• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,875 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

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The Crimson Thief

One afternoon in the big city of New York, standing atop a building was a young woman at the age of twenty with wild reddish-brownish hair, blue gray eyes, red lipstick. What stood out the most about her was her choice in attire. She wore a red trench coat and cordovan hat with a black jumpsuit underneath.

To some she was just a normal person in a crowd, but what many did not know was that she was the infamous Carmen Sandiego. A super thief that's avoided capture by police, Interpol, and so many other law enforcers. While she had a reputation for being a master thief, they had no idea actual thievery was not her M.O.

Carmen looked out into the city smiling, “Ah, New York, New York.” she told herself.

“It's a heck of a town, Red.” came a boy's voice.

Carmen held up her phone to reveal a young teenage boy on video chat, “Care to swap facts, Player?”

“Delighted,” the boy identified as Player, answered, as he pulled up information on Carmen's location, “New York City is regarded as the most populous place in the U.S. And is best described as the cultural, financial, and media capital of the world.”

Carmen decided to lay some facts down herself, “And it's home to the headquarters of the United Nations. An organization that aims to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve international cooperation, and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.”

“Speaking of friendly relations among the nations, the Statue of Liberty was a gift to New York from France in 1886 for its centennial celebration.”

“Happy Birthday.” Carmen humored him.

“And that's not all New York is famous for.” came another boy's voice with a Boston accent. Popping in was an eighteen year old boy with light red hair, light cornflower blue eyes and freckles sprinkled across his face. His attire was composed of a white and red baseball jersey, a black long-sleeve undershirt, dark blue jeans, and gray sneakers.

“Really, so what do you know, Zack?” Carmen inquired.

“New York happens to be the city where the first pizzeria in the United States opened in 1895. Since the 1960s, the price of a slice of pizza has been roughly the same price as a subway ride, generating the idea of “Pizza Principle” among economists. MM, pizza.” Zack salivated.

“Only you would know food facts, little bro.” came a girls voice with a Boston accent.

It belonged to a nineteen year old girl with chin-length reddish-orange hair, and blue eyes with freckles on her cheeks. She had a broad and fit figure and was shorter than Carmen and Zack. Her attire included a black t-shirt with blue sleeves, gray capri pants, and red sneakers.

“When it comes to food knowledge, Ivy, I'm the master.” Zack boasted.

“That's a fact.” Player answered.

“The fact that is important is this city is the location of several VILE operations.” came another voice that sounded Japanese. The voice belonged to a middle aged Japanese man with a semi shaved head, moderate wrinkles upon his face, and a physically fit form. His attire included a black polo with gray trousers and black shoes.

“Which is exactly why we're here, Shadowsan.” Carmen answered.

“It ain't gonna be easy finding VILE in a city like this.” Ivy warned Carmen.

“It's never easy,” Carmen answered, “We just have to follow the bread crumbs.”

“And the crumbs lead to an abandoned warehouse in the city.” Player said checking plans on VILE's hard drive.

“Anything specific abut this abandoned warehouse?” Carmen asked.

“Nothing. I mean it's just a plain old abandoned warehouse. No important history behind it or nothing.”

“Nevertheless, it is some form of front for one of VILE's operations.” Shadowsan suspected.

“And we're gonna see what's going down tonight.” Carmen said.

“I just hope it's just VILE and nothing else.” Zack feared.

“What else could there be?” Ivy asked rhetorically.

“Uh, hello. Have you ever read the papers?” Zack asked, getting in his sisters face, “Didn't you hear this city has also been known to be the sighting of so many invasions, from these aliens called the Kraang, Triceratons, mutants, and so much more? Like that report of a giant golf ball base that started tearing up the city some time ago?”

“The media was indeed all over it,” Carmen admitted, “But still regardless of whatever rep this city has of attracting strange creatures that's not going to stop us from stopping VILE from threatening the world or more.”

Meanwhile down in the sewers in a familiar lair, the lights were off, until they suddenly came on. As music started playing on a radio inside the dojo, who should step out but the Ninja Turtles and the Rainbooms.

(Can't stop rockin ZZ top)

The turtles and the girls at first started off in a straight line with each of them doing the robot, while Fugitoid and Spike watched from the side bobbing their heads to the rhythm. After performing a few ninja moves, they all joined arm in arm walking forward kicking their legs out from side to side.

“Yeah!” Pinkie and Mikey cheered.

Leo did a flip onto the dojo floor doing some sword tricks before posing, “Yes!” he cheered.

