• Published 2nd Jul 2020
  • 797 Views, 39 Comments

Red Strings, White Chains - Undome Tinwe

Rarity and Celestia are getting married, and the whole world is watching.

  • ...

Obligatory Changeling Invasion

Thorax, King of the Reformed Changeling Hive, was sipping at his tea — and enjoying the love and care put into brewing it — in his guest suite when the door burst open with enough force to shake its hinges.

"This has gone on for long enough!"

A white-coated unicorn stormed into the room, reeking of exasperation, followed behind by an equally-white alicorn. Thorax's heart lodged itself in his throat. "R-Rarity!" he spluttered, after shifting his heart back down where it was supposed to be. "Is something the matter?"

"Is something the matter, he asks!" Rarity stomped a hoof on the ground, sending out a wave of anger. "We have had quite enough of your subjects' crass attempts at exploiting our impending nuptials. Isn't that right, darling?" She inclined her head at her partner, clearly expecting agreement.

"Of course, dear," her fiancée replied.

A strong leader like Ember would've admitted everything right then, and dealt with the consequences. "D-Did my hive do something wrong?" Thorax was not a strong leader. At least, not in the face of such a level of bridal wrath.

Rarity's glare softened for a moment. "Thorax, dear, you are the leader of a nation," she said, rolling her eyes. "You simply must learn to lie better. For heaven's sakes, you're the King of the Changelings!"

"I'm sorry," Thorax hung his head in shame. "I've never been a very good changeling."

Pity flowed out from Rarity, sickly sweet and cloying. "Nonsense. You defeated Queen Chrysalis, brought peace between our peoples, and you've kept the hive fed better than your former ruler ever could, haven't you?"

"I— I suppose." Thorax tasted the air again. Rarity really did mean those words, pity aside. At least, there was admiration in there somewhere.

"You'll be a great leader one day." Warmth suffused her tone and emotions. "You just need some lessons in... statecraft, shall we say. Isn't that right, Celestia?"

"Yes, dear."

"See," Rarity said, "Princess Celestia agrees with me, and you know she's wiser than both of us combined."

"I guess you're right." Thorax smiled as Rarity's confidence suffused him. "Maybe I should spend more time with Ember." He still couldn't quite believe that he'd made friends with the Dragonlord, but if anyone could help him be a stronger leader, it was her.

The gleam that sparkled in Rarity's eye in response was just a little unnerving. "She would be a wonderful choice for learning assertiveness." A pause. "Though, you may wish to consult someone with a more... delicate touch when it comes to politics. I think Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis would be happy to make some new connections, and to help you in return. They're honest ponies, too, and as long we help make the introductions all should be well."

"Thanks, Rarity. I owe you one."

"It's my pleasure, darling." Her eyes narrowed dangerously. "Though, if you truly wish to repay me, I would kindly suggest that you please bring your subjects in line before we are forced to take matters into our own hooves."

"Oh... right." Thorax's heart sank again. Metaphorically, this time. "I'm really sorry about that. They don't mean any harm."

"Regardless, it is very disturbing to realize that the stolen moment I've been sharing with my beloved is actually a gourmet dining experience for one of your changelings. Shining Armour reacted particularly poorly when he caught 'Celestia' and I together, only for the changeling to reveal herself in front of him in a panic."

"I swear, we're not trying to invade this time!" Thorax said hastily, waving his hooves in a vaguely placating gesture. "It's just... your love is so rich." Thorax forced himself not to sense the love between Rarity and Celestia, lest he become even more unnerved. "It's like really strong wine, and it's triggering our natural... instincts."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Instincts?"

"Changelings have a natural predatory instinct to transform into beloved ponies and try to feed off their loved ones. It's particularly overwhelming around couples with a strong connection." Once again, Thorax could feel the tug in his mind, but months of living in the Crystal Empire and being around Shining Armour and Princess Cadance had helped him develop a resistance. "The love you share with Princess Celestia is so pure, so deep, and the less experienced changelings are having trouble controlling themselves. It's just so beautiful."

That set Rarity aback, her eyes widening and her cheeks reddening in response. "Well, I'm very flattered," she said, flustered. "But regardless, it simply is not acceptable for your changelings to be taking on the form of a Princess or future Princess-Consort of Equestria. If any other nation had done something like this, it would be an international incident. Isn't that right, Celestia?"

"Yes, an international incident," her fiancée murmured. "We can't afford to have one of those."

"I understand." Thorax sighed. "I'll tell my changelings to back off, and make sure the younger ones stay away from the city until after the wedding."

"Thank you." Rarity gave Thorax a polite nod of the head. "Now then, if you'll excuse us, we still have a few minutes before duty calls us once again, and we'd like to spend that time together."

Rarity shot her partner a smoldering glance, and Thorax's tongue flicked out as an instinctual hiss escaped from his lips.

