• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 28,126 Views, 3,490 Comments

The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo - defender2222

Everyone wonders what Scootaloo's story is. Apparently, everypony in Ponyville has their own answer

  • ...

Doctor Whooves

After surviving Iron Will and his demented seminar/talk show, Twilight had made it back to the library without abusing her head any further, though what she found there was quite a surprise. Spike had been so sorry for causing her stress that he had cleaned the entire library and filed many of the scrolls she had never gotten around to finishing as his way of apologizing. After feeling frustrated for so long Twilight had wept at the simple display of love from her #1 Assistant/friend and given him a giant hug. Empowered by Spike's actions Twilight had felt her anger at the day and the craziness it had brought melt away and she had informed the baby dragon that they were going to take the morning off and just have fun; Spike had jokingly examined her eyes to make sure she didn't have a concussion.

Twilight had fallen asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow, allowing blissful rest to claim her. Her last thought had been 'Well, tomorrow will be 100% better'.

Apparently the Creator had a mean streak, as Twilight awoke hours later to find Princess Luna standing over her bed. The unicorn let out a yelp and tried to get out so she could bow, but Luna waved her off.

"It's alright, Twilight Sparkle," Luna said. Since Nightmare Night Luna had been working to avoid slipping into the formal Royal Canterlot Voice and Twilight was thankful for that. "I merely wished to speak with you."

"Oh...of course Princess...about what?"

"Tell me...did my sister ever tell you what happened to your mother?"

Twilight's brow screwed up in utter confusion. "I...I don't understand...my mother is fine, I just sent a letter to her last week..."

"No," Luna said sternly, and suddenly her coat turned inky black, her mane lengthened and armor flew onto her body as she grew to Celestia's size, taking once more the mantle of Nightmare Moon. "I...am your mother."

"No...no…that's not true..." Twilight whispered in shock, clinging to her headboard. "That's impossible!"

"Search your feelings, you know it to be true!"

"...nooooooo!!" Twilight screamed, feeling the honesty in Nightmare Moon's words. She cradled one of her hooves to her chest and wept.

"Twilight…you can destroy Princess Celestia, she has foreseen this! It is your destiny...join me and together we can rule Equestria as mother and daughter!"

“…no!” Twilight shouted.

Nightmare Moon gave her a dark look. “Yeah, that wasn’t a request.”

"NOOO!" Twilight screamed as Nightmare Moon's eyes glowed, summoning dark-tinted armor that latched onto the unicorn's body. She fell out of her bed, crying out as she felt her body twist, wings bursting from her back and her own mane becoming flowing energy as she transformed into a smaller replica of Nightmare Moon.

"Nightmare Moon Jr....rise," Nightmare Moon cackled as the dark energy took hold of Twilight's mind.

"NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" She screamed, her voice older and more mature as the evil finished its corruption....

"Twilight! Twilight!"

Twilight blinked, finding herself lying on the floor. The 'armor' and 'mane' were in fact her covers wrapped around her and 'Nightmare Moon' was merely Spike, trying to shake her free of her twisted dream.

"Spike!" Twilight squealed, grabbing him and hugging him so tight his eyes bugged out of his head. "Oh, I am so glad you aren't Princess Luna!"


"Yes Spike?"


Twilight sheepishly let go, Spike falling onto her lap and gasping as wonderful cool air filled his deflated lungs. "Sorry about that Spike...just a bad dream."

"Gee...I...*gasp*...didn't....*gasp*...realize!" Spike finally managed to stand back up and helped his friend and mentor untangle herself from the sheets. "Geez Twilight, the last time you had a nightmare that bad was when you heard the rumor that Scrolls 'r Us was shutting down."

Twilight shuddered. "Don't even joke about that."


An hour later Twilight and Spike were making their way through Ponyville, doing their best to ignore the stares and whispered murmurs coming from nearly every pony they passed. It seemed that word had spread about Twilight's freak-outs at Sugarcuge Corner and Iron Will's seminar and everypony was debating whether they should give her a wide berth or get closer and see if they could prompt her to go into another rage. The Ponyville Theater Group wouldn't be putting on their next play for 3 weeks ('Colts and Dolls', which was sure to be a smash) so the only real source of entertainment they had was each other...and Twilight was always an easy target (but a dangerous one, hence why so few ever actively tried to screw with her).

Spike paused in the middle of the road, eyes widening as he saw the brown stallion that was making his way towards them. "Twilight look, it's the Doctor! Quick, let’s hide and hope he doesn't see us!"

Twilight frowned, glancing down at her assistant. "Why would we do that, Spike? The Doctor is a perfectly ok pony."

"If by OK you mean Only Kooky, then ya." Spike shuddered slightly. "He gives me the creeps."

"That's not nice, Spike. Yes, the Doctor is...odd." Twilight remembers her meeting with him the night before and rolled her eyes. "Ok, very odd. But that doesn't mean we should shun him."

"But it's so weird how he one minute knows everything about us and the next he can't remember a conversation we had 2 hours ago. It just doesn't make any sense."

