• Published 17th Nov 2020
  • 9,011 Views, 150 Comments

Anon-a-Miss: Alone no more - HarryBuilder

Sunset has no one left for her after Anon-a-Miss made everyone turn against her, even her friends. But perhaps she's not alone as she thought

  • ...

A Holiday Shock

Loneliness. Sadness. Betrayed.

Those were only three words that Sunset could say how she felt as she walked in the cold streets of canterlot. It was just so hard for her to Believe just about a week ago she was celebrating christmas with her friends. The five girls who were there for her, who helped pull her into a new life, who treated her like family. But now they, like everyone else at CHS, had turned their backs on her because they believed she had returned to her old ways again, through a Mystable user named Anon-a-Miss who was spreading secrets around the site like candy.

She felt her phone vibrating, meaning another post was out, she didn’t bother taking out her phone and looking at it, knowing it was just another reason for everyone to Unjustly hate her. But that too wouldn't change anything.

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rainbow. Why?’ Sunset wondered for the umpteenth time as tears slowly trickled down her face. How could they abandon her like this? They promised they’d always be there for each other. Did they honestly forget all they've been through since the Fall Formal to the Sirens at the battle bands? Or… were what they promised just empty words. She thought that she finally had the family she never had back in Equestria. As she was crossing the road Sunset thought back to the day she and Applejack were talking about the holidays and how she was never really close to her family. ‘Probably because I never had a family.’

She stopped in the middle of the street as she thought back to her days growing up at Canterlot. She was only a four year old filly when she was found in the royal guardians of princess Celestia, she didn’t remember anything before Celestia found her and brought her to her castle. She learned much later that she was diagnosed with Amnesia so even though she did family she couldn’t even remember any names. All she did remember were the words to a song and part of her name which was just “Sun”. When Celestia took her in as her pupil and named her Sunset, she was the only pony Sunset ever considered a mother. She had raised her, took care of her, taught her and she repaid her kindness by running away and saying:

This is the biggest Mistake you’ll ever make.”

But she was wrong. That wasn’t the biggest mistake Celestia ever made.

That was the biggest mistake she ever made.

“I’m so sorry, princess.” She whimpered, wishing she could just go back in time, tell herself not turn her back on Celestia and maybe then non of this would ever have happened. She had written to Princess Twilight what had happened, but she had yet write back. She was worried if Twilight was too busy to answer or if she actually cared to reply. 'Stop thinking like that! Twilight would care about what's happening!' She told herself mentally, but right now she would've loved a hug from the princess or anyone else who would care about her.

She looked to the sky, and saw some shooting stars, she than remember stories that if you make a wish on a shooting star before it disappeared it would come true. Now normally she wouldn't believe that superstitious nonsense but right now, feeling so alone and sad she was willing to take any chance to take it away and have the one thing she always wanted. So she closed her eyes brought her hands together and whispered, "Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight, I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish a I wish tonight." She then looked up and spoke her wish as she saw a star race across the night sky, "I wish to finally have a real family."

She waited. and waited for something, anything or anyone to show up and grant her wish.

But there was nothing.

Nothing but Si-


She was brought out of her thoughts when she whipped around and saw a black and red striped sports car heading straight for her. She listened to her instincts and made a duck and roll to the other side, narrowly missing getting hit while also bumping her head on the pavement. She laid on the ground as a young man, wearing a black winter coat and who looked to be around her age stepped out of the car and held a phone looking like he was talking to someone over it. She couldn’t make out most of what he said as she drifted out of consciousness, but she did hear him say one thing as pulled out what looked like a picture before she blacked out. His voice seemed told some form of Familiarity to her.


Helios Shine, a 17 year old young man with white tinged with pink skin, red and orange fiery hair, wearing black winter coat and driving his car was feeling very...grumpy. His mom Golden Shine had made him go in the freezing cold to collect the groceries for their family’s Christmas dinner this weekend while his little 10 year old sister Honeyglow was sitting warm and cozy in their manor. He exhaled through his nose, while he did love his family they were a bit of a handful, His mom was a famous fashion model in the city and his Dad Flame Heart was captain of the police department in Canterlot. They were also a bit overprotective after what happened to…he pulled out a picture from his jacket that showed him as five year old and another girl about four and he frowned as he rubbed his thumb on her picture.

“Miss you sis.” He said as he put the picture back and thought about his little sister Sunray, he was only a kid when she suddenly disappeared when his dad took them to the park, he was too young to understand but it still hurt him. He was pulled out his remiancing when he heard his phone ringing. He picked up his phone and saw it was his mom calling. He pressed the speaker and spoke, “Hey Mom, just got the groceries done, I’m heading home now.”

Oh good, now hurry back home. Your dad said he’ll be back before dinner.”

