• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 372 Views, 14 Comments

MegaMare-X - Xujints the Water Horse

When an experiment goes arwy, Lyra finds herself lost in an twisted and ruined world. Donning experimental power armor, she fights to find her way home at any cost.

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Chapter 4: Black Crystal Bastion

It has been two days since LX had fought Adagio, and still she thought about it all. What made B-0n so different from the Mavericks she had fought thus far? What made Adagio so different? And why the sudden change of heart before she died? Things just weren’t adding up, and it puzzled the mare to no end. B-0n is strangely refusing to give her answers, and Twilight has none to begin with. If she wants to find the truth, she would have to find it on her own…

She was out on a mission now, so her time to think was limited. However, she still did find the time to experiment with the new Sonic Buster weapon she obtained from Adagio. A little tinkering with the microphone and LX got a new toy, able to throw out sound waves that rattle the internal circuitry of her targets. In addition to this loud projectile, LX’s Armor now sports a new color of purples and violets when the weapon was equipped. She had almost praised the armor for being able to camoflage with many of the crystal buildings here in the crystal empire, but for some odd reason the Mavericks still found her anyway. Perhaps this Chameleon Circuit broken.

Perhaps what was more surprising though was just how barren the city streets were. She had expected this city to be overrun with machines and metal, but instead it almost looked normal. Deserted, but normal. Almost as if technology didn't touch this place at all! If it weren’t for the robots, the freezing cold, or the lack of ponies, she might have confused this for the home.

As she passed by a storefront window, she imagined what it must have been like inside. Nice and warm, full of ponies eager to buy whatever was being sold that day. The same with a restaurant nearby. It could have been great, but now everything is frozen over and lifeless as the machines that infest this place.

As she takes out one Maverick that keeps trying to pelt her with heavy snowballs, she spots the cause of this horrible weather. Windegos? At this point, she could not tell really whether they were the real deal or if they were robot copies, but regardless they were a much more important threat than the crushers overhead and the ice sliders below.

Fighting through the slippery ice and rogues gallery of mavericks, she made her way to what seemed to be the city’s inner walls. No matter how big they were built, they would hardly protect against the weather controlling jerks circling above. Still, they were big enough to provide LX with plenty of height to take pot shots at them and get a good look at the town surrounding the castle, so that was something.

The Windegos were quick to engage her her as they tightened their circle formation, blowing large icicles and heavy winds her way to keep her at bay. Thanks to the leg upgrades she got the other day, she had little trouble getting up close and personal with them as they ran by before safely retreating back to the wall. With the Windegos banished by her 'heavy' artillery, LX breathed a sigh of relief and call in back to HQ, “Hey guys… You were right about the anomalous weather up here... Seems someone made weather controlling devices in this image of Windegos.”

Twilight on the other end was floored, “Windegos? Please tell me you took care of them?”

LX puffed out her chest, looking rather proud of herself as she slid gently down the wall she was latched onto, “Of course! A few good charge shots to the face can send anything packing. It’s even feeling a little warmer already, but… Only just. This ice doesn’t seem natural.”

Twilight could be heard humming in the other end before she speculated, “Perhaps the Windegos were not the cause of this horrible weather, but merely a contributing factor?”

LX Agreed, “I think so too… This of course would mean something even stronger than those machines is somewhere in the castle. I had better investigate.”

Twilight cautioned her, “Don’t forget what you came there for.”

The armored unicorn nodded, “The Dragon’s breath should be somewhere in the royal post office.”

“Stay safe!”

With that, LX resumed radio silence and began to scale the inner wall of the city once again, passing by a frozen over security outpost. Reaching the top, she took a moment to admire the buildings within. Like she expected from the place, there was yet another smaller town, likely where the aristocrats lived. And all above it all was that pointy castle towering high above it all. In truth, LX has not been to the Crystal Empire too much, but the longer she has been here, the more likely her joke about shattering crystal glasses with the Sonic Buster seemed more like an eventuality.

With a wide grin, she hopped down from her perch and slide down a roof top only to land on another one beside it. The ice here was even worse than before, making it even harder to keep her footing. Looking down, she saw a hazard she really hoped she wouldn’t have. Large… Pointy… Spikes…

Sure, they were made of ice, but that didn’t discourage the idea she should avoid them by sticking to the rooftops. Before she could recover from that sight however, she was attacked from behind by one of those smashers from before. Picking herself up off the ground, LX shot the flying maverick down with extreme prejudice, peppering it with holes, “Dang it…”

Before she could get ambushed by another, LX elected to move on, leaping over the spiked chasms below. As she drew nearer, LX saw what appears to be huge looking machines stockpiled around the castle’s main tower. Could this have been a last stand? Her movements slowed to a near crawl as she noticed strange bipedal lookig machines among the discarded weaponry, standing well above her head and looking pretty mighty. Mighty, and empty. Thank goodness it wasn't being piloted by a Maverick, as it very well could be a nightmare.

