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Chapter 4: Rainbow Dash vs. Applejack


Applejack attempted to grab Rainbow Dash, but her super-speed made her nearly impossible to catch. She rapidly punched Applejack's back, but she barely felt anything. Applejack tried to punch her opponent, but she zipped away before she could. "I! HATE! YOUR! Dumb face", Rainbow Dash said as she zipped across the lab, but after she said the last two words, Applejack slugged her opponent in the kidney. "Gah!"

"If you spent half as much time concentrating as you do talking, perhaps you would be less predictable", Applejack said as Rainbow Dash doubled over in pain. A boombox was nearby. Rainbow Dash saw it and smirked.

"I'm just getting warmed up!", Rainbow Dash retorted as she pressed the play button on the boombox. She started breakdancing while she dodged all of Applejack's attacks and hit her with breakdance moves. "If you can't beat them, BLIND THEM!" She used her super-speed to create a whirlwind around Applejack, obscuring Applejack's view. When the whirlwind vanished, Rainbow Dash was nowhere to be seen.

Outside the lab, Rainbow Dash was running towards the cave entrance. "Oh, no, you don't!", Applejack shouted.


She threw her hat, but Rainbow Dash backflipped and grabbed the hat as she boomeranged it back to Applejack, hitting the orange-skinned girl and knocking her back. Rainbow Dash zipped over and performed a Shoryuken, sending her opponent flying into the air as Rainbow Dash repeatedly punched her. "I'm gonna turn you into glue!", Rainbow Dash yelled as she repeatedly punched her opponent, but Applejack was still holding her own as she blocked the punches with her own punches.

"I'm gonna arrest you one way or another!", Applejack yelled as she kicked Rainbow Dash in the stomach, sending her flying backwards. The lab below them began to crumble. "What the..."

"Explosives!", Rainbow Dash said. "Unpredictable!" The exploding lab shook the entire cave as stalactites fell all around the two combatants as they continued fighting. Applejack grabbed a falling stalactite and attempted to stab Rainbow Dash, but the speedster dodged the attack. She ran up the wall and backflipped over her opponent, grabbing her and slamming her to the ceiling, causing more stalactites to fall. She ran out of the cave, leaving Applejack to die. However, Applejack leaped out of the cave through the top.

"That's enough!", Applejack yelled. "You've got ONE MORE CHANCE to surrender!"


"Never!", Rainbow Dash shouted. She took out two hook swords. She leaped upwards and landed on the top of the cave. She swung her swords, but Applejack dodged them and managed to grab one. The two rivals dueled on top of the cave as snow fell all around the decimated forest. At the edge of the cave, which was a cliff, Applejack kicked Rainbow Dash, almost disarming her but causing her to lose her balance. "Die!", Applejack shouted as she punched Rainbow Dash off the edge. Applejack walked off, but Rainbow Dash's hook sword was latched into the cliff, with Rainbow Dash dangling.

She climbed up onto the edge and rammed into Applejack using her super-speed, disarming Applejack. The speedster grabbed the other sword and assumed a racer's stance. "No, you", Rainbow Dash said.


Rainbow Dash grabbed her opponent's leg with one of her hook swords, then proceeded to run at an incredible speed, dragging her opponent behind her. This made Applejack's face grind against the top of the cave, shredding off Applejack's face and causing Applejack's eyeballs to fall out. Rainbow Dash briefly stopped to throw Applejack, dashed to the other side and sliced Applejack in half through the frontal body plane.


"I guess you were just too slow", Rainbow Dash quipped as she ran off, leaving her hook swords behind as Applejack's blood mysteriously formed a puddle.

At the police department, the rest of Rainbow Dash's team and the other two Dazzlings were free to go. Rainbow Dash's team told the government everything that happened, but as they left the base, a revived Applejack stood in front of the team with the hook swords in her hands. It took her a moment to realize she was outmatched. "It's over, Applejack", Rainbow Dash said. When Applejack didn't back down, Rainbow Dash used her super-speed to grab the hook swords. Applejack's teammates (including Rarity, who had recovered) stood with Rainbow Dash's team. Suddenly, someone knocked Applejack out. Sunset Shimmer (who had her left arm reattached) stood behind Applejack.

At Canterlot High, Starlight Glimmer walked through the portal, which brought her back to Equestria. With the lab now destroyed, the conflict that tore the Equestria Girls apart was over.

This was a VERY close match, but it ultimately came down to strength vs. speed. Applejack was obviously super strong, but strength isn't everything. Rainbow Dash's martial arts training came in handy when fighting Applejack hand-to-hand. Also, using the environment proved futile for Applejack since Rainbow Dash could just simply dodge incoming fire, so it was only a matter of time before Rainbow Dash pulled off her finishing move: Road Rash (but for copyright reasons, we're gonna call it Road Rage), which she performed with brutal accuracy, considering her top speed is 7,600 miles per hour! That's obviously nothing compared to Sonic's top speed of 200,000,000 miles per hour, but it was still fast enough to deliver a powerful Fatality. Applejack just couldn't deal enough damage to perform Goro's Torn Apart Fatality (but for copyright reasons, we're gonna call it Torn To Pieces). Applejack put up a good fight, but Rainbow Dash's superior speed, agility, swordsmanship, and martial arts skills earned her a hard-fought victory. Applejack was just too slow. The winner is Rainbow Dash.

At her house, Sunset was calling Rainbow Dash and telling her that she was still reeling in from the fight. Applejack was seriously pissed, but she had calmed down since then. Suddenly, someone knocked on Sunset's door. She hung up and answered the door to find Applejack outside. "I'm sorry", Applejack said.

"Revenge consumed you", Sunset replied. "It's not your fault."

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