• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,568 Views, 17 Comments

Friendship Through the Ages - Strip Tease

Sunset Shimmer and her friends face an adversary they never expected

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Chapter Two

Sunset Shimmer awoke in her bed inside her cabin.

The little six year old gave a yawn as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

She had come on this ship a few days ago with her parents for vacation, and was having an amazing time!

Although she couldn’t remember what specifically she had done so far weirdly.

She quickly ignored this fact though and hopped out of bed, taking a moment to make sure her yellow lizard plushie was well situated on her bed before running off to the bathroom.

She stood in front of the sink and was about to brush her teeth when she noticed she was still dressed in her swim suit.

Hadn’t she changed into her PJs before bed?

She didn’t even remember coming back to her suite last night.

She must’ve fallen asleep and Mommy or Daddy must’ve carried her back and tucked her in.

Satisfied with that logic, she brushed her teeth and headed back into the cabin to ask her parents when they were going to breakfast.

When she came about of the bathroom, she found her parents bed empty and still made as if no one had slept in it.

Sunset was now a bit worried. Why did her parents leave her alone?

She decided to explore the room while she waited for them to come back. They never left her by herself for long before.

The suite was basic enough. It had a twin bed, a fold out single bed sunset had slept in, a TV, a bathroom, a bedside table, a small closet, and Sunset’s suitcase and backpack.

She was done exploring the room within a matter of minutes, finding nothing of interest.

After flipping on the TV and finding nothing interesting to watch except for Power Ponies reruns she’d seen a million times already, her hunger became too prominent to ignore.

She grabbed her room key from the bedside table and went off to find the buffet.

As she walked through the halls of the ship, she passed the other occasional child and would smile or wave at them.

She soon found herself at the buffet dining area.

A few kids sat around, eating a variety of food.

She grabbed a plate a filled it up with her favorite, sliced fruit with yogurt and some chocolate milk.

As she looked around for a place to sit, she noticed a girl much older than her sitting by herself in the corner.

She wore a wetsuit that was black in the middle with shades of green and blue on the sides. She had yellow skin and pink hair. She seemed to almost be shying away from everyone else there.

Sunset walked over with her plate of food to the girls table.

“Excuse me miss. Do you mind if I sit here?” She asked.

The older girl looked over at Sunset.

“Oh, uh, sure. If you want to sweetie.” She said.

Sunset smiled at her and sat down next to the older girl, quickly digging into her fruit and getting a little bit of yogurt on herself as she ate.

The older girl smiled warmly at her and took a napkin to wipe her off.

“You should slow down a little. You won’t get yogurt on yourself that way.”

Sunset blushed slightly. “Thanks for being nice to me. I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

“I’m Fluttershy. It’s nice to meet you sweetie.”

Sunset’s head began to hurt a bit. Fluttershy’s name sounded so familiar. She thought that maybe she had met her before, but couldn’t remember where.

Soon she was done with her breakfast however and said goodbye to Fluttershy as she wandered off to find something to do, forgetting about her parents for the time being.

As Sunset found herself again wandering the halls, she passed by the ships kids club.

Through the window she could see lots of kids inside, playing video games, drawing, reading, and doing lots of other fun things.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw two girls that looked not much younger than her.

The one had white skin and purple hair with light curls.

She wore a pink Speedo shirt with a few print on diamonds scattered across the middle and a pink bikini bottom with a short skirt that barely covered her bottom.

The girl was playing with some dolls scattered around her on the floor, dressing each up until they looked just right and moved on to another.

The other girl had purple skin and dark blue hair with a pink highlight in it.

She wore a simple dark blue suit with a lighter blue and white tutu that gave the garment just a touch of cuteness to it.

She was sitting in a bean bag chair with stacks of books surrounding her. The girl seemed to be binging the clubs whole library.

Sunset noticed each child inside had a nametag on and these two girls were no different.

The purple girl’s said Twilight Sparkle on it and the white girl’s said Rarity.

Sunset’s head again began pounding.

Both those names sounded like she heard them a zillion times before, but she could not remember where. It was like her mind was working to try and give her the answer, but couldn’t quite get there.

As she stumbled past the kids club, the ships nursery was right next door.

