• Published 20th Aug 2020
  • 911 Views, 3 Comments

How to Catch a Pinkie Pie - Ribe_FireRain

Dom and Rainbow Dash's spree of pranks continue to run rampant amongst their friends. Next up is their hardest target yet: Pinkie Pie! This will prove a challenge!

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Chapter Five - The Humiliation

This. Was. Gonna. SUCK!

You were standing in the middle of the town again, right beside Town Hall. Apart from you were behind a modesty screen and completely concealed. You had been to pick up the goods with Rainbow about ten minutes ago and were changing into your attire while she waited on the other side of the modesty screen, all the while giggling to herself. She was already eating into you and the fun hadn't even started yet.

''Come on, sweetheart, what's taking so long?'' She asked mockingly, particularly girly-sounding on the 'sweetheart' bit.

''Pipe down!" You said from the other side, slipping into what you had been given. ''I can't believe I agreed to this...'' You mumbled before you had finished getting ready. Thankfully, there wasn't much else to do but slip into it, which was so easy that it took almost no time at all. It fit surprisingly well, too. ''Okay...I'm ready.''

''Come out, then!'' Rainbow urged eagerly. ''You've got five seconds before I come in there and drag you out! And you better not be nude, either! I'll still pull you out anyway if you are!''

''Okay, okay, simmer down!'' You said before inhaling a very, very deep and long-exhaling breath. This was it. ''Okay...here I come.''

You opened up the modesty screen door and stepped out for Dash to feast her eyes upon you in all your glory. As expected, Rainbow took one glance at you, eyeing you up and down before she snickered. Her snicker broke into a grin and her grin cracked into a gut-busting round of up-roaring, hysterical laughs.

''Ahhhhh-ha-HAAAA!'' She squirmed on the floor, clutching her gut tightly. She was going to milk this all she can, you could tell. ''O-O-Oh, my gosh! I-I-I can't b-breathe!''

''Well, at least you're smiling, so that's something,'' You said with a hefty sigh. ''You like it? Rarity made it for me.''

Around your body was a floral-print summer dress with a flared skirt. It was coloured a deep but bright pink, so you would easily stand out. Rainbow Dash picked out this colour probably to highlight your defeat to the elusive Pinkus Pius and to destroy what was left of your ego.

''Ahh-ha-ha-haaa! Oh, m-my gosh, I'm gonna pee myself!'' Rainbow's howling didn't cease nor desist. She was crying and failing miserably to contain herself. ''This is too good! Ah-Ha!''

''Laugh it up, fuzzball,'' You jabbed her with your foot. That was another thing: although you wouldn't have thought it, your shoes were inserted into white high heels. They fit scarily perfectly, too. If you were going to be in a dress, you may as well go with the full package.

''Heels?!'' Rainbow stopped giggling for a moment and gazed up to you, lip quivering once again. ''Excuse me a second: AHHHHH-HA-HAAAAA!'' She entered a second round of hysterical laughs.

''Save it for the show, Skittle Bomb,'' You said to her. ''Do you want to see me rock this thing, or are you gonna pee yourself right now and here?'' You asked, hands on your hips in a stereotypical angry woman stance. Thankfully, you weren't wearing any makeup. You were up for living up to your end of the bet, but makeup was not on the agenda for you. You did have rules and some dignity. (Well, probably not much after this was over.)

''That reminds me,'' Rainbow said, stopping her laughing to whistle to somepony. Shortly after she did, Pinkie Pie, of all ponies, appeared from literally nowhere, almost reintegrating herself out of the air itself. You had to rub your eyes to make sure you weren't seeing things.

''You called?'' She asked innocently with a bat of her eyes. Rainbow covered her mouth with a hoof, snickered and pointed to you with the other one. Pinkie looked at you and her reaction was no different than Rainbow Dash's.

''Bwa-haha-HAAAAAAA!'' She wailed. ''Oh, m-my, Dommie, you l-look so silly!'' She said between snorts and giggles and gasps for breath.

''Yeah, yeah, get it out of your system,'' You rolled your eyes. ''So, you girls up for a show? I'm only doing this once!''

