• Published 27th Aug 2012
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The Many Secret Origins of Scootaloo - defender2222

Everyone wonders what Scootaloo's story is. Apparently, everypony in Ponyville has their own answer

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Lyra Heartstrings

“Another glass of tea with lemon?”

Twilight nodded and the waiter darted away to get another cup for the unicorn. All along the table empty glasses stood like noble soldiers and Twilight was anxious to add to their ranks. Her throat burned from the nearly 15 minutes of screaming back at Fluttershy’s cottage and Twilight found it so painful to talk that she had resorted to nods and written notes in order to let the waiter at the Ponyville Café know what she wanted.

She had chosen tea with lemon to help ease the pain…and to get the taste of Fluttershy out of her mouth (whoever had taught Fluttershy that CPR involved the tongue was going to get such a beating…).

Spike had went running back to the library as soon as Fluttershy had managed to find the strength to get off the bed, crying that he was afraid he “was next to be assaulted”. Fluttershy, for her part, had asked Twilight if she needed to make her breakfast (as according to Rainbow Dash, that is what one did after a night of lovemaking) and Twilight simply didn’t have the strength to inform her friend that misguided CPR was not a sex act.

Twilight, for her part, was debating sending threatening letters to Princess Celestia in the hope of getting banished or locked in a dungeon. At this point she was sure that either option was her only hope for keeping her sanity.

“Hello, Twilight,” Lyra said, happily trotting over to the unicorn. Twilight raised an eyebrow, and Lyra’s smile fell. “Yeah…I didn’t get a chance to apologize after the wedding…sorry about, you know…helping that evil changeling queen capture you and then trying to kill you. If it makes you feel better, I was so sick once they cured me that I couldn’t get out of bed for a week.”

Twilight sighed and quickly scribbled a note down: ‘Don’t worry, I don’t blame you.’

“I’m glad to hear that, Twilight.” Lyra suddenly got a strange smile on her face. “Sooooooo I hear you are joining our team.”

Twilight shot her a confused look.

“You know…once you go filly you’ll know stallions are silly? Rainbow Dash AND Fluttershy…when you try something new you certainly don’t take any chances!”

Twilight rapidly shook her head, scribbling another note: ‘I am not dating Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash!’

“Twilight, who said anything about dating?” Lyra gave her a long, leisurely look. “If Bon Bon and I weren’t exclusive…”

Twilight frantically tried to write another message but her haste caused it to come out as ‘Glarba globba Smooze.’

“Smooze? Twilight, even I don’t swing that way.” Lyra waved over the waiter (missing Twilight’s furious pantomiming of her strangling the teal-colored pony) and ordered herself some apple juice. Twilight, for her part, focused on drinking and ordering another glass of tea. “So I’ve been hearing through the grapevine…and by that I mean Mrs. Cake…that you want to know more about that orange filly, Scootaloo.” Lyra pressed a hoof to her chest. “Well, I happen to know her secret origin and I would be happy to share it with you!”

Twilight rapidly shook her head ‘no’.

“No…no, you can’t believe I know the story of Scootaloo? Well, I do, as hard as it is to believe. I should warn you that it is a very sad, tragic tale and you will cry for hours after hearing it…much like you are now!” Twilight sniffed, sobbing and silently pleading for Celestia to strike her down and save her from hearing yet ANOTHER Scootaloo story. “Alright, our story begins in a magical land called…London.”

~New Years Eve, 2 years ago~

8 year old Rebecca Scoots shivered in the cold, pressing herself tighter against the barren brick wall in hopes of keeping the cold from seeping through the thin jacket she wore. The dark sky was unleashing a flurry of snow that the young girl was constantly brushing off her head and shoulders. She watched, amazed that such pure white fluff could become so dark and dirty from coming into contact with the ground. People walked past, their shoes grinding the fresh snow into muddy puddles that splashed against her, soaking her ripped pants. They were too busy to worry about one homeless girl.

