• Published 7th Sep 2012
  • 2,865 Views, 31 Comments

Pinkie π - FanNotANerd

Twilight attempts to explain the concept of pi to Pinkie. She doesn't get it.

  • ...

Pie. Or is it pi?

With a heavy sigh, Twilight looked away from the heavy calculus textbook at her hooves, directing her attention back at the blackboard. It looked like it was going to be one of those days.

Yawning, she picked up a stub of chalk with magic and went back to the equation on the board, struggling to make sense of it. To an untrained eye, it looked to be mostly composed of malevolent hieroglyphics. To a trained eye, it was a hideous mess of partial derivatives, trigonometric identities, and obscure integral applications.

In short, it was a mathematician’s worst nightmare. And it was crucial for the magical theorem Twilight was attempting to prove.

After a moment’s pause, she scrawled a few lines on the board, and erased them a moment later. She’d been repeating that exact process for what felt like months, even though it was only a few hours.

Shaking her head in resignation, Twilight dropped the chalk and sat down on the floor. “I don’t believe this,” she muttered to herself. “One equation. One stupid equation, and I can work out most of the kinks in elemental transmutation!”

She pounded a hoof on the floor in an ill-tempered fit, glaring at the blackboard. The derivatives were all correct. She couldn’t think of any other identities to break down. All the variables were there…

“Agh!” she snarled, throwing her hooves in the air and returning to the textbook. It was more force of habit than anything else; the textbook had ceased being useful almost three derivations before. After all, she was effectively in uncharted territory.

Twilight flipped through a few of the pages, naïvely hoping a solution would magically appear. Evidently, whatever unknowable being governed what appeared in books and what didn’t was content to let her suffer, and filled the pages with the same theorems and identities that she’d been going through for the last several hours.

She glared at the board, grabbing the piece of chalk again. “Maybe if I try…” she mumbled to herself, scribbling again. A minute later, it actually looked like she was getting somewhere. Fighting back a surge of elation, she started on another line of calculations – at which point the pathetic little stub of chalk gave up on existence and snapped.

Biting back a stream of obscenities, Twilight stomped to her desk and fished out a previously new package of chalk. Spike had just bought it that morning, and so she was quite surprised to find it empty. She glanced back to the blackboard, noticing for the first time the dozens of lumps of chalk scattered on the floor.

Maybe I should take a break, she thought numbly. Had Spike not been out picking up a book order, he probably would have been bugging her to take one hours ago.

Twilight glanced back at the board. Almost instantly, the numbers and letters began to swim in a hypnotizing dance. With an immense effort, she tore her eyes away and shook her head. Yeah. Definitely break time.

She had just settled down with a mug of tea and a watercress sandwich when a strident knock sounded at the door.

Twilight gave her sandwich a longing glance, but finally relented. If someone was knocking while the library was clearly marked “Closed”, it was either one of her friends, Spike, or somepony with something more important than a request for directions.

She made her way to the door, flattening her ears when the knock came again. “I’m coming!” she called.

She swung the door open, expecting to be greeted by Spike, a tower of books in his arms.

Instead, she got an empty street.

Twilight poked her head out the door and looked around, frowning. Probably some fillies playing “Ding dong dash”, she thought to herself as she swung the door closed. Now maybe she could get back to her –

“Boo!” Pinkie shouted as she turned around.

“Gah!” Twilight screamed, backpedaling furiously and slamming into the door.

Pinkie Pie fell backwards, kicking at the air, barely able to talk through her laughter. “You… you should’ve seen the look on your face, Twilight! I was all ‘booo!’ And you were all ‘Waah!’ Ha ha ha!”

“Har har,” Twilight replied sarcastically. A small part of her wondered how the pink pony had gotten in without her noticing, but then realized it was Pinkie Pie. Logic didn’t necessarily apply to her. “Did you need something, Pinkie? Or did you just want to scare me?”

Pinkie stood back up and pouted. “Now what’s gotten you so frowny-wowny? It’s a beautiful day outside! You should be happy!”

Twilight winced. I guess I was a little harsh there. “Sorry, Pinkie. It’s just that I’ve been working on something all day, and it’s not going well.”

Pinkie perked up. “You’re working on something? Where is it? Can I see? Maybe I can help!”

Twilight got a chuckle out of that. “Pinkie, I’m working on advanced magical theory. I don’t think you can be of much help.”

“Well, how do you know that?” Pinkie shot back. “I can be good at advancing theorial magic!”

“That’s not what I said,” Twilight replied lamely, but Pinkie had already darted into the library’s rotunda.

“Is this it?” she asked, peering at the blackboard.

Twilight let out a tired sigh. “Yes, that’s it. I’ve been working on it all day, but I just can’t get past this final – what are you doing?”

“Vuh fock’s muffed!” Pinkie mumbled around the stub of chalk in her mouth, continuing to write on the board.


Pinkie dropped the chalk. “The chalk’s smudged! That ‘s’ looking thing was supposed to be an eight! That’s why you couldn’t get any further!”

Twilight gaped at the board. “Wha…I don’t…”

“See?” Pinkie said, picking up the chalk again and scribbling down a few more lines of calculations, finally arriving at a neat, simplified function. “Is that what you were trying to do?”

Twilight scanned the calculations. Every one of them was perfect. In fact, it looked like Pinkie had proved an entirely unrelated theorem in her solution! “How did… the… uwaa…” she sputtered.

Pinkie clapped her hooves together. “Whee! That was fun! Do you have any more?”

The unicorn finally found her voice. “Pinkie, how do you know this? I could barely even–”

“Muffin button,” Pinkie cut in.

Twilight blinked. A dull grinding sound could almost be heard from inside her head. “What?”

Pinkie turned away and began flipping through Twilight’s discarded calculus textbook. “Are there any more of those in here? I know! Maybe we can make a game out of it! Like Monopoly, or checkers!”

I don’t even want to know how that works, Twilight thought to herself. She turned back to the blackboard and used the temporary respite to examine Pinkie's solution. Everything checked out, but complex mathematics liked being deceiving. Twilight had lost count of the number of times she'd arrived at a solution that appeared to work out, but was actually meaningless. And now that she thought about it, there was something odd about the final few lines...

“What’s this?” Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight blinked, her suspicions forgotten. "What's what?"

"This!" Pinkie said, slapping her hoof in the center of the page. “That squiggly thing!”

Letting out a heavy sigh, Twilight pushed her hoof aside and scanned the page, which was filled with trigonometric ratios in radian notation. Squiggly thing, squiggly thing… wait, does she mean the pi symbol?

“You mean this?” she asked, casting a simple Glow spell to illuminate the character in question.

“Yeah, that!” Pinkie said. “That looks like a table that someone drew wrong! I mean, it has to be drawn wrong, because who would build a table with a wobbly surface? Unless it was in a funhouse. But doesn’t that have mirrors? Maybe it’s a funhouse mirror tipped on its side!”