"Well, time travel will do that too you," the Doctor said, having managed to sneak up on the two. Spike let out a yelp and leapt into the air, coming to rest on the top of Twilight's head.

"Don't do that!" Spike screeched.

"Hello Doctor," Twilight said, using her magic to pull Spike from her head. "How are you doing today?"

"Oh good, very good. Just managed to defeat some Weeping Angels that were threatening to swarm Ponyville, so that is always exciting! Derpy was rather happy it ended as soon as it did; was afraid we'd be late and she'd have to call in to work. Makes no sense, really...tried to explain that with time travel we can be whenever we want whereever we want, whatever we want. Dinky got it of course, but..."

Twilight and Spike both felt their eyes glazing over as the Doctor continued his long, drawn out speech. They had learned a while ago that it was best just to let the Doctor prattle on, as attempting to interrupt him would get a pony a stiff scolding.

"...and I think I might have accidentally invented hay fries, but as long as we managed to help Rainbow Dash create her Sonic Rainboom, then all of it was good." The Doctor chuckled to himself. "Don't think I'd want to go back to a world where Rarity is a rock farmer and Applejack is a snooty businessmare. And your friend Fluttershy being married to Iron Will? About as strange as Pinkie Pie being a beat poet. Still, it was rather funny to see Rainbow Dash as Zecora's apprentice." He looked over at Twilight, face puckering up rather fiercely. "I could have done without you hoofing me in the face though, Captain Sparkle."

"Now do you wish we'd have hid?" Spike hissed. Twilight didn't dignify his question with a response (but the answer was 'Yes').

"So tell me Twilight, what exactly are you two off to do this fine morning?"

"Well, after the insanity from last night, I decided Spike and I needed a day off."

"Insanity? Oh, I hate when I miss crazy things! What happened?"

Spike grinned, speaking before Twilight could shut him up. "Twilight went crazy because everypony kept telling her nutty stories about Scootaloo. Well...except for me. My story was awesome!" The baby dragon puffed out his chest and closed his eyes, giving them his best 'important dragon' pose.

"Sure it was, Spike," Twilight muttered.

"Fascinating..." the Doctor said, tapping his chin. "You know...I know a story about Scootaloo...."

Twilight ran her tongue along the inside of her cheek, realizing that fighting this would do nothing to stop the Doctor. "Ok, fine...tell us your story."

"Lovely! Now then..."


Apple Bloom sighed as she dipped her sponge into the bucket of soapy water, careful not to get her nose wet. Beside her Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were also scrubbing away at the floors, under the watchful eye of Applejack. "Guess we ain't Cutie Mark Paint Ball Champs, huh?"

"Darn tootin' ya ain't!" Applejack complained. "Look at the mess ya girls made! Got paint all over the walls and the floor and the ceiling...and I won't even get into what ya did to Big Macintosh!" She looked over at her brother, who was rocking back and forth in a corner, sucking on his hoof, eyes wide with fear. He had been painted blue with streaks of different colors in his hair, making him look like a giant Rainbow Dash. "I don't think he's ever gonna recover."

"Eeeyup....Noooope....Eeeyup....Noooope..." the stallion murmured, rocking back and forth.

"We were just trying to get our cutie marks!" Sweetie Belle said, cleaning up a new section of the floor.

"And I get that but that ain't an excuse for tearin' apart all of Ponyville! I mean, we just got over you summonin' those metal critters with the squeaky voices from outer space."

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" Apple Bloom said with a giggle. "They were so silly! One good buck and they went kaboom!"

"Yeah, it all worked out there but if you girls keep it up you are going to cause alot of pain and sufferin'."


Applejack scowled. "I mean...more than what you've already caused.

"Wait, I don't remember any metal creatures invading."

"Ah, well shortly after this moment I had to reboot the universe. Deleted the Dal...I mean the metal creatures...right out of history."

"I don't think that's scientifically poss-"

The apple farmer stood next to her sister, finding a clean spot on the floor and wrapping her front leg around the little filly. "Listen, I know ya'll are anxious ta get your marks, but you really should take it easy...you'll get them soon enough."

"Except that one," Granny Smtih said, pointing at Scootaloo. "Never heard of a chicken getting a cutie mark."

"Granny Smith! That is very rude! Scootaloo is a fine filly and you shouldn't say such mean things!"

Granny just scoffed. "She's a chicken, I tell ya, a big chicken!" She then hobbled over to the fridge and poured herself a big glass of cider. "Time for my medicine."

"Applejack, is there anyone in our family that isn't crazy?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Nnnnoooope!" Big Macintosh exclaimed from the corner.

"No one asked you!"


Twilight blinked, tilting her head slightly as she stared at Doctor Whooves. "Wow."

"What...is something the matter? It isn't fangirls, is it?" The Doctor looked around, as if expecting a legion of hormonal fillies to burst out of the ground and attack him.

"No...this is just a really normal story. Really surprised me."

