• Published 19th Aug 2020
  • 3,984 Views, 51 Comments

Frozen One - Ice Star

What is colder than the stone of a statue? Discord knows, and he cannot tell a soul.

  • ...

Follies of Youth

The worst challenge that Celestia ever gave Discord was being an adult. How she managed to make that even more difficult should have frustrated him from the moment he met her, and instead, all it did was whip every shred of frustration he had into raw focus. He was never a draconequus of pride or cunning and all things so dark, gloomy, and brooding. No, he just craved that taste of victory, the idea that he could be a being so effortless like a little white filly of grace and poise who grew into an ethereal mare. Chaos was all big shows, bigger sounds, and oodles of effort to get a maximum reaction from every creature that witnessed it.

That was the thing about chaos; it needed witnesses and challenges as much as the stone needed Sisyphus to get it rolling.

Discord just never would admit to such a thing, or, at least never in a way that anypony would understand. No fun could come from such a thing.

The first time that they had laid eyes on one another, there were two things to notice. First, Discord knew that Celestia was utterly different from him. Second, it was in their differences that they were the same. They carried themselves like they cast no shadows, or at the very least that every other creature was their shadow, and only he would admit to that. Even as a filly and a cub, each of them acted like the guests of honor at a party that had not been set up yet - a party that they were only half-aware of that they were supposed to star in. That very concept was one he would learn centuries later, as an older draconequus who knew both the worship of the forefathers of Saddle Arabians and the refined ways of Celestia’s little ponies.

He rarely bothered to call her princess, even after he had learned that she had been another civilization’s long before the tribal ponies of the northern wastes had gotten their hooves on the diamond that this young goddess was and called her coal. To him, it was just too evident in the way that nopony called a teacup dinky or breakable because it was too obvious. Instead, testing out those qualities would be that much more fun.

Why talk about a lyre’s quality when there were so many notes to show off a song?

When presented with the Alicorn dubbed by mortal ponies as their most perfect and beloved hero-princess, why not put every quality to the test? Better yet, why not make it one that befits the draconequus who could not see himself as anything but a bard of life?

In the earliest moments of their shared youth, his motives had been much more simple. When confronted with the prettiest, most fascinating thing he had seen since the first incarnation of blue cheese, why not tell her by giving that irresistible mane a gentle pull and asking if she wanted to see him touch his tongue to his elbow?

He promised it would work that time and the stupified reaction that he saw on her face as it worked made him come to two very important realizations.

For all her attempts at the girlish predecessor to adult coyness, she was rather pretty. Even upside down, and certainly past her bizarre, sand-white, totally symmetrical features. Long after they split from where their diverging adolescence lead them, Discord remembered her mane and its dawn-pink splash of color.

Second, and most importantly, he realized that elbows just did not taste very good, no matter what species one’s body part came from.

Immaturity had numerous indulgences. Discord had never felt guilty for a single foray into such hedonism before Celestia. By Tartarus, he never even called his chaotic temptations’ results hedonism before. Doing so was to admit that there was a lack of control over the one thing he wanted to have a grip on: himself. Nothing had ever been more perplexing than to have his hilarity thrown in his face as hilarious, as though he were a laughing stock. Even when he was faced by a former friend bogged down in speech not her own and mortal folly and their boring ways - the very ones that he had come to save them from - her dimmed light made him look dimmer still.

She spoke of him as a child, with her sister as her own ghost, though neither of them could know death. His own friend had a war declared on him and his grand design of un-design and disorder. In doing so, she who thought herself so adult made him a child.

And by Tartarus, she was vocal about it.

Forget how much that stung, for a fellow in eternity to forsake him for the cruel and temporary. She had shown herself to be a master of the strings as much as he was, only her strings were hooked to herself more than any other creature. Celestia was perfect in that way, keeping herself queenly cold and measure for measure.

If her oldest friend threatened with war and dismissed her work as an ‘invasion’ this and ‘colt-beast’s playground’ that, she would have never caved in to that challenge.

Celestia would never have granted herself the indulgence.

By the time Discord realized he wanted that kind of status - that of a frozen one, colder at heart than any frozen north she had returned from, and able to bury it all, he was petrified with no chance to shake the follies of youth from himself.

