• Published 7th Oct 2020
  • 1,502 Views, 26 Comments

Chrome Hearts - Vis-a-Viscera

Chrysalis, Canterlot Citadel Wedding-Crasher, has eight ponies held hostage. Sunset must butt horns with her to find them.

  • ...

Critical Breach

Sunset Shimmer had returned to the cell - and her captive - minutes ago. She didn’t ponder why she’d used her horn to tip the can of serotonin into a feed tube for Chrysalis. She'd known of the risks - only an hour of interrogation-time remained; but right now, her mind was a mess.

The chip-ripper was tapping at her thigh like a harvest sickle, unseen by the cyberling queen. And Sunset had clearance to use it.

But trust was needed in this critical juncture. Sunset would show that this chip-ripper wasn’t necessary. She still had the pall of that ‘Savager of Canterlot High’; throwing it away for a shred of info she probably couldn’t process? Unthinkable.

So why did one of her forehooves inch towards it at each noisy slurp Chrysalis gave out? Why was that vein in her forehead standing out over the ten-minute long drink that Chrysalis was having? Why did the malicious glint of her slitted green eyes make Sunset see red, like it hadn't since her attempted hijack of Twilight's Element so long ago?

No. Sunset thought. I can control this. I’m better than this.

She pulled away the can of fluid, watched as Chrysalis's glowing eyes and servos thrummed with new life. “Alright, Chrysalis, you have your gift. For anything more - I gotta know why the others got taken.” Hopefully in 47 minutes, Sunset thought.

“Well, since you asked so nicely…” Chrysalis said. “You might wish to rephrase that question.”

“...come again?”

“They're not hostages. They’re sins. Eyeblights in pony form.” Chrysalis’s head drooped to the floor. “Starting with Moondancer, <CLASSIFICATION: TEPORIS>. She… dared to approach me first. Introduced me to this smog-thick hostel. Classified me as a cyberling. And then she left me - for no good reason!” Unbridled fury brimmed in Chrysalis's voice, startling Sunset. “Because the first thing Canterlot installs in its vaunted citizenry is laziness.”

“That’s not true. The Innovation may have been rushed, but the ponies it benefited weren’t!” Sunset’s doubts were already infecting her voice. “And reclusive as Moondancer is, I find it hard to believe she’d up and leave you. Especially considering your ego.”

“Then there’s Minuette, <CLASSIFICATION: INVIDIA>, that wretched Mistress of Repair and Rehab. Of course she’d take me in with lies that she was nothing like Moon Dancer, saying her door was always open… and then hire Guards behind my back to bar me from her facilities.”

Sunset found herself growing sick. Minuette was one of Canterlot City's most beloved - one of its most benevolent! When she’d been victim to a buyout, the populace mourned the departure of her matronly touch! And yet… she’d done this? To an innocent cyberling?

A part of Sunset protested taking Chrysalis at face value. It was but a whisper compared to the loud scratches of pen on notepad. “That has to be a falsehood.” she whispered. “Minuette is the farthest thing from a pride-obsessed pushover.”

“On that front, Inspector...” drawled Chrysalis. “There was the Head of Development Fleur de Lis and the Canterlot Voting Whip Fancy Pants <CLASSIFICATIONS: LIBIDINE, SUPERBIA>. What a devoted husband and wife they are, aren't they? Salt of the wonderfully polluted Equus. Save for the former shamelessly spreading bits around to get the votes on board, and the former spreading… something else of hers to get the financial heads interested.”

Sunset stopped, stunned. The clock above them kept tickling. Her head kept spinning over just what she was doing this for.

“Shall I continue with just how Whoa Nelly got control of all the food production? Or rather <CLASSIFICATION: GULA>?”

It was almost too sudden for Sunset Shimmer at first. Chrysalis had grown bolder in her rantings, had gotten closer to the most prominent ‘eyeblight’ in this story - either Night Light or Luna. When she talked from before had done it. And Sunset was going to take the inquiry as they came.

But she couldn’t help but overhear the ticking clock. The increasingly superfluous detail Chrysalis bled into her stories. That rising swell of anger-bred crimson pricking behind her eyelids with every blink almost whispering to shimmer that this can all end with one brain tap. Find out Night Light’s sin and you find the hostages.

So when Chrysalis wrapped up her dressing-down of Hoity Toity came, Sunset thought she was close. And to her eternal regret, she wasn’t even being subtle about it anymore. She was rapping her hooves on the table’s edge like a tribal beat, a rictus grin growing as Chrysalis' venomous recountings continued.

