• Published 12th Aug 2020
  • 7,153 Views, 417 Comments

The Next Chapter - Some Leech

Without knowing why, Cozy Glow finds herself freed from her stony prison...

  • ...

Chapter 12

The Castle of Friendship’s size was only surpassed by its grandeur. Created by the Tree of Harmony, the crystalline edifice struck a balance between arboreal and architectural features. Since it sprouted, after Twilight’s original home had been destroyed, it had served as a home base for the Elements of Harmony - allowing them to detect and intervene in friendship matters throughout the land.

Dominating the skyline as easily the largest structure in the region, it served as a constant reminder to the vigilance and power of the saviors of Equestria - at least it had, hundreds of years prior. Now, as Cozy made her approach, it reminded her of the overwhelming odds levied against her. Some dozen armored centurions awaited them, just outside the golden double-doors.

Spying the inbound prisoners, the guards moved to intervene with the flock of bystanders. Encircling Cozy, Flurry, and the concealed Chrysalis, they congenially repulsed the would-be spectators and allowed the trio and their escort to continue to the palace’s entryway. Though the soldiery weren’t overtly impolite, they staunchly denied all but the prisoners to move forward.

With few options but to press onward, Cozy and Flurry strode side by side. Even if they didn’t have a massed audience to view their inevitable confrontation with Twilight, they’d managed to call quite a bit of attention to themselves and the situation at large. As the youthful Princess waved to the throng, assuring them that she’d be back shortly, they passed through the gleaming archway and into the central hallway.

Cozy faltered, greeted by a sight she had not been expecting. Towering over the vestibule sat the petrified figure of none other than Tirek. Cowering, hoping to shield himself from the attack which would ultimately imprison him within an eternity of stone, his pained expression stood in stark contrast to the colorful and inviting interior of the palace. It was an alarming sight and one which diametrically opposed the otherwise welcoming atmosphere.

One of the accompanying guards apparently took note of the pegasus’ hindered pace, before waving her onward. A cold shudder shot through Cozy, as she reluctantly trotted towards the heart of the building. Seeing her former companion locked within his rocky confines, it was all she could do to hope he’d been spared from the maddening torment she’d once suffered through. Taking a breath and steeling herself, she strode towards the map room.

“First order of business, once we get all this sorted out, we will be releasing him,” Flurry mused, halfheartedly grinning over at her tiny colleague. “Though, when we set him free, I’m going to put you in charge of keeping an eye on him.”

The Princess’ words, while offering some level of comfort, did little to quell Cozy’s unease, though she appreciated the effort. Trotting down a corridor, towards a doorway flanked by a pair of armored ponies, she knit her brow. The room beyond held the arcane map which the Elements of Harmony had used to help unify a nation and, if she had to guess, the mare behind her recent persecution.

As soon as she glimpsed what awaited past the entrance, Cozy halted. The map table rested in the center of the chamber, where it always had, but the seven thrones which had surrounded it were absent. In her time, there had been a chair to represent each Element, as well as one for Spike, but they were gone. As her gaze swept over the area, her eyes settled upon a lone figure standing by a window.

Similar in stature to any other pony, the creature was anything but. Covered in mulberry fur and plumage, with a strawberry and violet streaked indigo mane and tail, the alicorn’s back faced them. Though she was turned away and bore no mark of her position, there was no mistaking who she was. As the doors were closed behind them, leaving the trio alone with the Princess, Twilight spun to face them.

The slightest smile graced the alicorn’s lips, as she peered over at the young Princess and the diminutive pegasus. “My faithful student, thank you so much for returning with our most infamous guest.”

Flurry didn’t budge an inch, though she slowly shook her head. “Twilight, for the love of Celestia, please explain what’s…” she drew silent, as the elder Princess calmly held up a hoof.

“All in due time - for now, if you’d be so kind, please accompany the guards to the train station. Anonymous should be arriving shortly and I’d be most appreciative if you escorted him back to the castle. Before you ask, yes, he’s unharmed and the locomotive was safely re-coupled and taken under control,” Twilight coolly explained.

“B...but,” Flurry sputtered, taking the smallest step backwards.

“You have no need to worry, you’re in no trouble whatsoever. This entire ordeal has been a misunderstanding and, I assure you, no harm will come to you or your friends - including the one you have tucked away in your mane,” the ranking Princess sedately continued, taking a step towards the trio.

