• Published 27th Oct 2020
  • 6,077 Views, 261 Comments

Against All Odds. - The_Chill_Author

[Displaced] John Oliver is sent to Equestria with his Six friends as Thanos. After being sealed in stone, he broke out. Now his gauntlet, his stones, his blade, and his team are now scattered across the planet. Can he back bring balance to Equis?

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The Prison And The Plan

Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all!
You can journey around Equis with me
Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones!
What great odyssey this will be

You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait
A deadly world, a terrifying journey!

For thousands of years, they've waited for me
When the Infinity Stones are together their wrath is set free
Killing, Killing, burning, unmatched destroying~

Glowing and sparkling, somewhere concealed
Mysterious and shining with their power revealed
Ageless, timeless, their destruction is surprising~

Let’s fight, fight, fight, fight all your foes
Fight the gods and the demons below
No mercy, mercy, mercy, there's no other way!
And find the Infinity Stones today~

Find the Infinity Stones! Seek out for them all!
Come and join my conquest with me
Listen for the cry, of the Infinity Stones!
What great odyssey this will be

You can join my conquest because my friends won't wait
A deadly world, a terrifying journey!

I was in my cell, Grievous was chained to the wall, unconscious and there was another prisoner who just won't stop bugging me.

"Hey, hey, hey, Thanos." He said.

"What?" I groaned, this has gone for five minutes yet he annoyed me.

"Do you know that The_Chill_Author is SIMP for Screwball666? I mean really! He's such a SIMP, and I'm not talking about the "Squirrels-in-my-pants" kind. Speaking of simp, this one guy who has a chainsaw for a hand is such an A-class SIMP for Twilight. Not to mention the guy named Goku Black is also a simp for protecting-his-so-called-girlfriend-not-really-girlfriend-even-though-said-girlfriend-or-marefriend-was-gonna-confess-to-Goku-Black-he-also-got-turned-to-stone-voluntarily-to-protect-Luna-and-others-I-guess-he-is-still-a-simp. The name's Nappa from the Nappa's Bizarre Adventure story on Fimfiction. Which sadly has 18 likes and 4 dislikes, it's The_Chill_Author's first story. He's going to continue it, I hope until then I'm camping out in your story." Nappa said all under one breath, which I was thoroughly confused yet intrigued.

"Teach me your ways," I asked, kneeling in front of him, he grinned.

"Why the heck not? Speaking of which, I am hilarious and you will quote everything I say. Someone in the comments please do the "Quote" option on every single word that I say or The_Chill_Author types. Also, I'm going to be cursing, just like this, frick! Wait why can't I say frick? WAIT GOD FRICKING DARN IT!!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!" Nappa cried out.

Hah! You thought! I would never give you the ability to curse in my Christian Minecraft story.

"It's not even Christian or Minecraft! This is outrageous!" Nappa snapped back.

Thanos' story, his plot, his rules, sorry bud.

"I hate you." Nappa flat-out said.

I love you too :)

Back to the story, there was a prisoner who was small in size who looked at me.

"Hey you, you're gonna be my b-" Before the little prisoner could even finish his words, I grabbed the thing's head and slammed it into the wall, making it drop dead.

"No," I said firmly and I sat back down next to Nappa.

"I'm never going to let you live this down." Nappa grinned, I just shook my head and went to my thoughts and reflected on everything.