''Pinkie, you got the tunes?'' Dash asked, and Pinkie grinned widely before pulling a full-scale gramophone out of her mysteriously large-interior mane. It was baffling to think that Pinkie's coif of unnatural, untamed curls was like David Tennant's Tardis. How long would it be before she pulled a Cyberman out of there? Or who knows what else? No matter, she pulled out a record and stuck it on the turntable.

''I want to see some proper dancing from you, Dom! The whole town will come out to see this! Show us what you've got!'' Rainbow Dash encouraged you, but you groaned.

''I'm so thankful that ponies haven't developed camcorders yet,'' You mumbled. ''Oh, and for the record, here's a heads up: I'm going commando under here. If there's a breeze anywhere, you all asked for what you see,'' You grinned, and both mares blushed.

''If you're hoping the sight of you letting it all hang free is gonna get us in the mood, you must have really low standards,'' Rainbow Dash snickered with Pinkie Pie.

''Hmm, I wouldn't mind,'' Pinkie said with a wink and a cheeky smile. You blushed at that.

''Um, a bit off-putting, Pinkie. A bit too much,'' You said, a little weirded out but somehow flattered. You probably shouldn't be. ''Can we get this show on the road, or are you girls just going to poke fun at my junk all day?''

''Not much to poke fun at,'' Dash mumbled.

''I heard that!'' You snapped back at her.

''No you didn't! Get out there!'' She shoved you away from them and into the open street where ponies were running through their routine of making runs to the market or enjoying the sun. Unfortunately for them, their day might not go at all how they pictured it.

''Alright, Pinkie, hit it!'' Rainbow cued and Pinkie played whatever was on the record she had handy. When you heard it, you're skin resembled a freshly-plucked goose.

''Come on, Dommie, shake what your mama gave ya!'' Pinkie called from beside Rainbow, letting the gramophone play on full volume and catching the attention of the entire neighbourhood. You glanced over your shoulder in time to see Pinkie spontaneously spawn a couple of deck chairs and two tubs of popcorn, ready for the show to begin.

You began to shake your hips to the music. You figured you may as well get this over with as quickly as you possibly can while milking it as best you could. If you were already humiliated at wearing a dress with the entire town witnessing you in it, what's the harm of pushing the boundary a little further?

You began doing your own version of the floss dance, which looked more like a penguin trying to defibrillate itself. You were never a good dancer, and especially so in high heels. Your knees were wobbling all over the place from little to no balance. Pony shoes were so different from human shoes in the sense their scale was so ridiculously small they looked like they were made for a Barbie doll.

You swung your hips, attempted to do what you considered a floss dance, gyrated your booty now and again and did a few long-arm stretches. The entire town stood still with mouths agape at what they were witnessing. A fully grown man in a girl's dress supposedly attempting an erotic dance but ending up mustering up a show with the limpness of an old cheese string flapping around a dancer's pole.

It didn't take long for the entire town to start laughing. Their cries, howls and even a few bold cat calls drove a heavy blush to your cheeks. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash could be heard in the background adding in their own fit of giggles.

''Yeah, you want to see a show? I'll give you mares a good show! Wait until the wind picks up!'' You grumbled to yourself while in the middle of a grand leap. You were careful not to stretch your legs too far in the dress over fear of tearing it and revealing more than you were willing.

''Anybody wanna dance?!'' You called to the surrounding townsfolk.

''Nah, y'all are lookin' mighty fine by yourself, darlin'!'' An accented stallion's voice crooned from somewhere in the market.

''Woo! Shake those hips, snakeman!'' A mare's voice called.

''Aw, you're all boring! Won't even give a dance to a pretty lady in a nice dress! I thought there were real stallions in this town looking for a mistress!'' You called, giving a playfully teasing twirl, based upon the cute and seducing moves you've seen female dancers use in films and on the tv.

You continued to dance like that for what your mind registered as an eternity, but was truthfully only fifteen minutes at the most. Thankfully, once the record on the gramophone had stopped playing, you had also stopped. In some strange way, you were a little disappointed after getting into it, but at least you didn't end up doing a striptease. You were trying to pull a family-friendly show here, after all!

Once you had finished, all the mares and stallions who had been watching your show from the street in the market or even from their doorsteps or bedroom windows began thunderously applauding you. At one point, they began whistling at you as if this was a regular night in a drag queen contest.