“...And I never laid a hoof or horn on that wretched snapshotter!” Chrysalis finished. “And you wanna know the worst offender of them all?!”

“Yes. Please! Tell me!” Goodness Sunset was begging the criminal at this point. But she couldn’t help it, and right now, didn’t even want to.. Her blood was racing, her eyes were bulging, she needed to know what Night Light had done, how Chrysalis got to him!

Then she did it. Her anxiousness - and her stance - went too high and the chip-ripper’s edge clattered on the tabletop.

And the first sign Sunset had of her folly came when Chrysalis went, “That reprobate Night LIght him, he-kindly tell me why in the blue Tartarus you have that device on you.”

Sunset froze. Her hooves came to a stop, her mind horrifyingly aware of where the cyberling’s hoof pointed at. Her eyes rapidly flickered to the notes - the constant reminders to not get too involved. It was right between Whoa Nelly: Monopolized Innovation food lines to enrich herself (?) and Hoity Toity: Rallied the Royal Guard to exile Chrysalis after she was framed for hurting Photo Finish (!!!)

The accidental appearance of the chip-ripper punctured the room's energy, like a party balloon. Chrysalis's lamplight eyes stayed locked on it even as Sunset slowly lowered it. The fear in those green eyes was palpable.

Of course she knows what this is at first sight. Sunset’s inner pony said, in between face-hoofs. Inkwell probably told Chrysalis when she was masquerading as Shining!

"I didn't think you'd care." Even Sunset's attempt at placation came out too quickly. Too tellingly. "This is only for my safety, C-"

Chrysalis's next words were slow, deliberate. "Safety. Against a corralled cyberling. Indeed."

"I-- I don't want to use it."

"And now the Savager expects me to believe in her mercy?"

Sunset winced, both at the nickname and at the implication. The true implication -- at least it would have been true only a short time ago. No! Curse it all, no! Am I never going to escape that evil name?! It’s not fair, it’s not FAI-

Then, the red edging at her eyes washed over her vision completely. Sunset didn’t know if what was happening was real or not, but for some reason, she could smell the burnt rubber from fried circuits. She could hear the ebbing weepings of Chrysalis's as her twitching body went still. And she could see herself, in all her red-skinned succubi glory, standing over the top of Chrysalis' spasming body.

Sunset nearly retched at the crooked smile on her(?) face, reflected off Chrysalis's speared head. Her eyes shut, a silent plea to her rebelling mind to perish that thought. If that happened - which it couldn’t be, not this fast - Blueblood would win. Chrysalis would win. The hostages would die.

And so would all hope of Sunset’s escaping the demons of her past.

Yet between the ripper at her side and the cyberling cowering before her, Sunset had never wished to be away from machinery more. Goodness, this was a being - a criminal, but a living being! She probably didn’t even know of the mind-killing impulse known as fear! Yet thanks to Sunset’s stupidity, she was cowering like a cornered rat-

Wait. Now Sunset was thinking. A cornered rat? One that only looks to escape…. rather than devastate.

Sunset’s heavy breath hitched as her churning mind stumbled into a plan. One she was sure Twilight would yell her head off for - if Chrysalis didn’t take it off first.

The second Sunset’s eyes opened, a different figure was swimming in front of it.

“... you okay, Sunset? C’mon, answer us! Chrysalis escaped!”

Sunset’s eyes batted open but the purple figure in front of her was still a blur. Idly, she was made aware of a far sharper pain in her left shoulder. Something rounded and throbbing? Like somepony’s hoof came down.

”.Shining, go get Chrysalis! I’ll stay here until we get a nursepony!”

That was from the blurry purple one. Suddenly Sunset registered the twinkling purple of her eyes. Twilight?

“Twilight!” Sunset was up, hugging her best friend as she babbled. “Oh goddesses I think I did something really bad, I’m not sure but I think I used that ripper andwaitwhere’sChrylasils?”

“She escaped!” came a voice from down the hallway, fading fast. “I’m going to stop her!”

Sunset groaned as she moved to follow that voice. “Deep breaths! Deep!” Then Sunset’s limbs started clambering again. “And stay here- Shining’s got this! We were coming to you with good news, then saw that cyberling burst out of the room! I don’t think she’s headed for Celestia, bu-”


Twilight stopped. “Wait, what?”

Sunset’s eyes turned to the chip-ripper, humming with the use it had- but with no chip in its cradle. “You gave me full permission to use this thing, yeah? Well… I did. Woulda preferred Chrysalis not run me over, but I did.”

