again!”

“Master!! We have found you once again!!” Lugnut cried, bowing down. “Victory is now rightfully ours!!”

“My loyal Decepticons, I did not expect you all to come to my... how should I say it... rescue. Nevertheless, this will greatly benefit me despite now a minor change of plans.” Megatron declared.

“Megatron, is that you?” a monotone, robotic voice called. They all turned their heads to see Soundwave and Lockdown coming to them.

Megatron slightly gasped as he remembered him as Sari’s former toy companion. He never thought of actually seeing him again. “Soundwave?”