“I… what?” Twilight sputtered. “No! It’s not that at all. It’s pi.”

Pinkie gasped. “Pie? I love pie! There’s nothing I like better! I mean it’s even in my name! I’d eat it all day if I could. Cherry and blueberry and strawberry rhubarb… my favourite pie’s chocolate cream, because it’s so sweet, but Mrs. Cake doesn’t like it. She says it’s too sweet, and if I eat too much then I’ll get a toothache, but that's silly because I eat cake and cookies and things all the time when she's not looking, and I don't feel anything.”

Twilight blinked a couple times as her mind struggled to work through the jumble of words it had just been assailed with.

“No, Pinkie,” she finally managed. “It’s not the kind of pie you eat. It’s… it’s just pi! I don’t need to explain it!”

Pinkie cocked her head, confused. “Wait, so it’s pie, but it’s not the pie you eat? What kind of pie don’t you eat? Isn’t that what it’s for?”

“No! Not that kind of pie!” Twilight snapped. “It’s like… the area of a circle! You know that?”

The pink pony blinked, dumbfounded.

“Pi times the radius squared?” Twilight said weakly.

Understanding blossomed on Pinkie’s face. “Oh! Now it makes sense!”

Twilight sighed in relief. “Good. I’m glad you underst–”

“The book’s talking about square pies! That’s what you meant about it not being a pie! Because a square pie would just be a... what would that be? Not a cake, not brownies, either…”

“No! It’s not talking about pie! It’s not talking about baked goods at all!”

Pinkie frowned. “But you keep talking about pie. Why would you talk about pie if it’s not?”

“Because it isn’t!” Twilight snapped. “Pi is a number! It’s an irrational constant equaling approximately three-point-one-four-one-five-nine-two-six-five-three-five-nine–”

“Silly Twilight!” Pinkie cut in. “Pie can’t be a number! Pie’s something you eat. Like cake. Or candy!”

Twilight blinked, dumbfounded. “How could you – you know – solve that…” She waved a hoof at the blackboard, “… Without even knowing what pi is?”

“I know what pie is!” Pinkie retorted. “Pie is a pastry dough that covers and/or completely contains some kind of filling!”

Twilight closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath through her nose. Her entire being wanted to leap back with some sort of retort, but she knew that wasn’t going to go anywhere. It was time for a different approach. “Yes, Pinkie,” she said evenly. “It is. But this pie is different.”

Pinkie perked up. “A different kind of pie? Really? I thought there was just one kind!”

Nodding, Twilight continued. “For instance, this one isn’t spelled P – I – E. It’s just P – I.”

Pinkie frowned. “That’s a silly way to spell pie.”

“It is, isn’t it?” Twilight replied. “But that’s okay, because it’s from a different language. It just happens to be pronounced the same way as normal pie.”

Pinkie bounced on her hooves. “So what’s so different about this kind of pie?”

“Well, it’s not a baked good, for one thing,” Twilight continued in the same slow, even tone. Am I dreaming or something? This is actually working! “It’s a number. A very special number.”

The pink pony sucked in a lungful of air. “And it’s special because it’s the number that represents pie!” she blurted.

“Yes,” Twilight said, before her mind caught up. “Wait, what? No! It’s not–”

“I guessed it ri-ight!” Pinkie sang, bouncing around the stricken unicorn. “I guessed it ri-ight!”

Twilight ground her teeth together, fighting the red veil that seemed determined to creep over her vision.

“Do you have any other funny symbols?” Pinkie asked, flipping around in the textbook. “I mean, if I’d known pie was in math, I would’ve actually paid attention in that class!”

That did it. “Pie isn’t in math!” Twilight yelled. “It has nothing to do with math! Nothing!”

Pinkie frowned. “But you just said–”

“I know what I said!” Twilight snarled. “Forget that! Forget everything I told you today! It’s easier to show you, anyway.” She glanced around, searching for a scrap of parchment or something – and then her eyes alighted on the blackboard. Perfect.

“Twilight,” Pinkie asked as the unicorn grabbed an eraser with magic and began wiping the complex computations off the board. “What are you doing?”

“I’m showing you,” she growled, scribbling several lines of formulas of increasing complexity on the board. “See? Here’s the method that Archimaredes used to derive p… the number represented by that funny symbol you saw.”

“Uh, Twilight?”

“See, it all has to do with circles. You can represent the radius mathematically, using a simple function, but it’s difficult to represent the circumference. So what you have to do is–”


“What?” Twilight snapped, flinging down the chalk.

Pinkie flinched. “That stuff on the board. Wasn’t that… you know… important?”

Twilight blinked. “What stu–” Her eyes widened.

She spun back toward the board, gazing in horror at what she’d done. Every line of calculations had been erased to make room for that stupid, useless derivation of pi. Hours of research, headache and exhaustive computation had been reduced to a few smudges on the board.

“It’s gone,” she whispered. “It’s all gone. Everything.”

Pinkie shifted awkwardly. “Did you remember any of it?”

Twilight brightened. “Yes! I saw the final function! I should be able to…” She trailed off as she began scribbling at the bottom of the board. A moment later, the chalk’s frenzied movement slowed, and an expression of uncertainty crossed Twilight’s face. “Or was it… no, there could have been… was it that?”

Finally, she let out a defeated howl and sank back on her haunches. “I can’t remember it! I can’t remember the formula! I’m going to have to re-derive it from scratch! I’m going to…” She glanced toward the textbook, feeling faint. “I’m going to… have to do it all… all over again…”

Her eyes rolled up in her head, and she collapsed on the floor.

Pinkie froze, hooves still outstretched. “Twilight?” she asked, her voice shrill with panic.

No response.

The pink pony swallowed. “Okay. Don’t worry, Twilight! I know CPR! Just stay calm, and I’ll–”

One of Twilight’s bloodshot eyes snapped open and focused on Pinkie. “Get out,” she growled.

Pinkie cocked her head to the side. “No, you’re doing it wrong! See, I’m supposed to save you!”

GET OUT!” Twilight screamed, thrusting a hoof toward the door.

The pink pony took a step back, uncertainty flashing across her face. “What do you mean?” she asked, her voice quavering.

“It means I want you out of my library!” Twilight snarled.

The wounded expression that appeared on Pinkie’s face could have reduced a statue to tears. “Nopony’s ever told me to leave before,” she choked. Without waiting for a response, she turned and ran out the door, sobbing.

“Pinkie…” Twilight said halfheartedly, reaching out with a hoof, her rage vanishing as quickly as it had come. Great. Not only had she just lost an entire day’s work, she’d just driven away one of her best friends.

Muttering a couple choice obscenities, she kicked the door closed and glared at her chalkboard, now cluttered with a derivation of pi. Stupid pi, she thought ill-temperedly. Why the hay do you have to sound so much like pie?

