• Published 6th Sep 2020
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Interruption and Intervention - Scribe of the Nightwings

During his downtime, Royal Scribe to Princess Luna, Astral Ink, receives some timely advice. Sometimes the right words from the right pony makes all the difference in the world.

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Interruption and Intervention

Interruptions and Interventions


The rhythmic rapping on the wooden door broke the serene silence of the room, causing the steel blue stallion’s ears to twitch at the sound. A soft grumble then filled the room as he lowered his book to glare at the wooden portal across the room. The unicorn stayed silent and still as one of the statues in the royal garden in hopes that whoever was there would simply assume that he wasn’t there. Another set of knocks caused Astral to slightly cringe and then deepened his glare. Still, he stuck to his strategy of pretending not to be in his quarters so that he could hopefully immerse himself back into his reading. Unfortunately, that prospect was cut short as a third set of knocks followed by a voice that he knew all too well.

“Astral! I know you’re in there! Answer the door at once!”

Astral Ink let out a heavy sigh as he closed his book. He instantly recognized the voice behind the door and knew for certain that the stubborn pony wouldn’t leave until her demands were met. The blue unicorn levitated his book down on the nightstand and got himself off the bed. When he first arrived many moons ago, he was pleasantly surprised at how comfortable his accommodations were at Canterlot Castle. So, it was with great frustration that he had leave his ever-soft bed.

As he made his way across the room, he stopped for a quick moment to look at himself in the full-length mirror he had by the dresser. He noticed a few strands of his snow-white hair were sticking out and quickly smoothed them out with his hoof. He wanted to at least look somewhat presentable for the pony that was at his door, lest he get a lecture about his appearance…again. Once his mane was a nice in-between of neat and casual, the blue unicorn finally made his way to the front of his door. With one final sigh, Astral used his magic to turn the knob and pull the door open. He was immediately greeted with a stern look from a very familiar mare.

“Is there anything I can help you with, Raven?” Astral asked in an unamused tone.

Raven Inkwell continued to glare at her fellow coworker, no doubt irritated that she had to wait for quite some time for the stallion to open the door. Princess Celestia’s personal aide looked as professional as ever with her dark brown hair in a neat bun and her red tie straightened out. The mare no mind to the stallion answering the door and entered his room. As much as Astral wanted to be surprised at this sudden intrusion, he was more than familiar with her no-nonsense attitude and directness.

“Please by all means, make yourself at home. I’ll make some tea for us.” Astral said sarcastically as he closed the door.

“You know why I’m here, Astral.” Raven said as she turned around to face the unicorn in question. Any other normal pony would either be put off or even intimidated by the mare’s strict tone and behavior. But for Astral, it was no different from the sun rising every morning.

“Other than bothering me during my precious downtime, no, I don’t.” the white-haired stallion snarked back.

The relationship between Astral Ink and Raven Inkwell was…interesting to say the least. Working besides their respective princesses had made them colleagues for years and they had interacted with each other just about daily. Despite all this time, it wouldn’t be accurate to say that they were friends. They by no means hated each other’s guts, granted, but nothing really occurred between the two ponies that could create the groundwork for a solid friendship. They merely just had a mutual respect for each other in their work for the co-rulers of Equestria. All that said, Astral had enough familiarity with the mare to not be afraid to show his waspish side that he usually kept hidden from others.

“Well then, allow me to enlighten you.” Raven condescendingly explained. “As I was strolling through the castle to my personal chambers, I happened to walk by the royal archives.”

“Wait, aren’t your quarters on the opposite side of the castle where the archives are?” Astral interrupted.

“Not important!” Raven quickly said. “Now, as I was saying, the door was open a crack and I peered in to see Shelf Stocker at her usual post at the front desk. Being the ever-friendly mare that I am, I decided pop in to give her a quick hello. The conversation drifted from there and eventually more work-related topics came up. That’s when I learned that Shelf Stocker had yet to receive the monthly summary report of the night court proceedings.”

Astral raised his eyebrow when he began to realize what this was all about. Nevertheless, the white mare continued speaking. “So, that’s why I’m here. I thought it prominent to ask the Royal Scribe assigned to Princess Luna as to why he has yet to turn in last month’s report despite it already being five days into this month.”

