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Chapter 1: Opposite Sides

DATE: December 16, 2020
LOCATION: Rainbow Dash's house

A news report on TV said that the Equestria Girls' last mission was a complete disaster, and that was accurate. Well, for the most part. They won the fight against the revamped Dazzlings, but at one point, Sunset Shimmer went insane and nearly killed her friends. Additionally, one of the Dazzlings, Aria Blaze, got away, while the other two were taken into custody. Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight were busy trying to get in to Sunset's head to remove the brainwashing device without killing her. It took all night, but they were successful. The next morning, the police were banging on Rainbow Dash's door and asking for Sunset. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash's house was on COMPLETE LOCKDOWN, so they couldn't get in. However, something... or someone... broke the front door with complete ease. Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity walked into the house. Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Sunset faced the police, Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity.

"Uh... maybe I'll leave you girls to solve this one, seeing as how you're all superheroes", the police chief said. "If things escalate out of control, let us know, Applejack." The police backed away.

"Sunset, you are under arrest for almost murdering us", Applejack said.

"Hold on. We found a brainwashing device in her brain", Rainbow Dash replied.

"And where is it?", Applejack asked. Unfortunately, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Sunset had destroyed it so it couldn't brainwash anyone else.

"Damn it", Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath.

"Come with us now", Fluttershy said.

"Stay away from her", Pinkie said.

"I'm sorry... but she's my best friend", Twilight said.

"What did Fluttershy just say?", Rarity asked. The two sides faced each other.

"Oh, shit! We didn't sign up for this! Retreat, men!", the police chief panicked as the police retreated.


Rainbow Dash rammed into Applejack, and the Equestria Girls of Speed and Strength clashed. Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie fought, with Pinkie Pie throwing several sugar bombs at her opponent. Twilight fled with Sunset, but Rarity chased them throughout the house.

"I signed a contract with the government! We need to be kept under 24-hour surveillance!", Applejack said.

"Then you're delusional!", Rainbow Dash replied. Before she could throw a punch, a swarm of animals (courtesy of Fluttershy) pinned Rainbow Dash to the ground. Pinkie, however, was way too quick and had a huge arsenal, making her impossible to catch. She unleashed a huge explosion, which obliterated the house, and all the animals (and the Equestria Girls) were sent flying in different directions. Twilight used her telekinesis to save herself, Pinkie, Rainbow Dash (who hadn't ponied up, so she couldn't fly at the time), and Sunset, while Rarity used her diamond cages to save herself, Applejack, and Fluttershy (who hadn't ponied up, so she couldn't fly at the time). Team Rainbow Dash were at the school, while Team Applejack were at Applejack's house.


"Uh... sorry about your house, Dash", Pinkie said.

"Don't sweat it. I can rebuild it in the blink of an eye", Rainbow Dash responded.

Run To Break Free

I have so much more to say
But I live in slow motion
From moment to moment, hey
Holding back from day to day
The clock's ticking slowly
But time cannot hold me down
I find myself in the rhythm of my feet
Feel it in my heartbeat
The time is now, and I won't hold back, hold back
Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin'
Watch me, yeah-yeah, I'm runnin'
I let go in this moment, all roads open
Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin'
I was born to break free
I choose my path, I choose my dreams
My spirit's a fighter
A passion igniter, yeah
All I need's inside of me
A light shining brighter
A spark to a fire now
I find myself in the rhythm of my feet
Feel it in my heartbeat
The time is now, and I won't hold back, hold back
Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin' (yeah-yeah)
Watch me, yeah-yeah, I'm runnin' (I'm runnin', runnin', whoa)
I let go in this moment, all roads open
Gonna break free, yeah, I'm runnin'
I was born to break free

"No... we were born to break free", Sunset said. "We need help. We have to go to Equestria. Twilight's probably dealt with this kind of thing before, and if we're under 24-hour surveillance by the government, then multiple villains will run astray."

At Applejack's house, Team Applejack were catching their breath. "Damn you, Pinkie...", Applejack angrily muttered. Suddenly, someone screamed... and it wasn't either of them. "It came from upstairs!" The trio ran upstairs to find Apple Bloom and her friends... playing a horror video game. Apple Bloom looked over.

"What the hell happened to you?", Apple Bloom asked.

In Equestria...

"I've seen something like this before", Starlight said. They couldn't find Princess Twilight, so Starlight was the closest pony to Princess Twilight. "In Captain America: Civil War, this EXACT SAME THING happened. You need two more teammates... well, one now... to stand a chance against your enemies."

"We have someone who could help", Sunset said. The five heroes walked through the portal.

At Applejack's house...

"That's... that's deep", Sweetie Belle said. "But, you know what? If the government thinks this is right, then we're on your side."

"Excellent. We need to find Rainbow Dash's gang and confront them head-on", Applejack replied.

At the stage...

"The Great and Powerful Trixie will definitely help you out. Evil never dies, and if the government wants the Equestria Girls to not do anything, then that's just wrong!", Trixie said.

"We need to go somewhere where they won't find us", Rainbow Dash said.

"Camp Everfree. It's far enough away", Sunset said. Rainbow Dash used her super-speed to put the world on pause. She then used her super-speed again to bring the team to Camp Everfree. Time resumed to normal after the team was safely at the camp. "Well... that was nuts."