• Published 10th Jul 2020
  • 1,559 Views, 11 Comments

Midnight Snack - OverFlow

  • ...

Hungry Pony

Twilight was laying in bed, uncomfortably. Tossing, turning, sweating and whimpering under her breath. She can't handle it anymore.

"I need food, in my stomach, now!"

Twilight finally stated out loud. She jumped off the bed and marched out of her room, dedicated to getting at least one hayburger in her tummy.

Except there was one problem. It's the middle of the night, meaning all the restaurants in Ponyville are closed. And Twilight just came to the realization of it while in the middle of her stride in her long big hallway of her castle.

"Oh for Celestia's sake. All the places are closed! What does it take for a girl to get a burger around here?!"

Twilight said as she then huffed and puffed.

A little purple dragon appeared, groggy and bothered of the ruckus Twilight is making.

"What's going on?"

Spike asked in concern but also with annoyance.

"I'm. Hungry!"

"Okay. Jeez, no need to be loud. You woke me up as is."

"Sorry Spike, but I meant what I said. I'm starving but all the restaurants in Ponyville are closed. This means no hayburgers."

"Ugh. Isn't there food in the kitchen? Get something from there."

It's plain to see, Twilight wasn't clear enough with Spike. She just facehoofed in response to his suggestion.

"Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. I want a hayburger, heck I want several! And sandwiches or whatever isn't going to cut it!"

Before she continued, she remembered something. She hunged out with Anon in the previous day over at the hayburger shack. And she clearly remembers him taking a to-go bag as they left the establishment. Maybe he could spare his food and finally satisfy Twilight's yearning for hayburgers.

Not even giving the little dragon a chance to speak in return, Twilight bolts out of the hallway only to teleport shortly in a flash.

* * *

Faster than the blink of an eye, Twilight magically appears out of nowhere and lands her self in Anon's living room. It's way bigger than the average pony's house but that's only because it has to accommodate Anon's human build. To him, his place is around the size of an average American's home, so it's not that large to him.

Still though, nowhere near as large as Twilight's crystal castle. So the place wasn't really intimidating to her, just unique.

"Anon! Are you awake? Please, I need you!"

Twilight calls with anguish but with no avail. She proceeds to explore the place and walks into Anon's kitchen. She lurks around the area in hopes to find Anon's hayburger bag. Yeah, she'll eat it without his permission but she doesn't care and will pay for it later.

With no luck, Twilight figured Anon stashed it somewhere else in his home. She walked over to the hallway. There were several rooms to pick from but with one lucky guess, Twilight manages to enter Anon's bedroom.

He's there. Laying in bed, soothingly.

Twilight just stared for a moment across from his room, able to see his face from the door. She walks closer until she's face to face with him. Too close in fact. She's practically breathing the air he's breathing.

Nervous at first, she hesitates to probe him. Her stomach growls however, giving her the urgency she needs to push on with the mission. She pokes him in the face with her hoof but then begins to shake his arm rapidly.

"Anon. Wake up. Wake. Up."

This disturbs Anon, causing him to wake a bit. Just barely able to emit any sound.


Anon begins to grasp that he's not alone. The realization then hits him.

"Yay, you're up!"


It was a total surprise to Anon, causing him to freak out and fall on the floor from his bed. A mighty loud thud came from his contact on the ground.

"Whoops. A-are you okay Anon?"

Twilight spoke with concern in her voice. Cringing from seeing this brutal fall.

"What the fuck are you doing here Twilight?"

Anon immediately retorted. Completely dismissing Twilight's question. He is annoyed and rightfully so right now.

"Sorry sorry sorry! I-I didn't mean for you to fall!"

"Whatever. So what do you need?"

He asked calmly this time, but with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Right. By any chance, do you still have your leftovers from the hayburger shack from yesterday? I'm really hungry and craving for some hayburgers about now. Please tell me you still have them."

Anon just gives a blank stare and ponders.

'This motherfucking fatass of a pony just woke you up for goddamn fastfood leftovers.'

"Twilight... I never got any hayburgers. I can't eat that shit, remember?"

"W-what? What did you eat then? And what's in the bag?"

"I ordered fries and a large drink, purple-butt. I took some fries home."

As Twilight heard every single word coming out of Anon's mouth, she falls in defeat. She couldn't believe it.

"C-c-can I have the fries then? P-please?"

She asked in a dispirited tone of voice. Still wanting to taste a food item from the same burger joint she loves.

