• Published 17th Nov 2020
  • 9,011 Views, 150 Comments

Anon-a-Miss: Alone no more - HarryBuilder

Sunset has no one left for her after Anon-a-Miss made everyone turn against her, even her friends. But perhaps she's not alone as she thought

  • ...

Explanations and Breakdowns

So many emotions were spiraling in Sunset right now, so many that she didn't know which ones to express first.

Gratitude: for no longer being alone.

Confusion: as to how she has a real family in this world.

Fear: That this whole thing was a dream that she would wake from and be all alone again.

But she decided to choose the emotion she felt was the most powerful, Happiness: for having the one thing she always wanted, a true family.

They all had gathered in the family room and her father had changed into some more casual clothes and her mom went up stairs for a moment. While they waited for the Shine matriarch to return, Sunset (Or Sunray as her family called her), was introduced to the Family pet, Fang. A German- Shepherd who apparently was her Father's partner. When Sunset asked how long he's been with them, they said Fang joined the family a couple of months back. Fang immediately took a liking to Sunset, and Sunset practically adored Fang.

Soon Golden came back with a box with the words 'Sunray's Things' on the front. Golden then in between her Husband and elder daughter and passed the box to her, "Open it Sweetie." Sunset then did as she said and looked in the box and her eyes widened at what she saw.

Inside were all of her things since she was four, the first thing she saw was a Phoenix plushie, and she immediately pulled it out. "Flary! Oh it's so good to see you again!" She squealed and hugged her favorite toy as her family laughed and cooed at the scene.

"You loved that little guy more than I like to admit." Flame said smiling at the scene.

"Flary was the first birthday present we got you and you loved him dearly." Golden added as Sunset looked at her before looking back at Flary and giving him another hug, before she turned back to the box there she saw an old dried up flower and held it up.

"That when you I went for a walk in Canterlot park," Golden explained, "You were only three when we passed by a flower garden and you decided to pick the flower and give it to me saying, 'A pwetty Fower for a pwetty Mommy.'"

Sunset blushed heavily and shouted, "MOM!" Everyone laughed at Sunset as she buried her face in her hands, her face beetroot red in embarrassment.

once everyone had calmed down Sunset went back into the box and found a brightly painted little kid drawing of her, her parents and Helios standing outside their house looking happy, "Wow." She simply said.
"It was a beautiful painting, Sunny," Golden said before she frowned,, "You made that the day we lost you." Immediately sad looks came to Golden, Flame and Helios faces as that particular memory came to the surface.

Sunset immediately picked this up and was almost afraid to ask, "Whoa, I was so little, what happened to me?" There it was. The question that would undoubtedly have been brought up.

Flame then looked down in Guilt, "It was all my fault. I turned my back for a minute and..." he trailed off.

"Oh no, not this song again." Helios said as he and Honey sat on the couch with their sister and parents with Helios sitting next to his dad and Honey next to Sunset.

"It wasn't your fault dear." Golden reassured her husband, rubbing his back as he sighed. "You, Helios and your father went to the park while I was at one of my rehearsals," She told Sunset as her daughter listened intently.

"When we got there, we played tag, went on the swings, had ice cream. Heh, it was day I knew I never forget," Helios said smiling sadly, "After that we decided to play hide and seek, dad found me first so then he and I tried to find you but we couldn't find you anywhere." Sunset then understood that this was when she accidently discovered that portal to Equestria and fell through, thus making her family believe she just disappeared.

"For a while they were afraid that you were kidnapped," Honey explained as Sunset continued to listen. "Daddy did everything he could, he had the police search for you for weeks, turned over every rock and building in the city."

"Finally by the beginning of fall, I had to assume that whoever took you..." Flame trailed as he struggled to say the last part.

"We thought, we thought they killed you." Golden choked up a little, but her smile soon returned, "But now I see that you weren't kidnapped or killed."

"Which brings us to our own question," Helios, "What did happen to you?" Sunset shifted her eyes slightly wondering if they actually would believe her, 'Well they told me the truth, Might as well do the same' She thought as she took a deep breath and turned to her family, "Well, do you believe in magic?"

After half an hour Sunset finished telling them what happened to her after she went missing, and their expressions were pretty much as she guessed. Helios stared at her slack-jawed, Golden held her hand over mouth in shock, Flame crossed his arms and looked at her with disbelief but it was Honey out of all them that had taken her back. Her eyes were shimmering and she had a wide smile on her face, before she made a big squeal as she rushed to her big sister and squeezed her tightly, "I KNEW IT! I knew magic was real! But Helios just kept saying 'No Honey, magic is just a bunch of optical illusions and slight of hand tricks', But Ha! I always knew it was real and you're the proof!" She gloated as she hugged Sunset and smiled.