“Wait-” Twilight's eyes darted between the gaping cavity in the cell divider and the humming chip-ripper. “Then what did you use that to do?”

“What any magical-projecting device can do to a magical barrier in enough concentration: breach it. And Chrysalis’ shock let me put a Want-It-Need-It and a Come-Wander-With-Me spell on her. One’ll ensure she’s too busy being chased by the Guards to go after any other targets of opportunity. The other…” Sunset grinned. “Will let us track her to the hostages.”

Twilight's jaw dropped. “Sunset, what were you doing?!”

“The only thing that’d let us manage a safe rescue of the hostages! It’s release-and-catch!”

“We had the hostages' location already, Sunset!”

Sunset paled. “Wait, you did?”

“That jar experiment - I’ve found out they were underground because of it, moments ago!” Twilight shouted. “The Royal Guards are ready to close in on there! Why did you free Chr-”

“Because Chrysalis filled that hideout full of drones as well! If they get spooked and self-destruct, we’ll lose them all!” Sunset hollered. “Luna said Canterlot’s caves were unstable, remember?”

“When did-” Twilight stopped stiffly. “It was in your first round of notes, wasn’t it? And I gave it to… cripes! No wonder Celestia asked us to hold position and find you first!”

“Well we can yell at each other later; we have a cyberchase to start!”

“... I swear Inspector, if that Queen doesn't get somepony killed, you will,” Twilight groused. A second later, they’d teleported away in a flurry of violet sparks.

Several minutes later, Sunset and Twilight were pacing through a new network of Canterlot caverns. Shining had been kind enough to relay when Chrysalis was close enough for them to chance an insertion. Thankfully, their route was cyberling-free.

Even more thankfully, their path led them right to the eight hostages within seconds.

“Quick, over here! The cyberlings were called to another entrance to cover their queen!” That was Hoity Toity waving them over. “We don’t have much time.”

Sunset had a different hunch, however and skirted for the door next to the cells. Her actions sent an arriving cyberling hurtling off the cliff edge island into a chasm, just as Twilight finally freed the others. Sunset’s stomach roiled in disgust of the tinny screech that followed that tumble into the pit.

“C’mon, Sunset! Focus!” Twilight said. “We need these cells open, an-” A resounding click got Twilight's voice to reach its squeakiest pitch. “Dad! You’re okay!” Sunset looked up just in time to see Twilight embrace her father. Save for some bandages around his head, he was fine..

“Thank you! Now hold on- this cave’s immune to magical teleports - we’ll need to leg it out.”

“Sunset!” It would be prudent if you could help me with Nelly’s leg!” That was Co-Director Luna, strong-stance and attentive as always. Beside her was Whoa Nelly, grumbling over the bandages the alicorn was applying to her other foreleg.

“I told ya before, Luna, it’s only a flesh wound.”

“It will be worse than that if you do stay still while I tie this splint up, Miss Nelly.” Luna responded. “Or at least relinquish that note it is over.”

“It’s the only notice I have of the most important Gala of my life: it’s not leavin’ my sight!”

Night Light shook his head at the display, only turning to face Sunset as she approached. “I assume you're the wonderful mare who helped me see my daughter again?” he asked.

“Guilty.” Sunset sheepishly smiled as she helped Luna untuck one of Nelly’s legs.

“Not anymore, you’re not. At least in my book!” That came from Minuette, hurriedly shaking hooves with ehr savior. “Sunset Shimmer - and an inspector, no less! You’ve definitely improved since last time we saw you!”

Fancy Pants was next out of his cell, hugging the disheveled Fleur de Lis before turning to greet Sunset. “I‘d hand you a pricey reward, Inspector, but I’ve had to use my book here for other notes. You know, in case… you didn’t reach here before that dreaded Cyberling queen did.”

Sunset nodded. “Well don’t worry, Cupiditas, you can scrap those notes now.”

“I thank you as well, mon femme,” Fleur said, next out of the cells behind Moondancer. “However, I would rather you not call my husband Greed.”

Sunset stiffened up. “Wait. Greed?” Then her hoof brushed against one of Fleur’s folded notes near her, and Sunset’ stiffenened in the wake of an actual shock. “Whoa. What a rush.”

“I’d hope so. And yes, that is what the word cupiditas means. That cyberling has called us all after sins.Fleur flicked back her mane. “Enough time as a manager of finance, and you end up learning a bit of exclusive languages. Money talks, but it is the only universal language; all else comes by ear.“

“It’s fine, Mrs. Lis.” Twilight added. “We’ll have you all out of here soon. Sunset?”