The news that Twilight knew about Chrysalis, while disconcerting, wasn’t an unforeseen outcome. The Princess of Friendship was and always had been a magical disciple without peer and Cozy wasn’t surprised that she’d surmised the changeling was with them. Either through sorcerous means, deductive reasoning, or some combination of the two, the alicorn was aware of the Matriarch’s presence.

“What about Cozy?” Flurry inquired, locking eyes with her mentor.

“I wish to discuss matters with Cozy Glow in private. You have my solemn vow, she will be treated well in your absence,” Twilight added, pointing towards the exit.

The young alicorn turned, peering over at the pegasus beside her. Remaining silent, Cozy gave the Princess a subtle nod. With a cadre of soldiers outside and faced with an extraordinarily powerful alicorn, it was the only reasonable decision. The townsponies outside were another factor to consider, and any open act of hostility or dissent would likely sway them against the three.

Flurry paused, before offering a nod and turning away. The doors swung open before her as she reluctantly trotted from the room. Glancing over her shoulder with a troubled expression, she looked uneasily at the former villain. Cozy simply smiled and batted a wing, hoping to dispel the alicorn’s worry. She trotted from view, surrounded by a phalanx of the royal sentries, while the doors lazily sealed behind her.

Turning away and facing the Princess, Cozy’s demeanor shifted to one of frigid incredulity. Emboldened by how powerless she was, knowing she was at the alicorn’s mercy, she steadily approached Twilight. With nobody to hinder her or intervene, left to her guile and wit, she piqued a brow.

Their encounter, having only spanned a few brief minutes, immediately presented her volumes of information about the creature before her. Twilight’s lack of expression was only the tip of the iceberg, paired with the mare’s remarkably even and impassive tone. The aesthetic was perfect, an immaculate simulacrum of the Princess of Friendship, were it not for the fact that she looked too perfect. There were no signs of age or growth, both traits which every alicorn before had exhibited in some form or fashion.

Besides the overtly glaring flaws, there was also the case of its mannerisms. The formalities had been ceaseless, having used Cozy and Anon’s full names in succession. Even when heated or in under duress, she couldn’t recall a time when the Princess had been that proper with anyone. It was subtle, but another condemning piece of evidence that it wasn’t who it claimed to be.

Stopping a half dozen paces from the alicorn, Cozy started at her foe. “Where’s Twilight Sparkle…”

Twilight cocked her head and studied the tiny pegasus before her. “Twilight Sparkle and Spike the Dragon are both gone.”

The sheer matter-of-factness of the response left Cozy with more questions than answers. If she was facing a changeling or something which had assumed Twilight’s form, the likelihood that they’d give such an even, direct reply was virtually nonexistent. Calculating variables, considering and discarding various possibilities, she studied the Princess. Though there were dozens of things she wanted to ask, one stood out amongst the rest.

“What are you?” she asked.

“I am, to everyone but yourself, Twilight Sparkle - Princess of Friendship,” the alicorn responded, giving the slightest bow of her head. “Although you may know me from my other name, the Tree of Harmony.”

Squinting up at the figure, Cozy drew a breath. “Explain.”

“After your imprisonment, Equestria saw a period of unparalleled growth and prosperity. All races of the land came together, growing and learning from one another for decades. Sadly, as is the universal axiom, things change. Though Twilight was and, to my knowledge, is a near-immortal, her friends were not. As the Elements fell to time, Princess Twilight grew listless and distanced. After her final colleague slipped from their mortal coil, she sought solitude through the Crystal Mirror with Spike,” the imitation dispassionately explained, standing motionless.

Analyzing the assertion, Cozy found it an all too plausible scenario - still, things didn’t quite add up. “And what of the other Princesses? Celestia, Luna, and Cadance?” she pressed.

“Princess Cadance, having underestimated the physical growth and maturation of a naturally born alicorn, abandoned her longevity to live out her life with her husband. Their daughter, Flurry Heart, was adopted by Luna and Celestia. The sisters themselves were eventually convinced to pursue Twilight Sparkle and attempt to have her see reason,” it stated, staring down at the pegasus.

“Convinced themselves or convinced by another?” Cozy inquired.

“The latter,” the imitation replied.

With pieces of the puzzle finally starting to fall into place, Cozy continued her inquisition. “And I presume they didn’t succeed in their goal?”