Went to a convention dressed up as a character along with my friends, got sent to Equestria by a creepy merchant by choice, teleported to the Everfree Forest, camped out there for a while, met with Celestia, me and the boys (and girls) beat Discord, us and the ponies became allies, me and Celestia became lovers, I got married with Princess Celestia with all the Infinity Stones, then she wants to destroy all evil, basically committing Genocide, I refused, we started a war against each other, got set in stone, woke up at the Castle of Two Sisters, underground, ate a manticore, went to a prison meant for bad people, freed General Grievous, I asked Grievous to do some Mission Impossible type crap, he succeeds, got a Gauntlet and a blade, went to the Equestria version of Russia but with Minotaurs, fought a friend, Grievous went to some place and got a cool sword to add to his collection, an army was now after us, got onto a boat, got away, went to the Griffin Kingdom, fought against someone with power, Grievous and Lucci broke Entity out of jail, fought some ponies, I fought some ponies, we got away, made some tokens, went to a cat kingdom, got summoned, met an edgy Zuko type character, made him square up, we fought, helped him with a training problem, returned to the boys, while I was gone Lucci fought a cat girl, Grievous and Entity freed Frankenstein Waifu creature thing, they got back to me, I was packing heat, decimated a small army, went back to an Equestrian version of Russia, fought it's King, won, I am now a King, I now have a daughter, got the Reality Stone, kicked my friends butts with it, went to a meeting involving leaders, got counseling with Celestia, Discord being the counselor, after that summoned edgy boy dark guy, he fought hot guy, robot guy, and cat guy, then they went on a mission, fought an old man named Nox, almost killed everyone, Grievous was almost killed by Celestia, Entity was in critical condition, Lucci was hurt but not by much, edgy boy dark guy was about to get his butt kicked, then me and three others came in avengers style, got the Power Stone, burned down half of the capital, made an alliance with furries, got captured by Nox's allies, met a dragon, Grievous fought said dragon, Grievous was also captured, and now I have to wait for my friends to come for my while I'm in prison. HOW DID ALL OF THESE EVENTS TRANSPIRE IN THE TWO MONTHS?!?!?

Sorry for that wall of text :3

"I have a question for god..." I looked up to the ceiling, "WHHHYYYYYY???????????????"

It was nightfall. Lucci looked directly at the prison, with binoculars he looked back at the gang and they nodded, Entity and Lucci jumped to their feet and ran making no sound, they reach the sides of the prisons, Lucci looked through a window and he saw Azula, Pain, and Enel walk through a portal. Lucci frowned and looked to Entity, Entity ran and checked on another window, they saw an injured Rebecca from One Piece there, they went to another one and they saw Shrek chained to the wall. They went to the next and they saw Nappa and Thanos there, Thanos noticed them and waved.

"About time." He said Lucci ran over to him and put a finger close to his lips, and Entity made a perfect circle with his scythe and cut through it. The stone was pulled out by Lucci, he set it down gently.

"Let's go." Lucci turned around but someone in the cells spoke.

"What about us?" They asked.

"Don't worry we'll come back," Lucci promised, as Nappa and Thanos hurry out of there, Thanos runs back and grabs Grievous.

"Almost forgot about you," Thanos said before he runs back out.

The five then run away to the woods, Grievous was unconscious in Thanos' arms as they went back to the camp, using really fast techniques like Soru. When they came back Eden looked at the boys, he gave them the teleporter.

"If things go south, run, they can't come to your world unless they find your Token. I will find your Token and hide it somewhere they can't find it. Alright?" Eden told the boys, they both nodded, Sally, walked up to Eden.

"Let me come with you, you can't do it alone." Sally requested, Eden nodded and they both ran to the cells, where Entity cut a hole through. Sally bent the bars so that Eden can get through, meanwhile, Sally destroys the locks of all the cells and every single prisoner got up and carried their injured out. Eden got out something from his bag, a Scouter, he put it on and clicked it, searching for a specific Power Level. Sally continued to unlock the cells, then suddenly a guard lunged at them, Eden shot a silent shot from a pistol that went right through its skull. Sally caught the falling body and reduced it to atoms. Sally then looked at Eden.

"Are we close?" Sally asked, Eden then looked into a cell and his face dropped, it was a soldier that looked like him but his mask was torn. Blood dripped from his mouth, he didn't look like he was breathing and his clothes had burn marks and slash marks, Sally dissolved the lock and Eden opened the cell, making it slam on the bars. Eden ran in and shook the soldier.

"Cal, Cal, wake up! Wake up, man." The man shown no sign of waking up, he then looked the soldier in the eyes, the soldier's eyes were open and his skin was cold. Eden paused, tears start to form in his eyes.

