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Comments ( 29 )

Whoo! Sequel is up!

Also: That moment when the sequel's cover art is more appropriate for the prequel and the prequel's cover art is more appropriate for the sequel.

I liked the story, you faithfully keeper to the point of the original. And it was good. Bravo, man, bravo.

Out with the Refrain, in with the Twilight Doman.

Think the story's lovely, if a bit... blatant with the impact of the addiction.

And them retaining their adorablekness after doing the ShastaMcNasty...


Have my like, this comment, half of my firstborn, all of it my man. You've knocked it out of the park again.

But instead of saying kind words back. Instead of being able to kiss and hug and those kinds of things. He did nothing. Nothing but stare. Looking at the places he shouldn't. He didn't love her because of them. Sure they were a reason.

But they weren't the reason.

I came here to enjoy more SpiLight and a conclusion to Addiction, not sympathize heavily with Spike. :raritydespair:

And believe me, this is a conflict I've had many times in my own mind as well. I love Twi, and that love also means that I like to look at her, and yet another part of me revolts at that, thinking it too demeaning of one so... angelic.

Twilight's fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her pants. Sliding them down her hips and thighs until her feet rose to step out from them. In something unbecoming of her, a naughty idea appeared. Pretending to throw the article away, her hand flicked it forward, tossing the scented fabric onto the dragon's snout.

Don't you mean her panties? Her pants are already off and kicked to the side.

“Come and join me, Spike, or else the water gets cold.”

The water will get cold.

She then yelped in pleasant surprise at feeling a subconscious thrust from his hips. Twilight looked at him with a playful glare, at which he turned his head, a quick turn around as her head travelled across his member.

hand traveled across his member.

“Like she's rubbing her crotch on her spines?”

my spines.

“I can because I just did.” Spike shook his head. “And once more. You're too good for me.”

Because you just did.

Good story, here are some grammar changes that need to be made to it though. This was a cute story overall.

The hell is with all the disli-


Oh, they're back again. Brave soldiers they are, such brave little boys :trollestia:

Oh boy, dislike trolls. How wonderful.

On an unrelated note, this was a wonderful story.

Thanks for the saves homie.
~ Yr. Pal, B

There are shadow people out in the woods

B_25 #10 · Jun 21st, 2020 · · 3 ·

10295080 | 10295221

I was trying a hypothesis with that. Still waiting to see what the results are for it. In either case: the irony is amusing.

And I feel you on Twilight. It's hard to write for her due to wanting to nail that dichotomy she posses. Art evokes her perfection and writing can easily stumble in wanting to express it. I hope I came somewhat decently in that regard.

10295097 | 10295126

Y'all are too good for me.

10295412 | 10295469
They're not too much to consider. What counts is to create and comment in spite of such people.

And I thank you both for doing so.

To all.
~ Yr. Pal, B ~

Next up, Twilight gives birth to a Kirin

B_25 #12 · Jun 21st, 2020 · · 3 ·

Most likely not unless assisted by magical help.

This was amazing. Such great writing.

Who the hell keeps downvoting all the comments, positive or negative? Really annoying.

Aside from that, love the sequel. Pushes boundaries of the first and riding on that balance of too much vs. *way* too much is why I find this story so interesting.

Wow, great job! Didn't expect a sequel, but so glad one came out. Really captured the beautiful, familiar and adorkable relationship that is 100%, Spike and Twilight!

That touched my heart and my perv side so well. The story before of devotion and fear building up to this was beautiful. The ending coming full circle but now two halves more complete then ever.

Comment posted by X 865 deleted Jun 23rd, 2020

That was a fantastic two part series. Incredibly well done B_25!!! Have a picture of (what I assume is) your namesake.

Not brave enough to say something directly. Seriously, the comment downvoters are too cowardly to even write words on the internet where nopony can hurt them! Now that's just sad.

Then again, it's also hilarious: why would anypony who comments on a story care about a mass downvoting of the story's comments? What does that even mean? "I don't like it when readers talk about things?" I guess we'll never know because they're too chicken to say.

To be perfectly honest, my best guess is it's a sexual fetish. They have to downvote arbitrary comments on a My Little Pony fanfiction website in order to climax. That might sound ridiculous, but at least it makes sense of it.

10/10 but because it's an*hro it gets a 3/10

B_25 #21 · Jun 23rd, 2020 · · 1 ·

You get a dislike from me on that one homie.

Orrm #22 · Jun 24th, 2020 · · 4 ·

In being open and kind, it makes it easier for others to talk to us and, because of that, causes asking for help to be the easiest thing of all. But I've droned enough about this lesson. Forgive me as it's been far too long since the last time we've done this.

"I almost killed your pet slave but accept these empty platitudes and well wishes"

Ya need to get a life homie.

Have a like to balance it out. :twilightsmile:

You're a good man

I wouldn't normally curse in comments, but this is fucking amazing. No, I'm serious. You mentioned wanting to add depth to you work, to make it more than just thoughtless words scribbled on paper? You accomplished it. I was hooked. I loved the story, it was so interesting, and you wrote the relationship between Spike and Twilight so well. The guilt of Spike clashing against the willingness of Twilight was gorgeous. Please, please, PLEASE continue making work like this. I am BEGGING you. It's difficult to find an author like you, and I'm lucky I did :heart: :heart: :heart:

I'm profoundly touched by this.

Thank you for the kindness homie.
~ Yr. Pal, B

So true sincere writing is something else

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