Royal Scribe. That was what Astral Ink’s position was in Canterlot Castle, and it was a title that he held with pride. His job was supposedly a simple one: transcribe the proceedings that occurred during the night court held by the Night Princess before she retired to her other responsibilities in the Dream Realm. Just as with Princess Celestia in the day court, ponies of all backgrounds from Equestria would gain an audience with the blue alicorn to speak their gripes, praises or proposals on how to improve the quality of life in the kingdom. Thankfully, the blue stallion’s writing efficiency was on point, easily able to keep with even the most jittery noble or commoner who drank far too much coffee to stead themselves before speaking to one of the alicorn rulers. Aside from his official assignments, Astral soon found himself with other jobs to assist the Princess. Ensuring the cooks had prepared her meals, checking with the night commander that the proper guard rotations were in order, even some more personal matter such as going to her royal quarters and waking her up in the morning. These various tasks, along with his usual close proximity with Princess Luna, often lead some of the other castle staff to teasingly title him as “the gender swapped Raven Inkwell”. A nickname that Astral was non-too fond of.

“So that’s what has you in a tizzy.” Astral said calmly and glanced at his writing desk. “Well then, you need not worry. I’ve already begun progress on the report last night, and I’ll have it submitted by the end of the week.”

The agitated look on Raven’s face suggested that she wasn’t satisfied with the unicorn’s answer. “And I see that you’re hard at work on it right now.” she said sarcastically.

Astral Ink gave a huff of frustration. “You merely just caught me during a mental break. I know how to schedule myself.”

“If you could schedule yourself, then you would’ve had the report done before the end of last month.” the royal aide shot back.

Now Astral was starting to get annoyed. “Look, Raven, all I just want is a few hours of peace and quiet before I jump back into intricate sentence structuring. Shelf Stocker will get it before the end of the week, I promise you. Don’t get so concerned with something that’s my responsibility.”

“The completion of your responsibilities still affects me. You know that more often than not the proceedings that occur during the night court are used for reference during the day court and vice versa! Do you have any idea how foolish I would look to Princess Celestia if I stumbled during a proposal because I didn’t have the notes from the night court?!” Raven stamped her hoof down to emphasize her point. “Both of us need to do our jobs in a timely manner, so that we can be better prepared to serve our princesses.”

Astral Ink closed his eyes and rubbed his temple with his hoof. It was clear that this conversation was going nowhere in his favor. He could try spending all night argue with Raven over this debacle in the vain attempt to get back to reading in peace. But the more rational side of him realized that would be like trying to push a brick wall. “Very well.” he huffed.

The blue stallion trotted to his desk and took a seat. From there, grabbed his quill and inkpot from the desk drawer and then pulled the unfinished report in front of him, along with his related notes. “I thank you for your consideration of my time management skills, Raven. I’ll get to work finishing the report now. You may take your leave.”

As the scribe wetted the tip of quill in the pot of ink, he expected Raven to give a frustrated huff and leave the room. But a few seconds went by, and it was completely silent. He didn’t hear the familiar clop of hooves on the floor or the sudden slam of the door. There was only silence; Raven had not moved an inch. Astral could practically feel the mare’s gaze burning into the back of his head. Another minute passed as the stallion inwardly hoped that the mare would eventually quit this unnecessary supervision and leave him to his work. Finally, Astral Ink had enough and turned in his seat.

“Is there something on your mind, Raven?” he asked with a bit of venom in his voice.

Astral’s interest peaked when he saw that Raven’s expression had slightly changed. While the annoyed look still remained, there was something else that he couldn’t immediately identify mixed in on her face. Disgust? Remorse? Disappointment? The blue unicorn couldn’t quite place it. What he did know for sure, though, was that Raven was far from done with him. She had something on her mind, and he knew her better enough to know that she was going to speak it.

“Astral,” she began in a dull voice. “This…problem needs to be addressed. Before it’s too late.”

Astral raised one of his eyebrows. “And what exactly would this ‘problem’ be? You can clearly see me deep in my work.”

The royal aide took in a deep breath. “I’m not just talking about the report. I’m referring to…this.” She gestured to Astral and then to other things in the room, ranging from the book on the nightstand, the fresh indent on his bed and the large and unorganized stack of notes on his desk. “These past few months, I’ve notice you slip deeper and deeper into this procrastination habit to the point where it’s become unignorable. The monthly report was merely the spark that finally got me to address it.”

Astral lowered his quill into the pot as the mare grabbed his full attention. “Raven, my work is fine. I’ve yet to hear complaints from any of the princesses.”

“It’s not their job to keep track of your work, Astral.” Raven countered. “They expect us to have all information regarding matters that are essential for running Equestria ready and prepared so that they can properly do their jobs.”

