• Published 24th Aug 2020
  • 5,355 Views, 577 Comments

Death of a Queen - Arkane12

Chrysalis had welcomed the end, but one final visitor forces her to reconsider.

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7: New Arrival

Twilight repeated the line aloud for the fourth time. She could read it just fine. It made sense. Yet, she still struggled to make sense of it. She squeezed her eyes shut and pressed a hoof to her forehead. A bookmark slipped into the book and she closed it. The motion nearly extinguished her candle, the flickering flame sending shadows dancing over the bricks. With a noise that echoed through the endless shelves of the library, Twilight slid her chair away from the desk. The book lifted from the desk behind her and nestled between two others on the bottom shelf.

“You look tired.” Luna trotted over to a nearby table, depositing a silver tray of various fruits and vegetables. Twilight’s stomach grumbled at the sight. “You missed dinner.”

“Oh? Sorry. I got a little . . .”

“Carried away?” Luna suggested.

“Carried away.” Twilight agreed.

“What were you reading?” Luna leaned into a nearby chair. Twilight joined beside her at the empty table, taking a carrot from her meal.

“An old spellbook.” She bit the vegetable in two. “Ancient healing magic. It’s mostly outdated, but I’m running out of options.”

“I see.”

“I’ve already made my way through most modern medical texts we have here. There’s a pretty good chance I could find the cure for just about anything somewhere on these shelves. That is, except for the one we need.” Twilight yawned.

“When was the last time you slept?” Luna motioned toward the neat pile of scrolls nearby. Each of them had been blanketed in notes, their script hasty, but skilled.

“I know.” Twilight waved her off. “I tried.” She laughed softly. “You know, before Celestia’s tests, I would spend the night before in this library, studying. She found me here one night, asleep, drooling all over one of my textbooks. When I woke up, she’d had breakfast prepared and waiting for me, right here at this table.” She smiled at her princess through misty eyes, imaging Celestia beside her, a gentle wing at her side while she explored the mysteries of magic.

Luna didn’t speak. Instead, she held out a hoof toward Twilight, wrapping it around her shoulder and pulling her into an embrace. Dark violet wings wrapped around the tearful alicorn, shielding her from the outside world. Twilight buried her head in her monarch’s fur, letting herself break down in her arms.

“I can’t do this, Luna.”

“Twilight . . . ” Luna stared off into the night, struggling to piece together some semblance of logic that would bring her peace. Celestia had always been the optimistic one.

“I’m not ready to let go.” Twilight took a shaky breath.

“Neither am I, Twilight. Can I tell you something?”


“Before my exile, I’d witnessed my sister teach scores of different students. Unicorns from every corner of Equestria passed through that golden palace gate just as you did, all those years ago. Many of them possessed magic far beyond any normal pony. A rare few might have even given me a run for my money.”


“When I returned to Equestria, I could scarcely believe how much everything had changed. It only remotely resembled the home I’d left behind. Everywhere I went, ponies watched me with fear, ready to run for the hills. Except for one little purple unicorn.”

“Nightmare Night.” The memory conjured a warm glow. “I was dressed as Star Swirl the Bearded.” She pulled from Luna’s grasp. “You were the only one who even knew who I was.”

“It was the first thing I’d seen since my return that felt familiar. And even when I nearly ruined the night, you tried your best to comfort me. I haven’t forgotten the kindness you showed me that night, Twilight. For the first time in a long time, I found myself in awe of the student my sister had chosen. While your skill in magic had been impressive, your kind and gentle nature eclipsed anything I’d ever seen.”

“Why are you telling me this?” Twilight asked, her tear-stained cheeks growing red.

“Since that night, I watched you perform feats even I never dreamed possible. When my sister and I were lost, you were there. You saved Celestia. You saved me. You saved Equestria. Twilight, in all my years, I have never met a pony quite like you.”

“That’s kind of you, Princess.”

“And I know that no matter what obstacle you face, you will find a way to overcome. You always have, and you always will.”

The two of them allowed silence to overtake the library again. Wiping the tears from her face, Twilight saw to her dinner, all the while Luna sat nearby, enjoying the night’s ambiance. Occasionally, they would discuss something of note found within the various tomes filling the library. Nothing that would make their present situation any easier, but enough to occupy Twilight’s thoughts.

“Luna?” Twilight turned toward the darker pony. “I talked to Chrysalis today.”

“And?” Luna’s demeanor darkened slightly.

“I asked her to help us.”

Luna considered this information. Outside, the moon had neared the horizon. Dawn wouldn’t be far behind. “And what did she say?”

“She said she’d help.”

“Did she?”

“Something is different about her, Luna.”

Luna shifted a buckle on her royal uniform. “She is a changeling, Twilight. They’re different.”

“No, I mean different from the way she used to be. Sort of. I don’t know.”

“What is different about her?”

Twilight rested her head against the table. She couldn’t find the right words to explain it. “She seemed . . . lonely?”

“That’s to be expected,” Luna reasoned. “She is alone.”

“I guess. Maybe I’m just misreading the situation. I may be impressive, but social graces are still a concept I’ve yet to fully grasp,” Twilight admitted.

“I have faith in you and your plans. Keep this in mind, though: weak as she may be, Chrysalis’ true strength lies in deception and manipulation. She may wish to help, but it’s just as likely she’s hatching some sort of scheme. Promise me you’ll be careful around her.” Luna cast a pleading look at the student.

“I promise.” Twilight nodded.

