• Published 23rd Jul 2020
  • 355 Views, 54 Comments

A Friend from the Stars - AntiBronyBenSwolo

After an eventful night, Twilight makes a new friend from the last place she'd expect; Outer Space

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Farm Gals

"Alright! Here we are! Sweet Apple Acers!" Applejack announced as Cosmica followed her past the fence of the barn. Cosmica was stunned at the barn's beauty. Sure, she may have seen the Acers from footage of her spacecraft, but actually being there felt like she stepped right into the footage itself. Cosmica followed Applejack closely as the two made it to the front door of the household, where Granny Smith slept peacefully in her rocking chair.

"Hey, Granny Smith?" Applejack asked although she didn't get a response. Granny was still fast asleep, after all. Applejack cleared her throat, which thankfully woke the elder mare.

"Wha? Whose that? Applejack? What brings ya here? Who's this little feller ya brought?" Granny Smith stammered, almost falling out of her chair. Applejack helped Granny back in and decided to make introductions.

"Granny Smith, this is mah new friend Cosmica Emerald. Cosmica, this is mah Granny Smith," Applejack introduced as Cosmica stepped up to make herself known.

"It is pleasant to meet you, Ms. Smith," Cosmica greeted, extending her hoof to shake Granny's, although Granny was skeptical. Granny's eyes may not work as well as they used to, but she can tell Cosmica was no ordinary pony.

"Applejack, where did ya find this feller? Did ya meet her in one o' those friendship missions ya keep goin' on about?" Granny Smith asked as Applejack knew this would be hard to explain.

"Actually, Granny. She's what ya call an 'extraterrestrial'." Applejack sheepishly explained as Granny Smith's eyes shot wide open at what she's seeing.

"Well, I'll be. A real Space Alien. Ah've been wondering when we'll finally get ta meet one. Big Mac! Get the pitchfork in the barn! We got an Alien Invader over 'ere!" Granny Smith ordered getting up from the chair.

"Eeyup!" Big Mac replied as he headed to the barn without hesitation.

"Granny, no! Cosmica's not trying to invade!" Applejack said as she headed over to stop her brother, who already had the pitchfork.

"Ey, Big Mac! We ain't under attack! Ya can drop the pitchfork now," Applejack explained as Big Mac simply shrugged.

"Okay then," Big Mac responded as he simply put the pitchfork down and headed back to work. Applejack then went back over to Granny Smith and a quite worried Cosmica.

"Ah'm sorry 'bout that Cosmica. Let's just say we ain't expecting visitors from where you came from," Applejack apologized as she patted Cosmica on the back.

"It's ok. No harm was done. Well, there would have been had you not stopped them, so I should thank you for that," Cosmica said, scratching the back of her head.

"Now then, Granny. Ah was hopin' I would show Cosmica how we do things here at the acers. She's been really curious about it since she got 'ere," Applejack explained as Granny Smith just eyeing at Cosmica suspiciously.

"Fine. Just make sure this here Space feller don't go drawing any crop circles," Granny Smith ordered as Applejack saluted and headed to the barn. Cosmica saluted at Granny Smith as well and followed Applejack into the barn, where Applejack had something behind her back.

"So, what's our first order of business?" Cosmica asked as Applejack smiled almost impatiently.

"Well first, we gotta get ya to look the part, so Ah got ya a little something before we begin," Applejack explained before handing Cosmica a little present. In Applejack's hoof, she held a dark grey stetson and a green bandana. Cosmica looked on at the gift and back at Applejack.

"Well, thank you for the gift, Applejack. But, I really must ask. Why?" Cosmica asked before Applejack took a deep breath.

"Well, Twilight told me what your spacesuit does to you, and honestly, Ah don't think that's quite right?" Applejack expressed as Cosmica looked on in surprise.

"What? What's wrong with my suit? It regulates my body temperature so I survive harsher temperatures, and the saltwater from my homeworld keeps my emotions in check so I don't get distracted--" Cosmica explained before getting cut off by Applejack.

"Now see, that right there Ah don't find right. Yer kind ain't the only one with emotion-blocking-magic water, and let me tell ya, it ain't right to block yer feelings like that. Besides, yer suits broke anyway, so why even bother?" Applejack asked before Cosmica looked on at the fractured canisters on her suit, now completely empty. Cosmica expressed regret at the suit and realize Applejack could be right.

"Alright then," Cosmica answered.

"Yee-Haw!!" Applejack whooped as Cosmica undid the zippers, only to stop and look at Applejack just staring at her.

"Ummm...I could use some privacy," Cosmica blushed. Applejack realized the alien's meaning and blushed in response and left the barn for Cosmica to change in peace, although it wouldn't be that different as she would be wearing a simple hat and scarf. Just then, Applejack was caught off guard by her younger sister.

"Howdy Applejack," Applebloom greeted as Applejack looked back at her.

"Howdy Apple Bloom," Applejack responded, showing gratitude for her sister.

"What was all the commotion about? Ah heard Big Mac gettin' the Pitchfork out and ya told him to drop it. What's goin' on?" Applebloom asked as Applejack looked back at the barn door in case Cosmica was ready.

"Well, the girls and Ah made a new friend yesterday, and she's one of them Space Aliens," Applejack explained, having no other way to say it. Applebloom gasped at the amazement of such an idea.

"A Martian? Here in Ponyville?" Applebloom asked as Applejack sighed in disbelief.