The unicorn got out of his seat and fully faced the mare. He was getting tired of her insistency of trotting around the subject. “What are you getting at, Raven? If you really want to say something to me, you might as well get to the point so that I can get on with-”

“I’m saying that I’m questioning your dedication to serving Princess Luna.”

The words hung in the air for a good half a minute before Astral was able to properly process them. “W-What?” he mumbled under his breath, still trying to come to terms with what his colleague had just said.

To her credit, any trace of underlying superiority was gone from Raven’s face. It was clear that this was a subject that she wasn’t looking forward to discussing. “I said that I’m questioning you truly care about your work for the princess. At the rate of procrastination you’re at, I’m worried that either her or Princess Celestia might take notice. If that happens, I don’t want to think about the serious consequences that you might face.”

Astral had to admit that Raven made a logical point. It was well known among the castle staff that either being fired or dishonorably discharged puts you on a type of unofficial “blacklist” that would make getting any other meaningful employment nigh impossible in Canterlot. It rarely ever occurred, but the stallion definitely didn’t end up like the one chef that carelessly gave the princesses food poisoning that bedded them for months.

“I see. Well, the concern is appreciated, Raven, but it’s unnecessary. I doubt that my work will get so bad to the point that either of the princesses would take any notice.” Astral assured his fellow aide.

“You don’t know that for sure, Astral.” Raven said solemnly. “I’ve seen ponies with skills greater than either of us fall from grace due to their hubris.”

“Then what do you suggest I do then?” the unicorn asked incredulously. “Would you feel better if I made some chart to schedule my work? I left that kind of pointless micromanagement behind when I left university, Raven. I’m a full-grown stallion who can make his own decisions.”

“Astral…” Raven trailed off as she looked to the ground. “There’s a more…straightforward solution that I had in mind.” The mare looked to have swallowed a large lump in her throat before she looked back up to fully look at her coworker. “I believe it would be best if your formally resign from your position.”


That was the only word that could escape from the stallion’s lips as he began processing the mare’s request. A whirlwind of emotions swirled within him. Surprise, anger, embarrassment, regret, and betrayal were only a few of the feelings that pricked at his mind and heart as he struggled to find words again. Eventually, Astral let one of those emotions slip out as he began to confront Raven.

“Do you have any idea what you’re implying, Raven?” the stallion murmured sharply.

The royal aide glanced to the side awkwardly before looking back again. “Astral, please just listen for a second. Resignation from the royal staff isn’t the same as being terminated. Your credentials would still be in top form and it would be easy for you to find work in Canterlot with a…more manageable workload.”

“’Manageable?’” Astral asked accusingly. “Since when has my work been unmanageable?! Just because I might be a tad behind in my work, doesn’t mean that I can’t handle the catchup.”

Raven put on a more confident stance as the scribe continued to show resistance. “Astral, can’t you see that I’m just trying to help you?”

“Help me?!” The blue unicorn was becoming more and more offended after each passing statement. “You barge into my room unannounced, heckle me about my work, then try to convince me to quit my job and you say that you’re trying to help me?” Astral took a few steps forward and pointed accusingly at Raven. “Who in Tartarus are you to question my character?”

“Who am I? Who exactly are you?!” Raven yelled as she pointed back. The uneasiness that the mare had was completely gone as frustration bubbled to the surface. “What happen to the Royal Scribe that was always so eager to please and serve the princesses? Although slightly irritating, everyday the spark in your eyes drove you to excel in your duties to the point that it put past scribes to shame! And now look at you, a shell of your former efficiency.”

Astral’s pride was cut when Raven brought back the early days. Bright-eyed and fresh out of university, the unicorn was eager to please and was willing to go to any lengths to prove his skills. Admittedly, his eager-to-please attitude may have come across as annoying to some of his fellow castle staff, but it was still a welcome addition to the overall productivity in Canterlot Castle. But that was the past. Eventually, that chipper attitude and nervous first-day jitters dissipated from routine of his daily royal duties. Even still, Astral thought that he was just as efficient in the present as he was back in those days.

“Raven,…” the scribe growled. “Just because my attitude has changed since those days, doesn’t mean I’m worse at my job.”

“I’m asking you what changed? What made you want to just escape to your room every evening to dwell in your own solitude?” the royal aide pressed.

Astral rolled his eyes in frustration. “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe it had something to do with having to jot down the idiotic complaints the nobles make to the princesses to the point where it feels like I’m writing down gibberish.”

The sarcasm dripping from the stallion’s words did not go unnoticed by the white mare. “Don’t be overdramatic, Astral. You know just as well as I do that the nobles have been making far more reasonable requests ever since Fancy Pants set such a high standard with his proposals. Don’t blame others for your laziness!”