She knew it was foolish to be out in this kind of weather but there simply wasn’t anyplace for her to go. She had left home a week ago, unable to stand being around her father for another moment. The man was either wallowing in depression or striking her in a drunken rage. She might have managed to live with such treatment, if it weren’t for the cruel words he was forever hurling her direction: about how stupid she was, how she was good for nothing…how she should be dead instead of her moth-

She could even get the thought out without crying, lowering her head and whimpering over and over, “Mommy…mommy.”

Her mother had been dead for 4 years now and Rebecca clung to the memories of the brash, adventurous woman that had loved to run through the park and never faced a challenge she wasn’t ready to tackle head-on. She was like the storm and the rainbow rolled into one and every day since that night long ago, when her mother had been caught in that car explosion…Rebecca had clung to the memory of the woman that meant more to her than anything.

She could still hear her voice calling out to her, “Scootaloo…” that was her nickname, the one only her mother knew, “Scootaloo…”

The streets grew darker and the world a bit emptier as the passerbys hurried off to their parties and get-togethers. None of them gave a second glance at the little girl shivering in a doorway. Rebecca reached into her pocket and pulled out a book of matches, her fingers trembling as she struck the first-



Lyra looked at Twilight in disgust. “Didn’t your mother teach you it is rude to interrupt someone when they are talking?”

“Why would…a pony have… fingers?” Twilight croaked.

“Oh….OH! I forgot to mention that! Duh! Sorry about that, Twilight, I just got wrapped up in telling my tragic Scootaloo story. She had fingers because she’s human.”

Twilight just gave the mare a blank look. “H-h-human?” she wheezed, her throat feeling as if she had gargled with rocks.

“Yes, human. You know what a human is, right?” Lyra clasped her hooves together and sighed dreamily. “They are simply the most beautiful and magic of creatures…with their hairless bodies and their big feet and their flat faces and exposed reproductive organs. But…most of all…” Lyra sighed, “the hands…the hands, Twilight, the hands!” She glanced down at her hooves in disgust. “To have fingers instead of these…nubs…it would be a dream come true.”

Twilight suddenly had a vision of Lyra with hands like Spike’s and shivered…mostly because, judging from the manic look in her eye when she spoke of them, Twilight was sure Lyra would use said hands to strangle ponies while laughing like a supervillain.

“Now, then, back to the tragic tale…”


Rebecca was ready to give up.

Her body was consumed by shivers. The falling snow was burying her and she no longer had the strength to brush it away. Little burnt matches lay like dead twigs about her as she struck another one, her last one, trying to gather warmth from the tiny flame. It was an impossible task...there simply wasn't enough light from that tiny spark to chase away the darkness that threatened to swallow her whole.

It didn’t matter…nothing mattered…Rebecca was ready to go. Her eyes felt heavy and sleep was calling her. She wondered…would she dream? She hoped so…she hoped she dreamed of her mommy…

But as the last match burn away and she felt her heart slow to a near stop…Rebecca saw that the light had not dimmed but instead was growing all the more brighter. She held up her hand, trying to shielding her eyes and found, to her amazement that she was…warm! Steam hissed from her clothing as it was dried out and the shivers left her body as she felt the glorious warmth fill her limbs. The snow melted away as the alley was illuminated by the intense flare.

“Am…am I dead? Is this Heaven?" she whispered softly. "Mommy?"

“I am sorry, child, but I am not your mother. And this is not Heaven.”

Rebecca blinked against the bright light, her eyes adjusting and allowing her to see the most blessed of sights: an angel.

For what else could the woman be but an angel? Two great white wings stretched from her back, each feather looking softer than anything the child had ever touched in her short, sad life. The figure’s white dress was as pure as the falling snow and Rebecca suddenly felt ashamed of her dirty, ratty clothes. But when she turned away a dainty hand touched her cheek and drew her eyes back. The angel wore a grand golden crown that ended in a single white spike…no…a horn. And her hair was the color of the sky at sunrise, constantly swirling about her.

“Who…who are you?” Rebecca whispered.

The angel smiled sadly. “I am Celestia…and I am so sorry I could not come sooner. I saw the pain you were in and hurried but…but I was almost too late.” The angel moved her hand down to Rebecca’s shoulder and with a touch the child felt every ache and pain leave her. “But I am here now.”