Twilight let out a heavy sigh and stepped toward the blackboard, picking up the eraser with magic. After erasing the first line of calculations, she suddenly stopped and frowned at the blackboard. I wonder if…

An instant later, her nose was buried in the textbook, and a fresh piece of chalk was scribbling wildly on the board. No wonder she couldn’t make the calculation work! The fact that Pinkie managed it was irrelevant; it was Pinkie, after all. She’d been using the “golden ratio”, phi, as her exponential base. If she replaced it with pi instead…

Twilight dropped the chalk, dumbfounded. It all worked. It worked out perfectly. The original equation that she’d erased appeared to work, but the constants were all wrong! That equation was useless!

I don’t believe it, she thought. If Pinkie hadn’t made me erase it… I would’ve made a complete fool out of myself! I’d be a laughingstock!

With shaking hooves, she pulled out a fresh sheet of parchment and copied the calculations down. As soon as the ink had dried, she jammed it into a filing cabinet and raced out the door.

She had a friend to win back.


The bell over the door let out a quiet tinkle as Twilight raced into Sugarcube Corner. “Is Pinkie here?” she asked breathlessly.

Mrs. Cake jumped and glanced up from her newspaper. “Oh, hello Twilight!” she said a moment later, smiling warmly. She glanced upstairs, her expression becoming more somber. “Pinkie’s here, but… well, maybe now’s not the best time. She ran in just bawling her eyes out, and locked herself in her room. Now she’s refusing to talk to anyone.”

Twilight swallowed hard. “Oh,” she said quietly, glancing around the store. Luckily, it was near the end of the day, and they were the only ponies in there.

“Tell you what,” Mrs. Cake replied. “Why don’t you just wait here for a bit? I’ll see if I can’t coax her down. In the meantime, why don’t you have a slice of pie?”

Twilight blinked. “Mrs. Cake, that’s really not necessary.”

“Oh, no, I insist,” the earth pony replied, trotting over to an empty table with a plate balanced on her back. “Between you and me, it’s a new recipe, and none of us have tasted it yet. Usually, we have Pinkie do it, but…” She shrugged and deposited the plate on the table.

Twilight glanced down at the slice of pie before her. Pie, she thought bemusedly. That’s what got me into this whole mess.

Well, there was no point turning down free pie. She picked up a fork and took a bite. To be honest, it wasn’t bad. Some sort of tart flavor that she couldn’t identify… gooseberry, perhaps? Whatever it was, she was sure Pinkie would hate it.

With that thought came another stab of guilt. What am I doing? she thought. I just threw my best friend out of the library, and now I’m just sitting here eating pie? What’s wrong with me?

Twilight slammed down the fork and strode purposefully toward the stairs. “Mrs. Cake?” she called. “Don’t worry about Pinkie. I’ll talk to her myse…”

Her voice trailed off as she saw Pinkie appear from around the corner. More alarmingly, her hair seemed to have lost most of its puffiness. “Oh.”

Pinkie glared at her with bloodshot eyes. “What do you want?” she grumbled.

Mrs. Cake glanced worriedly between the two. “Well, um… I’ll just leave you two alone.”

Pinkie said nothing until the earth pony had retreated down the stairs. “You’ve got a lot of nerve, coming back here,” she finally snarled.

Twilight winced. She’d had an apology prepared, but now that it was time to deliver it, her tongue had frozen. “Pinkie, I…”

“You what? Did you just come here to throw me out again? Is kicking me out of your library not enough?”

“The equation!” Twilight blurted. “The one I erased! It was useless anyway!”

“Why should I care?” Pinkie snapped, closing the distance between them. “It’s your stupid equation.”

Twilight took a step back, feeling her rump impact the wall. “Well… uh…”

Pinkie turned away. “If you’re going to apologize, don’t bother. I don’t want to hear it.”


“La la la la la! Can’t hear you!”

Twilight hung her head. “I know you’re upset. You have every right to be. I had no right to throw you out like that. But I don’t want to lose a friendship over something as silly as a math equation!”

Pinkie said nothing.

Twilight bit her lip. “I guess all I can say now is… I’m sorry. I really am.”

Immediately, Pinkie’s mane inflated back to its usual mess. “Well, why didn’t you say so?” she said, spinning to meet
Twilight’s shocked gaze.

“Wait, what? You forgive me?” Twilight stammered. “Just like that?”

“Well, duh, Pinkie replied. “I mean, you came over to apologize! If you’d really meant what you said earlier, you wouldn’t have done that!”

Twilight blinked. “I… well, I guess that makes sense.”

“Of course it makes sense. I said it, didn’t I?”

Before Twilight could respond, Pinkie had grabbed her in a crushing hug. “Friends?” Pinkie asked.

“Friends,” Twilight gasped. “Now can you please… let go?”

Pinkie laughed. “Aw, come on. You don’t need to breathe. Well, I guess you do. This one time, I tried to hold my breath for as long as I could, but I passed out after about ten minutes and when I woke up there were all these bright lights and wires and machines and ponies in masks…”


“Oh. Sorry.” The pink pony released her friend and stepped back, beaming. “I’m just happy we got this all fixed up! And after something as silly as a constant mathy thing!”

Twilight frowned. "A constant... what?"

Pinkie cocked her head. “That pi thing you were talking about! You know what that gave me an idea for? I’m going to bake a pie, then cut every slice at an angle of exactly one radian! Then I can have pi pieces of pie!” She licked her lips. “I can almost taste the math!”

For an instant, Twilight's brain started to go through the suicidal motions of deciphering Pinkie's statement, but wisely decided against it a moment later. "You do that," she finally said.

Dear Princess Celestia,

There are times when you think that you have to do something yourself, just because nopony else understands what you're doing. But sometimes, you can get help from somepony who... well, who doesn't even know what pi is. Even though she somehow managed to solve an advanced quantum equation.

You know, I'm not even sure that Pinkie didn't understand what I was talking about. I'm almost convinced she was just messing with me. Trying to make me arrive at the proper solution myself... ah, what am I talking about? I'm sure it's just Pinkie being Pinkie.

Your faithful student,
Twilight Sparkle

Spike frowned, looking up from the letter. "I don't know, Twilight. Are you sure you want me to send this? It seems really..."

"Confused?" Twilight cut in.

"Yeah," Spike replied cautiously.

Sighing, Twilight plucked the parchment from his claw with magic. "That's what I thought, too." Her magic quickly tore the parchment into pieces and flicked them into the wastebasket.

'What was all this about, anyway?" Spike asked. "I mean... you really haven't told me anything."

"Oh, it was nothing. Pinkie barged in while I was working on that derivation, and I ended up trying to teach her what pi was."

Spike frowned. "Isn't it like a pastry thing with fruit filling?"

Twilight quickly faced away, in order to hide her rapidly twitching eye. "Yes, Spike. Yes it is."

Comments ( 31 )

Now I want 3.141592 pies. And that's terrible.