He had been moved. The whole city had. Discord knew that he was in a city because after Tia and Luna had unleashed the World Tree’s artifacts upon him, it was Celestia who positioned him in the most intact of all the cities in their land. There, the ponies could gawk at his state as an example of the divine sisters’ union with the World Tree and the untold power it produced - and the way that monsters were slain if they messed with the goddesses. He was only the first, or so it seemed. Distantly he knew that some other statues had been added. That he could sense.

None had voices. All were without minds. That was just one of the many tortures that came with his state.

He had realized that the World Tree, that old primeval thing, would have artifacts beyond any measure that the gods of the world would be able to tap into. When Celestia ordered her-shadow-that-had-once-been-Luna to wage mortal warfare against him, he knew that eventually, the realization that powerful, beyond-mortal means were needed to defeat him would dawn upon both. Being the fine draconequus usurper that he was, he had to stay enough steps ahead of them.

What better thing to do then slowly sicken the heart of the planet, the great World Tree? Faith had to be on his side, the faith that the artifacts of uncontrollable power would no longer work without where their roots sank into the earth.

In that respect, he had been wrong. What he was right about was a truly terrible thing; no matter the divinity of the now-active goddesses that had once been those closest to him, they had no control over the results that were brought by their rinky-dink new toys.

That was why they could move him like he were an ordinary lawn ornament. Except he was no longer sure that there was a ‘they’ anymore. For what little certainty he had, it had been far too long since he heard Luna’s voice. During their war on him, Luna was a shadow who spoke little and whose eyes held untold sorrows. She was too pathetic to him, all internal gloom and a pale shade of the powerfully clever little filly he had known. Without any brashness and boldness, he was inevitably drawn to Celestia alone, as was inevitable. She was the constant figurehead, the politician, the one who never shut up, the very lady who doth proclaim too much and that much more.

(Now that, of course, was a fine line. Perhaps even one fit for a tale one day, if anypony dare dream it once again.)

Luna had simply faded, with the frightening abruptness of a mortal. Like a war casualty, it was like he had blinked and missed her. In some ways, Discord was certain he had. There was no more Luna and a great magical imbalance had managed to reach him at one point. Nothing was the same in stone, but he had at least felt the profound sensation enough to know what was meant by the lesser version of the spasms that had rocked him in his free days.

With Luna gone, the world had become both frighteningly more active and profoundly dead all at once. He was unsure how to explain the latter, it was one of the many screams-he-could-not-unleash in his current state with just how frustrating it was. The narrowness of his world was just another form of agony he had to endure in a life that had previously held next to nothing in the way of physical pain. Not only had he been moved, but the whole mountain was also teeming with the sounds of construction and revitalization.

Discord could no longer pick out the sounds and minimal sensation of life so clearly. That waned quickly, in what he imagined would have been the first few days and nights. Only after the time after Luna and the shaking of Canterhorn mountain with the voices of laborers and symphonies of a city being built up for something grander had two points become quite clear.

At some point shortly after the hollowness where Luna had been was quite keen, Celestia had visited him. During that visit, she had been crying. Celestia always hated crying, cursing it as the weakest of emotions even as a filly, one that was shameful, uncontrollable in a way suggesting masculinity before she even fully understand what that meant. At the ages Discord had seen her crying, in the times when he knew to cheer her up, the only thing she had really known to insist was that crying was for colts. Echoes in his maelstrom of memory where nothing ended and began clearly any more thrust this crying Celestia to mind, one who wept as he had never known her to.

Lastly, when he realized that he had been thinking of her again, there was a vine of roses winding up the base of his statue; the sensation of their thorns against his hindlegs just barely there.

Author's Note:

I am desperately sorry to have inflicted the horror of spontaneous midnight fanfiction upon you all. The editing I did on this is so minimal I'm ashamed to even mention the word 'editing' in this. Though, I will mention that this had more flashbacks in whatever the fuck the hasty outline I had for this was, even though the idea of outlining something you clack out in an hour is stupid. If y'all want me to pull this version and slip those flashbacks in at some point, yell at me in the comments.

Uhh, might be worth mentioning that I have some in-progress one-shots with these two in them buried somewhere in my rotating list of projects. They'll see the light of day eventually, as does everything I write.

