• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 1,678 Views, 22 Comments

Bounty Hunter Anon - Sunny Solaire

Anonymous and Sunset Shimmer are Mandalorian bounty hunters in the Star Wars galaxy.

  • ...

The Pursuit

You grin under your helmet as you mark Adagio. "Well aren't I the lucky one?" You zoom out and stand up, both her and Fizzle are highlighted on your HUD. You activate your comms. "Sunset, I found her."

There's a slight pause before she replies. "Who? Fizzle?"

"Both him, and Adagio. They're here at the arena right now." You continue watching Adagio's movements.

"She's the priority, Anon." Sunset reminds you. "If you can get Fizzle too, great. Just make sure you get her."

"Don't worry, I know." You reply. "She's surrounded by guards. Warm up the ship, and be ready in case I need you. This could escalate real quick."

You turn off your comms and take a deep breath before leaping off the edge of the building, going into free fall for a few seconds as your altitude drops. Before you pick up too much speed, you activate your jetpack and fly across the gap between the two buildings. After a few seconds of flying, you land on the walkway just curving around the building right next to the arena. The landing was a bit harder than you intended it to be, but you shake it off and start jogging toward the arena.

A few bystanders stare and point as you proceed, no doubt eyeing your jetpack. You either run past them or shove them out of your way as you move toward the arena. No time for manners.

As you approach the entrance, you slow down to a brisk walk, trying to look as casual as you can as you head inside. There's a big crowd of people waiting in line to see a pit fight against two Rancors. It looks like a championship series.

Your HUD has marked and is still tracking both Fizzle and Adagio inside this building. It will continue to do so until they get out of your range, or you manually shut it off. Fizzle is in a line conversing with a few others close to you, and Adagio's marker is on the next floor up. You're standing directly beneath her location.

On your right, you walk towards some stairs leading up to the second story bar and head up. This room is crowded with patrons, all of them laughing, drinking, passing around death sticks and getting ready to watch the fight. The perimeter of this room is surrounded by armed security guards.

Acting casual, you follow Adagio's marker through the crowd of people, making sure to move both discreetly and quickly until finally, you spot her. She's dressed in a skimpy two-piece outfit, and she's doing a little dance for some rich-looking human male, who is currently holding a drink, and seems to be having the time of his life. She gives a sexy dance move and hands him a death stick, which he happily accepts. Looks like your hunch was right. Adagio is the one dealing the death sticks around the city.

You could go right in, capture her now and fight your way out, but that could be risky with her as cargo. She could get hit, and she's no good to you dead.

That's one option. The other is you could play with her for a bit and have some fun. Maybe get a chase going on. It would make it easier to kill her security escort. She wouldn't be in the way as much if she's sending them after you.

The latter option sounds more appealing. It's been a long night, and you're bored. You could use a bit of excitement.

You remove your helmet and hold it under your arm. Leaning up against a handrail with a smirk on your face, you make sure you are standing behind the man she's dancing for, so you're within her line of sight. All you need to do now is wait for her to spot you.

After a few sultry turns, spins, and twerks, she faces her client, getting a quick glance at you while she does. She does a double-take at you, and her smile slowly fades as you stare at each other. You just sit there, your smirk never fading as you continue to look into her eyes.

As she stares at you, her client starts slurring at her. "Hey! Hey, gorgeous! Why'd ya stop?!" She ignores him and slowly tenses up. Now that she's alert, you give her a sinister grin. Her eyes go wide open with horror.

Suddenly, she bolts off in the opposite direction toward the back door. You whip your helmet back on and book it right behind her. She angrily points at you and screams at two nearby security guards. "Kill him! Kill that bounty hunter!"

The guards to your left and right raise their blasters at you. "Stop!"

In one motion, you remove your blaster pistol from your hip holster and shoot the guard on your left in the chest. He immediately goes down and the other guard shoots at you once. He misses, and you shoot back at him, hitting him in the face and killing him instantly.

As he goes down, the room explodes in a frenzy of panic and screaming. A few guards from behind you make their way toward you, but you ignore them as you proceed after Adagio. The panicked bystanders should distract them long enough to buy you time. You vault over a railing and onto one of the stages. A few other dancer girls who were once using it are now running away from you or cowering in fear as you run past them and head back to the changing room after Adagio.