Story's good though. I laughed despite having a severe dislike of mathematics. Poor Twilight... :pinkiehappy:

So, what Twilight was doing with all these fancy math'matics after all? :rainbowderp:

Next.... Applejack V Chaos Theory

Take all the randomness contained inside a human, remove all hateful, evil, vile, cruel etc. thoughts and aspects of the "randomness". Replace said thoughts and aspects with child-like wonder, naivete and happiness etc. Stir gently, praise smooze, stir randomly for Pi seconds then spill: Voila! A pseudo Pinkie Pie.

Maybe she could bake a pie in the shape of π.

In the next thrilling chapter, Twilight attempts to explain to Pinkie the concept of i

Strike that. Pinkie Pie is the definition of i.

This is a remarkable story. I like it.

Good job, I like it, keep writing. And breathing. But you don't need to breath, do you? Well, you do... :pinkiehappy:

Dammit, Pinkie:facehoof:

Ha, Pinkie knew how to get exactly pi pieces of pie, so she must have known about pi all along. Or at least radians, and there's no point in knowing about radians without pi.

The only question now is: what does pi have to do with elemental transmutation?

Pinkie laughed. “Aw, come on. You don’t need to breathe.... " :pinkiecrazy:

This was humorous and a touch sweet. :twilightblush:

Edit: Two people apparently failed Algebra. :flutterrage:

You have achieved the Comedy tag, grats. Its always fun to see Pinkie bend laws of nature.

LOVED IT !!!!! Good Job!!!!

Dammit, Fimfiction. Y U no format properly?

Well, for those of you who care, I fixed up the spacing errors. I really need to remember to check for those before submitting.

Forget pi. Use tau, bloody radians, bane of my trig classes.

I think it would've been better off if you just stuck with the explanation (not to mention lack of understanding) of pi to Pinkie. The rest of the apology stuff and whatnot just didn't quite seem to fit the theme of the story. You know, silly comedy, not heartfelt apology.

i feel so adimesional rigth now :pinkiecrazy:

pinkie pie
math genius
and troll

“Because it isn’t!” Twilight snapped. “Pi is a number! It’s an irrational constant equaling approximately three-point-one-four-one-five-nine-two-six-five-three-five-nine–”

If Pinkie Pie cut her off, Twilight wouldn't have rounded pi off to a nine, as there's an eight there if memory serves.

How Pinkie does it, not even Our Lord Faust knows....

:pinkiecrazy::facehoof: Excellent job. Good fic, wish there were more like it.

Had to say something about this:

“Pi is a number! It’s an irrational constant equaling approximately three-point-one-four-one-five-nine-two-six-five-three-five-nine–”

If she's rounding pi, and that is her final figure, then this would be correct. However, since she was cut off by Pinkie in the middle of her recitation, that last number should be eight. As I recall, pi is roughly 3.14159265358979323846264. So, if Twilight had kept going, she would have said "eight-nine-seven-nine...". Of course, because she's Twilight, she probably would have recited it far further than I currently can.



The "golden ratio" really doesn't come up all that much.


“That pi thing you were talking about! You know what that gave me an idea for? I’m going to bake a pie, then cut every slice at an angle of exactly one radian! Then I can have pi pieces of pie!” She licked her lips. “I can almost taste the math!”

Isn't a circle 2π? :unsuresweetie:

Nice story though. :scootangel:


When she multiplied in 'Too Many Pinkie Pies' it certainly had a negative effect, but when they continued multiplying, the result was not positive.


This was a wonderful story! Love it!