The two of them were interrupted by the sound of armored steps. A lunar guard appeared from around the furthest shelf. “Princess Twilight. Princess Luna.”

“Is something the matter, Soldier?” Luna applied her royal demeanor.

“Princess Twilight asked me to inform her when her guest arrived.”

“She’s here?” Twilight bounced from her seat.

“She’s waiting outside.” He explained.

“Tell her to give me a minute to get my things, then I’ll be right out.” The guard saluted before returning to deliver the message.

“Your guest?” Luna retrieved a stack of notes from the desk where they lay.

“I invited Fluttershy.”


“That’s alright, isn’t it? I probably should’ve asked first.” Hindsight was twenty-twenty.

“It’s quite alright, just a little surprising. Why only Fluttershy?” The two of them finished packing Twilight’s saddlebags and loaded them onto her back.

She took a moment to adjust the weight of her pack. “Her skill with animals is extraordinary. I thought she might know something useful to my research. She also has a certain chaotic friend that might know something, too.”

“Please tell me you didn’t invite him here.” Luna groaned.

Twilight giggled. “I don’t know. She didn’t say whether she brought him or not.”

The lunar princess turned serious. “Twilight, does she know what happened?”

“No. I was planning to let her sleep tonight, then I’d take her to see Celestia in the morning and explain everything. As far as she knows, this is just research I think she can help me with.” Twilight shrugged.

“Have you told anyone else about this?”

“I’ve put out a few letters here and there. None of them are too specific. Starlight, Trixie, and Sunburst know and are helping track down new leads to check. Spike knows, too. He’s still in Ponyville. I asked him to check in with Zecora. I think that’s it.”

“Alright. I want to try and keep a lid on this whole ordeal. If it gets out that Celestia is hurt and Chrysalis is here in the palace, things might get a little hectic.”

“Right.” Twilight waved goodbye as she made her way to the door. “And Luna?”

“Yes?” From this angle, Twilight could see the moon framed against the night sky, bathing its master in its pale glow. The scene could’ve been a work of art. “Thank you for the food. And the vote of confidence.”

Luna flashed a loving smile as Twilight left.

Out in the hallway, the pale yellow pegasus stood nervously under the scrutinizing gaze of a nearby sentry. She shifted her weight constantly, running her pink mane ragged as she tried to hide behind it.

“Fluttershy,” Twilight called her friend over to her with a wave of her hoof. The shy mare mumbled an apology to the guard as she passed, which he didn’t seem to notice. “I’m sorry I didn’t meet you at the station. I got caught up and lost track of time.”

“It’s all right, Twilight.”

“And thank you for coming on such short notice.”

Fluttershy gave her usual timid smile. “I wasn’t going to ignore one of my friends. Especially not if it’s an emergency. What happened?”

“Can you walk and talk?” Twilight asked, nodding toward a spiral staircase nearby. “I can show you to my room. You can stay there for the night, if that’s okay.” When Twilight learned how many guest rooms the castle held, she hadn’t believed it until she counted for herself. Still, those were meant for guests. Twilight’s friends weren’t guests. They were family. She’d made sure a small cot had been set up in her room for the mare close enough to be her sister.

“That’s just fine.” Fluttershy sighed, obviously relieved.

The two of them started up the stairs. “As for the emergency, we can deal with that in the morning. After a good night’s sleep.”

“What happened?”

Twilight bit her lip, thankful Fluttershy couldn’t see her face from behind her. “A pony was hurt. It’s some sort of magic that I can’t identify.”

Fluttershy tilted her head quizzically. “I don’t really know if I can take care of a pony. I mean, I’m more than happy to help if you think I can, but wasn’t there someone else that would be more helpful.”

“Well, it’s that whatever attacked her wasn’t a pony.” Twilight tried to argue with herself that it wasn’t technically lying to obfuscate the truth. It didn’t make her feel any better.

“An animal? Take me to them, I’ll talk to them.” The two of them finally reached the final few steps. Twilight led her to the lodgings marked with a purple star.

“We’ll talk more about it in the morning.” Twilight held the door, offering Fluttershy to enter first. “I have a bed set up for you.” Sure enough, the staff had constructed a small nest of blankets and pillows near the fireplace. Fluttershy obliged, settling into the cushioning.

“Where’s Spike?”

“He’s back in Ponyville. I really should check in on him. Or at least ask Rarity to.” Twilight sighed, curling up into her own bed.

“Are you okay, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked. Her soft-spoken voice sounded like a beautiful lullaby to the exhausted alicorn.

“I’m alright. It’s just been a crazy few days. I feel like I haven’t been home in years.”

“You could always invite the girls here for a while. They’d make you feel better, I’m sure.” Fluttershy stretched her wings and rolled onto her side.

“Maybe. It would be nice to see them.” Twilight’s eyes blurred.

“I’m sure they’d come running. It’s not every day you’re invited to stay in a royal palace like this.”

The purple alicorn sat up, glaring at the other pony. “I’ve told you guys hundreds of times that you can stay in my castle whenever you want.”

“Yeah, but that’s your castle. We hang out there all the time. This is different. The princesses live here. It doesn’t feel like home does.” She stifled a yawn. Twilight rolled her eyes and fell backwards onto her pillow. Sometimes, it really didn’t feel like home.

“Fluttershy, I’m glad you’re here.”

“I’m happy to be here, Twilight,” Fluttershy whispered, resting her head against a small mountain of fluff. The two were asleep in minutes.

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