• Published 10th Sep 2020
  • 1,436 Views, 28 Comments

Flappin' Crisis - Buttery Biscuit

Twilight wakes up with a new set a wings and she can't feel them! In a panic she checks her medical books, will she be ok?

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Flappin' Crisis

A couple of hours ago, Twilight did what was considered impossible, she completed a spell, old, ancient, and unfinished. How did she finish this spell? She spent so much time with her friends and through those experiences she gained a deep understanding of friendship.

It was that understanding that led her to complete a spell previously thought to be impossible to complete. Through that action alone she became Princess as well as alicorn.

That meant that she had wings now, wings that she was currently staring at. A new experience that left her feeling a few shivers as she stretched new muscles. It felt so weird, she just had these now, new limbs. Growing new limbs was a weird, weird, experience. Now that she had them....now what? She flapped them gently finding herself getting more used to them by the second. Twilight would do what she always did when something new happened to her, research.

Twilight trotted up the stairs to her library and grabbed as many books on wings as she could magically hold. She pilled the books up: The Origin of Wings, Your Wings and You, and Wing Health 101 to name just a few. She just kept on stacking until she couldn't hold any more books, she turned her head back and to her surprise, she saw she had double the amount of books she normally could carry, looked like the alicorn magic was already kicking in.

She would have to worry about that one later....later meant now as she added just one more book about controlling magic, just in case. She picked her favorite bean bag chair and laid down into it and began to read.

----A Couple of Days Later---

The newly appointed alicorn and Princess of Friendship woke up on her library floor with a puddle of drool beneath her muzzle she had passed out on her side. She sleepily rubbed her eyes with her hooves noticing the pile of red books stacked next to her, she had fallen asleep while binge reading, again. Twilight had read every book she could get her hooves on about wings, she would learn everything she could.

Everything from their anatomy, to the magic they gave her, to their evolution, to their significance to pony society. So when she rolled out of her bed, her first night of sleep since getting those wings, feeling numb in those said wings. She felt her breath hitch, they felt fine as she conducted her binge studying, so it couldn’t be magic residue from turning into an alicorn.

Twilight tried to stretch her wing, still a generally weird feeling despite getting more used to them over the past couple of days. Ones share she had just fluffed them up and down during her binge read, wouldn't want them to atrophy. She had just got them, but as she went to stretch this time, all she felt was a sharp pain, tingles, and numbness. ‘Oh, no, no, no, no, no,’ Twilight thought to herself as she teleported one of the many medical books she had read the night before to herself. She quickly opened the cover and turned through the pages.

What did she have? She hoped it wasn’t anything too severe. She quickly skimmed through the pages not even bothering to read the titles, the names aren't what mattered.

What mattered was finding symptoms that matched her own. So that's where she focused her attention, reading lists of them. She listed off her own in her head, making sure not to forget anything, he didn't know what could be important: tingling, numbness, and a bit of pain. It was on page 15 she found her first contender. Wingdatskinkymegaly, sudden enlargement of the wings.

Twilight looked back at her wings, looking them over more carefully than when she looked over the new book section at the Canterlot library. She found that her wings were in fact, still, the same size. Well, that wasn't it, so she kept searching through the pages.

It was page 30 that the next contender was on. Wingworryabouthislotscele, herniation, or swelling of the wing, can be symptoms of the following conditions: allergic reaction, magic blockage, ingrown feathers, or blood clot. Twilight felt her heart drop, a blood clot would be very bad, maybe she should see a doctor.

She wondered if Doctor Whooves had an emergency opening, but the last time she did that she had to transcend time and space, there were angels that wept. It was a lot of effort just to get her hoof looked at. She would have to go to the hospital for this one, if it was that bad, oh the bits she would have to pay for that. She closed her eyes tight, looked back, and hoped for the best as she peaked one of her eyes open. Her wings...were not swollen. That was a relief, so much so that Twilight breathed out a quick breath, happy to go back to her book.

That happiness did not stay long as she flipped through the pages landing on the worst disease yet. Her chest tightened, her heart pounded, and her anxiety rose. She could already feel the tingles, from the amount of stress, in her hooves. She tried to control her breathing best she could, she didn't want to panic, at least not yet.