“The results of their journey were and still are unclear,” it stated.

“They would have come back, even if they couldn’t persuade Twilight back with them,” Cozy noted.

The imposter nodded, though her expression didn’t change. “This assertion is correct and precisely why I destroyed the mirror.”

Cozy’s eyes went wide, and she involuntarily took a step back. Things had been making sense, thus far, yet the statement caught her completely off guard. Shying away, a maelstrom of thoughts assailed her. If Twilight, the sisters, and Cadance were truly gone, several of Equestria’s most powerful champions had been lost. The most disturbing thing about it was the sheer remorseless manner in which the thing had spoken.

As badly as she wanted to scream, to berate the creature before her, she abstained. Closing her eyes, she took a breath, held it, and slowly exhaled. She couldn’t risk upending her investigation and, even if she had, there was perilously little she could do to change anything. Giving herself a moment to regain her composure, she glared up at the deceiver.

“What purpose did banishing them serve?” she inquired, forcing herself to maintain an even tone.

“Celestia and Luna had reigned for eons and, having finally relinquished their thrones, were finally enjoying life amongst the commoners. After careful observation, I determined that life in Equestria was no longer pleasing to Twilight Sparkle. Their departure gave them what they wanted and, under my supervision, peace has been maintained throughout the Empire,” the doppelganger cooly declared.

“No,” Cozy muttered, “you’re lying. You may have maintained peace, but something has clearly gone awry. If what you said is true, there’d be no reason to release me and start this witch hunt.”

“Very astute,” it chirped, moving towards the table. Flickering to life, a holographic map of Equestria appeared on the polished surface. “Come,” she urged, waving the pegasus over, “tell me what you see.”

Trotting over and flitting into the air, Cozy gazed down at the projection. Various cities and settlements marked the topography, spanning throughout the continent. As impressive as it was, having never seen the artifact in use before, there didn’t appear to be anything noteworthy on its features. Several new towns were present, and the urban areas had expanded to a degree, but Equestria itself was still very much the same.

“There are no problems,” it remarked. “Tranquility has led to stagnation and an underappreciation of friendship as a whole.”

“Wait,” Cozy coughted, flying to the opposite end of the three-dimensional display. “Are you trying to say that you set me free to intentionally cause a cataclysm?”

Looking over at her, the imposter nodded once. “That is a correct assumption. In all of Equestria’s documented history, there is one founding fact; ages of strife and peril, once overcome, invariably lead to the improved well-being of the populace. Though your liberation involved several relatively minute possibilities, almost every factor has been accounted for.”

Almost every factor?” Cozy parroted. If there was one factor that was nearly impossible to predict, it would have been…

“Discord’s appearance. While not expressly considered, his reemergence hasn’t significantly impacted my designs,” it responded.

Cozy glowered over at the pretender. As much as it pained her to admit it, the plan was a masterpiece and one which could easily rival anything she could have schemed up herself. Brilliantly executed and timed, the strategy had and most likely would result in a beneficial outcome for all parties involved - all parties, that was, except hers. Even still, taking everything into account, it felt wrong.

Not a tinge of malice tainted the tree’s words or actions, only a cold, systematic logic that was hard to counter. There was no denying that bonds were tempered through hardship, or that trying times brought creatures together, yet engineering tribulation was an indisputably underhanded tactic. She couldn’t say much, considering she’d utilized deception throughout her time as an evildoer, but this was different - this had been done as an act of magnanimity.

“I brainwashed Flurry Heart and Anonymous, released Chrysalis, and was planning to liberate Tirek in a bid to overthrow you and overtake the Empire,” she mused, grinning despite herself. “I have to say, you really thought this through.”

“Your praise is appreciated - doubly so, since your actions served as an inspiration. The combined creatures of the realm, under a lone ruler, have seen an age of peace not witnessed since Celestia’s unaccompanied tenure over Equestria. You are an asset which will continue to serve everycreature, for generations yet to come,” the imitation remarked, her smile broadening a hair.

Gritting her teeth, realizing that she’d inadvertently played a fundamental role in her own downfall, Cozy restrained her frustration. “And then you can package Chrysalis and I up again as statues, hailing us as a monument to dissent,” she growled.

“Not dissent, no,” it corrected, smoothly trotting around the projection. “You three are testaments to the failure of friendship.”