"Cal! Wake up please, you promised that you would stay strong for me! YOU PROMISED GOD DARN IT!!!!!" He continued to shake him, Sally then heard a voice.

"Hey, who's there?" Sally looked to Eden.

"We need to go, now," Sally said with urgency, Sally reached out to touch Eden, but he turned around, tears in his eyes.

"DON'T TOUCH ME!!! These mother buckers are going to die!" He pulled out a mysterious gun from his bag and something else, it was some sort of rifle and there was a cube that was red and white. Eden got up and pushed Sally out of the way. Eden looked to a guard, it was Magneto, Eden pressed a button on the rifle and Eden shot a blob made out of pure magma into Magneto's head. Magneto fell on his back, dead. Sally looked at Magneto's burnt and molten face, she covered her mouth to stop herself from throwing up. They then hear a loud noise far from them but they could still hear it, must be Mogeme.

Mogeme POV

I blasted my soundwaves loud and proud, waking everyone up, every single warrior came to me.

"I WAS DREAMING ABOUT ME AND GRIEVOUS BEING MARRIED YOU DARN BRAT!!!!!!!!!" Warmonger growled, as she threw her pillow right at me, I ducked and I blasted my soundwaves loud and bobbed my head, I had an earpiece that made me not hear my sounds. Warmonger tried to come close to me but was blasted by my sounds. Garou then walked towards me, unfazed by the soundwaves, as Garou came closer I blasted my soundwaves louder. Garou was getting pushed back and he came closer to me, wings popped from his back and he flapped them coming closer to me.

"Soundwave Noise Maker!" The soundwaves became louder with base boosted, I then play something that will make them regret having ears.

Garou was pushed back into a wall, as I laughed with pure joy.

"SCOTLAND FOREVER SUCKAS!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" I laughed, immediately I heard rumbling in the ground and Kaido in his Dragon form came from his resting place, he towered over all of us, I looked up at him.

"What is that noise? Was that you who woke me up?" Kaido looked down at me, I couldn't hear him.

"WHAAAAAAAAT????" I asked him, Kaido cleared his throat.

"I said, "Was that you who woke me up?" Kaido said once more, I still couldn't hear him.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAATT?????" I asked him yet again, Kaido's eye twitched, he cleared his throat again.

"I said, "Was that you who woke me up?!" Kaido repeated himself, I could hear him but now I just want to annoy him.

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTT????????"" I asked him louder than normal, Kaido had veins appearing on his forehead.

"I said "WAS THAT YOU WHO WOKE ME UP!??!?!?!?"" Kaido said in a near shout (In his point of view that wasn't even a shout.) I was giggling, (What? Men can't giggle?) I inhaled.


"I SAID, "WAS THAT YOU WHO WOKE ME UP!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!?"" Kaido asked me with a shout, Warmonger was trying to stop herself from laughing, escaping a few giggles. I inhale once more, more oxygen getting stored in my lungs.

"WHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTT??????????" I bellowed, his eyes were slits and veins appeared all over his forehead.

"I SAID "WAS THAT YOU WHO WOKE ME UUUUUUPP?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!" Kaido roared, I was full on laughing at this point as I played the Scottish music.


"THAT IS IT, I AM GOING TO END YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! BORO BRE-" Kaido was then punched by a giant Armament Haki covered fist.

"Gum Gum, RED ROC!!!!" The fist impacted Kaido's head and he was slammed into the earth, crushing some of his men, some of them included Dr. Doom. I then realized this was my time to escape, I look at the prison.

"How about we free some prisoners?" I said to myself, my voice sore from all the yelling, it was worth it. I run towards the prison, as Luffy decides to fight them all.

I snuck into the prison, walking down the hallways looking for the prison cells, I then found myself walking inside of a greenhouse, there was a bunch of peculiar fruits in here, but one caught my eye. It was a fruit expelling steam, I could feel the heat, I was drawn to it, I then take the fruit and put it in a bag that had its own dimension. I found a lot of cool stuff in my adventures, I then hear Eden's voice.

"KAIDOOO!!!! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!???!?!?!?" I look to my left and the glass exploded, sending shards at my way, I covered my face, glass hitting parts of my body. Eden is on a rampage!