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0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116
3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596
0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680
9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821
6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364
5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536
2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062
1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481
0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123
7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961
5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787
0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202
6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734
6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459
1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007
2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198
4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017
3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421
0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517
1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535
8932261854 8963213293 3089857064 2046752590 7091548141 6549859461
6371802709 8199430992 4488957571 2828905923 2332609729 9712084433
5732654893 8239119325 9746366730 5836041428 1388303203 8249037589
8524374417 0291327656 1809377344 4030707469 2112019130 2033038019
7621101100 4492932151 6084244485 9637669838 9522868478 3123552658
2131449576 8572624334 4189303968 6426243410 7732269780 2807318915
4411010446 8232527162 0105265227 2111660396 6655730925 4711055785
3763466820 6531098965 2691862056 4769312570 5863566201 8558100729
3606598764 8611791045 3348850346 1136576867 5324944166 8039626579
7877185560 8455296541 2665408530 6143444318 5867697514 5661406800
7002378776 5913440171 2749470420 5622305389 9456131407 1127000407
8547332699 3908145466 4645880797 2708266830 6343285878 5698305235
8089330657 5740679545 7163775254 2021149557 6158140025 0126228594
1302164715 5097925923 0990796547 3761255176 5675135751 7829666454
7791745011 2996148903 0463994713 2962107340 4375189573 5961458901
9389713111 7904297828 5647503203 1986915140 2870808599 0480109412
1472213179 4764777262 2414254854 5403321571 8530614228 8137585043
0633217518 2979866223 7172159160 7716692547 4873898665 4949450114
6540628433 6639379003 9769265672 1463853067 3609657120 9180763832
7166416274 8888007869 2560290228 4721040317 2118608204 1900042296
6171196377 9213375751 1495950156 6049631862 9472654736 4252308177
0367515906 7350235072 8354056704 0386743513 6222247715 8915049530
9844489333 0963408780 7693259939 7805419341 4473774418 4263129860
8099888687 4132604721 5695162396 5864573021 6315981931 9516735381
2974167729 4786724229 2465436680 0980676928 2382806899 6400482435
4037014163 1496589794 0924323789 6907069779 4223625082 2168895738
3798623001 5937764716 5122893578 6015881617 5578297352 3344604281
5126272037 3431465319 7777416031 9906655418 7639792933 4419521541
3418994854 4473456738 3162499341 9131814809 2777710386 3877343177
2075456545 3220777092 1201905166 0962804909 2636019759 8828161332
3166636528 6193266863 3606273567 6303544776 2803504507 7723554710
5859548702 7908143562 4014517180 6246436267 9456127531 8134078330
3362542327 8394497538 2437205835 3114771199 2606381334 6776879695
9703098339 1307710987 0408591337 4641442822 7726346594 7047458784
7787201927 7152807317 6790770715 7213444730 6057007334 9243693113
8350493163 1284042512 1925651798 0694113528 0131470130 4781643788
5185290928 5452011658 3934196562 1349143415 9562586586 5570552690
4965209858 0338507224 2648293972 8584783163 0577775606 8887644624
8246857926 0395352773 4803048029 0058760758 2510474709 1643961362
6760449256 2742042083 2085661190 6254543372 1315359584 5068772460
2901618766 7952406163 4252257719 5429162991 9306455377 9914037340
4328752628 8896399587 9475729174 6426357455 2540790914 5135711136
9410911939 3251910760 2082520261 8798531887 7058429725 9167781314
9699009019 2116971737 2784768472 6860849003 3770242429 1651300500
5168323364 3503895170 2989392233 4517220138 1280696501 1784408745
1960121228 5993716231 3017114448 4640903890 6449544400 6198690754
8516026327 5052983491 8740786680 8818338510 2283345085 0486082503
9302133219 7155184306 3545500766 8282949304 1377655279 3975175461
3953984683 3936383047 4611996653 8581538420 5685338621 8672523340
2830871123 2827892125 0771262946 3229563989 8989358211 6745627010
2183564622 0134967151 8819097303 8119800497 3407239610 3685406643
1939509790 1906996395 5245300545 0580685501 9567302292 1913933918
5680344903 9820595510 0226353536 1920419947 4553859381 0234395544
9597783779 0237421617 2711172364 3435439478 2218185286 2408514006
6604433258 8856986705 4315470696 5747458550 3323233421 0730154594
0516553790 6866273337 9958511562 5784322988 2737231989 8757141595
7811196358 3300594087 3068121602 8764962867 4460477464 9159950549
7374256269 0104903778 1986835938 1465741268 0492564879 8556145372
3478673303 9046883834 3634655379 4986419270 5638729317 4872332083
7601123029 9113679386 2708943879 9362016295 1541337142 4892830722
0126901475 4668476535 7616477379 4675200490 7571555278 1965362132
3926406160 1363581559 0742202020 3187277605 2772190055 6148425551
8792530343 5139844253 2234157623 3610642506 3904975008 6562710953
5919465897 5141310348 2276930624 7435363256 9160781547 8181152843
6679570611 0861533150 4452127473 9245449454 2368288606 1340841486
3776700961 2071512491 4043027253 8607648236 3414334623 5189757664
5216413767 9690314950 1910857598 4423919862 9164219399 4907236234
6468441173 9403265918 4044378051 3338945257 4239950829 6591228508
5558215725 0310712570 1266830240 2929525220 1187267675 6220415420
5161841634 8475651699 9811614101 0029960783 8690929160 3028840026
9104140792 8862150784 2451670908 7000699282 1206604183 7180653556
7252532567 5328612910 4248776182 5829765157 9598470356 2226293486
0034158722 9805349896 5022629174 8788202734 2092222453 3985626476
6914905562 8425039127 5771028402 7998066365 8254889264 8802545661
0172967026 6407655904 2909945681 5065265305 3718294127 0336931378
5178609040 7086671149 6558343434 7693385781 7113864558 7367812301
4587687126 6034891390 9562009939 3610310291 6161528813 8437909904
2317473363 9480457593 1493140529 7634757481 1935670911 0137751721
0080315590 2485309066 9203767192 2033229094 3346768514 2214477379
3937517034 4366199104 0337511173 5471918550 4644902636 5512816228
8244625759 1633303910 7225383742 1821408835 0865739177 1509682887
4782656995 9957449066 1758344137 5223970968 3408005355 9849175417
3818839994 4697486762 6551658276 5848358845 3142775687 9002909517
0283529716 3445621296 4043523117 6006651012 4120065975 5851276178
5838292041 9748442360 8007193045 7618932349 2292796501 9875187212
7267507981 2554709589 0455635792 1221033346 6974992356 3025494780
2490114195 2123828153 0911407907 3860251522 7429958180 7247162591
6685451333 1239480494 7079119153 2673430282 4418604142 6363954800