“I…” Cozy’s words died in her throat, as the statement sank in.

To an extent, the Tree was correct. Each of them had tried and failed to accomplish their own selfish goals, at one point or another. While Chrysalis had worked in the interest of her hive initially, she’d rejected compassion and forgiveness. Tirek had betrayed Discord and forsaken his own brother. Cozy, through having deceived and manipulated any and every creature of use, had only valued those around her as implements for her desires.

“Before I forget,” the false Twilight said, winking a miniature chest into existence, “I have something for you.” Setting the box on the table and sliding it through the transparent map, she blankly stared into the pegasus’ eyes.

Landing on the surface, stepping through the hologram, Cozy numbly rested a hoof on the tiny trunk. Apathetically, she flipped open the lid and glanced inside. Unsurprisingly, the Alicorn Amulet rested within the padded confines of the chest. Slapping it from the table, leaving the talisman to skitter across the polished floor, her face contorted in rage.

“I will not give you that sort of validation,” she barked.

“Unfortunate, though not unexpected. Your chances of besting me in combat, while slim, are still mathematically possible. Are you sure you won’t reconsider?” it politely inquired, peering over at the discarded trinket.

“No, I won’t reconsider,” Cozy spat, boldly stepping towards the warped facsimile of a Princess. “If you’re going to use me as a puppet, framing me for the betterment of Equestria, you’re not going to get the gratification of a spectacle!”

Blankly shifting her focus from the amulet to the pegasus, the simulation’s eerie smile persisted. “As lamentable as that stance is, it changes nothing. You will be the instrument in revitalizing the Kingdom for the foreseeable future and beyond.”

Cozy’s lip curled and her hackles raised, yet she didn’t back down. “Beyond what? Until several generations pass so you can do it again?!”

“Yes,” it stated, as nonchalantly as if it had just answered the most commonsensical question it had ever heard.

The blithe and flippant response gave Cozy a moment for pause and cemented her greatest fear. She wasn’t dealing with any sort of living creature - no, this thing was more akin to a machine. Mechanical and unfeeling, utterly bereft of emotional understanding, it was an intelligent, nigh omnipotent automaton.

“I do hope you understand the conclusion I’ve come to. Should a better option present itself, or if I find a more suitable use for you, your value will be readdressed in the future - for now, take solace in the fact that you are being used in the best interests of the planet as a whole,” the doppelganger observed.

No…” a voice boomed, echoing throughout the chamber.

The not-Twilight’s head pivoted, vacantly scanning the room, while Cozy’s ears swiveled to pinpoint the source. It was impossible to pin down where the word had come from, seemingly having originated from nowhere and everywhere at once, but that wasn’t as important as whom had spoken it. While only a single syllable had been uttered, there was no mistaking who had said it. In a melodramatic flash of light, Discord appeared beside the table.

“I’m not about to let you use her as the patsy for your machinations, you thing,” he darkly murmured.

“Discord, I’m surprised. There was a remarkably low probability that you would intervene in-” the counterfeit was cut off, as the chaos lord’s eyes burned an unholy carmine.

Silence,” he hissed. “She’s done her time. If you are done with her, I will banish her, Chrysalis, and Tirek to another realm, but you will not continually use her like a mere object.”

“Like you did?” it rebutted. “Or like the many times that you made use of ponies for your own amusement? Unlike yourself, my machinations are benevolent in nature. Your plot to unite the trio helped lay the blueprint for this design - is it not to your liking?”

“No, it’s not to my liking!” Discord chided.

“Why not?” the facsimile countered, tilting its head in the opposite direction while addressing him.

“Because you’re proposing a cruel and endless cycle!” he bellowed.

“Interesting,” it hummed, staring off into space. “I had postulated that, since she is no friend of yours, you would be indifferent on the matter. You played a part in imprisoning her in the first place, you never once attempted to have her freed, and you would routinely toy with creatures for no other reason than your own entertainment.”

The draconequus gnashed his teeth, clenching and unclenching his fists. As callous as it sounded, the Tree had spoken the truth. Since Discord had appeared on Equestria, he’d viewed creatures far and wide as little more than playthings. Only after the Elements of Harmony had defeated him twice did his meddling slacken - even then, it was only to a marginal degree. Time and time again, his fumblings had resulted in near cataclysms which could have upended the world.

