• Published 23rd Sep 2020
  • 6,136 Views, 310 Comments

Red's Looking Sus - Calex Winteridge

I don't know about you man, but Twilight said he vented in Library.

  • ...

I was busy doing my tasks.

Twilight would immediately give chase after the book thief that slipped out of the library with her precious tome in it's tiny thieving hands. When she reached the set of doors that the yellow creature had exited from she wasted no time and quickly flung them open with her magic, while she yet again increased the brightness of the lantern so that it could illuminate more space in front of her.

But it would become immediately obvious to her that she didn't need to use the lantern anymore.

The hallway that connected the Library and bunch of other rooms to the rest of the castle was already perfectly lit from one end to the other. Every nook and cranny was cast in perfect white light that made everything seem opaque and washed out in comparison to its normal day-to-day brightness. This sudden change in light would blind the Alicorn as she gasped and shielded her eyes with her wings while she adjusted to the sparkling walls of her Crystal Palace. They had never sparkled this brightly before, and Twilight was sure of that as she winced and groaned.

She would recall back to the first day she stepped hoof in here, back when the castle first sprouted up from the ground, and even then the crystals weren't this bright. Something was obviously different about the lighting in this hallway, it was just too bright. And on top of that she could have sworn she snuffed out all the lights to the castle before making her way to the library. There should be no reason these lights were on, except maybe her little yellow thief turned them on, but why would it do that?

Twilight thought to her herself that maybe she could have forgotten to turn out the lights to this hallway when she entered the library earlier this evening, after all she was excited to get down to reading, maybe she simply ignored it. And maybe the lights really weren't as bright as she first thought. Maybe it was just her eyes playing tricks on her. After all she was going from one extreme, which was a dimly-lit library to another extreme, which was basically staring at the surface of the sun. This change in light exposure was the equivalent of being flashbanged, just without the ear deafening ringing.

But as she fumbled and stumbled forth to the closest wall, she would slowly but surely re-expose her pupils to the light once more, this time at a more manageable pace so that she didn't burn her retinas out. And soon enough, she could see just fine, but what she saw confused her.

This overbearing light didn't come from any wall mounted torches or something similar of that magnitude. Instead the light came from overhead ceiling lamps which buzzed lightly as they emitted their glow. Twilight had never seen these lamps before until just now, in fact she was sure that these lights didn't exist a couple hours ago. She didn't notice them when she walked to the library the many times she needed to today, or even after the sun went down before her, "Twilight Time," which means these were recently built within the past two hours, which was impossible to her.

Something Fishy was going on and Twilight was going to get to the bottom of it.

Using her magic to close the doors behind her, and to snuff out the lantern, she began to trot forward down the hall. Twilight placed the lantern on a near by table which stood beside a closed door to her right, she didn't need it anymore, especially if the rest of the castle was lit up like this. She trotted on while looking up at the newly-installed ceiling lights, puzzled by their sudden appearance.

"How could these ceiling lamps be installed so quickly, and what power source are they running off of, and why didn't I hear them being installed from the library, and why in Celestia do I need these to begin with!? They are entirely too bright and the wall torches were just fine! Does Starlight have something to do with this? Did she mention she was doing this? I don't think so... I don't remember her saying anything," Twilight mumbled out loud to herself as she trotted down the corridor passing locked room after locked room.

As she came close to the other set of doors at opposite end of the hallway, Twilight would glance down to her left as something caught her eye again, much like earlier with her book thief.

There crouching on its knees while it's hands reach into a circuit panel, was another one of those bipedal creatures. This one was white in color and over top it's protective suit, it wore a dirty blue mechanics outfit along with a yellow hardhat that sat slightly ajar a top it's head. Twilight would grind her trot to a halt as she looked down at the little creature in confusion and surprise, while it paid her no mind as it tended to its task at hand.

The task in question required the creature to install new wires to a damaged gap in the panel so that the power could flow freely from one end to the other. The task at its core was very simple, or at least simple to most intelligent life forms, which Twilight would soon realize that this, whatever it was, wasn't exactly the most qualified for the job. Zapping noises could be heard as the wires stretched and connected from point 'A' to point 'B' signifying that the wires were still live, which to anyone's health was extremely dangerous and excruciatingly painful for any bystanders near by to watch. Because with one false finger placement it's all over for the little guy.