Comments ( 51 )

Any second now, probably by morning this will hit the featured page
I loved this! Thank you :twilightsmile:

The prose in this one is certainly very, very... purple. So purple in fact that I think it might spontaneously sprout wings and get a new playset (batteries not included) castle of it's own around the third/fourth season! :moustache:

Can you tell the future, cause this is featured. :rainbowhuh:

I know that half the point of these kind of stories is for the reader to try and figure out exactly just how the characters actually feel about each other and how they're painted by the writer, but I feel like some of the "confusion" created by the dialog is exactly how we're supposed to see it.

It feels like not even Discord knows how he feels about Celestia, or how she, him, and it builds up the idea of two, all-powerful beings who don't have a clue what they're doing.

Great take, wish there was more.

"Follies of Youth" is a very apt chapter title! I want to echo what 10393107 said--the ambiguity to Discord's internal monologue strikes me very much like that of a young person thrown into a situation so complicated they're unable to really parse it out, thus leading him to act rashly. It toes the line of being incomprehensible but never goes over. Well done, thank you for sharing!

You're very welcome. When you first posted this comment I would have scoffed at the idea of this getting featured. It's shorter than the usual mark of featured one-shots, has the sad tag, and just has about a dozen other little indicators that don't scream featured material to me. Then again, the featured box is quite fickle with what gets in, of all my stories.

Thank you for taking the time to read my story, and to everyone else who kept this in the box so gosh-darn long. I'm actually scared how well this ended up turning out.
I understand that this comment is meant to be confusion of some kind, but I'm not sure what you're confused by. Is there a particular part that you feel was particularly perplexing? I'm sure that if you're more specific, it can be put to rest super easy.

I have plenty of other Discord/Celestia stories published. A few ideas are sitting around my google drive, though they're not super high priority stuff I'm racing to finish. This was just an idea that demanded to be written as it struck me. There is no direct sequel planned, but not all of the ideas in the brainstorming/half-written stages are one-shots if that makes you feel any better.

My other romance stories that aren't Discord/Celestia feature a ton of other fun pairings too. They're all teen and everyone rated (except for an M-Rated horror story) so there should be something for everybody.

Considering the writing I produce with more editing behind it and just... when I'm more awake, I'm more surprised that this got called purple compared to... erm, my hundred plus other stories. Honestly, I'm more surprised by that than the feature.

That's what I was thinking! Hopefully, they keep telling it right, too!


I know that half the point of these kind of stories is for the reader to try and figure out exactly just how the characters actually feel about each other and how they're painted by the writer, but I feel like some of the "confusion" created by the dialog is exactly how we're supposed to see it.

This is an interesting take! I thought that I made the fact that the feelings were well-realized, just slow-growing, and that neither party ever acted upon them, though not for any specific reason. It was just that by the time these two ran into one another again, they became something that the other both recognized and was threatened by. My guess is that the confusion came from a) I wrote this around midnight seriously wtf me and b) I tried to offer a few tidbits to suggest these two realized their feelings at the speed of molasses. Feel free to correct me if either of these assumptions were wrong, though.

It feels like not even Discord knows how he feels about Celestia, or how she, him, and it builds up the idea of two, all-powerful beings who don't have a clue what they're doing.

Kind of, yeah! I normally focus more on Celestia, partially just because she's easier to write, but they just... they're all over the place. As organized as they may think they are, they often deny themselves what feels more vulnerable.

Great take, wish there was more.

If you want to read more, just click here. I have a lot of Luna/Sombra stories you might like too, if you're super big into in-depth looks at long-lived characters in love and what leads them there and after. (I'd try to say more but I dunno if I'd end up spoiling stuff if you ever decide to check this stuff out.)


"Follies of Youth" is a very apt chapter title! I want to echo what Hyperon_Ion said--the ambiguity to Discord's internal monologue strikes me very much like that of a young person thrown into a situation so complicated they're unable to really parse it out, thus leading him to act rashly.

Thank you! Funnily enough, this popped into my notifications just as I added your most recent story to my read it later. I'm glad I was able to get even Discord to convey a sense of youngness and immaturity without writing him the way I wrote him as an actual child here. And that I nailed complicated feelings! Even at past midnight, I can do something right, woo!

It toes the line of being incomprehensible but never goes over.

This feels like a way of saying 'Ice Star please do the edit more kthnxbye' and honestly, probably, yes.