The best part of their applause was when, out of the corner of your eye, you spotted a pony you knew named Roseluck, whom whistled before she tossed you a generously-sized and brightly-wrapped bouquet of red roses. You caught them and gave them a good whiff, enjoying their crisp and floral scent, very aromatic. You bowed with them in your arms to the mare, who then blushed and became sheepish. You blew her a kiss and she swooned before falling backwards.

You headed towards Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie, who were still munching on their popcorn and who were still trying to stifle their girly giggles of amusement. Rainbow Dash in particular looked a whole lot happier than she was earlier, which was a bonus to you. You've missed that bright and toothy smile of hers.

''That was so worth it!'' She giggled, hugging you around your waist. ''I can't believe you actually went through with it!'' She said, smiling, as was Pinkie.

''You're one crazy party animal, Dommie!'' She said. ''That was some professional booty twerking work you did out there!'' She mimicked your own movements, and you laughed at her. Watching a pony do a strange version of the floss mixed with a gyrating booty was comical in its own right, simply for Pinkie looked like a candy floss still whirling around in the machine.

''Hey, Dashie?'' You said, turning to face her. You gazed into her magenta eyes and she gazed back curiously. Now that she was much happier and more content with you, you felt this was an appropriate move. ''Here, I want you to take them,'' You said as you offered her the bouquet of roses. Her cheeks flushes in an instant.

''R-Roses? Really?" She asked, taken back and not expecting this from you at all. ''Are you serious?"

''Go on, take them, Dashie. Consider this me trying to make it up to you as best I can,'' You then handed her the rose bouquet and smiled at her. She was so unexpecting of this gift that you saw her eyes glimmer with a light sheen, and she gladly accepted them.

She wasn't much of a romantic type, but you knew that she was the same as any other girl deep down, always appreciative of thoughtful gifts and romantic gestures. That sweet, little blush on her cyan cheeks that ignited like warm blueberries was always worth it. It wasn't often that she was given anything in a romantic form. In fact, you recalled her telling you that she hadn't ever been gifted flowers before, so this was actually the very first time it's happened.

''I...I love them. Roses are my favourite flowers. Thank you,'' She said kindly, still holding her blush. Pinkie Pie was watching the two of you as you unknowingly began gazing deeply into each other's eyes without even realising what you were doing. She was stood between the two of you, holding in her giggles at the heartwarming sight in front of her.

You could have been there for hours and still not known what you were doing. Dash had the prettiest magenta eyes, ones that glimmered with such a rich hue of pinkishness that they resembled cherry blossoms in the middle of summer on a warm day. They were always so radiant and sparkly, and her eyes had become half-lidded and dreamy, as if she had awoken from a deep slumber and was still working the sleep out of her system before she rejoined the world and reconnected with reality. Although, if this dreamy state was her version of that reality, then she would gladly stay for it. You would also stay, if it meant spending time with her.

''Aw, you two lovebirds are so adorable together!'' She squeed in joy, snapping you out of your trance, heavy blushes adorning both your cheeks.

''Pinkie!'' You both shouted in unison.

''Oops...sorry,'' She said bashfully. ''So, are we up for round two, or are you putting away the goods for tonight?"

''I think we're done here. I promised a certain mare I'd take her out for that date I promised her,'' You said as you hugged Rainbow briefly. She showed no resistance and she gladly returned it.

''Sounds good to me,'' She said, her face once again retaking that dreamy look.

''Well, how about we go back to my place and get me out of this dress? Then we can get ready for a proper evening together.''

Author's Note:

Well, that wraps this one up!

A guy in a pretty dress and high heels! Is it odd that this idea came to me randomly one day while I was thinking about that time I wore a dress for a laugh? It was pretty comfortable, too.

Anyway, I hope this story was up to everybody's expectations and it made you laugh like it made me laugh during some points in writing it and thinking of the dumbest things possible. :pinkiehappy:

The romance between Lieutenant Skittles and Captain Dom blossoms forever more! :rainbowkiss:

Comments ( 2 )

While I found myself kind of disappointed in Dom's mild "pranks" compared to his more well thought out ones in the other stories,this was still pretty good. Have a like. :pinkiehappy:

I read through this entire series in one night. Absolute BALLER and it had a nicely written story to beat! It's got my fav for sure, and I can't wait for Rarity's turn.

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