Donnie slid in and performed bo-staff tricks before posing himself, “Alright!”

Coming up was Mikey performing with his nunchucks, “Booyakasha!” he posed.

Raph jumped onto the scene and performed with his sais, “Hm.” he posed.

Then each of the Rainbooms were ready to take the stage. Twilight jumped in and started twirling her weapon around and finished with a pose, “Yeah!” she cheered.

Rarity flipped onto the scene and started maneuvering her sickles, before posing with her weapons crossing right in front of her, “Oh, yes.” she said.

“Rock and roll!” Rainbow Dash cheered, as she twirled her weapon around.

“Hooray!” Pinkie cheered, as she spun the weight chain of her weapon above her head.

Applejack was performing some ninja moves while slicing and dicing some apples with her claw gloves, “Yee-haw!”

Fluttershy was demonstrating some of her ninja moves before posing and giggled.

Finally Sunset Shimmer started performing some moves before throwing her kunai daggers nailing several targets set up, “Sweet!”

As they were all having fun with their ninja training, Raph was mumbling to himself. Suddenly he spun around and threw his sai at the radio causing it to short circuit and shutdown. This of course startled his brothers and the Rainbooms.

“Jeez, you could've just switched it to off!” Rainbow chided feeling like she was about to have a heart attack.

“Uh-oh, tantrum alert.” Mikey said getting that vibe from Raph.

“Whoa hold up, oh, Raph,what gives?" Sunset asked wondering where that suddenly came from.

“What's with you, Raph?” Leo asked.

“Nothing.” Raph sighed already regretting his action.

“You gotta relax, Raph.” Applejack said.

“Quite so,” Fugitoid agreed, “After all, that's what you were taught under various circumstances, right?”

“Sorry, guys, but what're we doing this for?” Raph asked them.

“Doing what?” Twilight inquired.

“Practicing day after day? Killing ourselves, for what?" Raph started rambling.

The Rainbooms sighed, “Oh, Raph.” Rarity said.

“Nobody appreciates us. Nobody sees us. Nobody even knows we're alive down here!” he shouted hoping someone on the surface would hear him.

Suddenly entering the dojo was April, Casey, Karai, and Shini, “Jeez, Raph, any louder and you'll wake the city.” April joked.

“Like it matters, it doesn't sleep at night.” Casey put in.

“Hey, guys. Girls.” Karai greeted.

“Hey, Karai.” Sunset greeted.

“When'd you girls get in?” Shini asked, as she sat near Mikey who smiled at her.

“This morning.” Twilight answered.

“Now that school's out, we have all summer to do what we want.” Rainbow boasted.

“And decided to kick it off with a trip to New York.” Pinkie jumped up.

“Surprise.” Fluttershy giggled.

“So what's going new on your ends?” Applejack asked their fellow human friends.

“Just the same old pretty much.” April answered.

“Foot Clan still staying strong, Karai?” Sunset inquired.

“Always.” the girl confirmed.

“I think what we really need is a good ninja run tonight to get us pumped.” Rainbow suggested.

“Took the words right out of my mouth.” Raph agreed.

That night out in the city, the Turtles, Rainbooms, and their allies were going through their ninja run across the buildings, and jumping rooftops.

“Feel the wind, guys!” Mikey cheered, as he jumped from a water tower onto another roof top.

“I'm feeling it all right!” Rainbow called, as she used her speed to zip across the roofs.

“It's definitely in my hair!” Rarity answered, as the wind blew through her hair.

Casey was skating across the roof while performing some tricks before making a jump and landed safely on the other side, “Oh, yeah boy!” he cheered.

Karai made a few jumps before making one that was a bit out of reach. Her right arm quickly turned into her snake arm that stretched and latched onto a pole allowing her to swing herself up onto the roof, “Yes!”

Soon the group stopped for a breather, “Well, at least this has my heart pumpin'.” Raph admitted.

“Mine too.” Pinkie smiled.

“After we've rested up we'll do another run.” Leo told the group who took the moment to relax their legs.

As April sat down, she suddenly froze before closing her eyes and concentrated, “Guys, April's got that look again.” Spike told everyone.

“April?” Fugitoid asked.

“What is it?” Donnie inquired.

April opened her eyes and answered, “Guys, we're not alone here.”

The sound of that put the group on defense, “Where are we being watched?” Karai inquired.

“That's just it. I don't think we're being watched, “April concentrated, “I'm sensing someone's up here but going that way.” she pointed in the distance.

“What do you think it is?” Shini asked Karai who looked unsure.