Well done, thank you for sharing!

Thank you for reading! There are only 111 other stories if you want to check another out.

10393575 Haha you killed it dude! Hope you like my recent story too. Drop me a comment if you get a chance ;)

I sure will! (And holy heck how is this still getting so much attention?)

10393835 It's a good story! Your great choice of cover art sure helps, but I think the dynamic you strike between Celestia and Discord is a really fascinating one to think about. I don't think there's enough fanfics of them interacting together. A lot of writers play their relationship as purely antagonistic/rivalry-based, but there is so much potential for more.

I’m just totally in awe that it’s this little piece. I’ve used the concepts and dynamics in other stories before... and it just is so close to my usual lush 1st person prose that I figured it would be such a turnoff to anyone who wants the site’s brand of the Usual (tm).

Hit or miss reception continues to perplex me.

10393846 What even is this site's usual? I've seen so many niche weird fics make it I don't even know anymore :rainbowlaugh:

I think it does have to do a lot with prose. Straightforward styles like gapjaxie's tend to fare better cuz they're easy to read in small chunks as opposed to more floral writing. I'd be curious to see what the average read-time per session would be, if fimfic's algorithm could track that. I'll bet it's five minutes or less.

Porn/comedy/Slice of life/humans/not Sombra/the same 20 ships and 17 are probably lesbian ones/underage content/“I read ‘On Writing’ and will never deviate from the Bible I see it as during my writing journey” is very much the usual for this site. Other than dipping into comedy and slice of life on occasion, I don’t write that way.

That, and simple prose is a death sentence to me. I can certainly tone mine down (and I have, especially for some characters) but I’m not going to put mine down like a dying dog. It’s just not the Ice Star way! :raritydespair:

10393867 Uh oh you have personally attacked me for having "On Writing" tattoo'd on my bicep for easy reading at any time. Time to do some more blow and write a scathing rebuttal without any adverbs.

In seriousness, I turned off mature stories awhile ago and my feature box is no worse off for it. The spike of views you get when you write mature is intoxicating, that's for sure. Not to vibe any clop writers! I think a lot of site-goers have a clop phase, which most outgrow.


In seriousness, I turned off mature stories awhile ago and my feature box is no worse off for it.

My stories used to only appear in the SFW box, like they were pulled in to clean up a mess last minute. I’ve only had a couple stories really make both boxes, and I guess now it’s starting to attract attention.

But yeah 99% of finding my stuff seems to be either “you write SFW” or “you write that gore stuff sometime” as far as I can tell.

The spike of views you get when you write mature is intoxicating, that's for sure.

>has never had a popular mature story
>oops all gore

10393876 Man I used to be so obsessed with getting featured, it was bad! :twilightblush: Now that the show has stopped I wonder if the amount of readers will change in relationship to the number of writers. My guess is there will come a time when nearly every active user on this site is a writer to one degree or another.

Getting featured has always been such a surprise to me, even though I've been on here for years. I'm just not used to all the attention, and certainly not so much at once. It's just too fickle and far between. I just write, y'know?

Holy crap, this is good and weirdly thought-provoking!

Gonna let this one sink in and then re-read it in a few days.


e n j o y

Will read. And now it has exactly 800 veiws!

Nothin' like a deep lovely fic that can get to your core! MMM, quite a nice little read to really make you think! I hope ya didn't mind, but I made a little reading on this interesting story of yours!

Audio Linky!: https://youtu.be/weB87llMKa0

(I Don't Mean To Offend Anyone With This Comment In Any Way!)

Thank you so much! Once the reading has premiered, I'll be sure to link the finished version in the story description. It's quite the honor to finally have you comment on one of my stories with how often I've seen you around.

I both like it, and am confused...


I'm glad you enjoyed it! Though, is there any particular part that confused you?

just the way it was written. i had to slowly read a few areas repeatedly due to odd sentence structure. but i liked it. I kinda have been looking for a really well written romance story for these two.

Oh, so it was a matter of style. I did get a couple of comments that I felt were leaning toward the style being odd. Yours was probably the first to clearly frame it though, so thank you for that.

I have a couple of other stories that are already published and focus on the relationship between Discord and Celestia if you want to read them. There are some more stories planned, but I don't know when I will be able to publish them, so I'm hesitant to offer anything beyond a ', yes there will be more eventually'.