“I’m not lazy, I’m stressed!” Astral yelled, losing all of his inhibitions to his rancor. “Everyday, it feels like my mind is finding it harder and harder to keep up with my duties! I need time to properly recuperate my thoughts or else I’m afraid that I’ll think myself into a coma! So, why don’t you just leave me alone and let me deal with my problems at my own pace?! Not everypony can just bury themselves in their work like some mindless machine like you!”

Raven was left speechless at the scathing remark that Astral made at her. In truth, the stallion didn’t set out openly insult the mare like that, he was merely being swept up in his increasing anger. However, that didn’t stop Raven from lashing out in defense. “I will not allow you to insult my dedication to my work, Astral Ink. I wake up every morning and go to bed every night proud that I have the privilege to serve the princess and give back to Equestria. It is beyond me why you no longer-“

“We’re secretaries, Raven!” Astral shouted, causing the mare to flinch back again. “That’s all we are! Over-glorified secretaries that shift through the bureaucratic bullshit that goes through this castle daily so that the princesses don’t have to deal with it as much. Where’s the pride in that?! And the worst part is that it’s absolutely thankless work! We’re not special, we’re expendable! Now do you understand why I try to get some time to myself when I can?!”

“…If that’s how you really feel, Astral,” Raven slowly said as small tears began to collect at the corners of her eyes. “then you don’t deserve to look at the Princess, let alone serve her!”

“Excuse me.”

A third unknown voice had cut the ponies’ argument short as they both turned to the door to see who it belonged to. Previous anger and bitterness left the both of them only to be replaced by shock from discovering who had paid them a visit. There in the doorframe was a very familiar dark blue alicorn that ruled Equestria alongside her sister. Both Astral and Raven immediately recognized the mare and reacted accordingly.

“Princess Luna!” they quickly addressed as they both bowed before their princess. Their earlier squabble was immediately forgotten as they remained motionless and silent, waiting for the Princess of the Night to address them. As they waited, the pair heard the familiar click-clack of hooves on tile, indicating that the Night Princess had fully entered the room.

“No need for such formalities, my little ponies.” Princess Luna excused them, causing both of the aides to stop bowing and look at the princess.

“P-Princess Luna!” Raven was the first to speak up. “I apologize if you overheard the…discussion I was having with Astral Ink. I assure you; we’re merely working out some miscommunication problems. But, it’s nothing that you need to worry abo-“

“Raven,” Princess Luna politely interrupted the white mare. “Might I ask for some privacy between me and the Royal Scribe?” The alicorn immediately noticed the look of worry that spread across Raven’s face. “You need not worry yourself, Raven. My sister requested your presence and asked me to send you her way if I were to come across you. I promise that you are by no means in trouble.”

Raven hesitated for a few seconds, unsure if the alicorn was telling the truth when saying that she was under no repercussions. Eventually, though, the mare gave the princess a quick formal bow before making her way to the doorway. As Astral watched on as his fellow aide made her leave, a small wave of guilt coursed through his conscious. He had said some rather nasty things to the mare, all while she was trying to help him. Granted, her version of help was far from what he thought was reasonable, but it by no means gave the unicorn the right to demean her like that.

“Raven.” Astral spoke up before she left. The royal aide glanced behind her as to hear what he wanted to say. “I’m…I’m sorry, Raven. I didn’t mean to say those things I said. Please try to find it in your heart to forgive my foolish behavior.”

Raven remained silent as she continued to look back at the guilty unicorn. Astral could tell that there was remorse in her eyes, but it didn’t seem like there was any rage either. Instead, the mare solemnly nodded her head and left, closing the door behind her. The stallion wasn’t fully sure if that was a sign of forgiveness, but at least is was something.

Thus, the unicorn and alicorn were left alone in the room together. Upon realizing this, Astral immediately faced the floor and resumed is previous bow. In truth, it wasn’t just to show the princess the proper respect. The scribe couldn’t bear to look at the princess directly if she really did hear what he said about his job in serving her. For what seemed like hours, Astral waited for Princess Luna to berate him for what he had said and expected the appropriate discipline. However, he was surprised when he suddenly felt a gentle hoof touch his chin. The hoof lifted upward so that the unicorn could look up to the alicorn. Instead of a face of scorn or disappointment that Astral expected, his eyes widen when he saw a kind expression from the Princess of the Night. Princess Luna eyes were soft instead of hardened and a small smile graced her face. That combined with how her starry mane waved in a non-existent breeze, Astral was left speechless at the awe-inspiring beauty that his princess radiated.