Climbing up to the cockpit, she radioed B-0n, “Hey Bonnie, what am I looking at here… It almost looks like a giant metal Minotaur without a head. Or neck…”

B-0n responded after a brief moment of radio silence, “In actuality, you are not too far off. That is what is known as a Mechataur. Originally developed for moving around heavy equipment and breaking stone, they were repurposed for combatting the Maverick threat. However, they were not successfully mass produced for that purpose until after the second outbreak. By then, it was already too late. The third outbreak took most of the machines across Equestria and they were not able to be rallied in time.”

LX’s expression soured, seeing the coming logic, “And it all went downhill from there as there would be more weapons than ponies to use them…”


As LX hopped up to the cockpit to examine it, she would ask, “There is one thing that has bothered me about all this… Where are all the bodies?”

B-0n went silent, and before long the connection between them was cut. Perhaps she did not even have the answer, again. Or maybe, she did not wish to say. Either way, LX still had work to do. Grimacing, she shimmied her way into the cockpit and the mechataur sprang to life, matching her movements as she flailed about inside. Graveful like a gazelle, she fell right onto her rump. Nice…

She stood up and brushed herself off. Looking over at the door leading inside the palace, LX shouts, “Knock knock!”

She drew back the machine’s large fist and pounded on the barricaded door, knocking it open after just two blows. Walking it inside, she felt that resonance striking her once again. Another capsule? She was almost ecstatic to find out what new research could possibly have been lying in wait here. But before she could look for it, she had to contend with a few Mavericks likewise piloting mechataurs of their own. Better in here than out there where the ice made it hard to manouver.

After a round of boxing or two, all that stood between her and the hunt for the capsule was few more barricades. This was by no means in the path she needed to go, as she already passed a corridor leading higher into the spire like castle. To her, it was unclear whether this was built up by Mavericks, or by the ponies who lived here. Either way, it was coming down as the resonance grew stronger. The far wall was sturdier than the front door from moments prior, but after what felt like minutes of punching, she managed to break through. Inside the hidden room, the whole back wall was covered with Ice and crystals! The beauty on display was staggering, and the sight of the capsule there told her just how valube this must be.

Climbing out of the mechataur, she used her magic to crack open the device and patched Twilight through, “Got another one for you Twilight, seeing anything?”

Just then, a Holo Twilight appeared within and said, “Thank you Lyra. I am downloading the research data now.”

Crossing her hooves, LX asked with a smirk on her face, “Got anything for me in there?”

“You presume much… Yes. I will let the Doctor explain this one. See you later.”


For a moment, the image of Holo Twilight became distorted. Immediately, they began speaking once more, but she understood the pony on the other end was just a recording. They were this world’s Twilight…

“I wish I didn’t have to do this, but recent pressures from the government have twisted my hooves. As of today, all our projects regarding reploid development are ceasing and we will begin production on weapons to combat the Maverick threat. They did not give me any details, but it would seem the outbreak is getting traction among the working class. If it spreads any further we could have riots on our hooves. For the sake of ERI- No, for the sake of Equestria, I plan to head to the Crystal Empire to study the ancient ways of magic to develop something that will make our equipment twice as efficient. Now as we look forward, we must be willing to look at the past. This Mysterious Kingdom has always had its secrets, but now they must be revealed.”

LX hummed softly as the recording ended. So this one was made during one of the outbreaks… Perhaps Twilight was able to find something here after all. Stepping into the capsule, she found out just what the Doctor had in mind of efficiency.

Once that was over and she stepped out of the thing, she did not immediately notice anything different. That is, until she opened up her HUD. It was there that she would notice the amount of magic charge set aside for the Sonic Buster had seemed to double! Perhaps now she could use it a little more liberally as she didn’t have to worry about using it all too soon.

With a smile, she looked at herself in a nearby reflection and notice she was now wearing a new helmet to match her leggings… Who would have thought white and gold would look so good with green... And other colors!