“Think we should check it out?” Twilight asked Leo.

“I'm not sure, but we should never ignore something that could end up being something big.” Leo noted.

“So let's get going.” Rainbow said eager for some action.

“Alright, let's move, but remember stick to the shadows.” Leo instructed, as they all headed out.

Meanwhile, Carmen was doing some roof jumping herself, before checking her communicator, “Player?”

“Location coming up, Red.” Player answered.

Carmen stopped, as she looked down and saw the warehouse she was informed about. She dawned some goggles and saw heat signatures inside, “Yeah drop spot was spot on.”

The master thief launched a grappling hook from her sleeve and connected to a pole on the roof. She zip-lined down landing safely. Carmen looked to a skylight and saw several VILE agents loading up a truck with crates.

“What could they be packing?” Carmen asked herself, before gently cutting a hole in the glass and used her grappling hook to lower herself down before hiding behind a pile of crates. She peeked out and saw a dark skinned man with an afro haircut, and wore glasses. But what was striking was the armored suit he was wearing. He was currently speaking to the VILE agents.

“Be careful with that stuff, if that breaks you'll be sorry. I mean it!” he ordered the agents who paid him no mind, “Honestly, you'd think they'd hire more competent workers.”

Suddenly a four screen monitor lowered down and displayed four adults each taking up a screen. It was the VILE Academy Faculty, Coach Brunt, Professor Maelstrom, Countess Cleo, and Dr. Bellum,“Baxter Stockman.” Maelstrom addressed him.

“Ah, the honorable VILE Faculty,” Baxter greeted, “I was wondering when you'd call.”

“How goes the shipment?” Maelstrom inquired.

“All's well. But I don't think your agents are heeding my warning about being careful with the merchandise.”

“Oh, keep your sweater on, scrawny,” Brunt spoke up, “They know what they're doin'.”

“I am definitely interested in experimenting with the mutagen you're supplying us with.” Dr. Bellum said sounding excited.

Carmen overhearing their conversation asked herself quietly, “Mutagen?”

Stockman spoke up, “And the mutagen will be yours Doctor, so long as I get paid.”

“And so you shall.” Cleo promised.

“We remain true to our word.” Maelstrom assured him.

“Then I'll be expecting the transfer to my account. See you later.” Stockman said, as he ended the transmission.

Suddenly a smokescreen started to fill the room, as Stockman noticed, “Smokescreen? Oh, no, not them!”he panicked, as he looked down and saw the agents were on the ground knocked out.

The genius looked ahead seeing someone approaching from the mist, “If you turtles think you're going to mess up this deal then you got another thing coming!”

To Stockman's surprise, it wasn't the turtles who emerged from the smokescreen but Carmen, “Sorry, I think you got me confused with someone else... Baxter Stockman, was it?”

Baxter gasped upon seeing her, “So you're her. The one the Faculty warned me about. Carmen Sandiego.”

“Huh, guess my reputation does precede me.” Carmen humored herself.

“There's no way, I'm letting you mess up this deal I made.” the genius warned the thief.

“Sorry, but anyone who does deals with VILE calls for my attention.” she replied.

“I'll show you what happens when you mess with Baxter Stockman!” he pulled out a device and clicked a button summoning several Stockman Bots and Mousers.

“Robots. This should be fun.” Carmen said, as she started dodging the laser shots and Mousers trying to jump her.

She managed to disarm some of the robots of their blasters and took them down, while also causing some of them to blast at several Mousers.

“Break all you want, Ms. Sandiego. I have plenty more.” Stockman said smugly, as the walls opened up to reveal several more Stockman Bots and Mousers.

“You gotta be kidding me.” Carmen said in disbelief.

“Attack!” Stockman ordered, as his robot minions continued their assault.

“Come on, Carmen, think. How do I get myself out of this?” Carmen asked herself, while taking cover behind a pillar to think.

Suddenly as if answering her question, the turtles, Rainbooms, their allies, and Fugitoid crashed through the windows and landed before the robots and Stockman much to the genius and Carmen's surprise.

“Long time no see, Dexter Egghead.” Rainbow spoke to their classic enemy.

Stockman growled, “It's Baxter Stockman! What do I need to wear a name tag or something?”

Sunset looked down seeing the knocked out operatives, “Doing some looting, Stockman?”

“No! I was in the middle of a business deal.”

“So who did this?” Mikey asked, as he lifted up one of the operatives arms before letting it drop to the floor.

April gasped, “Guys, the person we were tracking is in this room. Over there!” April motioned to the pillar.