She reaches the back door and runs through it into the next hallway. You're just seconds behind her. She turns her head to look at you as she runs, her eyes filled with anger and fear. If she could see your face under your helmet, she'd be even angrier at the fact that you're smiling right now. This part of the job is always so much fun.

She faces forward and continues down the hallway as fast as she can. You shoot a few blasts at her left and right, intentionally missing in hopes of scaring her enough to make her trip. She shrieks in terror as your blaster fire hits the floor and walls around her, but continues running. "Leave me alone!"

She makes a left down another hallway and heads straight into a group of her guards. You slow your pace and she turns around as she reaches the middle of the group, using them as shields.

"I'm going to my speeder!" She points at you. "Triple pay to whoever kills him!"

You growl under your breath and ready the blaster rifle on your back, watching her continue down the hall and heading outside. The guards around her all face and charge you. A few of them begin firing.

You spray blasterfire back into the crowd, hitting a few of them in the process. Some of them go down. In turn, a few of their blaster bolts hit you as well. Your armor is strong enough to prevent any significant harm, but even Beskar won't protect you forever. Especially under this much fire.

You activate your jetpack and fly over the crowd, still returning fire. Now that you're an aerial target, you are much harder to hit, and nearly every one of their bolts misses you. You fly directly over them and, using your non-firing hand, you grab one of your thermal detonators and arm it. You drop it into the bulk of the crowd as you fly over them. They start yelling as you land behind them and run after Adagio again. Just as the door closes behind you, you feel and hear the explosion on the other side.

You're now in a public space, somewhere in the rear of the building. A few bystanders are here and looking at you in fear and confusion. They likely heard the explosion. You look around for Adagio's marker on your HUD. She's running around a corner to your left down a corridor labeled 'Parking'.

"Oh no you don't..." You grit your teeth and continue your pursuit.

As you round the same corner, you see her frantically pressing buttons on a terminal and pounding on the thick glass door in front of her. She's locked in. "Come on! COME ON! LET ME OUT!"

You grin and slow your pace, your blaster rifle at the ready. "Quit running, Adagio. You're done."

She whips around to face you and presses her back against the door. Panting heavily, she backs up further against the door, as if doing so will cause it to magically unlock. "Stay back, Mandalorian... I'm... I'm warning you."

You ignore her command. "Empty threats won't do you any good. Just come along quietly."

She scowls and reaches up to a red jewel that's around her neck and touches it, causing it to glow. Then, she shrieks. "NEVEEEEEEEEERRR!!!"

Adagio screams at you louder than anything you've ever heard before in your life. The volume and intensity makes you instinctively try to cover your ears over your helmet, and you drop your blaster rifle in the process, but of course, covering your ears is impossible right now. You cry out in agony and drop to your knees as the entire world around you is drowned out by the sound of her intense shriek. The glass door behind her shatters into pieces as a result. You fall over and writhe on the ground as her shriek continues for a few more seconds.

Finally, she stops and you're left with this horrible ringing in your ears. You open your eyes to see that Adagio is gone. Your HUD indicates that she's just outside and getting further away.

'How the hell did she do that?!' You think to yourself. You shakily stand back up, grab your blaster rifle and head outside to the parking lot after her. Your ears are going to be ringing for a while, you can already tell.

On your left, you see her making her way towards a long black speeder that's parked on the opposite side of the lot. It looks like a nice ride. Playtime's over though.

You activate your helmet's targeting system and lock on to it. A second later, you press a button on your gauntlet, and the short-range missile on your jetpack launches into the air and heads straight for it. Adagio skids to a stop as the missile screams past her and explodes into the speeder. The shockwave from the explosion sends her flying backwards and she lands on her back a few feet away. As the fire from the explosion rises into the air, she flinches and curls into a ball.

You press a button on your gauntlet and send a signal to Sunset before you launch yourself into the air and fly over to Adagio. She uncurls herself from her ball and stares at the explosion in horror. She then looks up to you as you descend right in front of her.

Once you land, you take a few steps toward her, your rifle aimed between her eyes the whole time. She pants and starts to reach up to the jewel around her neck again, but before she reaches it, you fire at her left arm and she cries out in pain.