With a new and old smile on her face, she left the room behind and made her way to what twilight described as the floors of Tartarus. Noting all the ice clinging to everywhere, she think to herself that Tartarus had frozen over… still, nothing a little effort cannot overcome.

That is what she would have said had she not fallen down around five or so times. Thank Celestia the suit has imanct compensation, but she REALLY didn’t want to fall down again. Upon nearing the top however, she did so again... Though this time not due to any fault of her own. A voice called out and startled her, breaking her concentration, “Look at you… Another petty criminal trying to run away with stolen research. Was it not enough for you to assault so many to get here? Did you really have to steal C.A.D.A.N.C.E.’s research data too?”

Looking up, she saw a tall, dark, and Smokey figure standing where she was trying to go. This really was Tartarus…


Of course this place would be watched over by him… Wait, did she say her research data? Eyes narrowing, she would once again begin to climb up to him with a renewed vigor, “Listen bub, I don’t care who you are, or what job you used to have, you are in my way. So back off, or I will have to show you what I think about C.A.D.A.N.C.E.”

“So you would resist arrest? Very well. I await your futile efforts.”

With that, Sombra retreated into a side room and lefther to her work at scaling the tower. Not even the exhausting climb dampened her anger towards the Maverick. Storming through the heavy doors, she shouted at the tyrant, “Would it kill you to add some more stairs?”

Sombra laughed, “You mistake me for a foolish organic that would care for such trivial things. My lot in life is the safety of the Empire, not some silly pleasantries.”

LX growled, “Just shut up and fight me!”


With that, Sombra lept into the air and took aim at her. She wasn’t sure what sort of weapon would need a laser sight, but she knew she needed to move. Running about, she looked for an opening as she avoided the laser. Giving up on whatever it was he was doing, he instead fired out shards of ice from his body, showering the field with pointy projectiles.

Seeing none of them behind Sombra, LX slid underneath the maverick and fired upon his rear, “Nice try!”

Sombra barked, “Look again!”

LX gasped in surprise as dark crystals shot out of the ground, scratching her armor and knocking her away, causing her second volley to miss. How did he know she would step there? Shaking her head, she danced her way over to a nearby wall and perched herself upon it, but even that was not safe from the crystals. They jutted out of the walls, catching her off guard yet again and making her fall to the ground below.

Once again, she saw that laser making its way to her, and this time it would hit its mark. Almost immediately, her hooves were encased in crystal, trapping her on the ground. Now she understood what exactly it was for, he was targeting where the crystalswould show up! She struggled against her restraints as Sombra laughed, “As expected. Another troublesome organic put in their place. You should have surrendered peacefully, I might have been merciful!”

LX continued to fight against her restraints, even as jagged crystal daggers flew her way. Avoiding her armor, they cut at the exposed mesh suit underneath. Her armor integrity tanked as her minty green coat became exposed to the cold air. She cried out in pain Sombra relished in her suffering. However, the shaking of her hooves did give her an idea. Equipping the Sonic Buster, she fired at close range, causing the crystals around her to shatter.

Sombra was shocked, “what?”

LX stood tall, wiping some of the blood off her face and smiled, “Huh… I joked about shattering some crystal cups or something when I came here, but it looks like I have to settle for your little tricks, huh?"

The Maverick took a step back and threw more crystal daggers at her, “Stay back!”

Pressing the advance, LX would deftly dodge the daggers and fire the Sonic Buster in Sombra’s face. He screeched as his senses went haywire, sending him up halfway up the wall, “My ears!”

The armored mare danced about as crystal spikes tried to stab at her from below again, but they would not hit her this time… She leapt up on the wall and grabbed onto the Maverick, shoving her buster right up against his face and fired full blast repeatedly. She felt her whole arm vibrate as the sound traveled from the Buster and right into Sombra’s head.

This Maverick’s explosion was surprisingly satisfying. Unlike Adagio, she didn't feel bad for this guy in the slightest! Pocketing his crystal core, she continued her search for the Dragon’s breath.

Back at the main Lab, Lyra smiled and hand off both objects to Twilight for examination, “Got a few presents for ya Twi.”

Holo Twilight gestured to a workbench and say, “Just set it down over there. B-0n and I will look at it later. You go relax.”

Lyra pulled off her helmet and headed off for the med bay to get her wounds looked at. There, she found B-0n looking over some supplies thoughtfully. Sitting on the examination table, she asks, “Going over supplies again? Didn’t you do that yesterday?”

B-0n smiled weakly and say, “Yes… I tend to do that when I get stressed.”