Maybe she was wrong, she had been wrong before like that one time. That one time....uh, when was the last time she was wrong. Oh, that one time she assumed Hay Sisters Hay sold apples and they didn't. Twilight took another breath as she tried to hold it together Wingtisbutascratchlapselapse, when wings started to sag, slide, or completely fall off, very rare, a 2% chance. Twilight’s breath increased, she had just gotten her princess status, had just become an alicorn, had just started her training as a ruler.

‘I’m going to have to retire from ruling before even starting,

And I’m going to have to find another mare to become Princess of Friendship, not to mention alicorn.

And the window Celestia commissioned will have to be taken down, do I have the bits to pay her back for that?

And oh the statue Alexcanter Colter is carving of my friends and me, I have wings in that statue, I’ll have to send him a letter.

And my powers, will they go back to what they were before, will that be an issue? Will I get sick?

And and and,

Twilight thought as her wings twitched back to life, the blood flow returning back to her wing. The familiar feeling of pins and needles washed over as the nerves in her wings flared back to life, it was almost painful. ‘Annndddd I just slept on it wrong,’ "Aaaaaaa," Twilight whisper-yelled at her books, desiring to express her frustration without notifying any creature of why she was frustrated. Her face flushed with embarrassment, whispering to her books she said, “at least no one was here to see that.” She facehoofed in frustration."

Comments ( 28 )

:moustache: and Spike quietly watched it all as he munched a box of pop corn

This is delightful! I've done this exact same thing tbh and WebMD always says either I have cancer or I'm already dead no matter what the symptoms are.

Aces! Loved this story! I've done this sort of thing a few times!

IKR i have done it too!! XD always gives me death as well

I can definitely see this happening: Twilight being a hypochondriac over the most minor thing.

Thanks! I thought so too.

Her face flushed with embarrassment, whispering to her books she said, “at least no one was here to see that.” She facehoofed in frustration."

Sorry Twi, but even if no one in Equestria saw it, we did, and laughed!

We did and I am super glad it gave you a giggle ^u^

Another Twily Nana story and its good

thank you ^u^ yes twilly nana all up in this story

Always fun to search symptoms. Best results I’ve gotten were for feeling dizzy immediately after standing. Pretty sure there were at least two separate fatal brain conditions on that list.

No pins n needles?


Dang, personally give me anxiety like twilight in this story. Also wow, that is a crazy suggestion for just being dizzy.

I'm sorry?? I'm not sure what you mean, sorry ^u^

oh its uh, when a limb gets its circulation cut and falls asleep, and then gets blood flowing again, all the nerves that got numbed begin firing back up again and are hypersensitive to any touch which can be very uncomfortable, in a sensation that feels like pins and needles jabbing at your skin at every movement for a few minutes.

Sorry I should of clarified I know what it is I'm not sure what your comment means like over all? Do you think the phrase should be referenced or something? Or does it not sound like pins and needles enough??

He meant that he was surprised Twilight didn't seem to feel the nerves firing, just the blood flow.

OOOOO i see! That makes so much sense. Thank you!! I should prolly add that in!

Sorry for all the miscommunications, (I added it in) ^u^

And THEN Twilight got a clot and then it went into her brain and she died.

And after another impromptu visit to the Astral Plane, she was plopped back with 2 MORE wings! :twilightoops:

It was that understanding that led her to complete a spell previously thought to be impossible to complete. Through that action alone she became Princess of Friendship as well as alicorn.

Hold it. Twilight didn't get the title of Princess of Friendship until Season 4's finale. Not in Season 3's. She only got the title of Princess Twilight.

I'm sorry but I dont remember if that's right or not. If you are I'm will to change what needs to be changed. But unfortunately my memory is very bad and I just dont know. I can through it into AU until I find an answer if you think that would be best.

Its 100% show canon that Twilight didn't get the Princess of Friendship title until Season 4's finale. Giving it to her now wouldn't really work to make this story an AU.

Yes, you were right which is why I changed it to AU since it goes against cannon, I honestly am so poor at writing I don't know how to go back and fix it so it fits with the cannon. I'll play around with the writing a bit and give it my best shot. I'll also take it out of AU since you said it doesn't fit there. I'm very new to all this.

It was that understanding that led her to complete a spell previously thought to be impossible to complete. Through that action alone she became Princess as well as alicorn.

there is the new wording i hope its better maybe

Her OCD did interfere with the time traveling spell, which created a bootstrap paradox. Since it is already established that her OCD can interfere with magic in creative ways: she could mess up the return to flesh from the astral plane too :D
It may be a bit more dramatic to accidentally return without any wings because the forgot....

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