Both lovers stopped and turned to stare at him, and Thorax wished very dearly that he was back in the hive where a convenient hole could open up beneath him and swallow him whole. "S-Sorry!" he squeaked out, heat suffusing his cheeks. "I just — your love is just so tasty." Thorax barely kept his tongue from flicking out again.

"Oh dear." There was the pity again, clearing Thorax's mind with its cloyingness. "Is it really that bad?"

"You have no idea." This was bad. Would Rarity even allow them to attend the wedding? "Just being around you two is... fulfilling."

"Really?" A calculating glint shimmered in Rarity's eyes. "Hmm... perhaps we can come to some sort of compromise, then." She turned to face her lover. "Celestia, you've been thinking about how to integrate the changelings into Equestrian society, yes? Perhaps we could use their services in covering our staffing shortages as a result of the wedding, with the appropriate compensation, of course. I daresay they would be very motivated to ensure that the wedding is a success."

"That would be incredible." With the advances they'd made in sharing love to make it last longer, a wedding like this would keep them fed for years. "I can't thank you enough, Rarity."

"Don't worry, we'll be sure to call in the favour one day, darling," Rarity replied with a smirk. "This is politics, after all."

"Of course." He still had a lot to learn about being a ruler, but Thorax knew enough not to say anything more and reveal just how big this deal would be for the Hive. "You can count on us as an ally of Equestria."

Rarity smiled. "They say politics makes for strange bedfellows, but I'd appreciate if it wasn't quite so literal."

"I'll make arrangements so that the changelings working with you are better at controlling their instincts."

"Good." Steel flashed in Rarity's eyes. "Because as part of the castle staff, your changelings will be subject to Equestrian laws. And the next time one of them tries to impersonate one of us, we will have to make an example of them."

"A-An example?"

Rarity's eyes narrowed as she turned to her companion, whose eyes had widened in fear as she'd spoken. "Oh, for Harmony's sake," the unicorn said through gritted teeth. "You're not Celestia, are you?"

There was an awkward silence as Thorax felt his whole world crashing down. They had been so close to navigating this minefield without making Rarity suspicious, and now everything they worked for was going to fall apart.

The silence was enough of an answer for Rarity. "You know, I did wonder why you had been so quiet. It's not like Celestia to let me take complete control of a political opportunity." She sighed. "You might as well show your true self."

There was another hesitation, and then "Celestia" bowed her head, green flames consuming her body and leaving behind a small, bluish changeling. One who was very familiar to Rarity.

"Ocellus," Rarity said flatly, and the young culprit deflated. "I'm very disappointed in you."

"I'm sorry, Professor Rarity! I didn't mean to cause any trouble! I just... your love is just so..." Ocellus trailed off, looking away from Rarity.

"I am not going to even begin to think about the implications of one of my former students pretending to be my fiancée." Rarity said. "I would like to sleep somewhat soundly tonight, thank you."

"I'm sorry," Ocellus repeated. "This— This isn't going to cause an international incident, right? I don't want to be responsible for a war between Equestria and the Hive!"

"I suppose I can deal with this indiscretion... discreetly," Rarity said, much to Thorax's relief. "I'll be letting Twilight know about this, of course. I know her Teacher's College doesn't have detention, but I'm sure she'll figure something out that won't make it to the press."

"Yes, Professor Rarity," Ocellus said meekly.

"Good. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find the real Princess Celestia and inform her about... all of this." Rarity made a vague gesture with her hoof towards the whole room. "Have a nice day, Thorax. Ocellus, you had better be back at the school by the time I return to Ponyville."

With that, Rarity trotted out of the room, leaving Thorax and Ocellus to stare at each other in more awkward silence. "So... that worked out, right?" Ocellus shot Thorax a nervous smile as she scuffed her hooves against the floor.

"Somehow, yeah." Thorax's eyes narrowed. "It almost didn't, though."

"I'm sorry." Ocellus looked so guilty that Thorax couldn't help but bring her into a hug.

"It's okay," he said, awkwardly patting her on the head. "Everything's going to work out. I just need to talk to Princess Celestia and work out the details of this deal."

Ocellus stiffened. "Umm... I saw Spines hiding outside before I came in here. Should we...?"

"Oh no." Thorax ran towards the door, just in time to hear Rarity's deafening shout.

"Again? Does Thorax have no control over his Hive? I ought to send you to the dungeons right now!"

Sorting this out was going to be... unpleasant, but Thorax still couldn't help but feel hopeful for the future. Rarity and Celestia's wedding was going to create so many new opportunities for the Hive, and Thorax could see a bright new world of peace and prosperity for both nations.

"Just you wait until I tell Celestia about this!"

Assuming they could avoid a declaration of war.

Thorax ran faster.