• Published 23rd Sep 2020
  • 6,143 Views, 310 Comments

Red's Looking Sus - Calex Winteridge

I don't know about you man, but Twilight said he vented in Library.

  • ...


Twilight was suddenly whisked away from the over exposed hallway, to a cafeteria that she didn't recognize. She found herself sitting on a bench surrounded by more colored figures. They were all the colors of the spectrum and they wore such strange clothing over top their suits. Some wore tuxedos and top hats, others wore combat fatigues and helmets. They were quite the interesting bunch Twilight thought to herself. Such differences between them yet, they all looked the same in the end, minus colors and apparel. Twilight tried to look around for the one in charge but she couldn't tell who it was or if there was even somepony in charge to begin with. She was about to ask, but she couldn't do that either because as soon as they all got seated, they began yelling at each other.

And for once, Twilight could understand them.



"Wjere? ... Where?*"


"Where was the body found?"

"Hallway near Library."

"Where? ... Oh. Nevermind."

The voices sounded off one after the other as the hands of these figures begin moving about as if to accentuate their talking. They began pointing and gesturing to one another while they spoke.

"What happened?"

"Someone died Green."

"Oh. How do you know that!?"

"Because I'm the one who reported the body, and it said dead body reported across all our visors! And by the way, it's Purple.

"I don't know man that's kinda sus... How do we know you didn't self report?"

"Because I walked into the hallway, and I saw Purple next to Whites body!"

"Was anybody else in the area to verify your claims?"

"W-Well no but-"

"See!? That's sus!! Why weren't you traveling with a buddy!?"


And thus the arguing ensued. Twilight really wasn't sure what to do at this point, so she just stayed quiet and watched these... things, verbally assault one another while their hands flew into the air, and slammed down onto the cafeteria table causing silver wear and glasses to jump into the air, spilling drinks and causing a mess.

This was truly chaos.

"Why the FUCK was Pink following me?"

"Because Cyan, I wanted to make sure you didn't die!"

"Why don't you want Pink following you?"

"I work alone! And how do I know Pink isn't the imposter?"

"Because I saw them dump the trash off the balcony! That's a visual task!"

"Bullshit I want proof!"

"What the hell do you mean PROOF!? We don't carry CAMERAS AROUND!!"

Twilights eyes glanced around the table. These guys were tearing themselves apart limb from limb with their words, and yet she remained quiet. If she was being honest with herself, there was really nothing she could add to the matter that would help the situation in any way. If anything she would just make it worse, so she stayed quiet still. But when her eyes crossed Yellow, her thief, she saw the book. It was sitting beside Yellow on it's seat, the top of its cover just barely cresting over the surface of the table.

Suddenly her eyes lit up as she got a brilliant idea, if she could just get that book and escape this cafeteria and somehow manage to find the way back to her library she might be able to continue her studying in peace without these creatures bothering her anymore. Hopefully, if she got back to her library and locked the door she would be able to isolate herself from this madness and it would eventually go away.

Things do tend to do that around here as of late... So she figured this was no different.

So that was her plan, it was a very simple one and it had many holes in it but, it was the only plan she had. Twilight had considered yet again trying to mediate in between the many different figures at the table but she figured that would be a bigger headache than it was worth. So her book re-snatching mission was a go, and now would be an excellent time to do it, as the blue figure pulled out a handgun and started threatening the brown one with it whilst pointing at the pink one. Of course Twilight didn't know what a handgun was but the way the blue one was using it to threaten it's colleague didn't exactly look friendly, and she figured it was only a matter of time before the barrel was pointed at her.


"HOLY SHIT!! Where did you get a GUN!?"


"Oh yeah? Well, I'm American and I don't have a gun."

"Do you live in California?"

"Yeah why?"

"That explains it..."

She needed to make a distraction and she needed to make one quick. She figured walking around the table to get the book was out of the question, so she would need to go under the table in order to have a chance at grabbing it. But how was she supposed to slip away if everybody was arguing with each other?

Wait... Everybody was arguing with each other... That's it! Twilight would lean over to the figure sitting next to her as she pointed over at the blue one with her hoof.

"H-Hey uh, Black. Doesn't it seem suspicious that blue as a weapon with them? Maybe Blue is the murderer?" She gently murmured over to it.

The black-figure put its hand to where she figured it's chin was and would begin to rub it suspiciously.

"Yeaaah... That is a bit sus... You've got a good point Purple..." Black would then begin arguing with blue over that reason. She would then turn over to the figure on the other side of her to get them talking too, if she was going to make a big enough distraction she needed to make sure everybody was arguing with each other.

"Hey uhm... Orange! I think Yellow has some good points, but... uh... they were near Red when Red found the body. Pretty suspicious riiight?" The orange figure would hum for a moment as it thought about the implications of what she was trying to get at. Then it began to nod their head.

"Hey yeah, that's a good point, and every time I've seen Yellow doing tasks, the taskbar doesn't go up!" Hey Yellow! How come every time I see you doing tasks the task bar doesn't go up!?" The Orange one was now locked in conflict Yellow.

Now was her chance... everybody was arguing with everyone. They were pointing fingers, waving their hands about, and threatening each other with varying degrees of violence. And while she was against what they were doing, she just really wanted to get out of here with her book and herself in one piece.

So while the arguing got louder, and Orange was about to reach over the table and punch Yellow for insulting his mother, Twilight slipped beneath the table, and began low crawling under the aggressors above her. It was a lot quieter down here than it was up there but Twilight could still hear the bickering as if she were still up above.



Twilight was doing her best to try and ignore the constant screaming from above as she got closer to her book. She would have gladly flipped the table over minutes ago and have set these creatures straight with a friendship lesson or two, if she had the patience to do so. But right now she just wanted to go back to studying. Plus, she didn't think it would do them any good.

For the first time in her life, the toxicity of this group surpassed Twilights ability to want to help reform them. Now that was a feat of epic proportions, and all they had to do was argue.

Twilight was now inches from her book as she slowly dragged herself across the linoleum floor of this cafeteria. Using her magic she gently levitated it off the seat and under the table with her. She looked at the cover of the book, and quickly flip through the pages just to make sure her precious tome hadn't received any serious damage while out of her care. And much to her Joy it had not. So now with her book held Aloft by her magic she turned around and headed back towards her seat. Of course she had no intention of sitting back at the cafeteria table, she wanted to get the heck out of here.

So as she reached her seat, she sneaked over top of it as to not make too much noise and would continue to low crawl away from the group, and slowly towards the nearest door that might lead her back to her Library. She could see the electronic double doors that would lead her to her freedom just feet away from her, she was so close to getting out of here she could taste it.

She was so close in fact that one of the crewmates looked over and saw her. It was Yellow, and once it realized she had its book, it immediately stood up in it's seat and pointed over towards her.

"HEY!! PURPLES GOT THE BOOK!! PURPLES TRYING TO STEAL IT!! GET THEM!!" Twilight fearing the worst, screamed in pure horror that she had been found out, and sprinted out the doors. She rushed out of the cafeteria as the sound of foot falls begin pounding the deck behind her.

"Oh sweet Celestia save me! It's my book for crying out loud! I just wanted some ME time! Where did you all even come from to begin with!?" She exclaimed as she continued to Gallop at full speed down the hallway.

Luckily she recognized where she was, it was the hallway that led to the royal banquette dining hall, which meant that her royal crystal décor, had been replaced with a mundane looking lunchroom. And while normally this would be a slap in the face to her, at the moment she didn't really care about that. For when a shot rang out from behind her, as a bullet whizzed by her head, only thing she could think about right now was making it out of here alive with all her limbs still attached to her body.