• Published 28th Oct 2021
  • 1,421 Views, 31 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure - TheDriderPony

A branching story with interactive gameplay, multiple endings, and more secrets than Pinkie's basement!

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You Have Nothing to Fear...

The werewolf leaps at you, snarling, her claws bared and ready to strike. You fumble back a half-step in panic, but your hoof finds your bag nonetheless and quickly whips out your stick. It may not be much, but any weapon's better than nothing.

You brace yourself like you're part of a phalanx in ancient Pegasoppoli, legs bent, wings flared, back arched and makeshift spear held out before you ready to receive its grim shish kebab. But the hit never comes. In fact, even the snarling has stopped. Instead there's a sound like heavy breathing.

You sneak one eye open. The werewolf is sitting. Sitting back on its haunches like a dog, tongue lolling out of the side of its mouth as it pants. The fury is gone and there's no mistaking the glee in its eye.

What happened? Five seconds ago it was ready to rip and tear into you like a Hearth's Warming present!

You lower your spear and the werewolf's head follows it down. That could be something. You try moving it to the right. Again, her head follows it. You spin it in a circle and the werewolf does a decent impression of a windmill.

You're no scientist, but you know how to draw a conclusion from evidence. All that's left is to prove the theory.

"You want the stick?"

The werewolf nods eagerly, her tail thumping back and forth on the floor. It'd be almost cute if she wasn't still three times your size with teeth and claws like farm tools. Even with that it's hard to take her quite as seriously when she's acting like a puppy.

"Is this what you want?" you tease, and waggle your weapon. "This stick right here? This one? You want it? You want the stick? You want—"

"Yes!" she roars, her voice tearing through the air like thunder and spritzing you with slobber and foam. "Yes, by Winnie, I want it! Give it to me!"

You'd slightly forgotten that there was still a pony-level intelligence behind the shaggy coat and eyes that burned like coals. You reel back a foreleg and give the stick a hefty throw worthy of an Equestrian Games champion. It hits the far wall, of course, but if it hadn't it'd definitely have gone for miles! "Then fetch!"

The werewolf turns on a dime, her claws skidding across the already heavily scraped-up floor before she lopes off to retrieve her prize. You let out a sigh of relief now that her presence isn't looming over you quite so menacingly. Still, it's not a permanent solution. Throwing a stick is only the first part of the game; the second involves her coming back. Who knows how long the game might keep her entertained before she gets bored and decides to return to sampling her new chew toy? You rather like having all your organs in their current internal arrangement.

You glance down and notice that the door, which you previously had thought locked, has something stuck under its lip. Maybe you could escape. Since you're not sure how you're supposed to beat this challenge, it might be the best option. You glance at your foe. Your throw managed to lodge the stick pretty solidly in the rotting wall and she's having a tough time digging it out. There's time.

You wiggle out the blockage and find it's half a ripped up book. With it removed, the door opens easily. You sneak out while the werewolf is still distracted. You've lost a tool, but escaped with your life. All in all, not a bad trade.

The hallway is still as cluttered as ever, with enough debris spilled around that it's hard to move without flying. There are four possible exits, TWO DOORS to your left, and the hallway leading both LEFT and RIGHT.

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