Slipping out was Carmen trying to keep her face covered, “Who is that?” Fluttershy asked.

“I'll find out!” Raph called, as he went after her.

Raph caught up with Carmen, as the two fought hand to hand. When Carmen exposed her face, Raph was cut off guard, before Carmen knocked him back.

“So you must be the turtles Stockman here mentioned.” she said.

“Who are you?” Leo asked.

“I really try not to give my name away to strangers.” Carmen answered.

Stockman started getting miffed by being ignored, “Get them all!” he ordered his robots who attacked all around.

“Take 'em down!” Leo ordered, as they all went on the attack.

The turtles and their ninja friends were disarming and destroying the Stockman bots and Mousers, while the Rainbooms were using their magic combined with their ninja skills. Carmen who observed their fighting styles while defending herself was shocked, “Whoa.”

Donnie and Fugitoid made their way to the truck and saw all the crates. They pried one of them open to see it was loaded with about twenty canisters of mutagen.

“Whoa, look at all this mutagen!” Donnie gasped.

“Based off all these crates, there must be more than a hundred canisters.” Fugitoid deduced.

“So I take it this stuff is what he was selling?” Carmen asked, while holding up one of the canisters.

Donnie and Fugitoid jumped upon seeing she was right there, “Wha-how did you?” Donnie asked in shock.

“Ms, be careful with that stuff!” Fugitoid warned her.

“Relax, I'm very careful.” Carmen assured him.

“Put it down now!” Donnie ordered her.

“Sorry, but I need this as evidence.” she said, as she hid it in her coat and left the truck.

“Hey, get back here!” Donnie shouted, as he and Fugitoid chased after her.

As Carmen was suddenly cut off by three Stockman Bots, they were sliced in half by Karai's sword, “Not bad.” Carmen said.

“Thanks.” Karai replied.

“Karai, grab her!” Donnie ordered.

Karai curiously decided to grab Carmen, but the thief was slipping by forcing Karai to shift into her snake form, “This just got weirder.” Carmen said while looking at the snake girl. Karai hissed and tried to strike her, but the thief dodged and flipped over Karai.

Some of the VILE operatives woke up and saw what was going down were surprised at the sight of the mutants and the Rainbooms. When they saw the truck still had the mutagen, they scrambled to it and closed it before starting the vehicle.

The group heard the engine and saw the truck crash through the door, “They're getting away!” Twilight cried.

“Looks like you lose this round.” Stockman laughed, before activated the jets in his boots and flew off through the skylight.

“Great, now he got away!” Raph grumbled.

“But we still have her.” Rainbow motioned to Carmen.

“Guys, she's got a canister of mutagen.” Donnie warned the gang.

“So this is the mutagen?” Carmen asked, as she once again looked at the canister.

“Put that down or you're gonna be sorry.” Raph warned her.

“I already am,” she replied, “Sorry for leaving you hanging.” she activated her grappling hook and shot it to the skylight. As she shimmied up, Sunset spoke to Twilight.

“Send me up!”

Twilight used her magic to levitate Sunset upward fast enough for her to latch onto Carmen. Upon grabbing the thief's arm, Sunset saw her whole life flash before her eyes. Carmen seeing Sunset in a state of shock managed to knock her off, and she luckily landed atop a higher level safely. When Carmen reached the roof she took off into the night.

“Player, the infiltration turned crazy.” Carmen contacted her hacker.

“I know, Red. I watched the security footage,” Player replied, “What now?”

“We need to look into this further.” Carmen said knowing there was more going on than she thought.

Back in the warehouse, Sunset got back down to her friends, as Applejack spoke, “Well, this sure turned out to be a bust.”

“Yeah, whoever those guys were got away with so much mutagen.” Donnie added.

“Who knows what they'll use it for?” Fluttershy asked in worry.

Mikey was already starting to imagine several crazy cartoon-like mutants, until Raph smacked the back of his head ending his daydream.

“And worst off the only other witness got away.” Raph told them.

“You gotta admit she does have a sweet style.” Casey admitted.

“Oh, yes indeed,” Rarity agreed, “That coat and hat were so stylish, and in a good shade of red too.”

“Will ya focus, Rarity,” Applejack said sounding annoyed, “That gal just got away with one of the mutagen canisters.”

“And we don't know anything about her.” Shini put in.

“Oh, yes we do.” Sunset replied.

“What do you mean, Sunset?” Fugitoid asked.

“I saw her memories. Her name, is Carmen Sandiego.” she explained, as the group were more curious than before.