“You seem exhausted, dear Astral.” Luna said in her soothing voice.

Astral shook himself out of his stupor to respond to the alicorn’s observation. “I…I am quite well, your Highness. Just merely tired this particular evening.”

Luna’s smile shifted to a slight frown as she looked to her scribe with concern. She then closed her eyes and focused her magic, causing her horn to slightly glow. Astral was confused as to what spell the princess was casting until a flash came from the horn and he felt a small tingle on his face. The stallion’s eyes widen as he realized what she had done and quickly faced the mirror. Sure enough, Astral’s fears were realized when he saw an absolutely exhausted-looking stallion in the mirror. His eyes appeared bloodshot and slightly red with heavy, dark circles resting below them.

“Such beauty spells are usually reserved for aging mares looking to relive some of their younger years. Though it seems you’ve found another use for them.” Princess Luna noted, but there was no hint of judgement in her voice.

Astral was still in shock as to how the alicorn was able to uncover his secret. “H-How?” he could only mutter in disbelief.

“Though I may not be completely omniscient in the Dream Realm, I do believe myself competent enough to notice when members of my own court have not been getting any sleep.” she calmly explained. “If I had to wager a guess, it seems you’ve been sacrificing precious hours of sleep just so that you could catch up on your work. Am I correct?”

The blue unicorn felt absolutely shameful being exposed like this in front of the princess. Here he was, the Royal Scribe to one of the great diarchs of Equestria, being caught red hoofed in his ineptitude to his royal duties. He felt the corners of his eyes begin to wet with tears, only furthering his embarrassment. Though he was well aware of his procrastination, he never thought it end up with him, a fully grown stallion, pathetically weeping before the Princess of the Night.

“Princess, I beg of you,” Astral began to say as he wiped the tears from his eyes. “Please at least allow me to resign at my own accord instead so that I can avoid the shame of being fired.”

The unicorn continued to grovel to the alicorn, hoping that she would grant some form of mercy to him. “Astral Ink, please look at me.” he heard the princess say.

Collecting any remaining shreds of dignity he had, Astral followed what could be his final order and lifted his head. Red, teary eyes met soft, kind ones as the two ponies made eye contact once again. The dread in the unicorn’s heart slowly melted away as he looked to the alicorn.

“Before I make the decision of terminating the scribe that has served me for countless moons now, I have to ask.” Astral’s head was buzzing as to what question the princess would ask, only to be caught completely off guard by what she said next. “What is troubling you?”

The unicorn could only stand their flabbergasted at what the alicorn just said. Here was Princess Luna, co-ruler of all of Equestia, Guardian of the Dream Realm, Vanquishers of Nightmares, asking him what was wrong. The question wasn’t spoken in a demanding tone, or a mocking one. There was legitimate care in the princess’s voice that told him that she was genuinely concerned with his wellbeing. The only question he had was why? He understood well that both Celestia and Luna showed great care for the ponies that they ruled, but he always thought was more of a general concept rather than a personal one. Being Royal Scribe came with great expectations that Astral thought the Night Princess had anticipated him to accomplish on his own. Nevertheless, the stallion still didn’t want to shove his burdens onto the alicorn.

“I…Princess, a pony of your caliber need not have to worry about whatever ails me.” he tried to dismiss. “I can take care of myself.”

“That you may, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot accept help when need.” Princess Luna’s hoof moved to gently rest on Astral’s shoulder. “Back before I…changed a millennia ago, I had become quite envious of the amount of attention my sister gained from our subjects. I’ve accepted that poor chapter of my past, but it still hurts me even more when I remember that there were ponies that showered me with praise that I was blind to. My personal guards, my assistants, ponies like you, Astral. They dedicated their entire lives just for my convenience, but it just wasn’t enough for me.”

The scribe took in every word that the princess was telling him. Nightmare Moon was very still a sore subject amongst the castle staff even years after Luna’s reformation. The alicorn herself rarely ever brought it up, unless in was in reference to some historical event that occurred before or during her entrapment on the moon. The fact that the alicorn was willing to share such inner thoughts with him told Astral how important this moment really was.

“I suppose it was when after Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends both freed me from the Nightmare and then helped me free myself from the Tantabus was when I realized that there would always be ponies who would look after me. And that gave me the drive to try to look after others myself. To finally let go of those selfish desires of the past and help those that I care for. So, right now I am asking you not as a princess, but as a mare that is concerned for your health and wellbeing, what is troubling you?”