“Chrysalis calling them after sins, the details in this book…” Sunset turned to Fancy and the other prisoner. “Fancy, can I keep this? And the rest of you: do you have any effects on you? Enough for an experiment of my own?”

“Anything for the Canterlot savior.” Fancy admitted. “The lighter we all are, the better. Folks?”

Shrugging, the other ponies handed Sunset a cacophony of their personal effects . Even Whoa Nelly forked over her note, though with some hemming and hawing. “You’re quite lucky you’re with Twilight, young missy.” she admitted.

“Speaking of…” Sunset grinned. “Twi wanted to say she finally got why you ragged on the General so much.”

“Did she now?” A knowing smile crossed Nelly’s lips. “Well, thank you kindly.” And she limped past a red-cheeked Twilight.

Twilight’s embarrassment gave way to curiosity as Sunset loaded the effects into a saddlebag.. “What are you thinking, Sunset? I recognize that look on you; you’ve got a plan.”

“And at worst, it’ll buy you all time to leave.” Sunset winced at the rumbling tremor hitting through the chambers to their north. “Best case… well I’ll tell you about it, if I get to leave.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight said. “You’re going with us. Chrysalis is either fighting the guards or the tunnels - we can give her the slip!”

“Not while there’s still one last creature to save.” Sunset said. “S’why you brought me here. And with this and what Luna told me-” and the Co-Director nodded solemnly at her. “I can do it. Don’t wait up, Twilight.”

“Wait! Sunset, what are you doing?” But Sunset had tucked away the last gift from Whoa Nelly and was bolting for the tunnels. “Sunset! Sunset!” But Night Light was already pulling her back down the entry caves.

Too late, Sunset was down the chambers. She couldn’t have Twilight for this part. Right now, she’d knew enough about Chrysalis to venture that she'd elude Shining with reinforcements. She was likely beelining for their room as they spoke with the other cyberlings who were covering her; all except for the one only revealed in the projections Chrysalis had shown.

And she found him as she turned the last corner. “I see you have found our hideout.” Thorax said as he moved to fill the cavern opening. Even his horns seemed to curve threateningly at Sunset. “I warn you, if you approach Chrysalis-“

“She’s only free because of me.” Thorax’s eyes widened at the statement. ”If she didn’t tell you she broke free, you’d be debris and I’d be dead, right? And no, despite myself, I’m not going to fight her. I just want to show her something.”

“Like what?”

“A counterpoint, of sorts.”

Thorax’s stare intensified. “A counterpoint.”

Sunset nodded remembering how Twilight probably felt when she was talking about the jars.

Several seconds later, Sunset was inside the newest cubby of rock and granite inside this cave network. It was actually well-lit, which made Chrysalis's shadow all the more foreboding as she stalked down to face her. “I’ve no idea what you think you're gaining with this stunt,” she hissed. “But I guarantee that you will not stop me from making Equestria-One pay for - and by - its sins.”

“Once you’re so obsessed over that you named your hostages - sorry, eyeblights in pony form.” Sunset said. “A shame they're not the villains you claim.” She flipped out the newspaper article first. “Starting with your claims that Moondancer screwed you over by abandoning you. Epitome of.... Sloth, right?” Watching Chrysalis stare in confusion, Sunset went on. “Yeah sorry, I’m getting this from Fleur’s language book. We’ll get to her later.”

“I am not here for a rant, Inspector Sunset!”

“No, Chrysalis. We’re here for a reckoning. And you’re here because my reckoning is tamer than the one behind you.” Another troubling rumble, and several stalactites fell from the ceiling. “No need to rant Queen. Just look!” Sunset presented the article. “Look at the piece Moondancer tried to run about the mystery pony harassing you every night. Moondancer. A sloth to your torment.”

“Or Minuette, the pony too prideful to keep you in her care? Here’s her complaints about the Guards in that store that day! She still keeps it, as a show of the injustice she tirelessly fights! It kept her strong - even when her patient became her prison guard!”

“This can’t be - you’re lying, Sunset.” Her position above Sunset faltered, her eyes flickering. “Like you did about that chip-ripper being to free me.”

“Was Fleur?” Sunset’s ledger flipped up to show her. “A pony so driven by lust, yet her one constant on-person possession is her wedding vow renewal with Fancy Pants? Nelly, the glutton, with her countless thank-you letters from the ponies served by her soup kitchens?”