"Eden, calm down." I walk towards him but he raised his gun and pointed it at me, Sally got in the way.

"Eden, calm down! I know you're friend is dead but this isn't what he would want!" Sally tried to stop him but she was pushed out of the way.

"Shut up! You don't know what he'll want." Eden snarled, as he makes his way to the sounds of combat, I then countered.

"You wouldn't know either, would you?" I hate seeing women getting put down like that, Eden walked up to me and grabbed me by the collar of my jacket, and pulled me close to him.

"What did you just say you little brat?!" Eden put his rifle under my chin and I put my soundwave gauntlet on his rib. We both glared at each other then we heard a, tsk, tsk, tsk.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, really? Fighting amongst yourselves? That really isn't teamwork." We looked towards The Reaper, or Reaper for short, he was leaning on a tree. Eden pushed me aside and put up his rifle and aimed it at Reaper.

"What the hell did you just say? I don't care about teamwork right now, Kaido needs to die!" Eden growled, Reaper walked up to Eden.

"You can't beat Kaido in a one on one fight, you know what they say, "If it's a one on one fight, Kaido will win." just look what happened to Grievous, and he is thousands of times stronger than you," Reaper said matter-of-factly.

"Tch, you're right we need to take down Kaido, not me. Where are the others?" Eden looked at me, I cleared my throat.

"Luffy is fighting Kaido, Thanos, Grievous, and some Saiyan was saved Lucci and Entity." I listed, Eden sighed.

"Darn Luffy," He muttered under his breath. "Reaper, I doubt you'll try to stop us, will you join us in taking down Kaido?" Eden asked.

"Yeah, I've been wanting to anyways. Kaido is a jerk also here's Thanos' Gauntlet." Reaper held up Thanos' Gauntlet, Eden pulled out another gadget, another teleporter, he tapped a button and he looked at us.

"Jump in." We all do so and after we jumped in everything exploded.


"Jet Pistol!" Luffy shot his fist right at Garou and he was sent flying into the prison. Luffy glared at Kaido, Kaido was about the slam his claw down on Luffy but he suddenly vanished, Luffy was above the clouds held up by Nappa.

"Oi, Nappy, let me down!" Luffy said as he tried to squirm out of his grasp.

"You know as well as I do this won't end well," Nappa said looking at Kaido, Kaido looked to his left and right.

"Where is that darn brat?" Kaido asked himself he flew and tried to look in the forest, Nappa flew back to the camp that was in the forest. Grievous was fully healed due to eating sensu beans that were held by Nappa. Nappa looked at the prison, squatting in a charging position then stood up and flicked both his middle finger and his index finger up.

"Giant Storm!" The prison was then blown into smithereens, Kaido looked back at the prison.

"MY MEN!!!!" He flew back, Nappa turned to his companions, he then sensed Eden, Reaper, Sally, and Mogeme.

"We need to regroup with the others, let's go!" Nappa ran towards the power levels, Thanos, Entity, Lucci, and Grievous ran too.

"All that's left is Kaido, together we can take him down," Thanos said as he saw Sally and the others, he jumped and landed in front of them. The others jumped down with Thanos, they were all together. Thanos, Grievous, Lucci, Entity, Sally, Eden, Luffy, Mogeme, and Reaper.

"Wait, why is he here?" Lucci asked, Reaper crossed his arms.

"You'll need everyone you got to take down Kaido. Also here." Reaper threw Thanos his Gauntlet, he then turned and looked over the two cliffs that were in the way of looking at Kaido. Thanos got his Gauntlet on. They all got in a line, Thanos in the middle, Lucci on his right, Grievous on his left, Entity on Lucci's left, Sally on Grievous' right, Eden on Entity's left, Luffy on Sally's right, Mogeme on Eden's left, Nappa on Luffy's right and finally Reaper on Mogeme's left.

As they marched towards the ruins of the prison, Kaido looked down at our heroes, each of them glaring at Kaido.

