• Published 20th Jun 2020
  • 9,875 Views, 318 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls and the Crimson Thief - Wildcard25

The Turtles and Rainbooms join forces with the Crimson Thief Carmen Sandiego to foil VILE's newest scheme

  • ...

VILE Plan in Motion

It was nighttime in New York, and at Stockman's lair, the mad scientist himself was busy prepping a big tank of mutagen, while on a table was an assortment vials of liquid marked with a specific animal imprint in several vial holders.

As Stockman checked his watch, he spoke to himself, "They should be here soon." he suddenly heard his door open, and entering was the VILE Faculty.

"Dr. Stockman." Maelstrom greeted.

"Welcome, Faculty." Stockman greeted.

"Is the mutagen ready?" Bellum inquired.

"All set," he confirmed, "Have you brought plenty of subjects for me to test?"

"Open your garage door and find out." Brunt answered.

Stockman clicked a remote opening the garage door to his lair and entering was the VILE Mutant Trio, followed by Paper Star, Dash Haber, Mime Bomb, Neal the Eel, and an entire battalion of VILE operatives be it former graduates or guards.

"Is this enough?" Maelstrom asked rhetorically.

"It's perfect." Stockman smirked.

"It had better be," Cleo replied, "Those Turtles and Rainbooms have proven to be just as irksome as Carmen Sandiego."

"Trust me, Countess. Once I'm done with them, they'll feel better than ever."

"Very well," Maelstrom addressed the operatives and guards, "Welcome, VILE Operatives. Tonight, you will undergo a change. But rest assured Dr. Stockman here guarantees you will be better than you've ever been. Why just look at Tigress, El Topo, and Le Chevre."

The three stood before them, as some of the operatives were still uncomfortable being around their new mutated looks.

"Though different they may look now, rest assured they are still the same operatives you graduated with. But with a little more kick in their skills. And now you will have the opportunity to become stronger than ever thanks to Dr. Stockman's mutagen. Should any of you wish to decline this offer, you're welcomed to do so. However, should you choose to decline, you will face immediate memory wipe."

The graduates and guards looked nervous at the ultimatum and chose not to raise their hands in decline.

"Looks like it's unanimous." Brunt told the Faculty.

Stockman took out a syringe gun dispenser. He absorbed some mutagen from the vat before adding a mix of animal DNA before asking the adults, "Would any of them like to volunteer?"

Maelstrom motioned to one of the guards up front who approached Stockman, and announced, "For the glory of VILE!" he rolled up his sleeve and held out his arm.

Stockman stuck the syringe needle into his arm and injected the chemicals into him. At first the guard started groaning while clutching his head while stumbling around until he dropped to the floor. The Faculty and the operatives watched him spazz around as he growled.

Stockman spoke up, "Don't worry, he'll live... Probably."

"We are a syndicate. We have many more just like him." Maelstrom answered sadistically.

The guard's body started growing dark fur, while his nails grew long, and his feet burst out of his boots, along with a furry tail growing out of his behind. His head grew a snout, and soon the VILE guard stood as a brown dog mutant. He growled while looking around leaving all the operatives in shock, while the three mutant operatives smirked knowing they were no longer the only freaks present.

"It works." Bellum marveled.

"Excellent." Maelstrom smirked.

"And this is only the beginning." Stockman replied, as he readied more mutagen and animal DNA for another operative.

Meanwhile in the Turtles lair, Donnie was under the Shellraiser fixing it up with Ivy helping out.

"Just a turn here, and voila!" Ivy declared, as they wheeled out from under the Shellraiser, "Shellraiser should be running better than ever now."

"Thanks for you help, Ivy," Donnie began, "If I ever need assistance in repairing this or the Party Wagon, I know who to call."

"My line's always open." the girl replied.

The two joined the others in the living room who were kicking back and relaxing, "It's been awfully quiet the last few days." Carmen said suspiciously.

"Yeah. No word of VILE or even Stockman." Rainbow added.

"They are biding their time and waiting for the appropriate moment to strike." Shadowsan explained.

"And when they do, we'll be ready for them." Raph said.

"Yeah, but if our Intel and all the facts add up, VILE may be building a mutant army." Donnie feared, "And I don't have enough retromutagen to deal with a whole army."

"We'll just have to make do with what we got." April said.

