• Published 24th Jul 2020
  • 2,676 Views, 93 Comments

Your Eyes On Me - DatZigga

So, there’s this cartoon I used to watch as a kid. I think it still wants me to...

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Entry #1.2 - A Special Celebration

MLP: FiM was one of my favorite shows back in the day.

I remember watching it as soon as I had developed sight and a memory. It was the show that played when my mom watched TV with me while she was recovering in the hospital. It was the show my babysitter would sit me down to watch when she had somewhere else to be. It was the show I came home to in order to drown away my sorrows from my elementary years. It was the show I committed minor criminal activities for when the TV was off limits.

There were plenty of other programs though. You had all the classic sports channels, cooking channels, home improvement, crime, late night infomercials, and of course, cartoons. There was even anime and more adult animations during the night I would catch. But if there was any show that dominated most of my life in hindsight, it was MLP.

I couldn’t tell you why I like the show. Oh wait, I could. The show had a colorful cast of characters, both figuratively and literally. The adventures and shenanigans they had were cute and humorous. Hell, they even taught me a lot as a kid. In fact, more than I knew. The show had been with me through the highs and lows, practically since birth. Remember that pin? They were the connection I made with the TV.

I decided that if I was going to have an hour of TV, the first show I watch was going to be the one I grew up with. I sunk into my chair, watching as the opening credits faded to black.

The scene opened on a gigantic crystal, which was already interesting. I never remembered a crystal castle being there the last time. I guess the show went places while I was away.

Pinkie Pie, one of the main characters and the Element of Laughter, dashed toward the castle as a pink blur. She blasted past the doors, tripping on the rug, and tumbling into a enormous library. In the middle of the library was Twilight Sparkle, the central character of the story and the Element of Magic, reading a book.

I had to admit, I was a little too proud of what I remembered of the show. Yet, I didn’t remember neither the pegasus wings on her side nor the crown placed a top her head. Apparently, she had become an alicorn princess like the two sisters. That was quite the move of the writers, to drastically change the status quo like that. I’m sure the fandom celebrated her ascension with vigor.

Twilight was startled upon the pink whirlwind suddenly appearing in front of her, tossing the book away like a used napkin.

“HE’S BACK!” The pink pony screamed in Twilight’s face, causing her face to flap in the wind comically. Pinkie then began jumping around the screen, appearing every which way. “He’s back! He’s back! He’s back! He’s baaaaack~!”

Ah, classic Pinkie Pie.

Twilight fixed her face, rubbing her cheek as she smoothed out her features. “Who’s back?”

Him, silly! Duh!” Pinkie said, leaning forward on only her front hooves and raising her eyebrows. Twilight looked puzzled, pressing a hoof to her jaw.

“Him? Him…” Twilight echoed to herself, scratching her chin. Suddenly, her pupils shrunk to the side of pinpricks, before dilating into two black discs with shining sparkles in her eyes. She rose from her seat, standing up on her own two front hooves to boop snoots with Pinkie. “HIM?!”

Pinkie frantically nodded, hard enough that I was afraid her head would pop off. Twilight then pranced around the room, squeeing adorably. Pinkie, after watching Twilight for a bit, imitated her prancing and squeeing. Finally, Twilight stopped, with Pinkie bumping into her behind.

“If he’s back, we have to round up the others!” Twilight exclaimed in an epiphany. She quickly went from excited to panic as she started to pace around the room. “Oh Celestia, he’s going to be so confused! We need to find a way to bring him up to speed in as little time as possible! Not to mention actually come up with something to do!”

“Well, I was going to throw a party.” Pinkie rested a foreleg on Twilight’s head, shining the other hoof on her coat with a smirk. “You know, like I do~!” She winked at the camera. It got a weird chuckle out of me.

“That’s perfect! We can just-“ Twilight suddenly stopped as her ears drooped, her face frozen with an expression of absolute terror. She grabbed Pinkie by her cheeks and brought them both nose to nose. “Pinkie, you can’t do that! He’ll notice!” Twilight backs away, realizing what she had said. “Uh, I mean, our guest! We can’t just throw a party because...um, he’ll notice that we are, uh, unprepared! Yeah, we’re unprepared! So, Pinkie Pie, lets go prepare for the party!”

“But I can just prepare a party like that!” Pinkie countered, snapping her hoof, even though the action itself was impossible. Twilight loomed over the party pony. While her face was as amiable as ever, her eyes were piercing and her smile was just a tad taut.

“I said…” Twilight strained. “Let’s. Prepare. For. The. Party!”

“Ooooooh.” Pinkie let out, before nudging Twilight. “Don’t worry, Twilight. I catch your cold!” Pinkie let out a cute little sneeze to emphasize her point. Twilight groaned as she planted a hoof on her muzzle.

It was that gag I decided to change the channel. It was like I thought. Although some things changed, it was the same little song and dance: ponies being cute. Yet, I couldn’t help but feel a little off about the whole thing.

The characters were definitely still in character, but the way they acted was a little uncanny. For the start of an episode, they didn’t really have much of a setup. From what I could gather, there's someone that’s returned and they want to throw a party. Though they never stated who. I would’ve just chalked that up to the hook of the episode, but I couldn’t help but get the impression they were talking about...me?

I quickly disregarded the thought. 5 minutes on the TV and I’m already becoming dependent again. I decided that I’ll catch the episode at a later date and settled for a channel that was running a bunch of action movies. I could at the very least catch a peak at one of those.

For about 15 minutes, I had watched a fast-faced, violent gunfight ensue between the protagonist and a bunch of goons. The choreography was stellar and I was both impressed with the cinematography and a little disappointed I had to catch it while it was airing on such a small screen, rather than a big movie screen. Yet, it was what happened after that really stuck with me. The movie went into a car commercial and I prepared myself to take a piss. As I stood up, another commercial abruptly cut off the car commercial.

“Tonight on the Hub!” A cheery male voice played on the TV. I saw a weird little logo that I could describe as a teardrop with two ends with the words, the Hub, inside it. “A brand new episode of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic!” The following scene was the one in which Pinkie bursted through the room shouting. That scene was then followed by a montage of the other ponies doing their part for the party.

I watched in astonishment. The network had to be tone deaf to air a kid’s commercial on what was to be assumed an adult program. And yet, here it was, airing the exact episode I switched from. I considered that for a moment. This could very well be a coincidence but that uncanny feeling was starting to creep on my like something was crawling on my back.

The commercial ended on a voiceover of Twilight playing over footage of the Mane Six gathering for a photo with the rest of the town. “Catch our new episode right now! Please?” Then, the commercial faded into another commercial.

I turned off the TV at that point. At the time, I thought I was too tired and delirious to be watching anything and just went to bed. That was Monday. Like I said, today’s Friday. I’ve been thinking about the night for several days now.

Please. Please. I hadn’t watched television in a while, but I know that I had never heard a program ask someone politely to watch their show. Then again, this is Friendship is Magic we’re talking about, so maybe I’m overthinking it.

I grabbed one of my school journals and I am currently writing this now. I’m gonna give the show another shot. I don’t know what’s going on, but I want to refrain from bringing this up to mom. I don’t know for sure if I’m unwell or what. I do know that the show airs on Channel 222, apparently on a network called the Hub.

I hope I’m not crazy.