Thanos the Mad Titan, the ex-husband of the Guardian of The Sun, master of all the Infinity Stones, King of the Kingdom of the Minotaurs, eater of the Netsu-Netsu No Mi, friend and enemy of many.

Rob Lucci, the Leopard Assassin, master of the Six Powers, two-time defending champ of champion of Minos, master of martial arts, eater of the Neko-Neko No Mi, Model: Leopard, and a friend to the Mad Titan.

General Grievous, the Dragon Slayer of the East, master of all five Elemental Swords, captain of the Minotaur Kingdom's Royal Guard, master of the blade, and friend to the Mad Titan.

Entity 303, the White Reaper, master of the flames and conqueror of the cold, lover of the Queen of the Dead, master of the scythe, and friend to the Mad Titan.

Sally, the Queen of the Dead, master of destruction, lover to the White Reaper, master of all Six Powers, known as the bladed woman, and friend to the Mad Titan.

Eden Spark, the Mercenary of the West, master of strategy and master of invention, mech wearing demon, and an ally to the Mad Titan.

Straw Hat Monkey D. Luffy, Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates, master of combat, eater of meat, son of a demon and a hero, and an ally to the Mad Titan.

Mogeme Genome, the Gold Blooded Alternian Troll, master of sound, lover of children, entertainer to all, treasure hunter, and an ally to the Mad Titan.

Nappa, a Middle-Class Full-Blooded Saiyan, a proud equestrian, the prankster of Ponyville, warrior of Equestria, master of the martial arts, and an ally to the Mad Titan.

Alvin Cain, The Reaper and killer of many, adoptive father of Rarity Belle, all-seeing and all-knowing, strategist of Kaido, ex-subordinate of Kaido, and an ally to the Mad Titan.

They walked surprisingly in sync, as they passed the giant cliffs that were above them, casting a shadow onto them making it darker for them, but the dark could never stop these beacons of hope, these beacons of light! Thanos unsheathed his blade and put it in his right hand, his gauntlet hand hot with fire. Grievous got out all of his Elemental Swords, Earth, Air, Water, and Lightning, and covered them in Armament Haki. Eden got out his cube and held it close, his rifle still switched to its magma setting. Lucci got into his Hybrid Form, covered both his arms and legs in Armament Haki. Luffy went Gear Second, both his arms and legs covered in Armament Haki. Entity had a flaming aura around him, covering his arms and legs in Armament Haki, he then summoned his Scythe, also covering it in Armament Haki. Sally covered her arms and legs in Armament Haki, and grinned. Mogeme got his boots into Soundwave setting and he got his gauntlets ready as he slammed his fist together on his palm. Nappa clenched his fists, his tail flicked with excitement, and he cracked his knuckles. Reaper got his knife ready, it was a special knife, he switched its setting and it turned itself into a sword, he covered his arms and left with Armament Haki. They walked where the entrance once was, now was just rubble and ruins. Thanos found Muscular's decapitated head and stomped on it like a bug.

"Stupid idiot," Thanos muttered under his breath.

They all got into their fighting stances and looked up at the King of Beasts.

"Let's go!"

Author's Note:

Just to clarify, I'm not a simp, Nappa is just making fun of me for crossovering, is that a word? Crossovering with her two times, which is normal all things considered.

"HEY!!! Stop trying to ruin me making fun of you!"

Go kill yourself mate.


Aaaannd he's dead. Get rekt kid. Also sorry for the big letters, it was for C O M E D Y.

Also they all have reasons to be mad at Kaido if you think about it.

Thanos was captured by Kaido.

Lucci's friend, Grievous, was almost killed by Kaido.

If it wasn't for Kaido, Grievous' room wouldn't be invaded by Mogeme, Eden, and Luffy, Grievous got Bellamy'd. (Bellamy'd, the act of your opponent letting you hit them and then one-shotting you.)

Sally for seeing Eden in sorrow.

Entity for angering his lover.

Luffy for taking his crew.

Eden for killing his best friend, Cal.

Reaper for being a Jerk.

Nappa for taking him from his own story.

Oh, and don't worry Warmonger is most definitely alive :)

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