Inside was much the same as the kids club, but for much younger kids.

The floor was littered with blocks, plushies, rattles, and a few other simple baby and toddler toys.

The room emitted a smell of baby powder and lotion that Sunset could smell as she got closer to the door.

The soothing smell helped to relieve the young girl’s headache, and reminded her of her toddler days that weren’t yet too far behind her.

As she opened her eyes, she caught a glimpse of two toddlers on the floor.

One looked a bit older than the other, looking slightly taller and her blonde hair just long enough to put into a small ponytail that rested just below her neck. She had orange skin with a few freckles on each cheek.

The smaller of the two had light blue skin and had rainbow hair that was messy and short.

Both girls wore shirts that came to rest just above their belly buttons and thick diapers that looked to be spreading the girls legs out so much that they likely wouldn’t be able to walk properly if they managed to get to their feet.

That appeared to be what both the little tots were trying to do however, as Sunset saw them grasping at the sides of a rocking chair to try and get to their feet.

In the chair sat a young woman in a ship uniform, holding a baby in her arms and making funny faces down at it.

The baby had light pink skin and bright pink hair.

She smiled and giggled back at the caretaker, squirming in her arms as she flailed her limbs about.

A thick diaper was all that covered the baby’s body.

Sunset then turned her attention back to the toddlers.

The blue one looked like she was going to make it to her feet first, but as she tried to put her feet under her, she lost her balance and fell to the floor, her diapered rump breaking her fall.

This allowed the orange girl to make it to her feet first, letting go of the chair and cheering in victory before she too lost her balance and fell on her thickly diapered butt.

Both girls giggled at the fun they had with their little game.

At this moment the caretaker got up and placed the pink baby on her back on the floor and went off to grab something.

It was then that Sunset noticed something quite interesting. Both the toddler’s shirts and the baby’s diaper had what appeared to be there names on them, probably to help the caretakers identify each one.

Sunset read each name. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack.

Sunset again found the pain returning to her head in full force causing the girl to groan in pain.

She decided she needed to lie down, and headed back toward her cabin, catching a last glance at the little girls as the caretaker returned, placing a bottle in each of the toddler’s hands before picking up the baby and setting her in her lap to feed her.

As Sunset entered her cabin, her head pounded like a jackhammer.

All those names were so familiar to her, but she couldn’t remember where from.

It was unlikely that she had ever meet Fluttershy since she was twice her age and the toddlers and baby were less than half her age.

Was it possible Twilight Sparkle and Rarity were in her class?

She sat down on her bed and tried to remember kids that were in her first grade class but found herself unable to recall any of their names or even their faces.

She couldn’t think of her teacher’s names or what they looked like either. Not even what her classroom looked like. All she knew was that she was in first grade at Canterlot Elementry.

Sunset began to feel uneasy. She tried to remember other things about her life.

She knew she lived in a house with her Mommy and Daddy, but she couldn’t even remember what her house looked like or any of the rooms in it.

She tried to think of her parents and was surprised to find she couldn’t remember what they looked like either. Each time she thought of them, she vaguely had the image of two horses pop into her mind, but that made no sense to her!

She was tearing up at these realizations, especially when she realized the only luggage in the room was hers! No other bags were anywhere!

She tried to focus on what she did know.

She was Sunset Shimmer, she was six, she was in first grade, she knew her basic math, reading, and writing skills. She knew how to do all the basic tasks a big girl like her should know, like how to eat, bathe, brush her teeth, and tie her shoes.

She had vague memories of learning these skills with her Mommy and Daddy lovingly by her side, but faces and places just seemed to be all hazy.

Why couldn’t she remember anything about her life? It was as if her life had just begun the moment she woke up that morning.

She then noticed a faint glow coming from a book that lay on the bedside table.

It was bound in leather, and had the same symbol on it that was on her swimsuit.

She picked up the book and opened it, only to be hit by a wave of red magic that entered her body.

Suddenly, all of her old memories began returning to her.

Growing up in Equestria, being Celestia’s student, running away to the human world, Princess Twilight showing her the path to friendship, all her adventures she’d had with her friends, and how she had gotten here.

She was Sunset Shimmer. Unicorn. High School Senior. Friend. Hero.