“What…what is happening?” Rebecca shifted, her whole body tingling from the tips of her toes to the ends of her hair.

“I come from a special place…a wonderful place. It is a land full of magic and joy and friendship. And whenever I find a person who has been hurt and dying…who has been abandoned by those that should love them…I come to them and I take them home.”

“Home?” The little girl asked, looking down at her hands to see that they were beginning to glow.

“Yes…home.” The angel smiled as the girl’s body was engulfed in a wondrous light. It consumed the two of them and the alley…until there was nothing but it and Rebecca felt as if she had become the light as well, and it her, and never would the two of them be separated.

And then, as soon as it had come…it was gone.

Rebecca looked about, stunned. The dark and filthy alley had been replaced by a kingdom of clouds, each one fluffy and white framed by a beautiful blue sky. The sun shone down on them and Rebecca let out gasp as she looked towards her angel, who was now no longer an angel at all but a beautiful and regal winged unicorn.

“You…you changed!” Rebecca gasped.

“So have you,” Celestia said. Rebecca looked down, eyes wide as she looked over herself. She had turned into a pegasus as well! Her little wings buzzed as she looked over her orange skin and used her hooves to pull a tuff of her purple mane close enough for her to see it. She began to trot around Celestia, marveling at all she saw. For the first time since her mother had died she felt strong and healthy and…and there were no words to describe it! “ Here you will be safe...you will never grow hungry or cold. My little ponies will-“

Rebecca raced over and hugged Celestia tightly. “Thank you…thank you thank you thank you!”

Celestia returned the hug. “I think there is someone else who wants to say hello to you.” Celestia pointed behind Rebecca and the little girl…filly…turned and stared at the new arrival: A cyan colored pegasus with a mane the color of the rainbow.

“HI Scootaloo,” Rainbow Dash said softly.

“M…mommy?” Rebecca whispered, tears in her eyes. Rainbow Dash merely nodded and Rebecca raced to her, hugging the mare and sobbing and nuzzling her, never wanting to let go. Rainbow Dash wrapped her forelegs around the filly, tears rolled down her checks as she held her shivering child to her chest.

“It’s ok, baby …mommy’s here…and she is never going to leave you again.”


Twilight sniffed, body racked with sobs. The waiter, who had come by to collect her glasses, handed her a tissue then used one himself to dab away the tears. Lyra too was welling up, trying desperately to fight the sobs that threatened to come bursting from her.

“So…so sad,” Lyra whispered.

“But…at least it had a happy ending,” Twilight said, her throat feeling well enough for her to actually talk. “I mean, I know that story isn’t true but…if it were at least Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash were united-“

“That isn’t a happy ending!” Lyra suddenly shouted, startling the unicorn.


“She was a human! And that horrible Celestia turned her into a pony and took away her beloved hands!”

Twilight’s tears disappeared in an instant, sadness and joy replaced by an emotion she knew all to well: annoyance. “She…was…going…to…die.”

“As…a…human!” Lyra snarled.

“…you’ve got problems, Lyra.”

The teal-colored unicorn lunged at Twilight, shaking her violently. “Yes, one problem! I DON’T HAVE HANDS! And all my problems would go away if I had them, why don’t I have them, I deserve to have them! Give them to me! You have magic, so magic me up some hands right now or I’ll-“


Lyra’s eyes rolled back, a large bump forming on her forehead from where her skull had met the table. With a groan she collapsed onto the ground, leaving a spooked Twilight looking at her.

“Huh…kinda weird to see it from the other side.” She glanced up to thank her savior, only for her jaw to drop. “Princess Luna?”

“No one shakes the daughter I just found out about 3 hours ago,” Luna said coolly, before hurrying over and scooping Twilight up, cradling her like a baby. “Don’t worry, mommy’s here and she is never going to leave you again.”

“…Lyra…help!” Twilight squeaked as Luna’s wings unfurled and she took to the sky, Twilight wrapped up in her forelegs.