"Winging has been our thing." Sunset admitted.

"It would be nice to not always wing it." Leo replied.

Suddenly a blue triangular portal appeared startling them, "What is that?" Zack asked in shock.

"Don't worry, this is good." Fugitoid assured him.

Exiting from the portal was the Utrom council, who took Carmen and her crew by surprise, "Greetings, Turtles, and Rainbooms." Bishop greeted.

"Hey, Utroms!" Mikey greeted.

"Good to see you guys!" Pinkie cheered.

"What are they?" Ivy gasped.

Fugitoid spoke, "Carmen and company, may I present to you the Utrom Council. Queen, Rook, Pawn, and Bishop."

"A pleasure." Rook greeted.

"So these are the good Kraang?" Zack asked, as he looked at Utrom Pawn in his droid's chest cavity.

"So aliens do exist." Carmen said sounding intrigued.

"Carmen Sandiego, a pleasure to finally meet you," Queen greeted, "We of the Utrom are aware of your exploits with your partners."

"You've been watching us?" Carmen asked in confusion.

"It is our duty to monitor the earth and wherever there may be threats. Such as this VILE." Bishop explained.

"If you know about VILE, then why haven't you done anything to help us or expose them?" Ivy asked.

"Because they got a law about interfering unless it really calls for their attention." Twilight explained.

"The fact that you're here must mean it really is important?" Leo asked.

"Precisely," Queen confirmed, "We have been monitoring the city and learned about your conflicts with VILE and your enemy Baxter Stockman."

"Yeah. He intends on using mutagen with VILE to make mutant operatives." Applejack said.

"And while we're all strong together with our teamwork, the last thing we need is more mutants tearing up this city." Donnie added.

"Or to use whatever mutant abilities they gain in other heists." Carmen put in.

"Which is precisely why we've come prepared for this." Pawn explained.

"With what?" Fluttershy asked.

"With these." Bishop presented two big cases and opened it to reveal several tranquilizer looking darts with a familiar orange serum loaded in them.

"Retromutagen filled tranquilizer darts?" Twilight asked in surprise.

"These are perfect!" Donnie cheered.

"And with plenty of extras." Fugitoid added.

"Very handy." Carmen smiled.

"Put a stop to VILE and their plans with the mutagen no matter what." Bishop instructed.

"Like you have to ask?" Keno asked rhetorically.

"Good luck to all of you." Queen said, as they went back through the portal that closed up.

"Nice folk." Zack admitted.

"And it's nice we have allies in other dimensions." Carmen added.

"So we got the stuff to deal with mutants, but we don't know where they'll strike." Ivy reminded them.

"And in this city it could be anywhere." Rarity put in.

"We're just going to have to keep an open eye out." Sunset said.

"If any of our allies spot any trace of Stockman or VILE, they'll let us know." Leo assured them all.

Back on the surface, Julia was out in the city taking a walk while surveying the scenery, "It has been a few days but there's been no new update from Carmen Sandiego, the Turtles, or the Rainbooms. I'd hate to think of them withholding information." she sighed, until she stopped to hear huge clanking footsteps.

Curiously, the woman followed the sound before peeking around a corner and saw two Robo-Triceratons making their way down a street. Julia gasped and his from sight, "Those are two of the robot Triceratons they mentioned to me. But what could they be up too?" she peeked around the corner seeing they were still heading somewhere, "Well to gain answers, you must seek them." she tailed the robot dinosaurs while making sure not to be spotted.

When Julia saw they entered Stockman's lair, she reached for her pen, but right after clicking it, she was grabbed from behind with her mouth being clamped shut. What grabbed her was a mutant gorilla wearing what remains of a VILE operative's uniform Julia dropped the pen right as it pointed upward and projected a hologram of the Chief.

"Ms. Argent?" she asked before seeing Julia being carried off by the mutant gorilla, "Ms. Argent!" she called, only for something to drop through the hologram and smash the pen to pieces.

The one who smashed it was a VILE operative mutated into a hippo. He looked seeing the pen smashed to pieces and followed his fellow mutant operative.

Author's Note:

The scene of Stockman mutating a VILE operative comes from the movie Batman vs the TMNT where Shredder mutates one of the members of the League of Assassins as a demonstration of the mutagen's ability.