0448002670 4962482017 9289647669 7583183271 3142517029 6923488962
7668440323 2609275249 6035799646 9256504936 8183609003 2380929345
9588970695 3653494060 3402166544 3755890045 6328822505 4525564056
4482465151 8754711962 1844396582 5337543885 6909411303 1509526179
3780029741 2076651479 3942590298 9695946995 5657612186 5619673378
6236256125 2163208628 6922210327 4889218654 3648022967 8070576561
5144632046 9279068212 0738837781 4233562823 6089632080 6822246801
2248261177 1858963814 0918390367 3672220888 3215137556 0037279839
4004152970 0287830766 7094447456 0134556417 2543709069 7939612257
1429894671 5435784687 8861444581 2314593571 9849225284 7160504922
1242470141 2147805734 5510500801 9086996033 0276347870 8108175450
1193071412 2339086639 3833952942 5786905076 4310063835 1983438934
1596131854 3475464955 6978103829 3097164651 4384070070 7360411237
3599843452 2516105070 2705623526 6012764848 3084076118 3013052793
2054274628 6540360367 4532865105 7065874882 2569815793 6789766974
2205750596 8344086973 5020141020 6723585020 0724522563 2651341055
9240190274 2162484391 4035998953 5394590944 0704691209 1409387001
2645600162 3742880210 9276457931 0657922955 2498872758 4610126483
6999892256 9596881592 0560010165 5256375678 5667227966 1988578279
4848855834 3975187445 4551296563 4434803966 4205579829 3680435220
2770984294 2325330225 7634180703 9476994159 7915945300 6975214829
3366555661 5678736400 5366656416 5473217043 9035213295 4352916941
4599041608 7532018683 7937023488 8689479151 0716378529 0234529244
0773659495 6305100742 1087142613 4974595615 1384987137 5704710178
7957310422 9690666702 1449863746 4595280824 3694457897 7233004876
4765241339 0759204340 1963403911 4732023380 7150952220 1068256342
7471646024 3354400515 2126693249 3419673977 0415956837 5355516673
0273900749 7297363549 6453328886 9844061196 4961627734 4951827369
5588220757 3551766515 8985519098 6665393549 4810688732 0685990754
0792342402 3009259007 0173196036 2254756478 9406475483 4664776041
1463233905 6513433068 4495397907 0903023460 4614709616 9688688501
4083470405 4607429586 9913829668 2468185710 3188790652 8703665083
2431974404 7718556789 3482308943 1068287027 2280973624 8093996270
6074726455 3992539944 2808113736 9433887294 0630792615 9599546262
4629707062 5948455690 3471197299 6409089418 0595343932 5123623550
8134949004 3642785271 3831591256 8989295196 4272875739 4691427253
4366941532 3610045373 0488198551 7065941217 3524625895 4873016760
0298865925 7866285612 4966552353 3829428785 4253404830 8330701653
7228563559 1525347844 5981831341 1290019992 0598135220 5117336585
6407826484 9427644113 7639386692 4803118364 4536985891 7544264739
9882284621 8449008777 6977631279 5722672655 5625962825 4276531830
0134070922 3343657791 6012809317 9401718598 5999338492 3549564005
7099558561 1349802524 9906698423 3017350358 0440811685 5265311709
9570899427 3287092584 8789443646 0050410892 2669178352 5870785951
2983441729 5351953788 5534573742 6085902908 1765155780 3905946408
7350612322 6112009373 1080485485 2635722825 7682034160 5048466277
5045003126 2008007998 0492548534 6941469775 1649327095 0493463938
2432227188 5159740547 0214828971 1177792376 1225788734 7718819682
5462981268 6858170507 4027255026 3329044976 2778944236 2167411918
6269439650 6715157795 8675648239 9391760426 0176338704 5499017614
3641204692 1823707648 8783419689 6861181558 1587360629 3860381017
1215855272 6683008238 3404656475 8804051380 8016336388 7421637140
6435495561 8689641122 8214075330 2655100424 1048967835 2858829024
3670904887 1181909094 9453314421 8287661810 3100735477 0549815968
0772009474 6961343609 2861484941 7850171807 7930681085 4690009445
8995279424 3981392135 0558642219 6483491512 6390128038 3200109773
8680662877 9239718014 6134324457 2640097374 2570073592 1003154150
8936793008 1699805365 2027600727 7496745840 0283624053 4603726341
6554259027 6018348403 0681138185 5105979705 6640075094 2608788573
5796037324 5141467867 0368809880 6097164258 4975951380 6930944940
1515422221 9432913021 7391253835 5915031003 3303251117 4915696917
4502714943 3151558854 0392216409 7229101129 0355218157 6282328318
2342548326 1119128009 2825256190 2052630163 9114772473 3148573910
7775874425 3876117465 7867116941 4776421441 1112635835 5387136101
1023267987 7564102468 2403226483 4641766369 8066378576 8134920453
0224081972 7856471983 9630878154 3221166912 2464159117 7673225326
4335686146 1865452226 8126887268 4459684424 1610785401 6768142080
8850280054 1436131462 3082102594 1737562389 9420757136 2751674573
1891894562 8352570441 3354375857 5342698699 4725470316 5661399199
9682628247 2706413362 2217892390 3176085428 9437339356 1889165125
0424404008 9527198378 7386480584 7268954624 3882343751 7885201439
5600571048 1194988423 9060613695 7342315590 7967034614 9143447886
3604103182 3507365027 7859089757 8272731305 0488939890 0992391350
3373250855 9826558670 8924261242 9473670193 9077271307 0686917092
6462548423 2407485503 6608013604 6689511840 0936686095 4632500214
5852930950 0009071510 5823626729 3264537382 1049387249 9669933942
4685516483 2611341461 1068026744 6637334375 3407642940 2668297386
5220935701 6263846485 2851490362 9320199199 6882851718 3953669134
5222444708 0459239660 2817156551 5656661113 5982311225 0628905854
9145097157 5539002439 3153519090 2107119457 3002438801 7661503527
0862602537 8817975194 7806101371 5004489917 2100222013 3501310601
6391541589 5780371177 9277522597 8742891917 9155224171 8958536168
0594741234 1933984202 1874564925 6443462392 5319531351 0331147639
4911995072 8584306583 6193536932 9699289837 9149419394 0608572486
3968836903 2655643642 1664425760 7914710869 9843157337 4964883529
2769328220 7629472823 8153740996 1545598798 2598910937 1712621828
3025848112 3890119682 2142945766 7580718653 8065064870 2613389282
2994972574 5303328389 6381843944 7707794022 8435988341 0035838542
3897354243 9564755568 4095224844 5541392394 1000162076 9363684677
6413017819 6593799715 5746854194 6334893748 4391297423 9143365936
0410035234 3777065888 6778113949 8616478747 1407932638 5873862473
2889645643 5987746676 3847946650 4074111825 6583788784 5485814896
2961273998 4134427260 8606187245 5452360643 1537101127 4680977870
4464094758 2803487697 5894832824 1239292960 5829486191 9667091895
8089833201 2103184303 4012849511 6203534280 1441276172 8583024355
9830032042 0245120728 7253558119 5840149180 9692533950 7577840006
7465526031 4461670508 2768277222 3534191102 6341631571 4740612385
0425845988 4199076112 8725805911 3935689601 4316682831 7632356732
5417073420 8173322304 6298799280 4908514094 7903688786 8789493054
6955703072 6190095020 7643349335 9106024545 0864536289 3545686295
8531315337 1838682656 1786227363 7169757741 8302398600 6591481616
4049449650 1173213138 9574706208 8474802365 3710311508 9842799275
4426853277 9743113951 4357417221 9759799359 6852522857 4526379628
9612691572 3579866205 7340837576 6873884266 4059909935 0500081337
5432454635 9675048442 3528487470 1443545419 5762584735 6421619813
4073468541 1176688311 8654489377 6979566517 2796623267 1481033864
3913751865 9467300244 3450054499 5399742372 3287124948 3470604406