Curious, Lyra pressed her for information, “What are you stressed about?”

Turning to her, B-0n looked the mare over and start disinfecting her minor injuries before they could become major ones, “I am sorry you had to see Sombra like that. He always was incredibly zealous about his job as a guard.”

Lyra winced as the disinfectant was pressed into her side, “Ah! I kind of guessed he was a guard of sorts… Ended up a tyrant as a Maverick.”

“Sombra was one of many protectors of the Empire, chief among them was C.A.D.A.N.C.E. Unlike her, he was left behind to watch over things when she joined the Hunters. He took his job seriously, and it became him when he turned Maverick.”

Lyra tilted her head, resting it upon a hoof as B-0n worked on patching her up, “What were you two like before you joined?”

“C.A.D.A.N.C.E. was a kind soul, always caring for her people, jumping into the fray wherever trouble came along. It was only natural she would be a Hunter. As for myself, when the first Maverick outbreak happened I gave up everything I was before to be upgraded to a disaster relief robot. My goal in life was always to help ponies. It only seemed fitting. During the second, I became a battle ready robot, but my programming from before remains.”

Lyra hummed, “C.A.D.A.N.C.E. was a powerhouse… A protector of the Empire she was. Do you think I will ever stand a chance against her?”

B-0n paused from her work briefly before saying, “That’s the thing with you organic. You get stronger every day. If you keep this up, you will be stronger than I am. And when that day happens, you will be the best Hunter ever…”

Best Hunter ever? That sounded appealing to her. Taking a deep breath, she resigned herself to being medically examined by her friend B-0n.

Author's Note:


Weapon- Ice Shard
Damage- 2 base, 4 weakness
Ammo- 24 energy
Obtained- Black Crystal Bastion
Info- Using the core memeory of Sombra, a snap freezing buster was developped for the Armor's VWS. By drawing in heat using the Buster as a heat sink, the air around the Buster supercools. This gathered cool air can then be fired upon targets like a normal shot and upon hitting a target applies a thin layer of frost that can slow down targets. Repeated shots can freeze a maverick's circuits and servos solid. The excess heat that radiates from the Buster between individual shots is expelled rapidly from the suit in the form of steam as to not damage the internal circuitry and the wearer.

Location Discovered- Black Crystal Bastion
Population- 698 Reploids, 698 Mavericks
Info- For a long time, the Crystal Empire was a kingdom shrouded in mystery. It had been kept safe by ancient magical wards for over a thousand years, but no spell lasts forever. About a hundred years ago the rest of Equestria had rediscovered the lost land and offered a peaceful alliance between Equestria and the Empire. The Elders were slow to reintegrate with the rest of pony kind, but the hearts of thier ponies longed to be united.

Ancient magics and lost technologies were shared between the kindgoms, leading to a new age of discovery. Technology rapidly developped the world over and more steadily the old ways of the Empire became just that, old, forgotten. There were still some that clung to the old ways, sorcerers whose magical prowess rivaled that of legends of old, but with the majority of unicorns masteirng technomancy, secrets of the arcane became less available.

When the Maverick outbreaks occurred, the first to face them were the old sorcerers, however thier power was too weak to handle the mechanical threat. And with the strongest defenders lost, and the new ones built to replace them turning against the Empire, the secrets of the past became buried under blackened crystal. The Heart of the Empire is now as cold as the ice surrounding the Empire.

Maybe now that the crystals that held the icy wheather here have been broken, Equestria can now feel the hot and cold winds of change.

Hunter's log
Hunter Class- N/A
Special Skill- Arrests
Status- Terminated
Background- Sombra made a name for himself in the first Maverick Outbreak by effectively encasing a fleeing Maverick in crystals. He was a rookie cop back then, but as things escalated and his ability to manipulate the crystals that naturally formed in the Crystal Empire increased, his rank in the guard improved. Unfotrunately, his increase in social standing did little to quench his desire to be number one in the Empire. He was always second to C.A.D.A.N.C.E., that is, until she had abandoned the empire to face off against Mavericks beyond their borders.

For the first time, Sombra had tasted what it was like to be in charge, to have everyone look to him for safety and guidance. However, this radical change lead to him eventually growing cocky and arrogant. He welcomed the Maverick threat, believing him and his 'superior' officers could take on all challenges. However, when he went Maverick himself, this left the ponies of the Empire completely defenseless, leaving Sombra to rule an empty kingdom.

There would be no question who is number one in the Empire. It was him and only him. Until he was dethroned that is...