• Published 27th Oct 2020
  • 6,079 Views, 261 Comments

Against All Odds. - The_Chill_Author

[Displaced] John Oliver is sent to Equestria with his Six friends as Thanos. After being sealed in stone, he broke out. Now his gauntlet, his stones, his blade, and his team are now scattered across the planet. Can he back bring balance to Equis?

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Meet The Displaced

Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all!
You can journey around Equis with me
Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones!
What great odyssey this will be

You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait
A deadly world, a terrifying journey!

For thousands of years, they've waited for me
When the Infinity Stones are together their wrath is set free
Killing, Killing, burning, unmatched destroying~

Glowing and sparkling, somewhere concealed
Mysterious and shining with their power revealed
Ageless, timeless, their destruction is surprising~

Let’s fight, fight, fight, fight all your foes
Fight the gods and the demons below
No mercy, mercy, mercy, there's no other way!
And find the Infinity Stones today~

Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all!
Come and join my conquest with me
Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones!
What great odyssey this will be

You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait
A deadly world, a terrifying journey!

I picked up the goggles and looked at Thanos who was walking to his room, I looked back to the others, and they nodded getting ready. I look to Dr. Doom and he got ready, then we suddenly teleported in front of Thanos, Thanos opened his eyes, shocked. Garou and Muscular lunged at him, Thanos caught them both by the neck and slammed their heads together, they were dazed. I then look to Magneto and he formed his fist into a ball, Thanos roared in pain and wrapped his hand around his Infinity Gauntlet, it was getting crushed. I then smiled and slowed down time, as I walked up to him, and I got some chains out. I wrapped the chains around Thanos, and I continued time normally, he fell onto his knees. Weakened, he looked down to the chains.

"This is-" Before he can utter a word I cut him off, grabbing my knife and holding it close to his neck.

"That's right, it's sea prism chains and if you want to live you'll come with us. Magneto, take off his gauntlet." Magneto loosened the gauntlet and Muscular took it off. He glared at me and I just said nothing, I pulled his chains as Dr. Doom made a portal for us, I smiled as I dragged Thanos to the portal.

"WAIT YOU TITANNAPPERS!!!!!" I hear someone with an annoying voice say, I turn around and I see, Lucci, Entity, Luffy, Eden Spark, Mogeme, Grievous, and Sally run at us. I roll my eyes and I turn to Warmonger.

"Go and use the spell," I said blandly, Warmonger looked at me.

"As you wish," She held out her hand and time stopped for them, Warmonger walked up to the group, Grievous leading the charge, she giggled and booped him where his nose should be.

"You're so cute when you're trying." She walked to us and Garou looked at her.

"Was that really necessary?" Garou growled, she shrugged.

"What? I have my needs, besides I need a man who's strong, determined, and handsome on the inside." She blew Grievous a quick kiss before hopping in the portal, we all shook our heads and walked into the portal and with that time continued and they ran only to stop themselves. Grievous looked back at the group clenching his fists, he turned back around and fell on his knees.

"Hey robot guy, she thought you were cute," Luffy said pointing at Grievous mockingly. Mogeme held his laughter, Grievous looked like he was about to explode.


A Few Minutes Ago

Grievous POV

I sat in my room in complete silence, I was next to Lucci who was meditating, he's been meditating ever since that fight with Eric. He's been trying to reach out to his primal urges, or should I say awaken his Devil Fruit? Either way, he's been trying nonstop to get stronger. Entity was with me too and Sally for whatever reason, they were playing Uno.

"So how do you think the others are doing?" Sally asked putting down a plus-four, Entity shrugged.

"I dunno, Supergirl's probably cursing at us, after all, she can hear everything." Entity counters the plus-four with his plus four. "Rapunzel is probably singing to herself."

"Hah! You're probably right, she's a singer I tell you." Sally put down another plus four, Entity scoffed.

"Of course she's a Disney princess, but no Disney princess can match your voice and your beauty." Entity smiled, Sally covered her face and blushed as Entity puts down another plus four. I rolled my eyes.

"Tch, yeah right, you have the beauty of a slug." I joked, Sally snapped her head towards me. Entity held her back when she was thrashing to kill me all the while I was laughing.

"Someone's here." Lucci opened his eyes, we all jumped to our feet, I got out my swords, Entity got his scythe, Lucci and Sally got into their fighting stance, we were all facing our backs. Immediately something or rather someone fell from the roof, a man with a straw hat, the straw-hat-wearing man got up and grinned.

"Shishishi, I made it! Hi, my name is Monkey D. Luffy, do you know where I can find a purple guy here?" We all faced him and looked at each other, I shook my head.

"How did you get here? I thought that we can only summon or get summoned by from tokens." I asked loosening my stance.

"That's what I thought too before he attacked," I hear someone say, I snap my head towards the one who made that noise it was... A dude with some weird gear and a guy with a- Wait is that a robot in my room?

"Who's he? Why are you in my room? HOW ARE YOU GUYS HERE!???!?!" I asked looking at everyone in the room, Luffy laughed, the guy with the robot jumped off from the robot and walked up to us.

"Let's cut to the chase, Kaido, the king of beasts, is here to take Thanos and recruit him to his army of Displaced. And before you ask, do you really think that someone with the Infinity tones would go unnoticed in the universe? There are spies in every single Equestria, and one of you killed one of their spies, Noximilen The Clockmaker. Kaido is angry and he wants to see Thanos, he knows that he wasn't the one who killed Noximilien, it was Thanos' little pet, Eric Von Shadow, Kaido knows everything about you, us, and the whole multiverse! He has an army of Displaced and characters from shows stuck in Equestria! He took one of my allies, some of Luffy's, and some of Mogeme's too, the guy with the coat. Name's Eden Spark by the way." Eden Spark finished his little rant and me and the boys and I guess girl, were shocked.

"Wait they're going after Thanos?" As soon as Sally said that I heard the window break and I went running to the door.


Current Time

I punched a wall next to me, I was angered- nay, enraged that I was so close to getting Thanos yet so far. Lucci looked to Eden who sighed.

"I know a way to get to Kaido's Equestria, follow me and I'll tell you the plan to free the prisoners in Kaido's prison."Eden walked off and everyone else followed him but me. I couldn't believe the events that transpired, why? How? When? What?

"Why am I so weak?"

Author's Note:

I squeezed in a chapter, it wasn't the best but the next one is going to be better, trust me.

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