The magic faded and Sunset regained her composure.

She had to stop Lily Pad and return things to normal, and the first step was going to be reminding her friends who they really were!

She looked down at her still six year old body and sighed.

This was gonna be a bit weird.

She headed out of her cabin and began looking around for her friends again.

The ship was so big though that she found herself pretty lost.

It didn’t help that she had spent most of her time on the ship in a taller perspective that left her new smaller body feeling even more lost.

Eventually though she did stumble upon Fluttershy at the ship’s petting zoo.

“Fluttershy! I finally found you!” Said Sunset.

“Oh hi Sunset. What’s up?” Said Fluttershy, setting the bunny she was petting back on the floor and approaching her.

Sunset wasn’t quite sure how returning Fluttershy’s memories was supposed to work, but the equestrian magic her and her friends possessed usually knew what to do on its own, so she saw no reason to do anything different this time.

She stepped forward and brought Fluttershy into a tight hug, focusing her magic into Fluttershy and thinking of all the memories of their friendship.

Both the charms on their necklaces began to glow as the magic did its job, returning to Fluttershy all her memories she had been missing.

Soon the magic’s job was done and both their amulets ceased glowing.

Sunset released Fluttershy from the hug and looked at her.

“Fluttershy, do you remember me?” She asked.

“Yes! I remember everything now. But why are we still so young?” She asked.

“The equestrian magic must only have enough power to restore our memories, not our physical bodies. I’m willing to bet if we combine our powers to defeat Lily Pad, we can return ourselves and everyone else back to normal.” Said Sunset.

“Alright. Let’s do it!” Said Fluttershy.

Sunset Shimmer was about to start leading the way to find the rest of their friends when she noticed Fluttershy looking at her oddly.

“Something wrong Fluttershy?” She asked.

“Oh nothing sorry.” Fluttershy stammered. “It’s just that you look really cute as a kid.”

Sunset Shimmer groaned before grabbing Fluttershy’s hand and leading her down the hall.

She couldn’t wait to be bigger again.

The two walked through the halls until they were at the kids club.
Rarity and Twilight were still where they were before, playing and reading happily.

Sunset ran over to Twilight while Fluttershy went to keep an eye on Rarity.

As Sunset approached Twilight, she began thinking about how she was going to get close enough to Twilight to use her magic.

Fluttershy was big enough that a cute six year old wasn’t any cause for concern, but a six year old approaching a five year old was another matter.

Twilight might think she was going to tease her or take the book she was reading and run off if she didn’t play this right.

After a moment of contemplation though, Sunset thought of something that just might work.

“Hi there! What’re you reading about?” Sunset asked as she approached Twilight.

“Oh. It’s a book about different types of plants. It’s really interesting. But some of the words I don’t know yet.” Said Twilight, looking a bit deflated.

“Oh? Maybe I can help you. I’m in advanced reading at my school.” Said Sunset.

“Really? That’s so cool! Can you help me with this one?” Asked Twilight as she beckoned the older girl over.

As Sunset sat down next to Twilight, she grabbed her free hand and held it tightly.

“Hey! What are you…” Said Twilight as Sunset’s magic began to take effect, causing both their charms to glow.

Memories and knowledge surged through her brain like a lighting storm, reminding her of all she learned at her private schools, at Crystal Prep, how she nearly destroyed Canterlot High and was saved by Sunset, and all the adventures she’d had with her friends.

As the magic finished returning her mind to normal, Twilight blinked a few times and looked at Sunset’s face before giving her a hug.

“I’m so happy to see you!” She said, holding Sunset tightly.

“I’m glad to see you to Twilight. Now we gotta figure out how to get Rarity to…”

Before Sunset could finish Rarity walked over and began speaking to her.

“That was so pretty how you made your charms glow like that! Can you make mine do it to?” Said Rarity, giving pleading eyes to the older girls.

“Of course I can sweetie. Just hold my hands tight ok?” Said Sunset, thinking how this was almost too easy.

Rarity smiled a cheeky grin as she gave her hands to Sunset, her childlike sense of wonder fascinated at the beauty of the glowing jewelry.

Sunset once again focused her magic and directed it toward Rarity, returning to her all her memories of her schooling, friendship, and fashion.

