• Published 29th Sep 2020
  • 372 Views, 14 Comments

MegaMare-X - Xujints the Water Horse

When an experiment goes arwy, Lyra finds herself lost in an twisted and ruined world. Donning experimental power armor, she fights to find her way home at any cost.

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Chapter 6: Blue Everfree Glades

Lyra yawned as she rubbed the sleep from her tired eyes, wondering why the heck she was disturbed from her sleep and called into the briefing room so late at night. Groggily, she stepped into the room and said in a rather confuzzled tone, “Hey… What’s up Doc?”

The hologram of Twilight materialized in the middle of the room and began apologizing profusely, “I am so sorry to wake you, but an anomaly has appeared in my scans of Equestria for the missing parts we need again.”

As Lyra lazily crossed her arms, sheasked, “What’s so important about this anomaly?”

Twilight pulled up a holo-map of Equestria that swiftly zoomed in on the Everfree Forest, “B-0n told me there was a power station nestled in the forest. She cited multiple incidents cropping up there over the past few months, and now that I have seen it for myself, I wonder if that has something to do with the power problem.”

“There is a problem with the power?”

The hologram nodded, “Yes. For the longest time, the station has been offline, and as a consequence many key locations around equestria are either out of power or are running on emergency power. We too are running on borrowed time. You rebooting the system with your magic may have kickstarted the backup generator, but if left alone, we will be in the dark before long.”

Seeming to understand, Lyra struck a pose and stated, “So you need me to check out the anomaly and restore power? Easy!”

Her pose faltered as she asked, “Where... Where is B-0n in all this?”

“B-0n is retrieving a few power couplings and other parts we will need. You just focus on investigating that anomaly.”

Sharpening her posture, Lyra sighed, “Alright! I’m ready… After five more minutes of beauty sleep!”

The armored mare laughed as Twilight snapped, “Get serious!”

Lyra waved her off and say, “I’m done. Sorry.”


Before Lyra could retort with another quip, she was warped off to parts unknown.

When LX touched ground, she found a very comforting sight underhoof. Sure, it was white as snow, but she could still make out the familiar shapes of grass. And the foliage of the trees above warmed her heart. It was good to see that there were still some forms of life somewhere…

But why was it so cold? Actually, now that she thought about it, it has been getting a little colder ever since she took out Sombra. Could the Frozen North’s weather be reaching down here? Or perhaps, is the weather returning to normal since the Windegos and Sombra were defeated?

Speculation aside, she could live with this. As long as she kept her face shielded and stayed dry, she should be fine in her insulated suit. With a quick look at her HUD, she found her bearings and started heading off in the direction of the power station. After all, she did have a mission to complete.

A peaceful walk through the forest without any killer robots trying to kill her did some good, but as the distant electrical towers grew closer she knew the pleasant sounds of snowy grass crinkling underhoof couldn’t last. Much like the grassy hills around Ponyville, nature gave way to cold steel and the distant sound of Mavericks grew closer.

Even the trees became metal, as they cleverly hid power lines amongst their metal foliage. Perhaps not clever enough, as she noted what appeared to be metal bats chewing through inactive lines and live ones alike. Knowing those had to connect somewhere, LX took aim and shot them down.

This however did lead to her getting chased around by a small swarm of bats. Just what she needed. That was when she ran into some more of those generic pony looking Mavericks. They were everywhere weren’t they? Sighing, she shot them all until they were but heaps of scrap. Fianally amoment to breath... Or not! Before she could get a moment to breathe, what seemed like a large spiked wheel ran her over.

Oh great! Now the very idea of the wheel is a Maverick? Will the wonders of this world ever cease? Still, it fell to pieces all the same. A few well placed buster shots and it was over. Dusting herself off, LX headed further into the metal forest.

Within, she found the pony bots have a new trick in store. These ones pulled out shields in an attempt to halt her progress while more of those wheels plowed through disrupting her shots. She couldn’t really tell what was more impressive, the shields that actually held back her shots, or the fact that the Mavericks seemed to be working together to slow her down?

Still, they were all just mooks in the end compared to the bosses that lay deep within everywhere she went… They all fell to her Buster just the same once she had an opening. It almost made her wonder if she were getting stronger, or if she was just getting used to fighting these guys? Perhaps both. B-0n did say she was shaping up nicely as a Hunter. This could just be a part of it.

If only she could say the same about platforming! Despite the Mavericks going down quickly, they sure did some decent traps. They used the broken wires effectively to guide her into even more battles. They even put up walls and broke the ladders leading up into the metal canopy and catwalks she could see above.

It took some time, and a few mechanical obstacles in her path, but she eventually did find a ladder that they seemed to have missed. Perhaps it’ll be easier to avoid the traps and Mavericks on the ground if she used the same catwalks they were using to get the drop on her. The metal trees seemed to only grow higher as she reached the first level.

Perhaps this was not going to be as simple as she expected. Despite being able to see the large control tower where the main power station was, it seems there was still plenty of ground left to cover. Adding to this, she nearly slipped off the ladder getting up here. Perhaps she shouldn't be on a precariously high catwalk that is covered in ice?

Looking back down where she came from, she saw a bunch of Mavericks crowding around the base of the ladder and destroying that one too. Of all the lousy… They were trapping her up here! Something about this didn't sit well with her. They were getting smarter!

If she didn't move, things were going to get even harder to walk around here. Even now, she would see more Wheels rolling along the catwalk. Taking a chance, LX hopped from this catwalk to another, held up by a nearby metal tree. Tree hopping with everything frozen was a bad idea, but sticking around would be an even worse one.

Up here in the canopy, a new threat made its presence known. Metal bugs… First trees, then bats, now bugs. Is there anything they didn’t try to replace here in this crazy world?

LX scoffed, dismissing the idea of there being something normal around here, “The ponies here flew too close to the sun…”

Speaking of the sun, she kind of wished it was here right about now. The full moon shone brilliantly as much as it did ominously over the Everfree. It was nice having some decent lighting, but she was hoping more for the warmth than anything else. Sure, the Empire was colder, but here it was unexpected.

Dang snow… Why did she have to go to the Empire before this?

Before she cursed the cold any further, she was attacked by another wheel. Getting fed up, she slowed it down with the ice shard weapon she had used against Chrysalis, giving her plenty of time to avoid it. Perhaps now was a good time to fight ice with even colder ice!

That was the idea until she slipped and fell right onto her rear, “Dang it…”

Getting back to her hooves, she carefully make her way closer towards the power station, never losing sight of her main goal as she climbed up to a higher spot. As she did so, she felt that familiar resonance hit her. Brow furrowing, she naturally questioned the absurdity of its location, “Here? Among the trees?”

In an alcove among a crystal cave used to power up the Buster? Made sense. Hidden behind a wall after being taken by Mavericks? Made sense! All the way up here among the metal trees? That didn’t make sense at all. It must be a trick, right?

Thoroughly puzzled, she continued along the path until she found the capsule hidden within a tree. Okay, less confusing… It's hidden just out of reach from common Mavericks. But who in their right mind would hide something like this inside a tree of all things?

Sighing, LX cracked it open and patched Twilight through. As she did so, she sat down beside the hefty metal trunk and said, “They better have a good reason for having this be here…”

Twilight smiled and say, “Hey Lyra! You are looking… Cool.”

The armored mare snorted, “I did not choose to be an ice queen. This ice life chose me.”

They shared a laugh briefly before Twilight gasped, “Whoa… The power drain from this capsule is enormous. How can one project take this much power?”

LX cocked her head to the side and asked, “One Project, is there only one thing in there?”

“Pretty much… That and this recording labeled 'Play me'. Perhaps it will explain?”

They both thought it would. In the capsule, a red earth pony in a hard hat would appear. It seems they were reading things off from a clipboard, “Alright, this is Jay Skuttles, commencing crystal weave test number 137.”

There was a pause for a moment before he droped his clipboard in surprise, “It worked? It worked! Twilight, it worked!”

Seeing an older pony prance like he did was rather entertaining, but she withheld her comments until after the recording was over.

“It’s about time we were able to get the crystal structure to meld with that new gold titanium alloy you were developing. Now, it should be twice as durable as normal, and offer much better protection against energy based weaponry… Yeah, I know the military won’t be happy about the power needed just to make one slab of it, but after the bonding process is done it’ll cost no extra power at all to keep around... Twilight, thanks for giving me this chance. You were right when you said we were going to do amazing things together all those years ago. Let’s go to present this to the others.”

And with that, the recording ended and Twilight returned, “A new alloy? Sounds like that will come in handy.”

LX nodded, “Could always use more protection… Better get in there before the capsule gives out.”

With that, Twilight vanished and let LX get inside. As the capsule closed, she found that this one was a lot louder than the others. Add in a strange tingling sensation all around her body, the whole experience was… Uncomfortable. Still, this was for the greater good, right?

Stumbling out of the capsule. LX notes the new look of her completed armor. White, gold, and green as far as the eye can see. She looked badass and felt just the same! Grinning widely, she stated resolutely, “Look out Mavericks, here comes the Ultimate Hunter!”

And with that declaration, LX-U was born. She was still going to be called LX, but it was a mental distinction that she wanted to make clear, both to herelf now and to Twilight later. This new armor set was so drastically different from the base armor that it did deserve its own codename.

Empowered, LX tore off once again through the trees, only occasionally stopping to shoot at a couple of stray Mavericks that dared try to stop the Hunter. Growing closer to the main tower where the power lines were coming from, the catwalks where she once found safety before leaping into the trees once again became prevalent.

They became wider and had some form of guard rails, so it made the choice between running along the trees and a stable platform that doesn’t have a chance was easy. All that stood between her and the source of the anomaly was a few more pony-like Mavericks and what appeared to be robots that traveled along the power lines above showering sparks down from above. LX had to take those out quickly before the whole catwalk became one big electrical hazard!

As she did so, she would find the sound of thunder out of the blue to become surprisingly frequent. This did not bode well by any means. At the base of the main tower and the power station beneath, she was about to hop down to the roof below when a lightning strike shattered the catwalk she was standing on.

She fell down hard, plowing through the roof below and into a dimly lit room. Standing up, she looked up to see a figure flying in, blocking the moonlight filtering into the room through the large hole she had made. Was that…?

A striking laugh could be heard as an Alicorn-like Maverick flew into the room, “We are sorry subject, but we do not take too kindly to those who trespass in our kingdom.”

LX did a spit take, “Nightmare Moon?”

Yes indeed, she saw a metal facsimile of the dark villain standing before her. Adagio aside, now it would seem that the rogues gallery of villains was complete. Chrysalis, Sombra, and now Nightmare Moon.

However, this one seemed surprisingly different. Like B-0n, they seemed a bit more ponylike, with only the occasional rusted metal bits sticking out. She looked ancient, regal, and yet somehow more advanced than the other robots around. Curious, LX asked, “Who are you, really?”

“Thou hast said it.”

She looked incredibly smug as she extended a very dangerous looking scythe out of her hoof, “We are Nightmare Moon. Protector of the night. Bringer of power. Terror to those who seek to steal it like thee.”

Oh great, another protector believing her to be a villain… Sighing, LX threw up a hoof and said, “Before we begin, can I just say one thing?”

Nightmare moon paused, staying her scythe, “As you wish… Speak thine last rites.”

LX pause briefly, letting some silence fill the air before asking, “What measure is a villain? Is it the guardian unwilling to lend their power to those that need it, or the pony willing to stand up against the odds and provide hope and light to the people? Who is the real thief?”

The Maverick seemed to ponder her words deeply before stating, “We cannot say. You are a Hunter, yes? And by defying you, I am considered a Maverick. There is no choice for either of us.”

LX sighed and raised her Buster hesitantly, “Are you sure?”

Roaring, Nightmare Moon flew forward and swung their scythe in a wide arc, leaving a trail of sparks behind as the armored mare narrowly avoided it. Firing back, LX shouts, “Maverick or not, this doesn't seem like you.”

Firing again, LX screamed as if it wouldn't fall upon deaf ears, “Drop the facade, it’s your choice to fight.”

Nightmare Moon withdrew and shielded herself with electricity as the charge shot connected with her. The shield burst, slamming against LX and nailed her against the wall as lightning crackled around the maverick, “I don't want to fight, but I’ll kill you if I have to.”

Shrugging the counter attack off, LX asks, "What are you fighting for?"

As Nightmare Moon attacked with her scythe again, LX lept up the wall and shouted, "Power? Fame? The ponies that are long since gone because of your selfishness?"

Leaping down from the wall, LX fired upon Nightmare Moon from behind, “If you don't want to fight me, then put down your arms. I will too if you do.”

The Maverick growled, “Why? Why do you care? We are enemies, aren't we?"

Suddenly, Nightmare Moon lurched forward and let out an explosion of electricity. Clearly she wasn't backing down, but something wasn't right. She went silent now, eriely so as she repeated her attack haphazardly. It was almost as if she wanted to be destroyed, overloading her circuits repeatedly.

Gritting her teeth, LX readied her Buster and equipped the caustic spray she got from Chrysalis. She was going to disable to bot by any means necessary…

LX echoed, “I don't want to fight, but I’ll kill you if I have to…”

As Nightmare Moon surged again, the armored mare countered by jumping back and throwing an overcharged glob of goo on the Maverick. Despite the acid rain, the Guardian continued to attack. Even as her rusty joins started to fall apart, they continued to fight. What drove her to this? Just a moment ago they had said they did not wish to fight, and now… She was fighting as if she…

Didn’t have a choice.

Brow furrowing, LX used a simple spray on the mare one final time, effectively dismantling her. Nightmare Moon could stand no longer. Could fight no longer… The flickering sparks of life in her eyes were fading. LX knelt beside her and asked, “Hey, Moon. Tell me, did you really believe I wouldn't stop fighting if you did?”

The Maverick shook her head, “All I wanted was for ponies to be able to enjoy the night free of darkness. But I stole it. I fought to protect it, even from those that needed it most. I am a failure."

“Pony, please, take me outside. I do not deserve it, but I wish to see the moon one last time.”

LX was torn by these events, but in the end would honor the request of the fading Maverick. Even if she had to drag her, she was going to get outside. With all her strength, LX carryed Nightmare Moon outside and propped her up against the cold metal wall, “There…”

“Thank you… Sit With me, please?”

LX once again obliged, “Of course.”

She sat down beside Nightmare Moon and watched as the moon moved overhead. Eventually, the dying Maverick asked, “What is your designation, brave pony?”

Thinking about it briefly, she answered calmy, “Lyra… But here I am known as Mega Mare LX.”

The other laughed, “You are Sixty? Has it really been that long since this started?”

Now LX laughed, waving a hoof dismissivly, “I am actually just X. The L is there for aesthetics.”

“Aesthetic… I can see it.”

Nightmare Moon laughed briefly before looking up at the moon and asking, “It’s a beautiful night, is it not? Despite all the fighting, all the destruction, the moon still shines down upon this undeserving land."

LX noded, “Yeah… It is beautiful.”

The Maverick grew silent shortly thereafter, uttering a short phrase as their head went low, “Lyra… I feel… Cold…”

Nightmare Moon was gone. Yet another Maverick was gone and she cared. Something was incredibly wrong with the Mavericks she had met. Beyond the killer ones, there was something really really wrong with them, and she cared! A crystal cop believing Mavericks and ponies to be swapped. A distraught star singing without a audience. An ancient protector fighting for reasons they cannot comprehend. The pieces were coming together, but the whole picture still eluded her.

LX, being a kinder mare than she really needed to be, closed the eyes of the Maverick before heading inside to reroute the power so that Equestria would one again have lights in the dark. Before she finally left however, she took Nightmare Moon’s broken scythe with her. Maybe she could get some use out of it?

Returning back to HQ, Lyra asked Twilight something before she could even greet her properly, “Twilight, are we sure we are doing the right thing by killing the Mavericks?”

Twilight paused in thought, hoof held up in the air looking mightily confused, “Uhhh… Huh?”

Lyra paced back and forth and said, “Sorry for springing that question on you so suddenlt, I just… Have a lot to think about. Here, this belonged to Nightmare Moon’s. "

Stopping her pacing, she handed off the broken scythe, still sparking with electricity, and wandered off to watch the moon as it glided accross the sky.

Author's Note:


Weapon- Lightning bit
Damage- 2 base, 4 weakness
Ammo- 22 Energy
Obtained- Blue Everfree Glades
Info- Using the core memeory of Nightmare Moon, an Tesla buster was developped for the Armor's VWS. In it's base form, a ball of concentrated plasma is fired from the buster. When it hits the ground, a target, or Lyra simply loses concetration, this ball of plasma releases it's energy in the form of lightning strike.

Due to the buster upgrade, Lyra can skip firing the buster altogether and can instead build upa great enough static charge that can at a moment's notice give a pony the worst frizzmane of thier life, or short cricuit machines in a short radious around her, interrupting thier current processes and in some cases forcing a reboot, if they can still do so at all. In some cases, Reploids may be unable to handle the sudden powerful shock and are destroyed.

Location Discovered- Blue Everfree Glades
Population- 321 Reploids, 321 Mavericks
Info- This forrest was once home to some of the few remaining mysteries left in Equestria after the Great expansion. Even now, with techology as far as it was, ponykind still had yet to uncover all of it's secrets. The Power plant housed there syphons off the mysterious energies naturally found in the Everfree and produces nearly half of the energy Equestria used on a daily basis by itself. Due to such rapid consumption and generation of power, the Power plant required speacial never-melt ice from the Crystal empire to remain cool, but said Ice was stolen during the first Maverick Outbreak and never returned.

In an attempt to cut off Maverick Production during the second outbreak, the main powerstation had been rerouted and even shut off a hoofful of times. In the end, connections with the rest of Equestria had almost comletely been severed and leaving all the power within the Glades themselves. If it weren't for the special surge protectors put there by Nightmare Moon, it is likely the Power Plant would have burned to the ground long ago.

Hunter's log
Nightmare Moon
Hunter Class- A
Special Skill- Energy production
Status- Terminated
Background- Nightmare Moon is a bit of an enigma among reploid kind, as her own internal memory suggests she was built long before others of her kind. Like Daybreaker and Di5c0rd, she was discovered on an expedition into the Everfree and powered on by a wary explorer. Upon awakening, she questioned the pony what year it was, as her internal sensors detected that a significant ammount of time had passed since her last activation.

With the world having passed her by in terms of time, and only just now catching up in terms of technology, she elected to aid ponykind in any way she could. For a time, she aided in developping Entertainment reploids, such as the Shadowbolts, and protector reploids, like Steven Magnet.

When the Maverick Outbreaks occurred, she signed herself up to fight on the front lines. Her masterful work with energy maniuplation and great strentgh quickly rose her up through the rankings. But all would not last however, as she too would become a Maverick, safegaurding her final charge to the bitter end. The Powerplant where she was found, would be her final resting place.

May her Spark flicker on in me...