EEEEEE *dives into your stories for more dislestia!*

Enjoy! I have lots of horse romance.

This deserved so many more likes.

So good.

Oh gosh, this is actually one of my most liked stories so I’m not sure how much more liked it can be! :twilightblush:


Considering I have a 1000+ like story that's a piece of trash, this deserves at least 2000 likes minimum.

Seriously, this is the type of fic that makes me love this site :twilightsmile:

Thank you so much! I really hope you like my other stuff.

A nice little stream of thought, frozen in time...

Did you just do what I think you did? 👀

Who made the cover art for this? I can't seem to find the artist's name.

Their DA is deactivated. I linked the derpibooru page because that was where I was able to find the image outside of my Google Drive. Here it is: https://derpibooru.org/images/453500


Oh, so you didn't commission this from the artist?

If not, then thanks! I'd love to get a commissioned pic from this artist.

The artist appears to have quit the fandom some time ago. I wish I had commissioned the picture! If you want to read a story with art I've specifically commissioned/had made for the story I would try Song of Myself, The Care and Keeping of Hidden Castles, and Body Snatchers. I have a couple of other stories with art specific for my stories, but they're longer stuff with art that was usually a gift.


The artist appears to have quit the fandom some time ago.

What a shame. Because they seem good.

I wish I had commissioned the picture!

The pic fit so perfectly with the story I naturally assumed it was commissioned haha.

If you want to read a story with art I've specifically commissioned/had made for the story I would try Song of Myself, The Care and Keeping of Hidden Castles, and Body Snatchers. I have a couple of other stories with art specific for my stories, but they're longer stuff with art that was usually a gift.

Thanks. I'll check 'em out :twilightsmile:

I wrote the story with the picture in mind.

Thank you! I hope you enjoy them.


I loved the imagery. I've always thought you were talented, though. Your stories always rank in the higher tiers. What gets me is you have an absolute ton of stories and they never disappoint. Kind of like Harlan Ellison. He would sit down and write out some magnificent piece of literature in an hour with no ideas going into it. Wish I had that ability.

Broski, this is such high praise! Thank you so very much.

This is REALLY good and I'm somewhat angry that this didn't get the attention that it deserved

It got featured and over 100 upvotes, that’s more than I can say for the vast majority of my stories. I’m not sure what kind of reception people wanted this one to have any more! :twilightblush:

No, he just craved that taste of victory, the idea that he could be a being of effortless like a little white filly of grace and poise who grew into an ethereal mare

An effortless what? Missing a word there, bro.

I think this might be my favorite of your DisLestia stories. There's such an old-world feel to this prose. An almost otherworldy feel to it. I think it's the masterful use of the evocative third-person limited style, coupled with some of the vocabulary, that lends to that. Lines like:

She spoke of him as a child, with her sister as her own ghost, though neither of them could know death. His own friend had a war declared on him and his grand design of un-design and disorder. In doing so, she who thought herself so adult made him a child.

This is the kind of delicious prose that I just gobble up. So esoteric and winding, like a serpent coiling across the pages. Like Discord himself. It also kind of hides and reveals its meaning as the story goes on. Again, fitting for the character whose eyes we are seeing through.

The implication that Discord was worshipped by the ancestors of Saddle Arabians is something that stuck out to me, in a good way. Makes me think of Tiamat and Marduk... or even Lucifer himself. Creating the world out of chaos and bringing only more. If Discord were God, that's the type of God he would be.

Really love your take on the deistic characters of the show (mostly Discord and the alicorns thus far). It's always neat to see stuff that is not only in line with my own preferred interpretations, but such stuff that is done well.


An effortless what? Missing a word there, bro.

Shit. Believe it or not, I think that 'of' might actually have been the wrong one. Reading over this, it looks it should have been 'so' instead. That is fixed now.

I'm super shocked people like something I spilled out at 1 AM and only minimally edited.

Really love your take on the deistic characters of the show (mostly Discord and the alicorns thus far). It's always neat to see stuff that is not only in line with my own preferred interpretations, but such stuff that is done well.

And to think, you haven't gotten to the main stories yet, where this is the fuckin' bread and butter of it. The lore only gets thiccer from here, dummy thiccer.

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