Lies!” screamed Chrysalis. Around them, the chamber shook violently, one wall giving way entirely. “You’re trying to foil me! Destroy me! Like Shining behind me, like this city around me!“

“Then hear this! There’s one way out, Chrysalis!” Sunset bellowed. Out came the last gift of hers- her trusty notepad. “Not by slaying sins, but by repairing bonds -.like our own.” Sunset wrote something quick. “You listened to Luna, and I know you can still make a difference...”

Shut up, Sunset!”

“And HERE’S how!” Sunset showed the paper to Sunset. It somehow did something to Chrysalis Sunset thought was impossible - it left her speechless.

After a minute, Chrysalis wildly looked back at the cavern that the Guards were progressing past, then to Sunset. “That’s my counteroffer, Chrysalis. To all the demands you made, all the concessions you craved. Take it or leave it.”

“Why are… after all I’ve done?” Chrysalis’ voice was barely a whisper now, worn as scratchy. “Why do this for me? For my hive?”

“Because…” Sunset bit back a sob. There was so much risk with this. But if anypony knew the perils of such risks and braved it anyway, it was - well, it was Twilight. But after that, it was her. And moments like this were why, “Because I know how destabilizing this city can be to strangers. But it doesn’t end unless we end it. As individuals.” Sunset wiped furiously at her cheeks. “I don’t wanna see one tragedy bred by a misunderstanding to beget another.”

“... how do I know you’ll keep to this.”

“Because you know me. In a way nopony does - not even Twilight. How much I try for those I’m sure wanna see me gone. How much I want to… snap.” Sunset said. “But I’ve been to that mountain and back, and Chrysalis. It’s not worth it. It’s still lonely, and still painful, and the only way out is through friends. For my own sake, I have to try to not be a monster.”

Another bang. Another dozen spires on the rock ceiling speared into the dirt.

“Believe in my honesty or Shining’s mercy. Reality will make that choice if you won’t.”

And suddenly Chrysalis saw it. It wasn’t just Co-Director’s Luna’s words coming from Sunset at this point - it was her resolve. Her selflessness. One that Luna had apparently kept to if it’d taken the arriving Sunset for her to leave. Or at least, so said Thorax.

Queen Chrysalis nodded once, making Sunset’s grin broader. Then she braced her limbs, locked Sunset in her sights, and charged.

Several seconds later, the cavern they were in collapsed. Rock and dust smashed through the tunnels as everycreature - pony and cyberling alike - bolted for high ground. Soon, Sunset and Chrysalis’s location was barricaded by miles of inescapable rock.

And at one of those openings, the night sky was pierced by the heartrending cries of Twilight, struggling against her father's and Moondancer’s grip to futility go back to the blocked-off cave. Once again, the words that she’d uttered in the prisons rang out, a mantra to her growing madness.

“Sunseeeet! SUUUUUUUNSET!”

It took the approaching Luna for her to even calm down. And another dozen minutes for Twilight Sparkle to leave what she was sure was Inspector Sunset Shimmer’s tomb.

Eight Weeks Later

Twilight giggled, selling into her newest room in the Canterlot City Palace. Certainly, there was a lot in it to marvel at - the filigree bordering the windowsills and bedposts were a treat for the eyes. Even the magical mirror she was giggling in front of was inlaid with lovely jewels.

But the reason for her jubilance was between her body and that mirror, as her glowing horn summoned a rumbling shake countless floors below her. The jar balanced precariously on a stand in front of her rumbled and nearly shattered on the floor, only kept from the unforgiving marble by a forehoof.

“See?” Twilight said as she placed the jar back on its pedestal again. Her eyes remained locked onto the mirror. “These react to underground quakes! I got the idea from my readings on Old Equestria-One’s early detection systems. Knew I had to go outside the box - Chrysalis did.”

“And that’s how you found the hostages.” A falsetto that was still melodious came from the mirror. Nothing showed in the mirror’s reflection though. “It’s amazing how far you’ve come, my student.”

“...Yeah. It is.” A pregnant pause. “I hope you’re done cooking now? I mean, I know you’re got someone to share it with again... but it’s been so long since I’ve seen your face.”

“Why Twilight?” A coquettish chuckle broke out. “You’ve become so busy now, with the Crystal Empire’s liberation and Sombra Kahn’s banishment an-”

“I know it’s you, Sunset. You gave me this mirror.”

“Oh fine, fine.” And a rare sight presenting itself in the mirror at last: Sunset Shimmer’s smile. “Just kitting out before we head past the big mirror again.”

