• Published 24th Aug 2020
  • 5,355 Views, 577 Comments

Death of a Queen - Arkane12

Chrysalis had welcomed the end, but one final visitor forces her to reconsider.

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29: . . . And Into the Fire

Twilight and Chrysalis broke formation, sprinting in opposite directions as the Nightmare unleashed a beam of energy from her horn. It crashed against the stone where they had been standing only moments before. Like its intended targets, the beam split in two, leaving scorching trails across the masonry as it pursued its victims.

Chrysalis leapt from the edge of the tower, her wings buzzing noisily as she weaved through the sky.

Twilight followed in kind, ignoring the stiffness in her wing as she twirled through the air.

They curled around the Nightmare, forcing her spell to fail as they dodged past her. Twilight countered with a blast of her own. The Nightmare shifted to the right, dodging the bolt and allowing it to careen toward the horizon.

Chrysalis launched a more physical assault, racing high into the air only to dive toward her target. With the aid of gravity, she charged the Nightmare, shoulder pressed forward to bear the brunt of the trauma. Instead, she passed harmlessly through the creature.

“That’s not fair,” Chrysalis whined, pulling up hard to break her fall.

“You alright?” Twilight called from high above.

“I can’t hit her.”

“You two clearly do not understand how outmatched you are,” the Nightmare spoke. The flat tone of her voice made it clear she didn’t intend it as an idle taunt.

Twilight fired another weak missile. Again, the Nightmare swept out of its way.

“It’s dodging my magic,” Twilight noted.

Chrysalis nodded.

Twilight unleashed a barrage of magic missiles, raining them down on the landscape like the storm clouds swirling above her. She could feel the steam rising from the red-hot horn.

The Nightmare danced between Twilight’s shots. Its movements were erratic and unnatural. No living thing should be able to move as precisely as she did. The few lucky hits that connected bounced harmlessly off a mystical ward.

The beast countered with a blast of its own. A panicked Twilight rocketed off with a hefty flap of her wings, boasting a speed that would make Rainbow Dash proud. The Nightmare kept its focus on the alicorn, the ray of magic creeping closer to Twilight with each passing moment.

Then the world spun wildly out of control. Wreathed in her green aura, Chrysalis collided with the Nightmare, knocking the winged beast from the sky and sending her crashing into the stone tower, leaving a crater in her midst.

“Now, Twilight!” Chrysalis screamed.

Twilight’s direction shifted, bringing her back toward the pillar. With a harsh battle cry, she unleashed a stream of magic centered on the Nightmare. The purple beam tore through the structure, punching a hole clean out the side. When the spell finally faded, a deep hole had been drilled into the earth below the tower.

Twilight landed hard on her hooves, kicking up dust from the broken stone.

“Nice shot,” Chrysalis admired, landing beside her.

Together, they studied the aftermath of the attack.

“Impressive,” the Nightmare sang. Its ethereal voice rang out from every direction simultaneously. Above them, hidden against the shadow of the moon, the villain gathered, its form like smoke.

“Did I miss?” Twilight questioned.

“I don’t think so,” Chrysalis moaned.

“A strike worthy of the Element of Magic. Yet, you still do not seem to understand.”

The Nightmare reformed completely; her body pristine.

“I do not speak in idle threats, Princess. This is my domain. I am the master here. No matter how hard you struggle, you will never stop me.”

“I don’t think she’s bluffing, Twilight. A blast like that should’ve vaporized her,” Chrysalis mused.

“It did vaporize her.” Twilight reeled with sudden realization. “It tore her apart. She just got back up.”

“Are you finally starting to realize how hopeless this is?”

The Nightmare raised her head high, presenting her horn to the heavens. Lightning struck with wild abandon. Several bolts struck the airborne monster in rapid succession. Her body seemed to absorb the lightning, corrupting it as it arced through.

The lightning faded to black. Rather than emit light, it seemed to smother it.

The power converged at the apex of the Nightmare’s forehead. A black hole drank in the light and matter around it. With each pulse of black lightning, the ball grew both in power and size.

“Plan B?” Chrysalis asked, turning to Twilight.

“No . . .” Twilight stammered.

“The Nightmare speaks the truth. You cannot defeat it.”

The duo glanced down at the captured Luna. In their haste to meet their enemy in battle, they nearly forgot her. She watched them both with hopeless eyes.

Chrysalis stared up at the Nightmare, eyes locked on the building mass of void.

“I have a stupid idea, Twilight, but you’re going to have to trust me.”

“Let me hear it.”

“Destroy her. Completely and utterly.”

“I tried that. It didn’t work.”

“Then keep trying. Keep killing her until she stops coming back.”

“You say that like you know she’ll stop at some point.”

“I don’t. Like I said, you’re just going to have to trust me.”

“I think we have more pressing matters, at the moment,” Twilight explained, pointing a hoof toward the sky.

The Nightmare had finished charging. A dark orb, about the size and shape of a coin shimmered at the end of her horn.

“Do not fear. When this is over, I will ensure that you do not awaken from your dreams again. Embrace the night!”

The Nightmare lashed forward, sending the black bead soaring through the air.

Chrysalis stepped between Twilight and the impending attack.

“Whatever happens, you have to stay behind me, Twilight.”


“Do you trust me?”

