• Published 28th Oct 2021
  • 1,420 Views, 31 Comments

Rainbow Dash's Awesome Nightmare Night Haunted House Choose-Your-Own-Adventure Adventure - TheDriderPony

A branching story with interactive gameplay, multiple endings, and more secrets than Pinkie's basement!

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You Have Nothing to Fear...

Digging deep into your mind and pulling forth every possibly relevant memory, you focus on channeling Fluttershy so hard that this giant monster has no choice but to make friends with you.

You flick your mane, making it lose its spiky style and drape down over one eye. It blocks half your vision, but works wonders getting you into character. You crouch in on yourself, making your body as small as possible as if all the frightening things in the world are a physical pressure on your body. Your eyes become wide and watery (not a hard feat with all the dust), as if they exist at all times on the precipice of bursting into tears.

Persona set, you turn to face the beast.

"H-hello Mister R-Rabbit," you stutter, suffusing your voice with honey and nervousness.

The giant monster steps closer and looms over you. With you huddled down, he towers over you like you're little more than a filly. You swallow hard and fight back your instinctive urge to use this advantageous position to launch a sneak attack. "D-did I disturb your territory? I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to." The beast leans down, its skull practically pressing into your muzzle. The urge to headbutt is overwhelming, but instead you force a small smile. "B-but that doesn't mean we can't be friends? Right? I'm sure you're a really nice... giant... dust bunny thing?"

Your eyes, burning and itching, squeeze shut of their own accord as the massive dust beast huffs a cloud of itself at you. Is this it? The end of Rainbow Dash? Eaten by a dust monster thanks to a poor impersonation? You can see the words on your headstone now: "She lived as Rainbow Dash, but died as Fluttershy. Rip in Peace." What an ignoble end for a mare like you.

Just as you start to imagine who'd give the best speech at your funeral, you feel something rough and crumbly caress your cheek.

It does it again, and you risk a peek.

The giant dust bunny is licking you.

But it's not the pre-tasting of a beast, either. The creature's whole body language has changed. It's much more docile, more calm. It almost looks kinda... cute. When it's not rearing up, at least.

"Hey! That tickles!" you laugh as you playfully push the surprisingly light monster aside. It actually itches more than it tickles, but that's what Fluttershy always says and you're still very deep in character. The creature takes a few loping hops back and, after a moment, starts digging for something in the dark remains of the closet. It soon returns with something in its mouth.

"What's that?" you ask. "Do you have something for me?"

The creature nods and dry-spits it into your waiting hooves. Much to your surprise, it's a pair of bunny ears. A costume pair, that is. Made of cheap fabric and wire and attached to a headband. "Ah, thank you?" The dust bunny lowers its head and you oblige by giving him some scritches behind the ear. His joyously thumping leg stirs up a cloud of dust (though it's quickly sucked back into the dust bunny's body).

"I have to go now," you tell your new friend, who looks saddened in response. As sad as a glowing skull covered in animate dust can look. "But that doesn't mean we're not friends. Maybe I'll be able to come back later."

The dust bunny smiles at you and, without another word, crumbles back into a pile of dust and a normal inanimate skull.

You step back carefully to disturb its remains as little as possible, and close the door after you pass into the hall.

With a flick of your head, your mane returns to its usual style as does the courage return to your posture. Twilight would be proud of you, winning the day through friendship rather than violence. Though a small part of you regrets missing out on what would no doubt have been an epic fight.

You can't wait to show Fluttershy this room when she finally arrives. No doubt she'll try to adopt the thing and take it home. Though that'll depend on whether he's a real creature that Starlight and Trixie lured into participating, or just another magical creation.

Speaking of magical creations, you eye the Bunny Ears still clutched in your hoof. They don't seem particularly special, but nothing in this house ever is what it seems. You start to put them in your Inventory Bucket before a thought strikes you. Why not wear them? Sure, maybe they're a little foalish, but it's not like anypony's watching. And it might make them easier to access if you need them later. On the other hoof, they could get knocked off and lost without you noticing.

Either way, it's time to move on to the next part of your adventure!

The floorboards creak underhoof as you examine your options. There are four paths to chose from, TWO DOORS, and TWO HALLWAY directions.

Author's Note:

What Will You Do?

You may choose to either WEAR THE BUNNY EARS or STORE them away in your Inventory. Make note of your decision, as future options will depend on it.


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