“That’s great, Sunset!” Twilight's brow furrowed. “Also, I thought I told you to stop teasing me with Celestia’s voice.” she snickered.

Sunset’s grin grew even further. “Yeah. Guess that doesn’t have the moxie it had when you fell for that twice. How’s your dad and Luna, by the way?”

“Luna’s already hard at work in the Judicial Division again. Shame about Cadance stepping down, but - I’m certain the Empire needs someone that caring, too.” Twilight coughed lightly into a forearm. “Though, one thing still troubles me. It’s about you surviving that hostage run?”

“How I did it?”

“No,” Twilight said. “Luna was nice enough to spill about that - said that the magic would make the catacombs collapse. But if it was already collapsing…”

“Then all bets were off.” Sunset’s smile dropped a fraction. “And I wanna apologize again. Even considering I might have started a furor if I ported back to you right off… you shoulda heard about my survival from me, not Luna.”

Twilight stifled a chuckle. “I understand. Actually, you wanna show just what it is that let you escape alive?”

“You promise not to spill before I go?”

“Stick a cupcake in my eye.”

Sunset mirrored the Pinkie-Pie-made vow’s motions with Twilight. “It started when I saw that trove of info from the hostages. Before I went to head off Chrysalis.”

“Yeah.” Twilight sighed. “I could tell whatever the cyberling said rattled you. I’m guessing you verified them well?”

“More than well,” Sunset said. “Took me a month - and lots of pleading to the owners - to track all this stuff, but… well, here they are.” Those six items floated before her again, Sunset pointing to Fancy Pant's ledger. “You know what Chrysalis said about Fancy? That he was greasing hooves to get the Great Innovation past for his own selfish ends?”

“Yes…” Twilight hissed.

“Yeah well, I wanted to refute Chrysalis about each of her accusations, so I showed her this.” Out of the middle of the book floated what Twilight thought was a bookmark, but was a picture of Fancy hugging another unicorn. A familiar, purple-haired unicorn. “Hard to say someone’s ruled by greed when they’re comforting a pony who’d stuck out at Grand Galloping Galas, isn’t it?”

Twilight beamed at the photo, her heart swelling at seeing the weak but present smile on Rarity’s face. “That’s… really nice on him.”

“You’ve no idea,” Sunset said. Surprisingly, her smile had faded, her tone becoming more clipped. “Fancy slid it between those pages in his book for another reason. One I’ve no doubt will be coming by your doorstep soon, so I’ll make this quick.”

“Go for it.”

The small ledger flashed right in front of Twilight's views, the pony’s eyes narrowing as she looked over every translation. “Everypony claims it’s Fancy doing it, but those payouts go to no company in his name- because floor whips can’t own stock in them.” Sure is a lot of work BB Incoltporated’s doing, though. Same with Fleur - apparently an avatar of unbridled Lust, for both political and romantic power.”

Twilight's eyebrows rose. “What did her keepsake prove?”

“That the rumors of her stable-surfing were fake.” Up went another piece of paper. Twilight’s eyes immediately widened upon seeing the title: Renewal of Vows: Fleur and Fancy. ”Fleur even tagged it with an ‘Strike-Down-if-Lying’ spell. I’d wondered why it buzzed on my hoof.”

“So if Fleur had broken her bond…” Twilight gasped. “She’d be a pearl statue by now!”

“And the spell has her magical signature. She offered that spell, and passed it.” Sunset said. “That was when I started thinking someone made her the fall girl. The deeper I dug into these keepsakes, the more that theory rang true. Chrysalis did something that mystery pony wanted - to put the elite of Canterlot City in one place. Then something happened that that pony didn’t want...”

“They all survived.”

”None were the same, but yep. Like Fleur - she wasn’t the same before the confession she wrote on the back. About who made her take the rap for Fancy - for financial bribes that Fancy’s ledger shows he didn’t do.” Like rapid-fire, the other trinkets flashed around Sunset like debris in a storm. “Whoa Nelly was Chrysalis's Gluttony, for monopolizing agricultural production. Yet here’s BB Incorporated's skimming of funds for the homeless kitchens she started up. Right next to her invitation to the Gala that let her find it out.”

Twilight reeled at the depths of the coverups revealed in each piece of evidence. Each individual piece seemed to thrust another inch of ice into her heart.