"Sorry. I ate 'em all already..."

With that said, she's had enough. Twilight will not stand for this.

"Grrr! I will not stand for this! I am Twilight Sparkle! Princess of friendship and an element of harmony! And I want hayburgers! And I want one now!"

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"I demand hayburgers!"

"And I don't have any you fatty!"

"I'm not fat!"

"Your butt says otherwise."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

Anon has to think quickly. He's afraid Twilight will go rampant if he doesn't abide by her needs.

"W-would you accept meat?"

He said meekly at the angry purple horse.

"No! I want hayburgers!"

She stated loudly, stomping her right hoof on the ground in frustration.

"Trust me, it's better than hayburgers. Just give it a chance."

With that said, Twilight gives a mean look to Anon, but with no other choice, she ultimately gives in.


"Great! I know you ponies are against it but I promise it's good."

While Twilight isn't particularly against eating meat, she's never given the thought of trying it. She's read books about it though, but that's about it. She was already satisfied with all the diverse food options the burger places have, how can she possibly give meat a try?

Anon gets up from the ground and headed to his kitchen. Twilight trails right behind him in anticipation, still keeping up that sulky face of hers.

Finally, at the space where he needs to be, he gathers all the ingredients from his fridge, including the meat that he promised. In this case, it's ham.

If he were to be honest here, he's not very happy sharing his luxury food item of meat, since it's hard to get at times. He buys several kinds of meat at the black market but the vendors aren't always there. The vendors are surprisingly ponies, but Anon is sure they get their source from the griffons. Meat is not illegal to sell or consume but it's heavily frowned upon from the pony community.

"Just give me a sec. This shouldn't take long."

Twilight just pouted and waited for Anon to finish.

Once the sandwich was constructed, Anon presented the food to Twilight.

"Here's your sandwich. Bon appétit."

"But I wanted a burger."

"A burger is essentially a sandwich."


"Just eat it."


One bite later, Twilight was struck in awe. She has not tasted anything like this before. This sandwich is incredible! After coming out of the trance, she just gobbled the whole thing down. After she finished, she licked her lips to gather any remaining taste of the sandwich that still remains on her lips.

"That sandwich was spectacular! I must have more! Please make me more Anon. Oh please!"

"What? No way! Do you know how hard this stuff comes by?"

"I'll pay for it! Bill me! Just give me more!"

"Ugh, fine."

He whipped up several of the same sandwiches he made for her.

Anon became Twilight's personal chef for the remainder of the hour. All until his supplies depleted.

Twilight takes her last bite of the final sandwich and belches. Barely being able to move, and now feeling sleepy from the heavy meal, Twilight has fallen flat on the kitchen floor.

"Carry me Anon."

"What? Just teleport yourself, you have magic!"

"I don't feel like it. Please? Just put me on the couch."


He picked up the element of fatassery and laid her on his couch.

Upon laying her on the sofa, she immediately falls asleep. Saliva already coming out of her mouth.

"I've got to admit it. You do look pretty cute with a tummy. And who am I kidding, your ass is pretty juicy."

Good thing Twilight was already asleep at this point. Otherwise, he'd be in big trouble for his choice of words.

With that settled, Anon just "patted" her on the flank and called it a night. What a silly pony she is.

Author's Note:

Hi guys, thanks for reading. This is my first fic written and I finished writing this at 3 am so sorry I couldn't do my fullest potential. Also, feel free to check out the group that I created "Twiggy Piggy" and join if you're interested.

Comments ( 11 )


Pretty good for a first fic, keep it up :)

We need more Twilight weight gain stories in the world! This, however, satisfied my cravings for a while. Great for a first fic, I didn't see one spelling or grammar issue!:pinkiegasp:

Thanks. I figured there aren't enough fics on this topic either so I thought I'd make one. Glad you enjoyed it.

Twilight you fat pone you are so big and fat why are you so fat

Twilight: NOM NOM NOM NOM!

Nice story.

Before she continued, she remembered something. She hanged out with Anon in the previous day over at the hayburger shack. And she clearly remembers him taking a to-go bag as they left the establishment. Maybe he could spare his food and finally satisfy Twilight's yearning for hayburgers.

"Hanged" is used only for the execution method; it should be replaced with "hung" here.

Nice catch. That's one of my most confusing words when writing something. Thanks.

Adorable and funny fanfic I loved it :pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

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