"Oh no, you aren't doing that again..." You growl.

She grabs her injured arm tight and tears start to flow down her cheeks. She stares up at you, her eyes brimming with hatred. When you reach her, you stoop down to grab the jewel around her neck and yank it off.

"No! That's mine!" She protests.

You stand up and hold the jewel in your hand. Adagio grabs your leg and starts hitting you. In return, you turn your rifle around and hit her on the head, just hard enough to bruise. She cries out again and falls backwards.

You point your rifle at her head again. "Don't move, Adagio. Or else I'll blast your other arm."

She starts sniffling and whimpering. "Y-You... You bastard..." She looks up at you with that same spiteful look.

You shrug. "In this galaxy, you have to do whatever it takes to make a living." You put away your rifle and grab a non-lethal tranquilizer dart from your belt. "You give out deadly drugs, and I capture people like you. That's my job." You load the dart in your wrist-bound dartcaster and aim it at her neck. "This is nothing personal, it's just business." You fire it right into her neck.

She gasps and goes tense for a second or two before her eyes flutter and her body starts to go totally limp. Her breathing slows and she slumps over onto her side.

You just look at her for a few moments and sigh. "About damn time." You open your palm and look at her jewel that you took. You're going to have to check it out more thoroughly later, but for now, you put it away and turn on your comms. "Sunset, we are now 20,000 credits richer."

Sunset cheers on the other end. "Great job, Anon!"

You grin as she talks. You love it when she's this happy. "Where are you?" You ask.

Just as you say that, you hear the familiar rumbling of your ship. You turn around to see it rise up from below the edge of the building. Sunset is smiling at you from the pilot's seat. "Right here! Get her aboard and let's go cash her in."

"Oh, yes ma'am." You reply.

You grin and pick Adagio up, carrying her over your shoulder, but you remember that you had also marked Fizzle, so you turn around to check if you can still see him, but you don't. He's too far away now. The commotion you caused must have spooked him. Oh well. He was hardly worth your time anyway.

You head to your ship. It's hovering above the ground and the ramp has dropped. You step aboard and it closes behind you. When it's completely shut, you take Adagio to the cargo hold. The engines roar and the floor rumbles beneath your boots as Sunset takes off.

This ship isn't big enough to have an actual brig, so you had to make one. There was a cot behind a cage a bit smaller than a closet in the back corner of the cargo hold. It's cramped and uncomfortable, but that was kind of the point. The people you go after usually don't deserve five-star treatment.

You lay Adagio down on the cot and leave to grab an instant use medpack and a blanket for her when she wakes up. You return to treat her wounded arm that you had blasted before leaving her and closing the cage behind you. Once the cage is locked, you leave the cargo hold and make your way to the cockpit to join Sunset and sit down in the co-pilot seat next to her, sighing and feeling accomplished.

She looks over to you and smiles. "How you doing?"

You chuckle and smile back at her. "I'm doing much better now."

She chuckles and faces forward. "Well good. Imagine how you'll be feeling when we reach Hoity Toity's."

You grin at the thought. "20,000 credits." Sunset looks at you sternly. "Split 50/50, of course. Like always."

She smiles. "Just making sure."

You chuckle. "Aww, come on Sunset. You know I would never try to swindle you."

She giggles. "Yeah, I know. I just like to tease you."

You smile and look outside. You're almost out of the atmosphere. A few ships pass you as they both enter and leave Nar Shaddaa, but as you get further into space, traffic clears up. You set a course for Coruscant on the ship's navicomputer and lock it in. Sunset hits the throttle and the ship's hyperdrive blasts you off into lightspeed.

You stand up and stretch. "I'm going to go lay down for a bit. Try to sleep off the night a little.

Sunset looks up at you and smiles. "Sounds good."

You smile back and squeeze her shoulders. "You try and get some shuteye too, love."

She reaches up and squeezes your hand. "I'll try."

You release her and walk back to your room. Removing your armor and equipment, you lay down in your bed and shut your eyes. Despite almost going deaf, tonight was a great night.

Author's Note:

Adagio Dazzle: Wanted Alive