Barriers in the unicorn’s mind began to crumble as Luna finished speaking. To hear such endearing words from the ponies that he spent years serving was earthshattering for Astral. Sure, in the past, Luna had always been courteous with him. Thanking him everyday for his hard work and always giving him that warm smile that never ceased to melt his heart a little. But this...this proclamation of care and concern, it felt quite personal. The stallion never imagined that he took up such a large space in her thoughts that was beyond just professional. He felt…safe. Free to unload his burdens unto her without the fear of losing the princess’s respect. He could finally speak out thoughts that had been bottled up in his mind.

“I…I do feel stressed,” he began quietly, looking right at his princess. “but I suppose not in the traditional sense. I applied to this position fully aware of the expectations I would have to exceed if I were to serve to the best possible extent. And for a while, I was more than happy to take on those responsibilities because it filled me with a sense of pride that I was doing something meaningful. But then, things started to slip. I can’t exactly pinpoint where and when it happened, but I was having trouble catching up with work. I was always able to get it done, but I think it was a lot harder than what it could have been. I’ve spent more than just a few consecutive nights catching up on reports and whatnot, leading me to resort to beauty charms just to hide the consequences and hope nopony would take notice. I realize that there are obvious solutions right in front of me that could save me all of this struggling."

"But then I begin to think: what if I’m not good enough? What if even if I do apply better time management to my work and reign in my procrastination, it just isn’t enough? There’s always this feeling I get that makes me think that everything I’ve done, everything that I’ve accomplished has been because of dumb luck. That, combined with my duties, creates a weight on my back that continuously gets heavier and heavier when I wake up every morning. But in the end, really, I’m not sure why I push myself to these extremes. Maybe it’s an unconscious drive to prove myself by working on the edge, or just type of self-atonement for constantly failing you, or maybe I’m just lazy and I’m not cut out for this work. I wish I knew for sure, Princess Luna. It’s just another thing that I’m not sure about.”

Silence filled the room once again as the scribe finished pouring out his heart to his princess. It was strange, really. Despite saying all of those shameful thoughts, Astral felt a small wave of relief knowing that he finally said those burdens out loud. His mind felt light, in a sense. Free to finally be able to properly process these feelings he’d been having as of late. However, this mental euphoria was short lived as he continued to look at Luna and hear her thoughts on the matter. As he was spewing his personal monologue, the blue alicorn had done nothing expect listen attentively. The kindness in her eyes hadn’t faded, but it seemed as though she had put on more thoughtful look. More than likely she was she thinking of an appropriate response to Astral’s internal problem. Whether or not that response would be supportive or chastising, Astral wasn’t sure. Princess Luna remained silent, which caused Astral’s gaze to fall from embarrassment and shame. However, he was surprised when she once again lifted up his chin so that he could look into her eyes. Finally, the princess took a short, audible breath and spoke to her scribe.

“Well, I believe that there are few criticisms to your logic if you don’t mind me saying.” Luna said in a polite tone. “Firstly, I doubt that you would have lasted this long as my scribe is you were not capable enough. You certainly didn’t show any immense levels of sloth in the past, quite the opposite in fact. Secondly, self-punishment is far from the most efficient way of dealing with personal issue. I have…much experience on that matter thanks to that horrid Tanabus I inflicted myself with. And as for proving yourself…well, to put it simply, you have no need to for me.”

Astral was caught off guard by that last response. “I don’t understand, wouldn’t you want me to prove that I can serve you to the best of my ability?”

“Not at the cost of your own personal health, Astral.” Luna corrected. “But that isn’t what I meant. You have never had to prove yourself to me. Not since the first day of your service to me.” As the alicorn continued to explain, memories began flooding back to the scribe. “When I was first being integrated back into the castle, I was…afraid that there would be some ponies who would still be afraid of me, afraid of what I was. Then when my sister informed me that a pony would be providing me assistance in court, I honestly thought it was because she didn’t believe I was capable for such an important position. But then I met you. How you were so helpful, so patient and so kind to me, despite my past. It made me feel safe. It made me feel more trusting. Granted, it was still awhile before I could completely integrate back into society, Princess Twilight was very helpful in that regard. But it was thanks to you that I was able to make those first steps. I slightly loathe myself for not making this clear in the past, but I cherish our friendship, dear Astral. And it would sadden me greatly to see you leave.”