After an all too brief silence, the imitation turned away, faced an exterior wall, and effortlessly obliterated the crystalline facade. Taken aback by the sudden and ruinous power which had been so unexpectedly unleashed, Discord and Cozy did what they could to shield themselves from the blasted fragments of rubble. While neither were struck by anything larger than pebbles, the display left them mute.

“Your appearance, while unanticipated, is a fortuitous one,” it began, casually wheeling around to face them. “Now I will deal with all of the abominations at once.”

Not if I have anything to say about it,” Discord fumed.

Bearing witness to two entities of vast, unimaginable power discharging even a fraction of their prodigious potential, the lone mortal couldn’t move. Existence itself twisted around the Lord of Chaos, seemingly melting into a maddening void of nothingness. The light around the personification of friendship became a haze of glimmering lights and ephemeral flashes, as if the powers of creation were at her beck and call. As they let slip their might, Cozy fell from the table.

Seeking solace under the artifact, the world shook around her. Discord’s attack was the embodiment of insanity - there was no other way to explain it. Colors and shapes which simply didn’t exist surged from him, bathing the construct in a sanity-shattering assault. Throughout the onslaught, the thing stood unmoving. Wreathed in light, it weathered the offensive and pushed back with its own dreadful fury.

A feeling of terror settled over Cozy, as she glanced to the draconequus’ face. As inconceivable as it was, Discord was struggling. His jaw was set, perspiration dotted his brow, and his face was set in a grimace. Peering over at the construct, the situation was made all the more horrifying by the fact that it seemed completely undisturbed by the apocalyptic conflict; it just stood there, enduring the barrage while evidently drawing from some limitless wellspring of energy.

We have to get Anon and the others!!!” Cozy screamed.

There was no time to think, no time to strategize - in the face of such a devastating force, she could only act. It may have been a long shot, but the combined strength of her allies may tip the scale. With things having taken such a dire turn, without any other option, her companions held the only hope she and Discord had.

The chimera, having heard her call, thrust a meaty paw in her direction. Flexing his limb, he sent the petite mare sailing through the air towards himself. As she landed in palm, without taking his eyes off his foe, he grunted. “Where?”

“Train station,” she yelled, her voice ringing over the din of arcane battle.

Cradling Cozy to his chest, in the crook of his arm, he snapped his fingers. The room instantly disappeared, with the stone beneath them replaced by the packed earth of a roadway. Breathing heavily, the draconequus knelt and gingerly set the pony to the ground. As she disembarked, taking to the sky to look for her colleagues, she noticed the Lord of Chaos waver.

To her abject dismay, Discord had suffered a heavy toll from the clash. Slick with sweat, heaving air into his chest, he unsteadily straightened and shielded his eyes from the blazing sun. There had been times when he’d feigned weakness, but something told her this was not one of them. The expense of such a monstrous exertion of strength, paired with the fact that he’d unquestioningly followed her order, left her to assume he really had been on the cusp of defeat.

Flying above him to scan the city, she looked for Flurry, her escort, and hopefully Anonymous. The train had arrived, resting behind them on the tracks, although the exact whereabouts of the Princess and the human was a mystery. Squinting, urgently searching for any sign of them, her wish was granted. In the distance gleamed an armored figure rounding a corner.

“There!” she squawked, pointing in the direction.

With another snap of his digits, Discord teleported them to intercept the squadron of guards. Caught unawares, suddenly finding themselves facing a draconequus and a small pegasus, the soldiers froze. Without waiting for any sort of signal, the Lord of Chaos snapped again. Disappearing, flung off to Celestia knew where, the centurions instantly vanished without a trace.

The look of shock on Flurry and Anon’s faces would have been funny, had it not been under such bleak circumstances. The Princess rushed to Discord, as the chimera stumbled to the side. Lending him aid, propping him up with her magic, the alicorn’s dumbfounded expression was replaced by one of concern.

“What...what happened to you?” Flurry breathed, her tone tinged with fret.

“That,” Discord rasped, pointing down the road.

Past the various townsponies who’d congregated to see the young Princess and human, a solitary figure made their approach. Surrounded by a brilliant aura, bearing an uncannily impassive smile, the parody of Twilight trotted forward. Without a moment’s respite, they’d been hunted down and forced to meet their fate - whatever it may be…