It was also hard to watch because on top of it ignoring basic safety protocols, and despite the individual looking like a professional, it kept wiring the wires to the incorrect spots, even though the wires were color coated and it was clear where wires were meant to go. Twilight at first wondered what it was doing as she looked over it's shoulder curiously, attempting not to make a sound as to not disturb it. But upon figuring out what it was meant to do, she just sat back and watched it work. But as minutes on end went by and nothing seemed to change except the bipeds increasing frustration, and possibly even sadness at the fact it couldn't figure this out, Twilights patience grew thin.

Twilight groaned in annoyance as she stood up from her haunches and stepped over to the biped. She used her hoof to gently tap on it's shoulders so she could get it's attention.

"Uhm... Do you... Need help?" Twilight asked to the white electrician.

In response the biped looked up at her as it manifested a few comically large sweat drops down the side of its head, on the outside of its protective suit. It's glass dome then slowly glanced over at the panel, before it quickly snapped back over to her. It then nodded very slowly in an embarrassed manner.

Twilight sighed in response, "Right... Okay so, the red wire needs to go with the red wire, and, the yellow wire needs to go with the yellow wire, and so on and so forth... Just match the colors that's all your supposed to do," She explained to it in a very slowly and methodical way as to not confuse it further.

The white figure looked at the panel, it's glass dome glanced around it as it tried to understand what she was getting at. Twilight hoped that the electrician understood what it was supposed to do now, as explaining it again in greater detail would probably be harder than her just doing the task for it.

Unfortunately Twilights hoping got her nowhere. Because as the white figure reached its hand into the electrical panel again, it immediately grabbed a hold of the exposed copper wiring on the red wire and shocked itself. The current that was flowing through the wire at the time had been extremely high, because the moment it touched the wire it immediately jolted up off the floor and into the air and began flashing on and off like a light bulb in a cartoonish way, before its upper half exploded in a squall of gore while making a loud popping sound.

Blood. Sprayed. Everywhere. It sprayed all over the floor, all over the walls, all over the circuit panel, but mostly all over Twilight. It covered her face, neck, chest, front legs, and Hooves completely like a thin coat of paint. It dripped off from her onto the ground while she stood there completely shock, her mouth agape at what she just witnessed. She felt like she was going to puke after watching this horrible accident, but at the same time she was more surprised that its body reacted that way to begin with. The rest of its stubby now torso-less body laid on the ground while a single solitary bone jutted out from its remains, which to Twilight seemed biologically flawed. She should have definitely been able to see more of its skeleton than just one bone. But then again she didn't know what these things were, so that could just be their anatomy. One bone surrounded by a meaty bean body, incased in a suit.

But at the moment she wasn't exactly thinking about it's Anatomy. She was still speechless and emotionally frozen because her mind was still trying to get over the fact that she watched this thing died in front of her.

She just didn't know what to say, on one hoof a part of her knew that something like that was eventually going to happen if the creature continued to play with fire the way it was. But on the other hoof maybe, she should have explained the process of linking colored wires together in greater detail. But at the same time how could she have done that? The only way for her to have done that was for her to just do the task herself.

Maybe that's what she needed to do from now on to prevent these things from killing themselves in horrible ways. Maybe she would just need to do the task herself to keep them safe. This was her Mission, this was her goal, this is what she must do to preserve these little astronauts...

And she would do it!

And it started with completing this wiring task which, because of her superior intelligence she managed to do in only a couple seconds flat. Shutting the panel and stepping away from it, including over the body of the fallen creature, she ran away from it like greased lighting to the nearest restroom to clean the blood off her body as best she could. She hunched over the porcelain sink and turned the water on full. She grimaced as she watched the red liquid flow down the sink drain, but it also felt good knowing that the death of her electrician friend had been avenged.

She dried her coat with a nearby hand towel and stepped out of the bathroom, just in time to see another one of these bipeds, this time it was red, walking through the double doors from the rest of the castle. It gave her a wave which looked friendly at first, before it looked down to the body. The figure then audibly gasped at the sight of his fallen comrade and looked back to Twilight with a pointing accusing finger. It then quickly pointed back to the body then back at her again. This happened a couple times before Twilight realized what it was trying to get at.

"Wait! No no no no no! I can explain!" Twilight exclaimed as she knew where this was headed, but it was too late.

The red creature seemed to manifest a megaphone from behind its back and broadcasted something loud and clear all across the castle for everyone to hear.