Once again, Astral was left starstruck at the princess’s words. If he felt any doubts before, they were completely wiped away at the alicorn’s proclamation of friendship. To hold a title of “friend” to one of the greatest ponies to ever live was…beyond special to him. Princess Luna didn’t see him as a “work friend”, just a regular friend. A friend that one could simply confide in and talk to without worry. The stallion then felt something stirring within him. A spark that he had long thought been extinguished. It was a spark to appease, of dedication to one’s lot in life. Only now it was different. This wasn’t just for a pony that was above in authority. This spark was for a friend.

“Princess Luna, I…thank you.” he gently said. “Your words mean a lot to me. I will make sure to remember them whenever I feel doubt in myself again.” The scribe then made his way over to his desk. “I you would pardon me, Princess, but I believe I will get a head start on this report before I rest for tonight. I’ll make sure to get it to Shelf Stocker within the next two days.”

Astral glanced back to see Luna with a bit of a worried expression. “You need not have to work on it this eve if you are still exhausted, Astral.” She was most likely referring to the dark circles that were still under the stallion’s eyes.

“There’s no need to worry this time, your Highness.” Astral quickly assured her. “I believe I can make considerable progress in the next hour now that I feel a bit more…inspired. Besides, there’s no need for any special treatment. I still want to use my own grit and determination to prove Raven and the rest of the staff that I show pride in serve you; in helping…my friend.”

Luna’s frown shifted upward into a soft smile. “Very well, then. Have a good evening, dear Astral. I pray to the stars that you will get some much-needed rest this night.”

The regal alicorn then made her way to the door to leave. However, before she left, Astral Ink decided to give his princess one final farewell before she retired to her duties in the Dream Realm. “Good night, Luna. I will see you in the morning when I wake you for breakfast.”

Though it was the first time that the unicorn had ever addressed her in such an informal way, Luna didn’t seem bothered by it in the slightest. In fact, Astral could have sworn that her smile brightened the tiniest amount before she exited the room and gently closed the wooden portal behind her.

That finally left Astral in his room once again. Only now instead of lying in his bed, he was at his desk. He looked downward and gazed over the dozens of pages of notes from past royal sessions along with a nearly blank piece of parchment. The stallion let out a heavy sigh at the amount of work in front of him, realizing that there was no way of finishing it even with a sleepless night. But he realized that was not the goal for this evening. Right now, this was the start of hopefully a future trend of spacing out his work in a timely manner. But of course, just like always when he was about to begin a momentous task, Astral’s mind began to wander.

Old habits die hard.

“Ugh, I really messed up with Raven.” He muttered to himself. As the events of the evening replayed in his mind, he really began to regret how he treated his colleague. The mare was in the end trying to help him, although in a way that he found a bit insulting. Nevertheless, it didn’t give Astral the right to belittle her and the duties they held to the princesses. Raven was a hardworking mare that really was the one responsible for keeping the castle together, if he was being completely honest with himself. To weigh all of his insecurities onto her just to make himself feel better about himself was cowardly. An apology would certainly be needed in the very near future. As his thoughts continued to drift, Astral then remembered when Luna interrupted.


His lips felt a bit tingly uttering that name alone. She would always be his princess and wouldn’t hesitate to address her formally when in (and even out) of the public eye. But to say her name alone, without any official titles, was new, yet exciting to the blue stallion. Astral unconsciously glanced to the side and saw the tired features across his face when looked into the mirror. What must she have thought when Luna removed those beauty charms? Though nowhere near as much of a social butterfly, Astral did consider himself to be somewhat more empathetic to the right ponies. He imagined what would it be like if he had discovered that somepony close to him was suffering in silence so much in a foolish attempt to appease him. Astral prayed that Luna didn’t feel any guilt over his current condition. She was too kind, too incredible to feel such a negative emotion over mistake that were his own.

His mind drifted again, and Astral remembered finer details from their conversation. The way the stars in her ethereal mane twinkled and shined. The way her eyes shown not one spec of judgement at his own self-doubts, instead only portraying kindness and concern to his troubles. The way her smile appeared to fit perfectly onto her beautiful features. The stallion’s heart began to beast faster when her recalled how when she lifted up his chin. Their faces were quite close, he could smell the soft scent of lavender emanating from her soft, luxurious fur. He only would have to move his face a few centimeters more for them to finally…

Astral quickly shook his head clear when he began to realize what he was thinking about. “Snap out of it, you idiot.” he chastised himself softly. “You’re her scribe and your friend. Don’t go and throw that away over something so unachievable. Just…bury yourself in work.”