“Yeah, yeah sure.” He replied, sounding like he focused on something else and his mom could tell he was.

Helios, is something wrong?” His mom asked in concern.

“No, Just thinking about...her.”

Oh,” Was all he heard, he figured his mom was also thinking about that day.

He remembered how heartbroken his mom when him and his dad were the only ones who came back home. As he grew up, he, his dad had helped get through it, and the pain had healed more when Honeyglow was born but the loss of a daughter could never be something fully healed from.

“She’d probably love to eat your Rudolph red truffles.” He said with a sad smile.

Heh, yes she always did love those.” His mom chuckled, having that memory cheer her up slightly. But soon she released a sigh, “I still can believe she’s gone.

“Mom, I know it's been a long time since that day but maybe she could still be out there.”

Son, I wish that could be true but for your sister to be alive it would take a Miracle.” She told him.

“Well Christmas is famous for Miracles.” He joked as he rounded a corner before he decided to change the subject with his and Honeyglow's new school, “So tomorrow me and Honey start at my school, hope it’s a lot better than Crystal Prep.” He scowled at the mention of his old stuffy school but smiled as he remembered another thought, “By the way are Twi and her folks still invited?”

His mother giggled, “Yes they are, and Tia and Lully are coming too,” Helios smiled at the mention of the two women, they used to babysit him and Sunray when his parents were too busy, they were practically family. “I still wish you would just ask her out already, I know two you would make quite a Family~.

“MOM!” Helios exclaimed as he blushed while his mom laughed over the phone.

I’m just messing with Helios, still you should man up and tell her how you feel.” His Mom answered before his phone just popped up a notification about another post From Anon-a-Miss on Mystable, he groaned. “Great Anon-a-Miss is doing it again.”

At the mention of that name his mom went into ‘protective mother’ mode, “well on that note son you should be careful at CHS, Tia told me this Anon-a-Miss and how she’s been posting embarrassing secrets about the students there, I don't want anyone there giving you a hard time.

Helios rolled his eyes as he took them off the road for a minute and scoffed, “Come on mom, Do you really think some bully on a social media site is gonna keep me d-WHOA!” He stopped himself as he saw someone standing in the middle of the road!

He honked his horn, before hitting the brakes as his car screeched to a halt, the person had jumped out of the way just in time before the car to come to a stop and landed on the ground. Helios breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his forehead, thankful he stopped just in time.

Helios are you okay?!” His Mom shouted through the phone.

“Yeah I’m fine but I almost hit someone on the road.” He explained as he stepped out his car.

Oh Dear! Are they alright?” His mom asked.

“Yeah, I think so. She jumped out of the way just in ti-” He trailed off when he got a closer look at the girl.

Hello? Helios are you still there?” his mom asked.

“Uh mom? I gotta go, I’ll see you back at home.” He answered back before he hung up. As he walked closer to the mysterious girl who seemed to look very familiar, “Could it be? No it can be, can it?”

He saw the girl looked to be at least a year younger than him, she had red and yellow striped hair, yellow skin and as her eye flickered open and close he saw her eyes were a blueish green. All those traits were all too familiar to Helios; he pulled out his picture of him and Sunray and compared her to the girl lying before him. His eyes widened in shock despite the obvious age difference the two were practically Identical. He looked back to the girl, “Sunray?”

He then noticed the girl's eyes had closed, he rushed over and checked her pulse, he was relieved to see she was just unconscious but he was also greatly confused, ‘How is this possible?’ he thought, ‘She’s been missing for 12 years and just now she pops up? Heh, guess fate wanted to give me a real surprise tonight’ he joked before he noticed it was getting colder, he looked down at his supposed sister and knew what he had to do, “Your coming with me Sunny.”

He then picked up the teenage girl, carried her back to his car, he then placed her in the backseat next to the grocery, buckled her up, got into his driver’s seat, started the car and drove off back home. As he drove the car through the cold air of the city he turned to the still unconscious Sunray and chuckled, “Mom and dad are in for a big early Christmas present, huh sis?” He then turned back to the road and headed for home.

Author's Note:

Well there you have it folks the first chapter Of Anon-a-Miss: Alone no more.

Sunset wanted to finally have a family and it looks she's on her way to finding it.

I'm sure your all thinking that Helios has probably got Sunset confused with her human conterpart but we'll be getting that in the next chapter.

Also Helios, his parents and Honeyglow all belong to me.

I hope to post at least one chapter per week and post the last one one Christmas day.

Next time, Helios bring the unconscious Sunset home, and will explain everything to his parents, as Sunset wakes up to see her wish might have come true after all.

Don't forget to Like, Comment and Follow me of Fimfiction.

stay cool, stay friends and I'll see you on the website.