• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 1,981 Views, 49 Comments

How I became an Equestrian - Raybony

A Nightmare of my own threatens to destroy the land of Equestria and my love. And me and the Mane 6 are the only ones that can stop it.

  • ...

Mending Feelings

Me and Pinkie ran as quick as we could from Sugar Cube Corner towards the Library, we ran pass all the houses waking the sleeping ponies inside from their slumbers. We were passing the Square Fountain when we heard someone yelling from up above.

"Guys, wait up" I heard Rainbow Dash called, she sounded a little shaken up.

"What is it Dash? We are trying to get somewhere fast." I didn't stop to look at her, but I didn't need to as she came next to us.

"Did you guys have a weird dream? Like some creature attacking the Princesses?" I could see that Dash was shaken up by it. I wouldn't blame her, if I saw the ruler of a land being attack by something that has never been seen before, then I would be shaken up too.

"Yeah, it was like a big meany dark timberwolf, and he even changed shape, and breath fire and it could even use magic. Well he is definitely off my list for party making." Pinkie said with a serious voice, a small frown on her face.

"And if that dream was true then Luna sent a letter and the elements to Twilight." I could see the Library now, the lights inside of the building lit up. 'good, she is awake now, maybe she can tell me more about what Luna was talking about.'

We came to the door of the Library, Dash didn't even bother to knock as she went with both hooves stretch in front of her through the door. Inside we found Twilight, Applejack and Rarity gather around the table on the living room.

Ok, how did they get here so quickly, if I'm right we all shared the same dream at the same time, and I'm sure Applejack lives the farthest.

"Rainbow, haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Twilight asked, a bit annoyed at Dash's actions.

"At a time like this? We just saw a strange dream, and that something tells me it wasn't one. So I think there is no time to be subtle." Dash flew directly to Twilight looking at the writings that were laid across the table. "What is this anyway?"

"According to Luna's letter, this is a legend or prophecy that was given to her and Celestia about 3000 years ago" She went to the table and took the large parchment from the pile to show it to everyone. "And supposedly it was given by a human like Luis."

"Like me, are you sure Twilight? Back on earth this world wasn't created no more than 3 years ago, and if that thing that came from my head is saying the truth, then this world wouldn't exist for that long." It really didn't make sense, if both worlds shared about the same timeline, then all the events from the past would have been made up by Lauren Faust.

"Ah wouldn' go an' say that thin' is tellin' the truth, but it's not iportan' right now. What does the legen' there say Twi?" Applejack was right, there was no time to wonder how can a human be in Equestria 3000 years ago, there was a Nightmare out there and we needed to stop it.

"Ok, there are a few things that I still haven't been able to translate, Luna didn't have time to send a translation, only a copy of the original Legend and a book to translated. Now let's see." I saw Twilight levitate another piece of paper out of the small pile in the table, and bring it next to her.

"When a major threat that threaten the land was stop, a creature from a far away land would appear, with it, a being that could put not just the land, but the whole world, into a age of darkness and misery" Everyone look at me for a moment, seeing as it fit to what was happening right now. "Only when all seems lost a power, buried within the creature would have the chance to defeat it and stop the darkness from rising through out the land.-"

"Let me stop you there, first of all, this can't be me they are talking about, I'm no fighter, no warrior, I'm not special. I'm just a chef that right now does mostly pastries.

"And second, what is it to say that the elements can't stop it, they stopped Nightmare-moon and Discord, surely they can stop it." I said to them, this all sounded a bit too much to be a legend, more like a prophecy, and I rather avoid those kind of things.

"I agree with him guys, he doesn't know a lot of fighting and even Angel could beat him in a fight, no offence." Dash said, I way her to not worry about it, she was right after all. "And I bet we could take him on with the elements." She said, pumping her hooves against each other.

"Don' get ahead of yourself Rainbow, that thin' ,wha'ever it is, manage to beat both Princesses." Applejack said, everyone now speaking with each other about whenever or not they had a chance against the Nightmare.

"Is there anything else in there that can help us out darling?" Rarity asked to Twilight, to which she responded with a shake of her head.

"I'm sorry, but I have only being able to decipher this so far, but there is one more thing I mange to make out of it." Everyone looked towards her, waiting to hear what else was there in the legend. "It said, 'A sacrifice would be made'."