And thus, the quill was picked up in a light blue aura and slowly dipped into the ink pot. Astral Ink, Royal Scribe to Princess Luna, finally began his work for the late evening. It took some hard-to-accept truths and a few unexpected revelations, but the stallion finally felt like that sitting there looking through a sea of notes, all to write up a report that could potentially never be referenced again in the far future, finally meant like something important. Now, he was doing it not just to appease the endless royal bureaucracy or even to help in the running of a whole kingdom. He was doing it to help his friend.

However, unbeknownst to the hardworking stallion, certain pony was standing right outside his door. She had exited the room only minutes ago but was compelled to remain right there in the castle hallway. She heard the unicorn mutter to himself and lifted her hoof to her heart when she heard him mention her name followed by a quick dismissal. A small sigh escaped the mare as she whispered some thoughts of her own.

“Oh, my sweet Astral. If only I had the bravery to be truly honest to you. But I suppose I can wait a bit longer for when I finally can tell you properly.”

Author's Note:

Thank you all for reading my latest story. :twilightsmile:
I wanted to try something a little bit different than the other story that I'm working on. I know that OC stories sometimes get flak for being self-serving and there may be a few elements with procrastination that I'm dealing with at the moment, but I still think that this is still a story with some greater substance to it. :twilightsheepish:

Ratings and reviews are always encourage and I might come back to this storyline the form of a sequel if it does well enough.

Edit: Here's some artwork of a scene from the story that I had commissioned from Little Tigress. :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 23 )

Dude, seriously, this was REALLY good. The dialogue and pacing is top notch as well as the chemistry too. I honestly do hope there’ll be more in the future! Keep up the good work my good man :pinkiehappy:

reading this story about not procrastinating, while I' m procrastinating.

Thank you for the kind words! :twilightsmile:
Yeah, at the rate this story is growing in popularity, I'm definitely motivated to write up a sequel. So keep a lookout for that.

Good pacing and overall an interesting read, well done! I'd recommend breaking up some of the bigger dialogue paragraphs for easier reading- and there's this catch in the first paragraph " as he lower his book" (lowered)

Very believable pacing and fantastic scene-setting. Good job!

Thank you very much for the positive feedback and the constructive criticism. I'll definitely keep that in mind when I write in the future. :twilightsmile:

Went back and fixed the typo. Thanks for pointing it out.

Paced well, told well, faved well long since.

Well that was definitely an awesome read. I'm really looking forward to seeing more of Astral Ink's story and how his relationship with Luna will develop.

This was a really good Fanfic~
I even felt I little more motivated myself at the end!

And it also has a every good take on Raven Inkwell!
I love it~

What, "complete?" Bruh, this is clearly Chapter One.

I'm glad you enjoyed it! I've always appreciated your comments on my other story and it definitely motivates me to continue with this one. :twilightsmile:

That's awesome that this story has had a positive impact on someone, I'm glad that you found it helpful.
Yeah we don't really get a whole lot of fic with Raven in it, and I thought she would be a good inclusion.

Well, to be honest, I really just wanted to see how well the reception to this story would be before I fully go through with this story thread. But seeing how everyone seems to be enjoying this thus far, I'm more than motivated to continue with a sequel! :raritywink:

I hope there is more in the future.
I don't know where the story could go from here, but I want to find out.

Hopefully Raven also maybe makes a comeback~

so it took princess Luna several years to say that she considered her assistant a friend. At this rate Astral Ink will die of old age while she decides to take a step.
P.S. if there is still a continuation, then I would like to see how their relationship developed from the very beginning

Well, you never know. Sometimes, when you take the first big step, you'll find yourself being able to make the next much sooner than you would think. :twilightsmile:

Also, something tell me you're get exactly what you hoped for with what I have cooking up next. :raritywink:

very good story :raritystarry:
You already know that my English is not perfect, but I think it is very well written, and mainly it's an interesting plot :twilightsmile:
Like you, personally I don't really like reading stories about OC because many have the problem of making their characters 'Mary Sue', but here Astral has a credible personality, with problems that he tries to solve and credible feelings, so congratulations :moustache:
thanks for this story :scootangel:

Thanks so much, it means a lot to receive praise from you. :raritystarry:
I think it's important to have realistic characters with actual feelings and actions above pure wish fulfillment. I really wanted to emphasize the kindness that Luna truly possesses and why she was care so deeply for a pony close to her. (and also to set the foundation for a proper romance story :raritywink:)

Have a review, I hope you find it helpful!

Thank you for the helpful feedback!
Look forward to the sequel coming soon! :raritywink:

Now, what do we have here?
Time to find out...

Hello, a review to your story has been posted. I hope you find it helpful. :raritywink:

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