The magic soon ceased and both girls’ charms became opaque once again.

Rarity shook her head, trying to jiggle all her memories back into place.

She looked at her friends and then looked down at herself before looking back at them again and shrieking.

“Goodness gracious! We look so… juvenile!” Said Rarity, looking at her simple swimsuit in disgust.

“Well yeah. We’re kids. Kids dress like this.” Said Sunset as she let go of Rarity’s hands and got back up on her feet.

“I am not a child! I am a lady… trapped in a child’s body.” Said Rarity blushing.

The girls laughed.

“Come on Rarity. The sooner we go get the others the sooner you can get your adult body back.” Said Twilight, giving Rarity a friendly pat on the shoulder as they both followed Fluttershy and Sunset toward the door.

Sunset knew getting Pinkie, Rainbow, and AJ out of the nursery was going to be a challenge.

They were too little to wander the ship themselves, so only their parents would be able to take them.

Luckily Sunset soon thought of the perfect distraction, and set her plan into motion.

Fluttershy walked into the nursery, carrying Rarity in her arms as she made her way toward the check in desk.

The caretaker looking after the girls was closest to the desk, and got up to see what Fluttershy wanted.

“Hi Miss. I’m sorry to bother you, but do you happen to have any pull-ups here? My little sister had a bit of an accident on our way to the pool.”

The caretaker looked down at the four year old Rarity. Liquid was dripping from between the girls legs, and she was pouting and trying to hide her face by shoving it into Fluttershy’s leg.

“Aw you poor thing. It’s ok sweetie. Accidents happen sometimes. I’ll go see if we have something in her size.” Said the woman as she went into a nearby room.

As soon as the door shut behind her, Fluttershy ran as quietly as possible into the play area, with Twilight and Sunset quickly running inside as well.

The quickly got to work, with Fluttershy grabbing Applejack, Sunset grabbing Rainbow, and Twilight grabbing Pinkie.

The girl’s quickly made their way back into the waiting area, out the door and around the corner.

Fluttershy quickly sat Applejack down and ran back inside, gently closing the door behind her as to not alert the caretaker and made her way back next to Rarity by the counter.

Sunset quickly set to work, restoring each of her very young friend’s memories.

By the time she had finished, Fluttershy and Rarity had made their way back to them, with Rarity looking a bit annoyed and now more waddling then walking down the hall.

A thick purple swim diaper was tapped snuggly around her waist.

“I still don’t know why I had to be the one to play baby.” Said Rarity, crossing her arms in frustration.

“I told you. You were the youngest so it made the most sense. At least we were able to use a cup of water and you didn’t have to actually pee yourself. You played your part perfectly.” Said Sunset.

Rarity blushed. “Well…thank you darling. I do appreciate the compliment.” Said Rarity.

The girls gathered around and exchanged an awkward group hug.

They were glad to be back as a group.

An odd group made up of a baby, two toddlers, three kids, and a preteen, but a group of friends none the less.

Now though they had a few other issues.

While Rarity was able to go to the bathroom and change back into her soggy bikini bottom, three of their friends had garments that made walking impossible for them, and Pinkie’s baby legs were definitely not gonna allow her to walk.

Fluttershy, Sunset, and Twilight consulted the ships map.

Maybe there was something there that could help them.

They found a section of the ship that had strollers for use, but it was unlikely there would have one to fit three kids, and it would be awkward getting around that way.

Applejack and Rainbow were sure they could walk by themselves, just as long as they didn’t have such thick diapers spreading their legs apart.

Fluttershy found the ships general store and made her way inside, coming back with a pack of regular name brand diapers that seemed a lot thinner than the ones the caretaker had wrapped their bottoms in.

Fluttershy quickly set to work, tearing open the pack of diapers and stripping first Applejack, then Rainbow Dash of their old diapers and tapping them both snuggly in their new ones.

Both of them blushed bright red throughout the change. They certainly didn’t like their friends seeing them like this. Even if there was nothing they could do.

Soon both young toddlers were up on their feet and taking some practice steps to see how their new diapers felt.

Applejack now found it very easy to run around and walk by herself, and Rainbow was able to walk just fine while holding one of her older friend’s hands.