The Doctor smirked. "Everything that happens to me is normal...well, to me it is. For you all I am sure it is a cluster-"

"Duck!" Spike cried out as Rainbow Dash flew overhead, almost striking them.

“SORRY!” Rainbow Dash called out.

Once the three of them were back on their feet, the Doctor continued his tale once more.


"You think maybe our cutie marks are invisible?" Sweetie Belle asked as the three crusaders walked through town. It had taken them nearly half the day to clean up Applejack's kitchen and once freed by the tyrant Apple Bloom called 'sis' the three fillies had happily made their way into Ponyville, wanting to get back to crusading.

"What do you mean?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I mean maybe they are invisible cutie marks...we just can't see them. Maybe our talent is turning invisible!" She slowly snuck up to a pony. "Oooooooo....you can't see me."

The earth pony reached down and playfully bopped her on the head.

"So much for that theory!" Apple Bloom complained. "We are never going to figure out what our cutie marks are!"

Scootaloo sighed, kicking a stone down the road in frustration. Unfortunately, said stone ended up bouncing into the path of a wagon, and the addition of a pebble to the road surface caused the wagon to swing wildly out of control.

"Look out!" Apple Bloom shouted, leaping out of the way just as the wagon nearly struck them. Luckily, the three girls were able to get out of the way...unluckily the wagon now had a free path to strike the 'Wounded Orphan Puppy Hospital', causing it to burst into flames. "Holy-"

"How...how did we..." Sweetie Belle gasped. "How did one stone cause that?!?"

"Because your special talent is chaos, my dear." The fillies turned, staring in horror at the leering figure that stood before them.'


"In the flesh," the spirit of disharmony said with a smirk and a saucy bow.

"Wait a minute...we defeated Discord! How the heck is he back?"

"Twilight, Twilight, Twilight...good villains never go away. They might look different or act different...but as long as there is demand they will always come back."

"Who would demand-"

"What are ya doin' here, Discord?" Apple Bloom said, trying to sound more heroic than she felt.

"Such anger!" Discord said, giving a mock tremble. "I don't know why you are so upset...I am merely here to congratulate you on discovering your special talent."

"What?" Sweetie Belle asked, utterly confused.

Discord pulled the three girls in close, giving them a hug. "Don't you see...your special talent is CHAOS!"

"...that makes so much sense it ain't even funny!" Apple Bloom said with a grin.

"Well, it might be a bit funny for us," Discord said with a laugh. He set them down and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle gasped as magic began to pour into them. "Now that you know your talents you are ready to become my Chaos Making Crusaders...the commanders of my army as I retake Equestria!" The girls giggled in delight as they gained bat-like wings and their eyes turned blood red, the powers of chaos flowing through them.

"Wait...why didn't Scootaloo change?" Chaos Belle asked. Chaos Blossom nodded, brow furrowed as she realized Scootaloo was still standing there, staring at them blankly.

"Hmmm...I honestly don't know." Discord was, for the first time ever, actually confused. He had sent out the spell to convert fillies into his evil underlings, so Scootaloo should have been changed. He reached down, grabbing a hold of Scootaloo's mane. "Wait a minute..." With a yank the mane was pulled off, revealing the truth: "She's a chicken!"

It was true. The moment the mane was gone everypony saw that Scootaloo wasn't a small pegasus filly but instead a 6 foot tall chicken.

"Buck-buck-buck-bu-caaaaawww!" Chicken-Loo said, pecking at the ground.

"I told ya she was a chicken!" Granny Smith shouted.

Twilight and the rest of her friends walked over to Discord, bowing. "Truly you are meant to be our king, as you revealed this horrible chicken in our midst. We will serve you, Lord Discord, as your Elements of Disharmony and bring about glorious chaos!"

Discord smiled, clapping his hands in delight before reversing the Elements colors so they better represented their new life. "Very good...now for your first task...get the chicken."

"BU-CAAWWWWWWWWWW!" Chicken-Loo cried, racing out of town with a mob on her heels.

what's the matter with you?
You don't act like other chickens do.
You wear a disguise
To fool pony eyes
But your not a mare
You're a Chicken-Loo!


Twilight and Spike stared dumbly as the Doctor, who was looking at them with a big grin plastered on his face.

"Twilight...I didn't know you were working for Discord," Spike said.

"Well, she isn't now. A timey-wimey ripply thing altered the past and now we are in this timeline. Much better, in my opinion," the Doctor said.

"...still the best explanation I've heard so far." Twilight turned to her assistant. "Make a note: until a better answer is found, Scootaloo is a 6 foot tall chicken."

Spike took out a quill and a piece of paper. "6...foot...tall...secret...agent...chicken..."


"Ok, ok," Spike said, changing the note to eliminate the 'secret agent' note. "Anything else I should put."

"Yes, put down-AAAAAAAAARRRGGGG!" Twilight let out a cry as Derpy slammed into her, sending the two rolling head over flank into an outdoor cafe, finally coming to a stop against a patio table.

"...how many As are in 'AARRRGGGG!'?"