3471606325 8306498297 9551010954 1836235030 3094530973 3583446283
9476304775 6450150085 0757894954 8931393944 8992161255 2559770143
6858943585 8775263796 2559708167 7643800125 4365023714 1278346792
6101995585 2247172201 7772370041 7808419423 9487254068 0155603599
8390548985 7235467456 4239058585 0216719031 3952629445 5439131663
1345308939 0620467843 8778505423 9390524731 3620129476 9187497519
1011472315 2893267725 3391814660 7300089027 7689631148 1090220972
4520759167 2970078505 8071718638 1054967973 1001678708 5069420709
2232908070 3832634534 5203802786 0990556900 1341371823 6837099194
9516489600 7550493412 6787643674 6384902063 9640197666 8559233565
4639138363 1857456981 4719621084 1080961884 6054560390 3845534372
9141446513 4749407848 8442377217 5154334260 3066988317 6833100113
3108690421 9390310801 4378433415 1370924353 0136776310 8491351615
6422698475 0743032971 6746964066 6531527035 3254671126 6752246055
1199581831 9637637076 1799191920 3579582007 5956053023 4626775794
3936307463 0569010801 1494271410 0939136913 8107258137 8135789400
5599500183 5425118417 2136055727 5221035268 0373572652 7922417373
6057511278 8721819084 4900617801 3889710770 8229310027 9766593583
8758909395 6881485602 6322439372 6562472776 0378908144 5883785501
9702843779 3624078250 5270487581 6470324581 2908783952 3245323789
6029841669 2254896497 1560698119 2186584926 7704039564 8127810217
9913217416 3058105545 9880130048 4562997651 1212415363 7451500563
5070127815 9267142413 4210330156 6165356024 7338078430 2865525722
2753049998 8370153487 9300806260 1809623815 1613669033 4111138653
8510919367 3938352293 4588832255 0887064507 5394739520 4396807906
7086806445 0969865488 0168287434 3786126453 8158342807 5306184548
5903798217 9945996811 5441974253 6344399602 9025100158 8827216474
5006820704 1937615845 4712318346 0072629339 5505482395 5713725684
0232268213 0124767945 2264482091 0235647752 7230820810 6351889915
2692889108 4555711266 0396503439 7896278250 0161101532 3516051965
5904211844 9499077899 9200732947 6905868577 8787209829 0135295661
3978884860 5097860859 5701773129 8155314951 6814671769 5976099421
0036183559 1387778176 9845875810 4466283998 8060061622 9848616935
3373865787 7359833616 1338413385 3684211978 9389001852 9569196780
4554482858 4837011709 6721253533 8758621582 3101331038 7766827211
5726949518 1795897546 9399264219 7915523385 7662316762 7547570354
6994148929 0413018638 6119439196 2838870543 6777432242 7680913236
5449485366 7680000010 6526248547 3055861598 9991401707 6983854831
8875014293 8908995068 5453076511 6803337322 2651756622 0752695179
1442252808 1651716677 6672793035 4851542040 2381746089 2328391703
2754257508 6765511785 9395002793 3895920576 6827896776 4453184040
4185540104 3513483895 3120132637 8369283580 8271937831 2654961745
9970567450 7183320650 3455664403 4490453627 5600112501 8433560736
1222765949 2783937064 7842645676 3388188075 6561216896 0504161139
0390639601 6202215368 4941092605 3876887148 3798955999 9112099164
6464411918 5682770045 7424343402 1672276445 5893301277 8158686952
5069499364 6101756850 6016714535 4315814801 0545886056 4550133203
7586454858 4032402987 1709348091 0556211671 5468484778 0394475697
9804263180 9917564228 0987399876 6973237695 7370158080 6822904599
2123661689 0259627304 3067931653 1149401764 7376938735 1409336183
3216142802 1497633991 8983548487 5625298752 4238730775 5955595546
5196394401 8218409984 1248982623 6737714672 2606163364 3296406335
7281070788 7581640438 1485018841 1431885988 2769449011 9321296827
1588841338 6943468285 9006664080 6314077757 7257056307 2940049294
0302420498 4165654797 3670548558 0445865720 2276378404 6682337985
2827105784 3197535417 9501134727 3625774080 2134768260 4502285157
9795797647 4670228409 9956160156 9108903845 8245026792 6594205550
3958792298 1852648007 0683765041 8365620945 5543461351 3415257006
5974881916 3413595567 1964965403 2187271602 6485930490 3978748958
9066127250 7948282769 3895352175 3621850796 2977851461 8843271922
3223810158 7444505286 6523802253 2843891375 2738458923 8442253547
2653098171 5784478342 1582232702 0690287232 3300538621 6347988509
4695472004 7952311201 5043293226 6282727632 1779088400 8786148022
1475376578 1058197022 2630971749 5072127248 4794781695 7296142365
8595782090 8307332335 6034846531 8730293026 6596450137 1837542889
7557971449 9246540386 8179921389 3469244741 9850973346 2679332107
2686870768 0626399193 6196504409 9542167627 8409146698 5692571507
4315740793 8053239252 3947755744 1591845821 5625181921 5523370960
7483329234 9210345146 2643744980 5596103307 9941453477 8457469999
2128599999 3996122816 1521931488 8769388022 2810830019 8601654941
6542616968 5867883726 0958774567 6182507275 9929508931 8052187292
4610867639 9589161458 5505839727 4209809097 8172932393 0106766386
8240401113 0402470073 5085782872 4627134946 3685318154 6969046696
8693925472 5194139929 1465242385 7762550047 4852954768 1479546700
7050347999 5888676950 1612497228 2040303995 4632788306 9597624936
1510102436 5553522306 9061294938 8599015734 6610237122 3547891129
2547696176 0050479749 2806072126 8039226911 0277722610 2544149221
5765045081 2067717357 1202718024 2968106203 7765788371 6690910941
8074487814 0490755178 2038565390 9910477594 1413215432 8440625030
1802757169 6508209642 7348414695 7263978842 5600845312 1406593580
9041271135 9200419759 8513625479 6160632288 7361813673 7324450607
9244117639 9759746193 8358457491 5988097667 4470930065 4634242346
0634237474 6660804317 0126005205 5928493695 9414340814 6852981505
3947178900 4518357551 5412522359 0590687264 8786357525 4191128887
7371766374 8602766063 4960353679 4702692322 9718683277 1739323619
2007774522 1262475186 9833495151 0198642698 8784717193 9664976907
0825217423 3656627259 2844062043 0214113719 9227852699 8469884770
2323823840 0556555178 8908766136 0130477098 4386116870 5231055314
9162517283 7327286760 0724817298 7637569816 3354150746 0883866364
0693470437 2066886512 7568826614 9730788657 0156850169 1864748854
1679154596 5072342877 3069985371 3904300266 5307839877 6385032381
8215535597 3235306860 4301067576 0838908627 0498418885 9513809103
0423595782 4951439885 9011318583 5840667472 3702971497 8508414585
3085781339 1562707603 5639076394 7311455495 8322669457 0249413983
1634332378 9759556808 5683629725 3867913275 0555425244 9194358912
8405045226 9538121791 3191451350 0993846311 7740179715 1228378546
0116035955 4028644059 0249646693 0707769055 4810288502 0808580087
8115773817 1917417760 1733073855 4758006056 0143377432 9901272867
7253043182 5197579167 9296996504 1460706645 7125888346 9797964293
1622965520 1687973000 3564630457 9308840327 4807718115 5533090988
7025505207 6804630346 0865816539 4876951960 0440848206 5967379473
1680864156 4565053004 9881616490 5788311543 4548505266 0069823093
1577765003 7807046612 6470602145 7505793270 9620478256 1524714591
8965223608 3966456241 0519551052 2357239739 5128818164 0597859142
7914816542 6328920042 8160913693 7773722299 9833270820 8296995573
7727375667 6155271139 2258805520 1898876201 1416800546 8736558063
3471603734 2917039079 8639652296 1312801782 6797172898 2293607028