The girls then made their way to the strollers and placed Pinkie Pie inside it, making sure she was strapped in tight.

Sunset had noticed that Pinkie Pie had not said a word since she had returned her mind to normal.

While her other friend’s talked about what they should do next, Sunset made her way over to her.

“Pinkie, are you ok?” She asked.

“Lily meanie!” Said Pinkie in a huff.

Sunset had noticed that even though their memories had been restored nearly all of them except Fluttershy had their speech affected.

While Sunset and Twilight had a few problems pronouncing bigger words, Rainbow and Applejack had a noticeable lisp, and Pinkie was barely able to speak more than a few basic words at a time without it sounding like baby babble.

“I know Pinkie. We’re gonna make this right. But we did ignore her, even if we didn’t mean to. We still have to make up with her when this is over.” Said Sunset.

Pinkie looked over at Sunset and smiled. “Wou wite. Tanks Sunset.” Said Pinkie.

Sunset gave her baby friend a hug before turning and addressing her other friends.

“Ok girls. We need to find Lily and use the elements to destroy her necklace. That should return everything back to normal.”

“But this ship is huge! How are we ever going to find her?” Said Fluttershy.

“If I had to guess Lily doesn’t want to stay on this ship. She’s gonna want to make friends her new age. To do that she’s gonna steer the ship back toward Canterlot City, and want to get off back home.” Said Sunset.

“We have to stop her then before the ship makes it back!” Said Twilight.

“But how does this help us find her?” Asked Rarity.

“Easy. She’s gonna want to track the ships progress, and to do that there’s only one place she can be.” Said Sunset as she pointed to a spot on the ships map. “The bridge.”

Lily Pad sat in a chair, looking out the window at the ocean.

It had been almost a day since she had reduced Pinkie Pie and her friends to random ages, and since then she had been super bored!

The ship could only go so fast and it would still be another two days until they were back in Canterlot City.

Then she could finally go and find real friends to hang out with.

She found a few of the things older girls did a bit weird, like wearing tight and revealing clothing, but if that’s what girls her age did she would prove she was just as mature as they were.

Even if her outfit did feel a bit constricting.

Suddenly Lily found herself flying through the air and pinned against the wall, unable to move.

She darted her head around the room and noticed the cause of her immobility.

Sunset Shimmer and her friends stood just past the doorway into the bridge.

The group had burst through the door and had Rarity take the lead, who had used her magic ability to restrain Lily Pad.

The girls now gathered around Rarity into formation.

“Lily Pad, you have magic you do not understand, but it is nothing compared to the magic of…” Said Sunset before letting her friends help her finish.

“Friendship!” They all said as a powerful beam of magic burst forward, focusing on Lily Pad’s shell.

The magic caused the item to crack and break into a million small pieces, which made a huge boom and sent a magic shock wave all throughout the boat.

As the shock wave passed through Sunset and her friends. Their bodies began to grow.

Their infantile bodies shoot forward like weeds, gaining back the height and feminine curves they were all use to possessing.

Their cloths also changed back to their old swimsuits they had been wearing just a day earlier.

The converse was happening to Lily Pad however.

The girl’s age and maturity slipped away like sand through her fingers, as her height and curvaceous body became the featureless plain body the six year old was more accustomed to.

Her swimsuit also changed back to her one piece green swimsuit with just a simple flower on her chest and her hair lost its boutique styled do and became just simply the long hair in a ponytail her Mommy always put her hair in.

The girls looked at each other, excited to see each other back to normal and gave each other an excited group hug before turning their attention back to Lily.

She now sat on the floor, looking gloomy.

Pinkie Pie stepped forward.

“Lily, while I’m still very upset about what you did, I also know that we should’ve paid you a little more attention. If you promise to never do anything like this again, I think we’d all love to spend some time with you now.” Said Pinkie as she held out her hand.

“Really?” Said Lily with an excited expression.

The girls all smiled and nodded.

“I promise! Race you to the pool!” Said Lily, running past the girls and out the bridge door with Sunset and her friends not far behind.

Sunset smiled as she looked back on the past day’s events. Life could get pretty crazy at times, but as long as her and her friends had each other, she knew there was nothing they couldn’t do.