That sent shivers down my back. A sacrifice, of what sorts? I decided to stop thinking about it and be helpful for the moment. "Let's not worry about that now, we better just try to find that Nightmare and stop it." I looked to the table and found a scroll with some runes and mathematical formulas, very similar to the ones I saw in that dream/vision.

"Hey Twilight, what are this?" I asked her pointing to the scroll in question.

"I believe that's the spell that the ponies at Canterlot were working on, and Celestia and Luna were right, we need a sample from that creatures magic to track it down."

I really wish that Nightmare had left us a piece of him to work on. I though about it for a while, but nothing came up.

"I wished that thing would just show up and fight instead of playing tricks with our minds." Rainbow said, annoyed at the Nightmare for waiting in the shadows.

'Wait, mind, Nightmare. That's it!' I got it, it may not work but it was all we had. "Twilight, what don't you take a sample of my magic?"

"But Luis, we already have unicorn magic, we don't need anymore." She looked confused at my suggestion.

"I know, but I wasn't a unicorn before, or even a pony." She started to see what I was getting at. "And that Nightmare, was that before, a nightmare from my head. So I think that he should share some of that magic from me, and if he does we can track him down."

Everyone perked up at that, we had a way to track it down. "That's brilliant, and I can alter the spell to find only that type, so it doesn't get confused with yours. Now don't move, I need a clear shot."

'.....WHAT?' before I could react I saw Twilight shoot a beam directly at me, it felt like a joy-buzzer was being applied to all my body, it wasn't as painful, but still unpleasant.

"There, all done." Twilight said with a small smile on her face. Everyone else looked a bit shocked at the display, but didn't say anything.

"Twi, next time give me a chance to get ready, I didn't even know I would feel something." I said, I could feel my eyes spinning in my eye sockets in different directions. I bet I looked like Derpy right now.

"Sorry about that, and that feeling was you magical aura being manipulated around to get a sample, it was rather easy to find your human magic, seeing as it was right in here." she said knocking me in the head, snapping me back to reality.

"What are we waitin' for then? let's go get that Nightmare fella'" Applejack said, taking her Element of harmony out of the small chest on the table.

In no time everyone had their Elements and ready to go, until I notice that one of the Element still rested in the chest, and it's bearer nowhere around. "Guys where is Fluttershy?"

Everyone looked around, expecting to find her hiding behind one of them or somewhere else. "Oh no, the poor dear must be at home shaking like crazy after that horrendous dream." Rarity said.

"Well we better get down ther' quick y'all, the quicker we get her the quicker we'll get to beat this Nightmare fella." Applejack said heading out the door with everyone in tow.

I went to grab Shy's Element, but when I was about to hold it in my magic, a small spark was sent from it to my hurt. It didn't hurt at all, but it still surprise me, even thou, I grabbed the Element and headed out the door, turning out the lights and closing the door.


Meanwhile, inside the walls of the old castle of the royal sisters, a creature stayed in the shadows of the castle, it's true form hidden by the dark. Only a small orb the size of a table globe, created light that showed a silhouette of a claw underneath it and the head of a wolf.

The orb showed how 6 ponies exited the town's Library, and headed for the outskirts the town towards the everfree forest.

"So they manage to find a way to get to me? Now matter. As long as they can't get here I don't have to worry about them." A small light started to appear at the other side of the orb, where a matching claw could be seen underneath the new light.

"But I think I will intervene with their plans." Five small orbs, the size of marbles appear from the light and went towards the orb that showed the ponies nearing a small cottage. "I hope they like a nice surprise. Maybe I can get to kill one of them."


We ran all the way to Fluttershy's house, hoping to find her and get going to try and stop my Nightmare.

"So darling tell me, how was your visit to Fluttershy's cottage?" Rarity asked me interest on my experience on the event.

I really didn't want to tell her the truth now, but I needed to tell her something or else she wouldn't drop it. "Well, it was...unusual?" Idiot, that's the best you can come up with?

"Oh how so? did anything interesting happened?" she looked at me expecting to hear a gossip.

"We...erm, had a moment." I'm the worst at coming up with things to say.

"You two kissed? Oh tell me what happened. Tell me tell me tell me." She was now just like me Pinkie Pie, nearly jumping up and down as we came closer to Shy's house.

"We can talk about this stuff later guys, we need to get to Shy's house quickly." Twilight said turning her head around to look at us. Thanks for the safe Twi.

With us not talking the rest of the way, we arrived to Fluttershy's house in no time. the lights were on, so that was a good sign of her being awake, or not.