Helios just sighed, "Okay, fine you were right, but how could anyone even imagine that there's another world filled with talking horses and other mythological creatures?" he retorted with confusion and snark as everyone laughed.

Golden just shook her head still Finding it weird that her daughter was a Unicorn who was trained under her old friend Celestia's counterpart who also happened to be a princess but ultimately abandoned her and retreated to her home, ruled an entire high school through fear, but was reformed by five girls and the counterpart of Twilight who also happened to be princess and eventually helped them defeat three ancient sirens during a band competition. It was a lot to take in. Sunset saw her mother's shocked and confused expression before she softly asked, "Mom? Are you alright?" It still felt weird calling her that after just meeting her a few minutes ago but Golden turned to her.

"I'm fine sweetheart, I just find it hard to believe my little girl was a high school bully and turned into a 'Raging She-Demon', " She started as Sunset looked at her mother very nervously but seeing this Golden gave a small smile and placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders to calm her before continuing, "But I'm also so amazed of all you've done on your journey to a new start. So it gives me great pleasure to say that I'm proud of you Sunray." Sunset blushed and tears formed once again in her eyes, as she always wanted a mother's approval since she was little and hugged her tightly.

Golden smiled and hugged her back but he started thinking of something else, she loosened her grip on the embrace but kept her grip on Sunset arms, "But Sunray there's something else I wanted to ask, what were you doing out in the cold alone?" She asked as Sunset's face turned to one of sorrow and looked away. Her family quickly caught on to this and Golden switched places with her daughter making it so she was in the center of the couch now as Fang whined in concern and rubbed Sunset's legs. "Sunray did something happen at CHS?" Her mother asked, holding her as Sunset's eyes started to water.

"Y-yes." She whimpered.

"Sunny, sweetheart it's okay, we're here for you." Her father assured her by rubbing her shoulder gently.

"My friends," She started as tears started falling down her cheeks, "They, they, b-betrayed me.". She wailed. Her family gasped as Golden hugged her daughter,

"Oh my little Sunshine, it's okay," She cooed softly to the poor teen as she cried gently into her mother's shoulder, "Tell us everything." Sunset rubbed her eyes and recomposed herself, "W-well, we were just getting ready for winter break coming up and the girls decided to invite me to some sleepovers at their homes, to share the holidays with me. At first it was going okay but after the first sleepover a Mystable user called 'Anon-a-Miss' started posting secrets about my friends, first about Applejack then the girls wearing silly costumes we found at Rarity's." She started, already feeling heavy in her chest.

"Oh yeah, we've seen that too, just got a post on my phone from it when I found you." Helios added, as Sunset looked at her, "Plus Mrs Celestia and Luna filled us in on the details last time we saw them." Sunset's eyes widened at the last part.

"W-wait, you know Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna?" She asked her parents as they both chuckled and nodded.

"Yes we do. They're our friends from our university days and they even babysat you and Helios when your mother and I were too busy at work." Sunset's jaw dropped. Her principal and vice-principal were not only friends of her parents but also her old babysitters?! She knew this was talk she had to have with them, but before she could ask another question, "But back to Anon-a-Miss sweetie."

Sunset sighed, knowing she had continued, "After the second post my friends noted that the photos posted were from my phone which I don't know how she got and since Applejack told me the story about her nickname they all suspected that I was Anon-a-Miss." Sunset started to tremble as tears began to form in her eyes, "I-I tried to tell that, that I was her b-but they wouldn't listen, they just decided to turn their back on me! After, after everything we've been through, they just, th-they just, HOW COULD THEY ABANDON ME JUST LIKE THAT?!?!" Sunset screamed as she buried her face in her hands and cried in sorrow ,betrayal and intense grief.

Her family, feeling sorry for her gathered around and hugged her as she continued to cry. Even Fang got in on nuzzling her leg.

Sunset eventually calmed down after a few minutes but tears still flowed down her face, Golden brought her face up and cleared the tears from her eyes, "Feel better?" She asked softly as Sunset sniffled and nodded. "Yes, thank you." She then took another breath and continued, "After that day, Anon-a-Miss got worse and worse, she started posting the secrets of everyone in the school and when everyone wasn't busy arguing with each other they pointed the finger, and just like that all the good I've done for the school was forgotten."

