• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 797 Views, 39 Comments

Red Strings, White Chains - Undome Tinwe

Rarity and Celestia are getting married, and the whole world is watching.

  • ...

Something New

"So, you and Rarity, huh?"

Celestia took a sip from her teacup. "That is what it says on the wedding invitations, yes."

"Huh." Sunset Shimmer stared into her own mug of coffee. "I'm not really sure how I feel about that. Honestly, I guess part of me is still trying to wrap my head around you falling in love in the first place."

"Mmm, Twilight had similar issues at first as well. She also has difficulties imagining me as a flesh and blood mare with carnal desires towards one of her best friends."

It was a very good thing that Sunset hadn't been actively drinking from her mug, or else she likely would have choked to death on the spot. On the other hand, maybe that would have been better than having to look her former mentor in the eye after that comment. "Celestia!" she managed to shout, her eyes bulging out in shock. "What the buck?"

Mirth danced in Celestia's eyes as her lips twitched. "I'm sorry, Sunset, but I've been dying to do something like that for quite some time, and I'm afraid it would be far too mean to pull this stunt on Twilight." She winked. "You were always far less reverent with me."

"Yeah, well, it's one thing to be the only one willing to call you out on your shit sometimes, and another to have my old teacher talking about having the hots for this world's version of my girlfriend." Boy, did she wish someone had spiked her mug before this meeting. Sunset really didn't need or want to be sober right now. "I wonder if it'll ever not be awkward."

"While the existence of parallel universes has been known for quite some time, this is the first time I can recall where there were any significant interactions between two worlds," Celestia replied. "As such, I'm afraid we're breaking new ground in terms of social perceptions."

"At least I'm used to being a trailblazer," Sunset muttered. "First pony to make a life in the human world, first pony to date a human, and now this."

"You have done much to be proud of, Sunset." Even after all these years, those words from Celestia sent a thrill of joy coursing through Sunset's heart. Which was honestly kind of sad, but old habits died hard, she supposed. "You've discovered the magic of friendship is a world without magic, and from what Twilight's told me, you've been doing a wonderful job in spreading that magic in your political career."

Sunset shrugged. "I had help. Turn out dating a world-famous fashion designer and having a soccer superstar as a friend makes fundraising for campaign funds a lot easier."

"When you were my student, you would never have had the humility to ask for help like that," Celestia said. "Truly, you have grown so much in your time away from me. In addition to having wonderful tastes in partners."

This time, Sunset was ready for the teasing. "I could say the same for you, Princess. Though, I have to wonder. I get why you fell in love with Rarity — if she's anything like my Rarity, then she's probably the most amazing mare in this world — but how did you get her to agree to marry you? You're just a princess of Equestria with a cake addiction and centuries of experience ruling a nation."

"I wonder the same thing most days." Celestia hid her smile behind her teacup. "I can only try to make up for my obvious manipulation by attempting to make her happy for the rest of her life."

"I'll toast to that." Sunset raised up her mug. "To making our Rarities happy."

"To the transformative power of love." There was a soft clink as teacup tapped against mug. "I wonder how our better halves are doing. My fiancée was particularly excited about your visit."

"Yeah, Rarity's been going crazy about the idea of helping design a dress for another version of herself. She hasn't stopped talking about it ever since you sent the invitations." Sunset smiled. "We'll probably have to pry them apart with a crowbar at the end of the weekend."

"I am very much looking forward to seeing the dress on the wedding day," Celestia mused. "I have absolutely no doubts that it will be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"Bold words for someone who was around when the Pillar of Beauty was at her most active."

"I have much faith in my fiancée's abilities, in many things." There was a flash of magic as Celestia summoned up a folder. "Speaking of which, she's also become something of a political advocate since our engagement, as would be expected from a consort."

"Yeah, I can see that," Sunset said. "Not like I don't talk policy with my girlfriend a lot of the times."

"Mmm." Celestia set down the folder on the table. "My Rarity has also been reading the reports you've been sending me."

"Oh?" Curiosity piqued, Sunset set down her mug and devoted her full attention to her former teacher.

"I know I've always been a little... set in my ways." A wry smile graced Celestia's lips. "I suppose that's the curse of immortality, to be resistant to change because that might mean admitting that you've been wrong for a very, very long time."

Sunset chuckled. "Heh, guess I'm not the only person who's changed since we were student and teacher. You would never have said that back in the day."

"These past few decades have been... a humbling experience, in many ways."

"I can imagine, considering the stories Twilight's been telling me." Mischief gleamed in her eyes as Sunset spoke. "Problem with living forever is that you can't just put off your problems for a thousand years and expect someone else to deal with it."

"In my case, that seems to have worked out well enough," Celestia teased. "I've gotten some wonderful companions out of my gambit."

"Guess I can't fault you there," Sunset replied. "If it weren't for the Elements finding new bearers, we'd both probably be single right now. And I might still be evil, which is also bad, I guess."

"And I would not have had someone to explain to me that change can be a good thing, that Equestria has remained isolated from a potential source of advancement for far too long."

Now she had Sunset's complete attention. "Are you implying what I think you're implying?"

At Celestia's nod, Sunset felt a sense of gravity in her heart, a certainty that something very momentous was about to happen that would be recorded in the history books as the beginning of a new era. After all the times Celestia had rejected her suggestions, she'd lost hope of this day ever coming.

"Before you begin celebrating," Celestia said after a moment, breaking Sunset out of her reverie, "you should know that I don't intend on turning Equestria into a technocracy where artificers can work unfettered to transform our nation."

She set her teacup down and met Sunset's stare with one of equal gravity. "The reservations I have before are still present, and while Rarity has convinced me that the risk of First Contact is well worth the potential reward, that does not mean I wish to grant unfettered access between our worlds."