I came to the door and knocked on it, after a few moments the door opened a bit to show Angel's head, guess he didn't fall asleep after all, he took one look at me and sent the door slamming in my nose, "Ow"

"What was that for? He normally isn't this aggressive." Rarity said, the display really rare for her.

"Let me try, me and Shy have been friend since fly school, Angel wouldn't throw me out for no reason." Rainbow said, as she went to the door and knock on it.

'Five, four...' the door to the cottage open to show Angel again, eyeing Rainbow curiously. 'three, two...' Angel looked around her and saw me standing with everyone else, turning to look angrily at Rainbow. 'Oneeeee' SLAM "OW, that rabbit."

"Guess that we need another way in. Twilight, think you can teleport us inside?"

"I think so, but isn't this illegal?" She said with her ears a bit down, not liking the idea of breaking in to someone's house.

"We are suppose to fight against a creature that defeated the Princesses, and you are worry about rules? Come on Twi, we need to get Fluttershy out of there, and I want to teach that rabbit to not mess with me." Rainbow said rubbing her nose with her hoof.

"Alright then,gather around everypony." we all came close to Twilight and her horn started to shine. After a flash of Twilights magic, we were inside Shy's house, and after another second Angel was on top of my head, hitting me repeatedly, WITH A FRYING PAN!!!

"Get *whack* this *whack* rabbit *whack* off me" ... *whack, whack, whack*

"Stop hitting him Angel, I know he messed up with Shy, but he is trying to fix things and we kind of need her right now" Rainbow manage to get Angel off me, but was struggling to hold the little rabbit down.

"Messed up? what is she talking about?" Twilight said, a bit curiously at to what I did. Fuck, nice going Rainbow.

"This isn't the time to discuss about it, we need to get Shy out and find this Nightmare." I tried to redirect the whole thing away from me. "And...is that Brandy I smell?" I sniffed the air again, sure enough, I could smell the alcohol in the air.

"Oh this is not good." I saw Rainbow with a frighten look on her face. I decided to find where the smell came from, thinking it may be serious.

I followed the smell to upstairs, the others following suit and Rainbow left Angel under a basket with some books on top to weight him down.

I came in front of a door in the hallway, the smell was definitely coming from this room. I push the door slightly to look inside, what I saw made my heart sink.

Fluttershy laid on the floor with a few battles of Brandy around her. It looked like she had been crying a lot recently. her eyes were bloodshot and I could see tear stains on her face and the floor.

She turn around to look at the door, and gave me an angry look before standing up and going towards the door. "If you think for one second that I'm going anywhere with you, forget it."

"Fluttershy, we need you to come with us" Twilight started to say. "there is a Creature going around and we need to-"

"I know and I don't care." she screamed at all of us, her shy personality gone from her as anger replace it. "I don't want to do anything with you or anypony if it involves 'him'." She said pointing a hoof at me.

"If he hadn't come to Equestria in the first place, we wouldn't be having to go get this thing. If it wasn't for him, we would be having a normal life like always. If it wasn't for him, the Princesses wouldn't have been attack and dead!!" she said, making an emphasis every time she mentioned me.

"Fluttershy, you don't know that. That thing said that it needs them alive to feed of their dreams, they can still be alive." Twilight was trying to calm her friend down, with little success.

"It doesn't matter, it's because of him that all our lives have change, and I hate it. I want my old life back." She said, new tears forming on her eyes.

"Just what could have Luis here have done to make you think that?" Rarity asked worry for her friend.

"HE BROKE MY HEART." She said the loudest I have ever hear her. An uncomfortable silence setting in.

I wanted to say I was sorry, I wanted to tell her I didn't mean what I said. I wanted. An disgusting smell filled my nose, stopping my train of thoughts. I looked to everyone else, their faces in a state of shock. "Guys, what is it?" A small growl came from outside before one of the windows in the room broke, sending shards of crystals in the air.

"TIMBERWOLFS" All the girls say, with fear in their voices.

Author's Note:

Oh noses, my nightmare can summon minions at his will, and it seems that he is hiding something. Just how will I manage to get on the good side of Fluttershy again, and my nose still hurts from Angel slamming the door in my face, ow.

Tell me in the comments of any grammar that needs to be fix, and what to do to improve it, English isn't my first language.

Have a nice day/night/whenever you are. :twilightsmile: