• Published 10th Oct 2020
  • 921 Views, 1 Comments

Five Night's at Marshall's - Tidal Wave2

Marshall is working at a restaurant in Equestria, but during the night he's being haunted.

  • ...

A Terrifying Week


Marshall was awake in the middle of the night. He'd been awake for hours because he kept hearing noises outside of his room. The Dalmatian carried a flashlight so he could see. It was at this moment that Marshall heard something outside the right door. He moved to get out of bed, but his wobbly paws caused him to fall off and hit the wall.

"Ya'll wasted no time using that joke didn't you?" Asked the Panda animatronic under Marshall's bed.

"Um... no?" The Dalmatian answered. He walked over to the door and slowly peeked outside. "AAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Marshall screamed as he threw the flashlight at an animatronic owl, knocking it over. The pup then heard footsteps coming from the closet. He walked over to it and opened the door. A wolf animatronic roared, but was cut off when Marshall slammed the door shut. "Oh will this night ever end???" Suddenly, the alarm clock buzzed, signaling that it was 6 AM. The Dalmatian sighed in relief. "Well, time to go to work." Marshall started for the door, but halfway there he collapsed in exhaustion.


The restaurant Marshall was working at during his stay in Equestria was called: 'Pandory's Pan Pizza Palace'. Twilight was the boss because she wanted to see what other jobs were like for a while. The princess was currently on the phone with an unknown costumer.

"No, we don't do steak pizza." Twilight said. After the customer made a rude reply, Twilight decided to roast him. "Well, how about I 'steak' my horn up your ass!?" She said before hanging up. "Heh, steak sounds like 'stick'." That was when Marshall entered the building. "Marshall, you're an hour late."

"Sorry." The Dalmatian replied. "I couldn't get to sleep."

"Well I hope you'll be able to get well rested again. I worry about you sometimes." Twilight said. "Okay, today I need you to look at the generator in the basement."

"Sure thing Twilight." Marshall walked into the dining area and was greeted with the sight of ponies, dragons, griffins, etc, having fun and eating pizza. He walked pass some of the kids saying hello, then he saw Spike who was holding a plate with cake while facing a green colt.

"Do the roar." The colt said.

"What? No way kid. Get it out of your head." Spike responded.

"Do it."

"Did somebody say 'do it'?" A nearby stallion who looked like Darth Sidious asked. Spike ignored him and turned back to the colt.

"For the last time kid, I'm not Shrek!"

"Do the roar!" The colt continued to say. Spike groaned and turned to see Marshall.

"Marshall, help me out here. Do I look like Shrek to you?" Marshall just looked at Spike weirdly, and in his vision Shrek was where Spike was. "Well?" The dragon asked impatiently.

"Uh... you probably don't want me to answer that."

"Gee, thanks." Spike said with sarcasm. Marshall ignored him and walked into the backroom, shutting the door behind him. When he turned, he was face to face with a pony in a Pandory mask causing him to yelp in fright. Everyone in the restaurant turned to the backroom and just stared as crickets chirped in the background. Back in the backroom, the pony removed the mask revealing a certain pink mare.

"Oh jeez Marshall." Pinkie said. "Sorry if I frightened you."

"Uh, no biggie." Marshall replied. "Um, I have to go look at the generator."

"Okie Dokie Lokie." Marshall walked pass Pinkie and went down the stairs. After a few minutes, he found the generator.

"Alright, now to fix this thing." The Dalmatian took a close look at it. "Hmmm... This would probably be easier if I even knew anything about generators. That's more of Rocky's thing." Marshall reached for a lever, but accidently pressed a small button next to it. 'ACTIVATING SELF DESTRUCK INICIATION SEQUENCE!' The generator's computer said. "WHY AM I SO CLUMSY!?!?" Marshall asked before 3 Sonic Heroes Plushies appeared.

"Never thought it'd actually self-destruct!"

"It's blown to pieces."

"Wonder why it self-destructed."

"YOU THREE ARE NO HELP!!!" Marshall yelled. Suddenly, Pinkie hopped in.

"Here Marshy, let me give you a hoof." The mare pressed the buttons in a certain order, fixing the generator. Later, they were both back upstairs. "You know, it makes me wonder why of all people, Twilight asked a pup who's clumsy to work on a silly generator."

"Uh, yeah." Marshall responded. "I-I have to tell you something, Pinkie. I-I keep seeing these robots in my house and they're trying to-"

"Well, my job's done!" Pinkie said smiling. "See ya!" Marshall had a look as if he'd been slapped in the face.


Back at his house, Marshall was sitting bed, worrying about the robots. He tried to convince himself that everything would be okay.

"Maybe tonight will be different." The Dalmatian told himself. "Maybe nothing will happen. I mean I'm not crazy." Suddenly, a plush sized panda robot jumped out from under the bed and onto Marshall. "AH, AH, GET OFF ME! GET OFF ME!" He threw the panda across the room, knocking it out. The Dalmatian started to sweat as he opened the right door, only to see the panda and owl animatronics from last night kissing. The two turned to him.

"Hey. Do you mind?" The panda said.

"Oh. Sorry." Marshall replied with a nervous grin. He walked back into his room and saw a muffin sitting a few feet from him. 'You can handle a muffin. You can handle a muffin. You can handle a muffin. I mean, it's only small right?' Marshall thought as he picked it up. The muffin didn't move. "Oh, heh. It's actually just a muffin. Heh, I thought there'd be something wro-" The muffin roared making Marshall yell.


"Again with the steak pizza. What the Hell is wrong with you." Marshall saw that Twilight was on the phone again as he walked in. "If you ring again, you'll be making a huge mis'steak'!" She hung up. "Heh. The steak has steaken."

"Hey Twilight. Anything for today?"

"Yes, I need you to clean the latrines." Marshall looked at Twilight with a face that said 'What the Hell ya talkin bout?' "The toilets, Marshall." Twilight emphasized. "I need you to clean the toilets." Marshall nodded before going to the dining area, but when he entered, the only ones who were there were Spike and some fat stallion.

"Hey Spike," Marshall started. "Where is everyone?"

"There's a parade on in town. But with a them like SCP's, I don't think they're gonna have a great time." As they spoke, Yona was in the middle of an empty street running from a SCP-939 robot.

"YONA DOESN'T LIKE THIS AT AALLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!" Back at the restaurant, Marshall pointed to the stallion.

"So this guy's the only one here?"

"Yeah, but he's not buying anything." Spike answered. "He just keeps asking about some toad."

"Duh where my toady?"

"I don't have your fucking toad!"

"Well, I'm off to clean the latrines." Marshall said.

"You're gonna clean food?" Spike asked in confusion.

"That's quazen, not latrine." Marshall walked to the restrooms and grabbed some cleaner when one of the stalls opened. "Oh, sorry! I didn't realize we had other-" but then, a wolf animatronic came out of the stall and ran out of the bathroom. Marshall then heard the robot screech.

"AH! Oh, jeez Wolfy. Quit trying to scare me." Spike said.

Okay, on to NIGHT THREE-


"SHUT UP!!!" Spike yelled.

Okay then, NIGHT THR-




Back at his house, Marshall decided to hide from the robots by pretending to be a stuffed animal. He sat in the pile of stuffed toys and was almost confident he could sleep there. While Marshall hid, a spider robot came crawling into his room making static noises. The pup didn't move.

'As long as they don't see me, I'll be fine. Just don't move. Just don't move. Just don't move. Just don't move.' "JUST DON'T MOVE!" The Dalmatian accidently blurted out, causing the spider robot to turn in his direction. "Oh I hate being the clumsy one." The spider was about to pounce onto the pup when... "H-Hey, do you have the song 'Pup Pup Boogie' on that thing?" The spider pressed one of its buttons, playing the song. "Thanks." The spider nodded, then charged. "AAAAHHHHHH!!!!"


"Hello?" Twilight said as she picked up the phone. "Quit calling about steak pizza! It will never be on the menu!" Twilight paused. "AND I RAN OUT OF PUNS!!!" She hung up the phone and saw Marshall walking by. "Marshall!" The Dalmatian flinched at his named being shouted.

"Yes Twilight?"

"You're on phone duty today, I'm out of here!" Twilight said in anger.


"I CAN'T TAKE THIS FUCKING GUY ALWAYS ON ABOUT STEAK PIZZA!!!" Twilight was clearly pissed off, so Marshall decided to just do what she said.

"Um... ok." Marshall sat behind the desk and waited for the phone to ring.

"Hey Marshall, I need some more flour, we ran out." Marshall turned to see Sweetie Belle at the Dinning area entrance.

"Sweetie Belle? You work here?"

"Yeah, I'm the cook."

"Well, that explains why the food is so bad." Marshall said smirking. Sweetie Belle just glared at the pup.

"You won't be coming to our next crusade." Sweetie Belle said before leaving the room. After a few seconds, the phone rang.

"Yellow?" Marshall answered, listening to the caller. "Nope, sorry sir. We don't offer that kind of pizza." The caller speaks. "No, I mean we don't have it." The caller speaks again. "What don't you get about 'We don't have it'?" The caller mumbled questioningly, and Marshall smirked during his next words. "Well for one thing, a steak pizza wouldn't even 'meat' anyone's expectations."

"GODDAMNIT!!! WHY DIDN'T I THINK OF THAT ONE!?!?!?!?" Twilight yelled.


"Okay, I can't go on living like this." Marshall said sitting in bed. "I can't get any sleep, and I almost die every night!" The pup began to think. How can he prevent the demonic robots from coming into his room? It was then that Marshall decided to barricade the doors. He got a bathtub and filled it up with many different kinds of books, then he pushed it to his right door. "Okay, that's one less door to worry about." The pup began to push his dresser to block the other door, and when he was halfway done, he noticed a purple flash behind him. Marshall turned to see Twilight with her forehooves on the tub.

"I'll be taking this." Twilight said before lighting up her horn and teleporting away with the tub. Marshall just stared at that spot with his left eye twitching. It was then that a animatronic beaver came through the now unblocked door.

"No! Bad beaver!" Marshall tried to move the dresser so he could escape through the other door, but he couldn't. "DARN YOU TWILI-AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!"


Marshall entered the pizzeria with a pissed look on his face. He had his mind set on chewing Twilight out for what she did last night. Both literally and verbally. But when he entered, Twilight wasn't at her desk. Marshall decided to ask Spike where she was and entered the dining area. He soon found Spike next to Pirate Cove, eating pizza with toppings that appeared to be rubies.

"Hey Spike, where's Twilight?"

"I'm not to sure." Spike answered. "She rang up earlier and took the day off. Something about a bathtub full of books or something. Whatever it was, she was very excited."

"Well last night, she left me for dead." Marshall said in anger. "There are killer animatronics in my house, and she just left me to die!"

"Marshall, are you feeling okay?" Spike asked, thinking something was wrong with the pup.


"Okay, I'll tell you what." Spike offered. "I'll come to your house tonight and you'll see it's all in your head."

"Okay. I'll feel better once someone sees."

"But in the mean time," Spike began. "you're gonna have to clean the ever leveens."

"That's latrines."





"Poliiiiiiiiiiice!" Spike laughed.

"Close enough." Marshall said.


That night, Spike came to Marshall's house like he said he would. Marshall was checking outside the bedroom.

"Marshall," Spike began. "I've been here for 2 hours and nothing's even happened."

"It happens at Midnight, Spike. It's only 11."

"Well, good thing we moved the TV in here." Later, Spike and Marshall were playing Mortal Kombat X. Spike turned to look at the clock. "Hey Spike, look. It's 2am. Guess it was nothing after all."

"What!?" Marshall turned and saw the time. "Oh no!" The Dalmatian turned back to Spike and gasped.

"What?" Behind Spike, was a golden panda animatronic and it grabbed him. "Woah! What the?" It threw Spike into the wall knocking him out.

"SPIKE... the dragon." Marshall said before the panda attacked him. "AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH-" Suddenly, he woke up in a hospital bed, surrounded by his friends.

"Guys, he's awake!" Spike said.

"W-What happened?"

"You were in a coma, Marshall." Chase said. "A few days ago, Rainbow Dash lost her temper and bucked a gas canister. It exploded."

"Oh, so it was just a dream? Hmmm." Marshall said. Later, back at the restaurant, Twilight was talking to Skye.

"So, it was Garble who kept calling about steak pizza?" Twilight asked. "But why?" Skye was silent for a moment.

"I don't freaking know! Happy Halloween everyone!"

Comments ( 1 )

I remember being hyped for Five nights at Marshall's before it was canned

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