"I'm so sorry sis." Helios said, trying to keep a calm and collected form, but inside his mind was filled with the utmost fury and rage.' If I see those girls tomorrow I'm gonna give them a piece of my mind.' He promised his little sister he wasn't going to let them get away hurting his sister.

"Thanks bro," Sunset said with a sad smile, but it quickly vanished, "I just, I don't know what to do anymore, my friends were there to help me back when the entire school hates me but now. I feel more alone than ever." She said looking down sadly, but her father just gripped her hand causing her to look up and see his soft, gentle and loving fatherly smile.

"Well don't. you're not alone anymore sweetie, you're back where you belong, with us, home". He said gesturing to the whole family as Helios, Golden and Honey smiled and Fang panted and wagged his tail happily at her causing her to smile too, "And don't you worry, we'll help you track down the real Anon-a-miss and make sure she can't and won't ever bother you ever again." He declared as her family nodded.

Sunset smiled brightly so happy to not only have a good family but people who would help her stop Anon-a-Miss, "Thank you, with all of your help I know I'll find the real Anon-a-Miss, then my friends will see the consequences for turning their back on me." She growled as she thought about her friends- no, former friends, wanting them to feel nothing but guilt and sorrow for what they did to her. Her parents saw this but decided not to say anything. Golden smiled at her daughter and said, "Well how about we get a good night sleep before we start giving people their just desserts, ok?"

Sunset yawned, feeling sleepy and answered "Yeah, okay." Helios got up and noticed that Honey was just starting to fall asleep. He rolled his eyes and picked her up then turned to his other sister, "Come on, you can sleep with me tonight. Night mom. Night dad." He said as he, Sunset and the now sleeping honey went upstairs. The two adults just sat on the couch and then Flame then noticed that his wife was releasing tears she had kept in for her daughter's sake, "Goldie?" he asked in concern.

"She was here for years," Golden whispered, "Our daughter, our precious little girl has been here for SIX years Flame! And while I've just been posing for the cameras for my Holiday Magazine, my daughter has been suffering!" she shouted as her husband held her tightly.

"Shh, don't worry Goldie. From what Sunray's told us she's a tough girl I know we can get her through this." Flame said as he comforted his wife, "And I know what you're thinking but don't worry, we won't lose her again."

Golden sniffled, "I hope so. I really hope so."

Sunset sat on the extra comforter her brother had as she looked around the room. His bedroom was red with a fiery vibe on the walls which had books on multiple subjects, Martial arts awards, Games, action figures, Band posters, Crystal Prep flags and even a few pictures of his family and friends which lined the walls like mosaics.

Her brother had loaned her some of his old pajamas which had conveniently fit her perfectly.

As she sat down she was contemplating everything that had happened today so far. She nearly got run over, brought back and reunited with her family, gained help to find the real Anon-a-Miss and was finally gonna have a real good night's sleep.

Just as she was about to lie down her bag started glowing, knowing what it meant she took out a brown book with her Cutie mark on the cover, and opened it seeing the words that appeared on it.

Sunset! Are you there?!

I'm so sorry I didn't answer sooner!

The princesses and I are visiting the Kingdom Amboria for peace meeting with Lady Golden

Shine and Lord Flame Heart and their three children.

but when I saw that I brought the journal with me by accident and read what's been happening at CHS, I had contact you,

Is everything alright?

Sunset was very surprised to hear that Princess Twilight was in a kingdom ruled by her parents' counterparts and guessed that if there were alternate versions of them there then there were probably alternate versions of herself and her siblings there too. She chuckled knowing her princess friend would be in for a big surprise when she would meet the lord and lady's kids but she pushed that thought aside and took out her pen and wrote.

"Twilight, we have a lot to catch up on''.

Author's Note:

There we have it the third chapter of Anon-a-Miss: Alone no more.

I decided to add a family pet to the mix because...why not, but anyways Sunset finally knows what happened to her and her famil knows what's going on with her and Anon-a-Miss and are willing to help her get through it. But it looks she got some vengeful thought inside her, stay tuned to see if she sticks to those feelings.

next time though the three Shine siblings head to Canterlot High, bump into some familiar faces, And while Helios gives a certain five girls a piece of his mind while one finally realizes the truth, Honey catches the real Anon-a-Miss (Or should I say Anon-a-Misses:duck:) in the act. What will happen during this High School Drama? Find out next week.

(This Chapter was edited by my friend


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