Twilight watched the bead strike against the remains of the tower, only feet from where they stood. Part of her wanted to flee. To take flight and run as far as she could. She didn’t understand why her body stayed rooted in place.

“Do you trust me?” Chrysalis repeated, louder this time.

“I trust you.”

Everything fell silent.

Twilight felt the air around her ignite. Her skin burned.

Chrysalis took a deep breath, glancing over her shoulder. Her lips curled into a thin smirk. With a stomp of her hoof, a green shield shimmered to life before her in the shape of several intertwined hexagons.

The world vanished in a flash of blinding light.

Chrysalis’ barrier warped beneath the force of the blast. Smaller segments of the intertwined honeycombs fell away, shattering like glass as they struck the floor. She raised her hoof toward the ward, willing it to hold.

Slowly but surely, the force overwhelmed her. Her grounded hooves dug into the stone, carving thin trenches where she slid. With a pained howl, she braced her raised leg with her forehead. The pushback slowed to a crawl, but it did not stop.

“Let me help,” Twilight begged, summoning her magic.

“Don’t waste a single drop of your magic, Twilight. You’ll need it.”


“You said you trusted me, Twilight. Don’t you start lying to me now,” she screamed over the rush of the explosion.

“I love you.”

“I love you too, Twilight.”

Chitin plates across Chrysalis’ body lost their luster, turning a dull shade of grey. Several chunks dropped away, crumbling to dust as they collided with the ground. Small streams of bluish blood dribbled from the wounds opening on her exposed skin.

The shield failed.

Twilight braced, but Chrysalis draped herself over the alicorn, taking the full brunt of the attack head-on.

Even through her protector, Twilight could feel the energy tear at her. The very flames of the sun licked at her, causing her skin to sizzle.

And then it stopped.

Everything returned to normal.

The Nightmare still hung in the air, her wings flapping soundlessly.

Twilight still stood atop the tower, a little grateful that the shock numbed her body.

Chrysalis stood on her hind legs. She wavered back and forth, her breathing sporadic. Muffled through her damaged ears, Twilight heard the changeling’s cries turn to laughter.

“Is that all you’ve got?” Chrysalis sputtered. Her chuckling faded as she tilted backward, her limp form collapsing.

Twilight willed herself to rush forward. To catch her. But her legs couldn’t move. Something in her head had stopped functioning. It sat in her mind like a splinter, agonizing her.

Before Chrysalis could slam against the stone, a black aura of magic wrapped around her, setting her gently against the floor.

“At every turn, I have underestimated you, Changeling Queen. Perhaps you truly are worthy of the title. Do not fret. When you wake, I will give you a dream worthy of your sacrifice.” The Nightmare glided down to the tower.

“How . . .” Twilight muttered, letting her mouth hang open.

“I told you, Twilight. I am the master of this domain.”

The Nightmare approached Twilight, lowering her head to meet the princess’. As she stepped over Chrysalis, she seemed genuinely somber.

“Has this pointless struggle gone on long enough yet? I offer paradise. Submit and accept your fate.”

“Submit? All I’ve ever done is submit.”

The Nightmare tilted her head, watching Twilight intently.

“I let Celestia go off on her own, and now she’s dying. I let Luna take control, and now I’m trapped in this nightmare. All my life, I’ve been letting others tell me what to do.”

“So, you seek control?”

Twilight wasn’t listening. She lost herself in her increasingly hostile rant.

“I let Cadence and Shining take Chrysalis from me. And now I’ve let Chrysalis sacrifice herself to save me. What’s wrong with me? Why does this keep happening?”

“I can take the pain away.”

“No, you can’t,” Twilight groaned as she willed herself to stand. “All you’ve offered to do is take what little choice I have left. I’m done taking orders.”

Twilight’s fur bristled as her body shook.

“Then you will continue this pointless battle? If that is what you desire, then so be it.”

“I’m sick and tired of holding back,” Twilight screamed.

The Nightmare stood over Twilight, readying another spell.

“And most of all, I’m done playing nice.”

The princess glared up at the Nightmare, hatred flashing in her eyes.

To her own surprise, the Nightmare recoiled.

“I’m giving you one chance,” Twilight growled. “Get out of my way, or I will kill you.”

Driven by fear, the Nightmare allowed her spell to fizzle out. She took an awkward step back, nearly stumbling over Chrysalis.

Twilight’s mane ignited with purple flame. Her pain faded. She stomped forward, the stone beneath her hooves cracking with each press.

“What are you doing?” The Nightmare took another step back.

“What you’ve wanted me to do all along. I’m done letting others decide for me. I’m going to do what I want. I’m fulfilling my desires.”

Her feathers blackened like a burning parchment, but they remained unharmed. As her mane flared up, a new strain of magic spilled from her horn. The blue light swirled around her head. Her eyes glowed with the same mystical fury.

“And what is it that you want?” The Nightmare asked.

“I want you to listen. I want you to tell me what you hear.”

The Nightmare’s ears perked up. She heard it. Somewhere in the depths of the abyss, a clock rang out with twelve methodical chimes.

“I want you to tell me what you hear,” Twilight repeated. She stalked forward, cornering the Nightmare on the crumbling edge of the tower.

“A clock,” the Nightmare stuttered.

“That’s right. Do you know what that means? It means your night is over.”

Twilight wiped the taste of iron from her lips as they twisted into a crazed grin. She licked her tongue over her new fangs.


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