“Hoity Toity - Wrath, apparently - response for the cyberlings being banned from the City after that scuffle that got Photo Finish hurt? Apparently, his glasses have a recorder hidden in them as an anti-theft device. And that device was on by accident when he saw a different bolt hit that Royal Guard. A gold one, not Chrysalis's green. Three guesses who’s been holding Hoity in ‘protective custody’ since that incident, until Chrysalis yanked him out for her scheme?”

“BB Incolt…” Twilight got out through gritted teeth.

“BB Incolt.” Sunset’s tone could have layered frost on her end of the mirror. “Minuette was Pride for turning the hurt Chrysalis out of doors. Yet here’s her protest records to Canterlot officials for illegally stationing Royal Guards there - acting contrary to her goodwill. So much so that Min resigned in protest until she got an apology from BB. And who suppressed that Canterlot Times’ header and successfully got its beat reporter canned? BB.”

Twilight stiffened. “Wait wasn’t Moondancer-”

“‘Sloth’? Yeah, and a reporter. Her anti-gaslighting keepsake was BB’s notice to her that threatened to prosecute her and anycreature in her orbit if she pursued this ‘slanderous’ lead. So she self-isolates - including from Chryssy - in vain. Then gets fired and continues hiding in shame.”

Twilight’s hooves were shaking in their armrests as Sunset put forward the last piece of evidence. One that was familiar to Twilight for a different reason.

“And then, we have Night Light.” Sunset’s eyes focused on his. “Didn’t know how he - or as Chrysalis called him, ‘Pride’ - linked to all this at first. Night and Chrysalis never actually met before abduction. I thought it was because his daughter stopped him, but that didn’t make sense - the cyberlings had him subdued before Chrysalis rendezvoused with them.”

“But you checked his office several days after that interrogation. Right?” Twilight pointed out.

“When I remembered my epiphany during interrogation.” Sunset produced a transparent tote full of soot and ashes filtered out. “Found that in a pile near the desk. Even Night missed it.”

“I… I’m afraid I don’t know what that is.”

“Small world: neither did Night Light. Your mother, Velvet, came through,” Sunset explained. “See, as an accountant, I figured Night Light would be on high alert to who came into and out of his house. But no reports of Twilight look-alike, no metal drag marks in the wood? It meant either he left, which Velvet was not the case if she didn’t know of it, or…”

“He wasn’t abducted by a cyberling! Someone delivered him to them.” Twilight's rage-shrunken eyes went to the door. “I should rip him limb-”

“No need. He’ll be coming by you soon enough, and Thorax can attest to the deal they made.” Sunset’s grin was back, wicked, and wide. “Because I knew that Night Light had something hidden on him as an accountant, something that’d be valuable to all but a foalnapper. Something that just so found its way into Shining's hooves a day ago.”

As Twilight heard the clamor of several loud voices, Sunset dropped one word. “Copies.”

One particularly loud voice near Twilight’s room got intelligible at last. “What is the meaning of this!? Shining, I’ll have your wife’s crown for this!”

“Calm yourself, Prince,” came Shining Armor’s voice. “I would rather not have to see your mouth restrained too.”

Sunset’s look turned uneasy. “I should go, Twi-”

“No. Stay,” Twilight ordered. ”Canterlot City turned its back on you one time too many. And you still stuck up for it. I’m a Co-Director now, and I’m going to return the favor.”

And so, that investigator pony kept her position in the mirror - in full view of the open doorway- as Blueblood was frogmarched past them by two Royal Guards. “You dare arrest me? In my own private quarters?! I should-”

Twilight cleared her throat, stopping the disheveled duke’s ramblings. Blueblood’s eyes and jaws widened impotently as he noticed Twilight. And the pony behind Twilight.

“Wh-who is that! Is that Sunset the Savage-”

Inspector Sunset Shimmer,” snapped Sunset. “And you may as well keep that title in your mouth - it's the only one you’ll have any passing familiarity within a couple of days.”

Blueblood’s blubbering hit fever pitch, his face a mask of wayward drool and unfocused outrage. “You see, Guards? If Sunset survived, then that wretched scrapheap might be alive too! Arrest her, not me, for letting that fugitive go free!”

“You heard the former prince.” Sunset dryly remarked. “Did you see anything?”

Twilight nodded solemnly. “Well, B.B.B.F.F.? Do you think the pony that allegedly stole away our Dad in hopes a mad cyberling would kill him saw anything?”

After a long span of silence - only punctuated by Blueblood’s bated breaths - Shining nodded. “Not a thing, Sis. And great job on your promotion.”

