• Published 27th Jul 2020
  • 3,568 Views, 17 Comments

Friendship Through the Ages - Strip Tease

Sunset Shimmer and her friends face an adversary they never expected

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Bonus Chapter- Bad Ending

Sunset Shimmer and her friends burst through the door to the ships bridge, ready for an epic showdown with Lily Pad.

Upon looking around the room, the found the bridge to be empty.

“Where is she?” Said Sunset in surprise.

She was sure they would find Lily here and get the drop on her.

“Looking for me?”

A voice came from behind them.

The girls turned to find Lily Pad blocking the door they had just entered from.

“Did you really think I wouldn’t plan for if you came after me? You’ve told me how many stories of your adventures. I figured you would have known you would be no match for me, but I guess you’re all too young to realize that now. But don’t worry. You won’t have anything to worry about much longer.” Lily said as she activated the shell.

Magic rushed forward and encapsulated the six friends.

Fluttershy, Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow found themselves each loosing height and gaining baby fat as they shrank until they were all just one year old babies.

Their cloths morphed into thick diapers to cover their waists.

The last change was what Lily Pad was most delighted about.

Each of their minds were drained and rewritten, losing all cares, worries, and knowledge.

Their minds were completely blank, none of them able to comprehend anything in the world around them anymore.

As the changes wrapped up, Lily Pad approached the now infant Sunset Shimmer and cradled her in her arms.

She stared back at Lily with a wide eyed and innocent expression as she sucked her thumb.

“Nice try Sunset. But it looks like I win. Don’t worry though, maybe you can try to stop me again in seventeen years.” She laughed as the magic poofed them all away, leaving Lily to revel in victory.

Sunset Shimmer awoke in a crib inside the ships nursery.

She immediately began to babble, her mouth unable to make any other sounds except cry.

A caretaker was soon there and carrying her in her arms.

The caretaker took Sunset over to the changing table, changing her heavily soiled night diaper out for a fresh and clean one.

The caretaker finished her change by giving her a raspberry right one her tummy, making the baby giggle.

She was then picked up once more and carried over to a rocking chair, the caretaker taking a seat and grabbing the bottle she had prepared previously and sticking its nipple in Sunset’s mouth so she could have her breakfast.

As she suckled her milk, Sunset looked around the room she was in.

Babies, toddlers, and caretakers were the room’s only inhabitants.

Her former friends were also being carried out of the nap area and were being settled in with their own caretakers to each have their bottles, a routine that would become a large part of their lives for a good while.

Their old selves would have been eager to begin trying to stop Lily again, but any level of comprehension was still a year or two off for them.

All that was left was left of their reasoning skills was how they felt in relation to how they would act, either crying or giggling in response to stimuli they were exposed to.

As Sunset drank her bottle, she looked up at the caretaker smiling down at her and began to close her eyes, her new body needing lots of sleep to one day become big and strong.

The girls now had their whole lives ahead of them again, starting diapers, bottles, and hugs.

There infantile minds wouldn’t want it any other way.

Comments ( 15 )

Dang it, I was planning on writing a story based on that image. Oh well.

What not add in unbirthing too for real bad ending.

You still can. I'd encourage you to. Good to hear another perspective on it.

I wrote this story based on the image attached to it and with the artist's permission. He wanted it to be written like an EQG special and with fetish stuff not really the main focus so I wrote the bad ending in a more toned down kind of way. I may do an unbirth story in the future though so stay tuned!

Who said anything about being fetish?

I still plan to. Your idea was different than mine.

the cover art tell diffenrt story was heading.

Hey Strip, I have a special job for you.

Do you like Equestria Girls?

Well, I have a friend who wants you to write a story about the Shadowbolts.

I'm gonna have to pass on that. There's not much of foundation for me to write from their.

This story is very interesting

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