"Of course." Sunset's heart was pounding in her chest now. She hadn't expected to be part of something this big when she'd first arrived. In comparison, a royal wedding seemed like a sideshow.

"In order to ensure the best possible outcome for both sides, we would need to enlist the aid of someone who has walked in both worlds and possesses a deep understanding of what each can offer the other, as well as what dangers they might present." The whole world seemed to disappear as Celestia captured Sunset's attention entirely with her presence. "Rarity has informed me that her counterpart was dating someone who might fit that description."

"What do you want from me, exactly?" There was no time for beating around the bush or any signs of hesitation — Sunset knew she needed to prove herself here.

"If we decide to make contact with the rulers of the human world, Equestria will be sending their diplomatic team over to negotiate the exchange of knowledge and goods. There will be much distrust from both sides, and having a couple that consists of a human and pony will go a long way towards assuaging some of those misgivings." Celestia pushed the folder towards her. "I would employ you as an advisor on the Equestrian side, to aid the negotiating team in determining if they are being treated fairly. Given her skills in politics, I assume that your Rarity should be able to manoeuvre herself into a similar position on the human's side."

Sunset picked up the documents in front of her and skimmed them. The first was a contract that would make her an official employee of the Crown, with a lot of legalese about what that would entail. The remaining papers were simply information about the proposed initiatives to contact the other world. "I'd have to step down from my current job to take on this position," she said absently as she flipped through the papers.

"You will be adequately compensated for your service," Celestia replied. "Though I doubt that matters to you."

"Well, it matters a little, but honestly, Rarity makes enough for the both of us anyways." Sunset gathered up the documents back into the folder. "I'd have to go over these more carefully later, of course, and discuss with Rarity, but I'm pretty sure I know what my answer will be." She stood up and held out a hoof, smiling. "I can't wait to work with you again, princess. Hopefully this time it won't end in another trip to the Forbidden Archives."

Celestia shook the outstretched hoof, and two worlds were changed forever. "We've recently improved our security after a... minor incident a few weeks ago, so you might not find it so easy to break in."

Sunset's smile turned to a smirk. "That sounds like a fun story."

"It was an interesting experience, to say the least." They returned to their seats and their drinks. For a moment, there was peaceful silence as they both contemplated the ramifications of their agreement. Then, Celestia casually said, "You know, it occurs to me that an interdimensional marriage between a human and a pony would do much good in establishing trust in our negotiations."

This time, Sunset did actually choke on her drink, sputtering as she slammed her hoof against her chest in an attempt to clear it of liquid. She glared up at Celestia's serene smile. "You were waiting for that," she choked out accusingly, still trying to catch her breath. "I'd forgotten how childish you could be."

"It's rare that I can find someone who doesn't revere me so that I can tease them safely," Celestia replied. "That is one of the reasons why I so cherish Rarity."

"Fair enough, I guess." The last of the coffee gone from her lungs, Sunset sat up straight once again. "Must be hard to find someone willing to put up with your table manners in private."

Celestia took the teasing in stride. "Rarity is a very understanding mare."

"Uh huh." Sunset paused. "You might have a point though. About the marriage thing. I... uhh..." She trailed off, finding it difficult to say the words aloud. Somehow, this was more terrifying than standing at the precipice of a new age.

"Do you have a ring yet?" Celestia asked, cutting through Sunset's hesitation.

"Yeah," Sunset admitted. "I hid it back in our apartment on the other side of the mirror. With all this wedding talk lately Rarity's been dropping some hints about wanting to take the next step, so I'll probably propose after you and your Rarity tie the knot." She smirked. "Wouldn't want to overshadow you by doing it now."

"Careful, young lady, or you might find yourself put on the spot during the reception," Celestia replied with her own smirk. "I could very well tell all of Equestria that you had a very special announcement to make during the speeches."

"Oh, you want me to reveal what really happened during the 990th Summer Sun Celebration, and why you were an hour late to raise the run?" Sunset asked, blinking innocently.

"Touché," Celestia murmured. "Sill, if there is any help you need in making your proposal what you desire it to be, please don't hesitate to reach out."

"I won't," Sunset promised. "And thank you. For everything. I don't think I've ever said it before, but despite how it ended, I don't regret being your student."

"And I treasure the time I spent as your teacher," Celestia replied.

There was a moment of silence, and then Sunset stood up again. "I think this is the part where we hug."


As they embraced, Sunset let herself sink back into familiarity. Something within her finally felt fulfilled, something that she hadn't even known she'd been missing. She loved Rarity, of course, and had made a home for herself on the other side of the mirror, but finding a place here in Equestria that didn't take away from everything she had done in the human world finally allowed her to make peace with the two halves of her identity.

"So, we should probably check on Rarity and Rarity," Sunset said as they pulled apart. "Especially if we're going to be discussing more politics. It'll be easier than explaining everything twice."

"Very well."

Before either of them could make a move towards the exit, the doors crashed open to reveal two nearly-identical mares.

"Sunset!" the younger Rarity shouted. "Why didn't you tell me what magic could do to fabrics! Have you seen the flameweave cloth that Rarity has been using in her latest line? It's simply divine!"

"Celestia!" the future princess-consort called out at around the same time. "With the other world's capabilities in mass production, we could provide every designer in Equestria with enchanted silks! Can you imagine the artistic renaissance that would come from that? Also, I simply must find some way to accent my dress with some of these synthetic fabrics from the other world!"

Sunset and Celestia shared a knowing look, smiling at one another before returning their attentions to the mares who had changed their lives, and who would change the world.

The future was going to be very bright indeed.