• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 907 Views, 3 Comments

How to Catch a Pinkie Pie - Ribe_FireRain

Dom and Rainbow Dash's spree of pranks continue to run rampant amongst their friends. Next up is their hardest target yet: Pinkie Pie! This will prove a challenge!

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Chapter Three - A Quiet Time: Dom and Pinkie's Discussion

You had just this moment finished a hearty bowl of cinnamon and banana oats prepared by Pinkie Pie. Easily, it was the best bowl you had ever eaten in your life, and it satisfied every desire and craving your stomach was having with you, for it had finally ceased in its incessant grumbling and was now glowing with glee.

In front of you, Rainbow Dash was still gradually eating her way through hers, holding her spoon with her wing, only now getting about halfway through it. She still held an annoyed expression upon her face and she hadn't paid any mind to you the entire time. She was still sour with you. Not even a glance was made in your direction. Her eyes remained downcast since you arrived to the bakery and sat down.

''Hey, Rainbow?'' You said softly, hoping she would at least acknowledge you. She didn't. She continued spooning another mouthful. You turned your head towards the counter and noticed Pinkie Pie standing behind it, and she shrugged at you, her face holding tones of concern. Facing back to Rainbow, you noticed that her eyebrows slowly narrowed in annoyance the more you spoke to her.

''Dash?'' You asked again. ''Come on, Dashie, what's---''

''Don't 'Dashie' me,'' She said bitterly. It wasn't a nasty tone, but rather a cold one. She finally looked up to you with a soft anger in her eyes. Her eyes were one of the easiest ways you were able to decipher her mood, as simple as reading a book from how often you spend time together, but you didn't detect any pure, hot anger. While she was somewhat peeved, there was a hint of sadness to her tone, albeit, a very subtle undertone.

''Rainbow, what's going on with you?" You asked her, now concerned about her. She was never like this with you in all the time you've been together, so her snapping at you was a bit hurtful. ''You've been sulking for a while now. Why don't you just tell me if something's bothering you?''

Rainbow Dash forcibly put down her spoon and her wings furrowed at you, her glare hardening a little as she suddenly took on a low, full-fledged angry tone with you. When she was properly infuriated, she was actually scary to be around. Understandably, your heart felt like it was trying to lurch its way out of your throat at the forceful clang of the spoon when she slammed it onto the table followed by her slightly raising out of her seat to glare into your eyes harshly.

''Because you'll find some way to ignore me or tease me, like you've been doing for at least a couple days!'' She said sourly. ''Thanks for the oats, Pinkie,'' She said as she turned her head to Pinkie Pie, before she gave you one final glare and then stormed out of the bakery without another word.

You sat there, utterly stunned at what had just happened. You weren't even sure what had happened, to be honest. She hasn't ever snapped at you like that before. You didn't really have time to contemplate it before Pinkie came over to you and sat where Dash had been sitting in front of you. The pink mare gave you a sympathetic look.

''Don't hold it against her, Dommie. Rainbow Dash is a tough cookie on the outside, but she's like strawberry jelly on the inside, all mushy and sweet. She doesn't mean it,'' Pinkie said reassuringly.

''Pinkie Pie, I know. She's always been sweet, but she hides it. I picked up on it after being friends with her for a few weeks,'' You told her. ''She's a bit sensitive, but I think I might have hurt her feelings a bit,'' You said regretfully. Pinkie just smiled at you and lightly placed her hoof on top of your hand.

''Dom, did you mean all that stuff you said at the party stand? Does she really mean that much to you?" Pinkie gazed at you patiently, and your heart felt like it was twisted in a knot. You were supposed to be here to catch this mare and to prank her for the sake of a laugh, and here she was comforting you and being all sweet and open-eared for your troubles. Pinkie Pie was something else entirely.

''Yes, I did,'' You said quietly but truthfully. ''I know that we always bicker with each other, but I'd always rather have her by my side than not at all. She's too much fun to not want to hang out with. After all, she's the first pony that ever wanted to be my friend, and she's easily my best friend,'' You said. You weren't much for mushy sentiments, but you didn't mind when it came to Rainbow Dash.

''Aw, Dommie, sounds like you have a cru-ush,'' She sing-songed with puppy eyes and a teasing smile. You blushed at her remark. It was then that a thought came to you.

''Hang on, that letter in the bucket...how'd you know?'' You inquired curiously. She knew instantly what you meant, and she sat there with her hooves clasped with a knowing smile on her face, baby blue eyes half-lidded and a little smug.

''Oh, Dommie, I've known for a while,'' She said simply. ''It's not hard to tell that you like her, you know,'' She winked at you. You tugged your collar. She giggled. You blushed even harder. She giggled again.

''So, you think I should talk to her? Properly, I mean?''

''If you love each other, then she's butter,'' Pinkie said, and you gave her a confused expression at what that meant.

''Uh...thanks, I guess, for the talk?'' You slowly began, before realising that you had yet to finish the prank war. ''Anyway, thanks for the porridge, Pinkie, but we're still in the middle of a war, so let the best prankster win! Remember, there's still The Badge of Bragging Rights to be won at the end of this for the winner of the next prank!'' You said, grinning at Pinkie. She grinned back.

''Oh, don't worry, Dommie, your Auntie Pinkie Pie has got a plan already in motion for you...'' She gave you a cartoonish evil villain hoof rub and you began to feel unnerved by it. That only made her rub them harder while she giggled to herself.

Somehow, you were regretting ever agreeing to this prank war.

Author's Note:

In a prank war, mutual respect is a big part of the game. Even notorious pranksters like Pinkie Pie know that! :pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile:

So, the plot thickens for Dom's and Rainbow's relationship! This might get sweet and hearty!