"Nah. She never said she was from the next planet over," Applejack explained. And judging from Appleblooms confusion, she can tell what the next question was going to be.

"Then what planet is she from?" Applebloom asked. Applejack sighed in defeat.

"She...never told us where," Applejack confessed, as the barn door opened.

"Never told you what?" Cosmica asked in curiosity.

"Woah nelly, Cosmica. You look like yer ready fer a showdown," Applejack said, reacting to Cosmica's new western get out.

"Why thank you, Applejack. Though what was it you were wondering about me?" Cosmica asked as Applejack straightened her hat.

"Mah sister, Applebloom, was wondering what planet ya exactly came from," Applejack explained before Applejack could catch them both off guard.

"And where's yer Cutie Mark?" Applebloom asked, staring at Cosmica's blank flank in confusion. Applejack turned to check and realize Cosmica's flank was indeed blank.

"My...what now?" Cosmica asked, practically shocking Applebloom.

"Ya mean ya don't know what a Cutie Mark is?" Applebloom asked as Cosmica shook her head in denial.

"Applebloom, maybe her species doesn't have any Cutie Marks. Besides, this ain't the first time ya tried to figure out the cutie mark of somepony who ain't even a pony," Applejack theorized as Applebloom was bummed at the idea. Cosmica was still weirded out by the two farm girls staring at her flank looking for something she didn't know was supposed to be there.

"But yeah, could ya care to explain where ya came from?" Applejack asked, breaking Cosmica's train of thought.

"Oh, right. Well, to be honest, I cannot translate the name of my home planet, so I don't know how to say it in pony," Cosmica blushed as Applebloom jumped up in excitement.

"Then why not just say it in alien?" Applebloom asked as Cosmica was taken aback by the idea.

"Yeah, if ya can't find the pony word for yer home planet, then just call it what ya call it in yer alien tongue, and we'll just call it that," Applejack explained as Cosmica thought it over. For a year, Cosmica taught herself the ponies language with only a few words left out because she couldn't find the proper wording for it. And for these two simple farmhands to ask for her home would be like starting to teach them her alien language. Cosmica thought it over and decided to go through with it.

"Alright then. If you really want to know, then my home planet is known as Yuredues, a planet surrounded by 85% water with gigantic beasts and beautiful cities," Cosmica explained as the two apples awed themselves at their newfound knowledge.

"Wow! That's a mighty big word there. Ah've gotta see if Ah could remember it well," Applebloom said, running back to try to write it on a piece of paper while Applejack looked back at Cosmica.

"See? That wasn't so hard, was it?" Applejack asked as she led Cosmica into the large forests of apple trees.

"Yeah. I guess it wasn't so hard," Cosmica said, feeling slightly proud of herself for teaching her new friend about her home.

"Now Ah think it's mah turn to teach ya how to buck an apple tree," Applejack said smugly in a perfect segway. Cosmica smiled with glee as she was finally about to see it happen for herself. Applejack prepared herself and targeted a tree while Cosmica sat down and observed. Then, with the strength of a mighty steam train, Applejack ran at full force into the tree and kicked the trunk with all she's got, knocking every single apple into the baskets nearby without a single one falling out. Cosmica applauded Applejack's iconic feat of strength.

"Now, would ya like to give it a try?" Applejack asked as Cosmica's face lit up like a starry night.

"I would be honored to," Cosmica answered as Applejack led her to the next tree over. Cosmica got into the stance she saw Applejack in and aimed right at it. And in an attempt to replicate it step by step, Cosmica ran at full force and turned to kick the tree, but missed the trunk entirely, falling on her belly, and having an apple clonk her on the head in the process.

"Not that easy, ain't it," Applejack asked as Cosmica got back up and picked up the apple that landed on her head.

"Not really. I'm just curious as to what I did wrong," Cosmica said, as she placed the apple in a nearby basket. Applejack examined the way Cosmica performed in her head and figured what went wrong.

"How 'bout we try that again now?" Applejack asked as Cosmica headed back over to where she started and got back into form. Applejack examined at least a few faults in Cosmica's stance.

"Ya might want to spread yer hind legs a big farther apart, your forelegs closer together and raise your chin up," Applejack advised as Cosmica did as Applejack instructed.

"Now, I want you to charge, and when I say 'now' you kick. Got it?" Applejack instructed as Cosmica nodded, prepping to charge.

"3....2....1....GO!!!" Applejack shouted as Cosmica charged full force into the tree, revving closer and closer. As she neared the tree, her instinct was telling her to kick now, except she didn't receive the signal from Applejack. She was a bit worried she was gonna miss entirely.

"NOW!" Applejack yelled as Cosmica quickly turned and kicked the tree, causing all the apples to fall. Although most of the apples made it into the basket, some of them missed and hit the ground instead.

"Not bad. You were able to get all the apples out of the tree," Applejack commented, although Cosmica was more worried about the ones that hit the ground.

"But I didn't get them all in the basket," Cosmica commented, picking up a green apple and wiped the dirt off.

"Neither did Ah when Ah first started out. But if ya practice harder, yer gonna be able to knock them all into the basket someday," Applejack assured as Cosmica put the apple she was holding into the basket.

"Now Ah think Ah smell an Apple Pie with yer name on it. Come on. Let's go have some before Big Mac eats it all," Applejack said as she and Cosmica raced inside the house ready for some sweet apple pie.

Author's Note:

writing a southern accent is hard :(