As Blueblood started cursing up a storm - involving liberal use of the word bonehead - Twilight’s smile didn’t fade. “Thanks. It’s tough work, but it has its perks. Like this.” Twilight’s horn twinkled, and a muzzle slapped its way around Blueblood's foaming mouth. “That this show’s enough to add slander to the list, right?”

“It does. I’ll be sure Moondancer gets the first exclusive, little sis.” Shining gratefully nodded. “Guards, continue marching him off to his new home.”

As the incomprehensible moaning faded off, Twilight turned to face Sunset again. “What do you think, Inspector?”

A hacking laugh answered Sunset’s call this time. “You could have easily gone with some spikes on the inside of that muzzle too.” And suddenly, Chrysalis was next to Sunset’s side, the sparkling light of the magic mirror again signaling To Canterlot High. Royal Guards flanked the room’s edges, almost out of sight. Unlike the time of that hostage crisis, though, none of them moved to restrain Chrysalis.

“I try to see situations de-escalate, cyberling.” Twilight’s frown soon faded a fraction. “But if Sunset saw something in you worth saving, I hope Canterlot High does, too.”

"So long as she never shoots notes on purposefully triggering a cave collapse again, we're fine."

“Deal. And... thank you for trusting me, Twilight,” Sunset said. “And… not just with me turning from prisoner to supervisor of Chrysalis’s probation. I mean… for this opportunity.”

Twilight nodded back. “Gonna be tough,” she added. “Seeing King Thorax and the other cyberlings walk the streets again. But you can count on me to see us all through." "Though...”

Sunset and Chrysalis stopped, halfway out of the mirror’s view. “Yeah?” Sunset said.

“The provisions for Chrysalis complying with this probation quietly.” Twilight chewed her lip. “Did we really have to put up all those posters of her as the Deadliest Cyberling?”

“I am right here, Vice Director.” Chrysalis growled.

Sunset, after a while, chuckled. “I’ll tell you about that when you're older, Twi.” Seeing Twilight’s jaw hit the floor, Sunset shook her head wistfully. “And after you see the look on the ex-queen’s face when I told her.”

“Again, Inspector. Right. Here.”

Sunset turned to smile at the cyberling - now companion - stewing next to her. “Yeah, Chrysalis. You are here. And I wanna thank you for that” Her eyes widened when Chrysalis returned her smile.

Watching them beam at each other, Twilight batted a forehoof at them. “My goodness, you look so cute! If I tell the real Celestia, she could shorten Chrysalis’s sentence on good beha-”

The reaction was immediate. Chrysalis lunged to the right, her metal limbs clanging as she struggled. Sunset was laughing as she was dragged along for the ride. “Unhoof me, Shimmer! If I have to bypass a hundred Royal Guards, that statement will never reach Celestia’s ears!” yelled Chrysalis, embarrassment flooding her voice.

“We’ll see you later, Twilight! You know where to find me!” Sunset got out before the ethereal connection cut off. Once again, it was only Twilight's eyes staring back at her from that glass.

Twilight sighed happily as she turned to the sun, peeking its first rays into her new room. Today did seem like a good day; even Inspector Sunset had a friend to share it with. Maybe Twilight could revisit Ponyville, and do the same?

Who knows, Twilight thought as she trotted around her desk and out the open door. I could even find out if Spearhead popped the question to Rarity today!

Comments ( 15 )

It was a nice little story with happy ending for sunset and cheeselis.


Oooh, thanks! Really worked to make that ending all it could be.

Very nice. Coulda been a few minor ways to improve but this is leagues better then versoin 1.

I'll be damned if I understood what happened here. I swear. I'll need to read this again.

Thank you so much, Jest!

Love the fic, anymore plans involving the cyberlings? I always had my own ideas involving changeling machine race. ^^ Though you have transformers to thank for that lol


Depends on Prus. I would like to do more in this universe, though - maybe something digging deeper into Co-Director Luna.

Good story I guess I understood it now but imho it compacts waaaaaay too much info on three chapters. Btw if I understand correctly you basically had Queen Chrysalis step down as part of her deal?

I don't quite understand why the cyberlings need serotonin or how the cyberlings came to be in this universe.

Sequal or prequal please ^^

D'awwww, happy ending. And Blueblood got whipped as well.

'”.Shining, go get Chrysalis' - "Shining

'bonds -.like our own' - bonds - like our own

I like the short but developed story, good narrative. Felt like you where trying to lean into your inner Agatha Christie. My only issue is the world was very sudden. If there was something that expanded upon it before I read this, well, it would have helped.... I want a prequel

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