8069087768 6605932527 4637840539 7691848082 0410219447 1971386925
6084162451 1239806201 1318454124 4782050110 7987607171 5568315407
8865439041 2108730324 0201068534 1947230476 6667217498 6986854707
6781205124 7367924791 9315085644 4775379853 7997322344 5612278584
3296846647 5133365736 9238720146 4723679427 8700425032 5558992688
4349592876 1240075587 5694641370 5625140011 7971331662 0715371543
6006876477 3186755871 4878398908 1074295309 4106059694 4315847753
9700943988 3949144323 5366853920 9946879645 0665339857 3888786614
7629443414 0104988899 3160051207 6781035886 1166020296 1193639682
1349607501 1164983278 5635316145 1684576956 8710900299 9769841263
2665023477 1672865737 8579085746 6460772283 4154031144 1529418804
7825438761 7707904300 0156698677 6795760909 9669360755 9496515273
6349811896 4130433116 6277471233 8817406037 3174397054 0670310967
6765748695 3587896700 3192586625 9410510533 5843846560 2339179674
9267844763 7084749783 3365557900 7384191473 1988627135 2595462518
1604342253 7299628632 6749682405 8060296421 1463864368 6422472488
7283434170 4415734824 8183330164 0566959668 8667695634 9141632842
6414974533 3499994800 0266998758 8815935073 5781519588 9900539512
0853510357 2613736403 4367534714 1048360175 4648830040 7846416745
2167371904 8310967671 1344349481 9262681110 7399482506 0739495073
5031690197 3185211955 2635632584 3390998224 9862406703 1076831844
6607291248 7475403161 7969941139 7387765899 8685541703 1884778867
5929026070 0432126661 7919223520 9382278788 8098863359 9116081923
5355570464 6349113208 5918979613 2791319756 4909760001 3996234445
5350143464 2686046449 5862476909 4347048293 2941404111 4654092398
8344435159 1332010773 9441118407 4107684981 0663472410 4823935827
4019449356 6516108846 3125678529 7769734684 3030614624 1803585293
3159734583 0384554103 3701091676 7763742762 1021370135 4854450926
3071901147 3184857492 3318167207 2137279355 6795284439 2548156091
3728128406 3330393735 6242001604 5664557414 5881660521 6660873874
8047243391 2129558777 6390696903 7078828527 7538940524 6075849623
1574369171 1317613478 3882719416 8606625721 0368513215 6647800147
6752310393 5786068961 1125996028 1839309548 7090590738 6135191459
1819510297 3278755710 4972901148 7171897180 0469616977 7001791391
9613791417 1627070189 5846921434 3696762927 4591099400 6008498356
8425201915 5937037010 1104974733 9493877885 9894174330 3178534870
7603221982 9705797511 9144051099 4235883034 5463534923 4982688362
4043327267 4155403016 1950568065 4180939409 9820206099 9414021689
0900708213 3072308966 2119775530 6659188141 1915778362 7292746156
1857103721 7247100952 1423696483 0864102592 8874579993 2237495519
1221951903 4244523075 3513380685 6807354464 9951272031 7448719540
3976107308 0602699062 5807602029 2731455252 0780799141 8429063884
4373499681 4582733720 7266391767 0201183004 6481900024 1308350884
6584152148 9912761065 1374153943 5657211390 3285749187 6909441370
2090517031 4877734616 5287984823 5338297260 1361109845 1484182380
8120540996 1252745808 8109948697 2216128524 8974255555 1607637167
5054896173 0168096138 0381191436 1143992106 3800508321 4098760459
9309324851 0251682944 6726066613 8151745712 5597549535 8023998314
6982203613 3808284993 5670557552 4712902745 3977621404 9318201465
8008021566 5360677655 0878380430 4134310591 8046068008 3459113664
0834887408 0057412725 8670479225 8319127415 7390809143 8313845642
4150940849 1339180968 4025116399 1936853225 5573389669 5374902662
0923261318 8558915808 3245557194 8453875628 7861288590 0410600607
3746501402 6278240273 4696252821 7174941582 3317492396 8353013617
8653673760 6421667781 3773995100 6589528877 4276626368 4183068019
0804609849 8094697636 6733566228 2915132352 7888061577 6827815958
8669180238 9403330764 4191240341 2022316368 5778603572 7694154177
8826435238 1319050280 8701857504 7046312933 3537572853 8660588890
4583111450 7739429352 0199432197 1171642235 0056440429 7989208159
4307167019 8574692738 4865383343 6145794634 1759225738 9858800169
8014757420 5429958012 4295810545 6510831046 2972829375 8416116253
2562516572 4980784920 9989799062 0035936509 9347215829 6517413579
8491047111 6607915874 3698654122 2348341887 7229294463 3517865385
6731962559 8520260729 4767407261 6767145573 6498121056 7771689348
4917660771 7052771876 0119990814 4113058645 5779105256 8430481144
0261938402 3224709392 4980293355 0731845890 3553971330 8844617410
7959162511 7148648744 6861124760 5428673436 7090466784 6867027409
1881014249 7111496578 1772427934 7070216688 2956108777 9440504843
7528443375 1088282647 7197854000 6509704033 0218625561 4733211777
1174413350 2816088403 5178145254 1964320309 5760186946 4908868154
5285621346 9883554445 6024955666 8436602922 1951248309 1060537720
1980218310 1032704178 3866544718 1260397190 6884623708 5751808003
5327047185 6594994761 2424811099 9288679158 9690495639 4762460842
4065930948 6215076903 1498702067 3533848349 5508363660 1784877106
0809804269 2471324100 0946401437 3603265645 1845667924 5666955100
1502298330 7984960799 4988249706 1723674493 6122622296 1790814311
4146609412 3415935930 9585407913 9087208322 7335495720 8075716517
1876599449 8569379562 3875551617 5754380917 8052802946 4200447215
3962807463 6021132942 5591600257 0735628126 3873310600 5891065245
7080244749 3754318414 9401482119 9962764531 0680066311 8382376163
9663180931 4446712986 1552759820 1451410275 6006892975 0246304017
3514891945 7636078935 2855505317 3314164570 5049964438 9093630843
8744847839 6168405184 5273288403 2345202470 5685164657 1647713932
3775517294 7951261323 9822960239 4548579754 5865174587 8771331813
8752959809 4121742273 0035229650 8089177705 0682592488 2232215493
8048371454 7816472139 7682096332 0508305647 9204820859 2047549985
7320388876 3916019952 4091893894 5576768749 7308569559 5801065952
6503036266 1597506622 2508406742 8898265907 5106375635 6996821151
0949669744 5805472886 9363102036 7823250182 3237084597 9011154847
2087618212 4778132663 3041207621 6587312970 8112307581 5982124863
9807212407 8688781145 0165582513 6178903070 8608701989 7588980745
6643955157 4153631931 9198107057 5336633738 0382721527 9884935039
7480015890 5194208797 1130805123 3933221903 4662499171 6915094854
1401871060 3546037946 4337900589 0957721180 8044657439 6280618671
7861017156 7409676620 8029576657 7051291209 9079443046 3289294730
6159510430 9022214393 7184956063 4056189342 5130572682 9146578329
3340524635 0289291754 7087256484 2600349629 6116541382 3007731332
7298305001 6025672401 4185152041 8907011542 8857992081 2198449315
6999059182 0118197335 0012618772 8036812481 9958770702 0753240636
1259313438 5955425477 8196114293 5163561223 4966615226 1473539967
4051584998 6035529533 2924575238 8810136202 3476246690 5581643896
7863097627 3655047243 4864307121 8494373485 3006063876 4456627218
6661701238 1277156213 7974614986 1328744117 7145524447 0899714452
2885662942 4402301847 9120547849 8574521634 6964489738 9206240194
3518310088 2834802492 4908540307 7863875165 9113028739 5878709810

... I heard that, I'M NOT AN EGGHEAD.


That is really funny! Pinkie Pi is amazing!

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